With Season 4 wrapped up and an untold amount of time to wait for answers, I decided I'd throw together one of my epilogue ideas in my free time. It's nothing major and it's pretty much just fluff and an excuse to write these characters again. It won't be as long as the other chapters nor will it advance any plot, as far as I'm concerned this story is pretty much over. It's simply me writing about these two for a few thousand words and that kind of trash is everything fan fiction is for, right?
I'll say thank you to the reviewers as always for continuing to provide feedback and indescribable levels of encouragement. This time though I have to thank a little community of other writers and fanatics who occupy our little Discord server. It's kept me up hours after I should have slept, delivered the best weird shots of Sabine's facial expressions and also gave the inspiration I and many others there needed to get writing more often or pick it up again after a long break. You guys and girls are the absolute best and continue to be a highlight of my day.
Now that's out the way, we can move on to the story. It's after the story by a couple of hours and just deals with Sabine talking to her parents and of course letting them know of her relationship with Ezra. As is the pattern, it's Ezra's POV this time. I felt like giving it to Sabine since it's her parents but settled on Ezra to get his own internal breakdown.
Ezra straightened his jacket in his room, brushing his hand vigorously over the clothes to dislodge masses of purple hair. Zeb's damn hair! It's everywhere. The Lasat's fur was meant to keep him warm but it's primary purpose in reality seemed to be to get in every single nook and cranny of his roommate's clothes and body.
Damnit I can't look like a mess for this! Ezra became more and more frustrated as every swipe seemed to reveal more hair than he was taking off. Kriff it, it won't get much better. He'd realised that ten minutes ago but had continued partially because he was far too scared to go and do what it was he was preparing for. Sabine had insisted on letting her parent's know about their relationship as soon as possible, and as soon as possible had meant now. They'd only been together since last night and only announced it to the crew that morning, but Sabine wouldn't leave it another second. A light knock sounded at the door. Right on queue.
"Ezra, come on! You've been in there for ages!", Sabine called. She sounded a little frustrated but there was a certain happiness to her voice even still.
His hands stopped rubbing up and down his torso and reached for the door controls to open it. Ