"Wow, old friend looks like someone really did a number on you. Seems you pissed off the wrong person this time", said Azazel to Kokabiel.

Penemue rushed into the interrogation room, "Are you both crazy? Do you have any idea how mad he is?"

Azazel looked up, "Who?"

"Keith, he just called me. This bastard threatened every one of his mates, even seriously injuring one. Then his allies killed 2 of his peerage members in a raid on his estate in the Underworld. He was about to get him to talk when Vali stormed in and took him away. Keith said if he sees either of you anytime soon you would both be sorry. He holds you directly responsible. He said try being a leader for a change, cause right now he wouldn't let you lead a parade."

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. What if we gave Kokabiel back?"

"He said to shove him up your ass sideways. He said no Fallen Angels or anyone working for the Grigori except those under his command are allowed back on earth until further notice."

"SHIT, well what are we going to do now?"

Vali looked around, "why are we kissing this guy's ass. I go where I want and do what I please." Azazel looked at Vali, "not now."

"Penemue, recall all of our agents. Earth is off limits for now. Can you go and talk to him for us?"

"You want me to use my relationship with my mate to clean up your mess?"

"What other choice do we have? If you can't talk some sense into him, we will eventually have to face him as enemies."

"Yeah, that won't go well for you."


"Because first, I would be on his side. Second, we have lost alot of fallen lately. And last but not least, he has already made alliances with Heaven and the Devils. It would be you against everyone else. Plus everyone likes him more than you to be honest."

"Fuck me. Then we have no other choice, go to him and ask what he wants. Tell him we are willing to admit our mistake and make amends. We are old friends, tell him I'm sorry, I didn't know. If he needs troops or whatever, we can do that."

"I'll go tell him. I might be gone for a while, I haven't seen him in over a month."

"Go, take your time. Have fun, get him to relax, sounds like he needs it." Penemue nodded and left.

"You cause me grief even after you are frozen solid old friend."


I arrived at the estate where my peerage members were. I found the girls huddled together crying over a fallen Ni and Li. I ran over and gathered them all into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for not being here, please forgive me." Yubelluna spoke up, "we know you were attacked also Lord Gregory. Lady Ravel has told us everything." I looked down sadly, "does anyone know their family?"

"They didn't have any family left milord. That's why when Li fell, Ni went crazy with grief and attacked them head on." I knelt down and started to cry as I pulled them into my body. "Come milord, we will take care of their arrangements."

"Yubelluna, please make sure everyone has a proper burial. I'll pay for everything." I looked around, "it's not safe for any of you to be here any longer. Those of you in my peerage will report to my estate on earth. Those of you who were in Lord Riser's peerage will be taken care of. I will give you enough money to get you started in a new place, Ok?" They all nodded. "I have to go check on Lady Ravel, if you need anything please let me know." I took a magic circle to the Phoenix castle. I found a shaken Ravel being comforted by her mother.

"Lady Phenex", I bowed. Ravel rushed into my arms. "Keith did you hear?" Ravel was crying.

"Yes, I went by the estate to see the girls and pay my respects. I will pay for everything for Ni and Li's funeral. I told them that once everything was taken care of I want you and the other girls to move all your stuff to my estate on earth. The girls who were in your brother's peerage will be given money to relocate. Can you see to it for me?" She nodded, "good". "Also anything of value in the estates should be moved to my earth estate. The remaining Tears are there already."

"I'm sorry Lord Gregory, but Ravel will not be going with you. I can't let Ravel be put in harms way, as of now the engagement is off", said a worried Lady Phenex.

"NO! Mother, you can't do this. I am going to marry Keith, I know you are worried, but he will be my husband."

"Ravel, I am doing this for you. This is what's best, we will find you someone else. I'm sorry Lord Gregory, but my decision is final."

"I'm sorry too Lady Phenex, Ravel is this what you want? If so I will gladly step aside. NO! I have chosen who I want to be with."

"Lady Phenex, I have already taken Ravel as a mate. Your husband even encouraged it, so in dragon terms we are already married. I know you are just watching out for her, but if we don't stop these people no one is going to be safe. If she wishes to go, I will gladly take her with me."

"YOU WILL NOT! I have made my mind up. If you take her, I will have you declared an enemy."

"Alright then, your family's dragons debt is now back in effect. Who's life would you like me to take?" She cringed, "y-you can't do this Lord Gregory."

"You and your husband forced me into accepting Ravel as my wife and mate. Now that I have fallen in love with her, you wish to take her away. Now, Lady Phenex, either she marries me or someone dies. You choose." I couldn't see the blush on her cheeks or the stars in her eyes as Ravel looked up at me.

Lord Phenex walked into the room. "What if you allowed her to stay here with us for the time being Lord Gregory?"

"Then all of you would be in danger. They would kill you to get to her. You told all of the Underworld of our engagement, she now has a target on her back for anyone who wants to get at me. At least at my home I have a better chance to keep her safe. I have taken steps to fortify my house. It has the strongest wards already in place and the living quarters will be 60 feet underground with reinforced walls."

"It sounds like we don't have much choice then," sighed Lord Phenex.

"NO, you can't let her go", yelled Lady Phenex. "Hun, we don't have any other choice. We just have to hope he can keep her safe."

"Lady Phenex, how about this. If we come under a serious attack, I will send Ravel to you. I already send Tia to Gabriel to keep her safe, so this should work."

"Tia? Is that another of your mates?", asked Lady Phenex.

"Yes, Tiamat, one of the 5 Dragon Kings is one of my mates." She looked shocked. "I thought you knew Lady Phenex." She shook her head from side to side. I laughed. "You see, after we had a little run in, and I beat her, she decided I was going to be her mate."

"Do all your mates live with you Lord Gregory?"

"All but Lady Gabriel, Serafall, and Penemue. They are always too busy to stay, I go see them whenever I can."

"Just how strong are you Lord Gregory?" asked Lady Phenex. Ravel then spoke up. "He is the 2nd most powerful being in the world mother." Lady Phenex gasped, "is that true Lord Gregory."

"It's sorta true Lady Phenex, when I enter my balance breaker I gain a large increase in raw power. When I am like you see me now, I am much lower on the chart. I share my energy with all my mates and some of my peerage. As I am now, I am over the level of Mao. Ophis would wipe the floor with me, she is a dragon god after all. Even tho she is sharing her power with others she keeps her full power at all times. I can only get to those levels for short periods of time." Lady Phenex looked impressed.

"Then I withdraw my objection. If you agree to send my daughter here when things get too bad, then I won't say anything else." Ravel gave her mother a big hug.

"Ravel, please check on the girls and the servants. Get them to clean up as best they can and see if any of them need some time off. I will be sending a team in to remove anything worth stealing to keep them from being raided again. Let me know the day of the funeral, I want to be there. They deserved better than this. They may have not had any blood relatives left, but they were family to me. Any guards or servants who perished make sure their families are Ok for now, let them know I will contact them soon." I kissed her, "be safe, and see you soon."

"I'll be there as soon as I can", said Ravel. I opened a magic circle and vanished.

"He is certainly unique", said Lady Phenex. "Agreed, he thinks of others before himself. I have never heard of a Lord go that far for servants before", replied Lord Phenex.

"That's why we all love him mother, father. All that power, and he cares for everyone in his life."

I returned home to find everyone sitting around the living room talking. They are saw me walk in, "how bad was it?"

"They killed Ni and Li, and from what I can gather alot of the guards and servants. Yubelluna is helping Ravel with arrangements and the clean up. Then all of them are moving in here, did the men that your brother send get the work done?"

"Yes it's done. The bill was higher than we expected tho."

"I don't care, whatever it cost is worth it. Did anyone get Gasper?"

"Where is he? We haven't seen him all night."

"Hold on", I opened a comlink. "Gasper, it's safe little brother. Come up and join us in the living room. Ok, Onii-san, be right there." A minute later he joined us.

"Alright everyone may I have your attention." They all stopped talking and turned to me. "I had floors added to the house, instead of going up, I had them dig down. There are now 3 floors of living quarters below us. As it sits there is the pool/baths floor, 2nd basement floor, garage/armory floor, my personal floor, offices, meeting areas, then 3 living quarters. Mine and my mates rooms will be on the bottom floor, my peerage will be right above that one, and Issei and his girls will be above that one. Any ideas or complaints so far?" No one said anything so I went on. "Here are the keys for the elevator, you will need them to get into the last 3 floors. They are heavily warded and you can't use magic circles to enter them so don't lose these keys." I handed everyone their keys, "Gasper do you want another room or are you happy where you are?"

"I'm happy with my apartment onii-san. Alright, then you stay there." As I was about to continue a magic circle opened up. I saw right away it was from the Grigori, and I was about to get anrgy when I saw who stepped out.

"Penemue? What are you doing here baby?" I went and hugged her tight and gave her a big kiss. "I've so missed you."

"I've missed you too, lover boy." I laughed, "I'm guessing Azazel sent you?"

"Oh, you know it. He is kinda nervous right now."

"He should be. If he had kept an eye on things like he should have, we wouldn't have just had to fight for our lives."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know the girls, but they didn't deserve to die like that."

"No they didn't, so what did the old lazy pervert want? I'm guessing he put you up to smoothing his mess over."

"He told me to tell you he was sorry, that he didn't know what had happened. I told him you had gotten approval from the devils and Heaven to put your group together. He told me to tell you he would also approve and give you any help he could to make amends. He also told me to take a vacation and see if I could help you relax." She wiggled her hips and pushed her large chest against me, "do you need some stress relief lover boy?"

The others just glared at her, "we can take care of him just fine, thank you" said Rias while the others nodded.

"Penemue, let me introduce you to my other mates. This is Rias Gremory, Sona Sitiri, Tiamat, and Koneko. Pleased to meet you all at last." They all shook hands and greeted one another. "Penemue, I also wanted to let you know that both Gabriel and Tia are pregnant with my children."

"Oh my, I am sure Michael is beyond happy. Congratulations Tiamat, please let me know when your baby shower is. Of course Penemue", said Tia.

"Penemue this is Raynare, Mittelt, and Kala. They are part of my peerage as well as Issei's harem."

"Ah, we wondered what happened to you all. Where's the male fallen who ran with you 3?"

"He was killed when we tried to steal a sacred gear", replied Raynare.

"Well, it's probably for the best. Azazel was going to kill you anyways for disobeying orders." The girls looked scared.

"Calm down girls. I got old pervy sage by the short and curlies. He won't dare touch any of you." The girls gave me a warm smile. "Thank you, Todori."

"So mister cutie pie, why don't we go have a little fun. I've been lonely", she pouted. She thrust her breasts out and bounced them a couple of times. Issei had a massive nose bleed and I couldn't help but laugh. His girls all scowled at him.

"Issei, brother, you have to learn not to check out other women when yours are right there. You know girls, there's enough of you here. You should take him to your room and teach him not to stare at my mates like that."

They all looked at each other, Issei got up to run and I tripped him. They were on him like white on rice. "YOU TRAITOR! How could you?" They grabbed him up and headed for their room. I yelled out, "have fun getting raped there Issei." I waved as they drug him into the elevator and doubled over laughing. Then it hit me that it was way too quite. I looked up and saw my girls looking at me.

"Oh, hey girls. Why are you looking at me like that? It was just a joke, I'm sure he will thank me in the morning. Uhhh...girls, now let's talk about this." I slowly backed up towards the wall.

"You know Keith, that wasn't a bad idea. Was it ladies?" They all smiled and agreed. I turned to run, Wham, right into the wall. I hit the ground and they were on me like a pack of wolves. I fought for about 20 seconds then stopped. While they waited on the elevator they asked, "Keith why did you stop fighting us?" I laughed then shrugged. "Easy ladies, you can't rape the willing." They all smirked, "we'll see about that." By the time we got to our room they had no idea I had linked all their marks and amped it up quite a bit. By the time we dozed off that night I had subdued every one of them. They were all quivering messes. Surprisingly, Sona was the last to go down fighting. I'm guessing her up bringing had something to do with it. The others were begging us to stop, Koneko had passed out again. Rias was rubbing her thighs together fighting to stay conscious. Tia was touching herself while she fondled her breast. Penemue was sitting on my face with her wings out as I licked her to another orgasm. Sona was riding me reverse cowgirl slamming down as hard as she could. Sona still wouldn't admit defeat after she had another orgasm, so I put a pillow under Penemue's ass and her legs on my shoulders. I then proceeded to pound her like a jackhammer. She was screaming out my name while threatening to castrate me if I even thought of stopping. As Penny and myself reached our peaks one last time it drove Sona over the edge and she admitted I had finally won. We all fell asleep with happy smiles on our faces. They never questioned who was in charge after that night.

I woke up the next morning to see Penemue looking at me as I slept. "Hey baby."

"Morning lover boy. Sleep good?"

"Very good and you?"

"Soooooo good." I leaned over and kissed her. Mmmmmm...she moaned.

I slowly kissed down her neck until I came to her magnificent breasts. I sucked on one while I tweaked the other. "Ohhhh, god. Don't stop." I climbed overtop her and continued to suckle while grinding our privates together. She opened her knees and I found my way home in one motion. She gasped, "oh yes...Yes. It's so big, so hard. That's it, fuck my dirty pussy." She knew dirty talk was a major turn on of mine. I went into full dragon heat. I slammed into her using my feet to get as much traction as I could. As we got into a good rhythm the others started to wake. They started to moan, that was when I remembered I didn't break the link. Shit, I stopped long enough to break it and then kept going. Rias rolled over, "too late now. You woke me, you take responsibility." I chuckled, "come here." It was another very good morning. Penny, Rias, and myself went to take a bath. It wasn't long until the others decided to join us. I helped wash each of their backs and they fought over who got to wash mine. Afterwards we all got dressed and headed upstairs for breakfast.

When we arrived we saw Issei and his girls sitting there eating already. "Hey Issei, have a good night", I asked? "They ganged up on me, what do you think?"

"Sounds like a great time, mine did the same to me. You don't see me or any of them complaining do you? Dragon Up! Tell him Draig."

Draig laughed, "HE STILL HAS A WAYS TO GO, BUT HE WILL MAKE A FINE DRAGON ONE DAY." Issei's girls including Asia smiled.

We all sit down at the table, Koneko had to fight for her seat in my lap. She got her way when she pouted at me. It was hard to eat with all the girls crowded around me wanting to either feed me or me feed them. Xenovia and Irina joined us for breakfast shortly after we got started.

"Hey Penny, tell the old pervert one of the ways he can make things up to me and my girls is I need some sacred gears for them. Ask what he has lying around and get me a list." She nodded, the girls looked surprised.

"What? I told you, I'm gonna pimp my peerage out. Wait not like that, I meant gear you up, honest. I wouldn't look good in platform shoes and a feathered hat." Everyone laughed, Then Sona spoke.

"You are making it harder and harder on the rest of us tho. How are we supposed to fight against that stacked deck you call a peerage?"

"Hey I gave Issei and Yappy upgrades, my mates got more power, I think it's pretty fair to be honest."

"Right, You, Raynare, Mittelt, and Kala can all use light based attacks. How's that fair", asked Rias?

"I would worry more about a 50 cal. bullet slamming into you at high velocity more than the light attacks. Now that I think about it tho, they are really devil killers aren't they? I might have to rework my strategy so no one gets hurt too bad.

"Well what about Kiba now? His balance breaker makes holy/demon swords." They all nodded, "we will have to wait and see if they change the rules then."

"By the way don't you have to return the fragments Irina?" She spoke, "yeah, I'll have to take them back soon."

"Well just tell them which one you want and give the others back. If they give you any grief tell them I will just keep them all then." She smiled, "I will return them later today. Xenovia and I will have to go and be debriefed and let them know we have joined your group. I'm not looking forward to that."

"If anyone says anything just have them call me and I'll come fix it. They aren't going to argue with the Guardian of Heaven. It would be stupid to even try to be honest", everyone nodded in agreement.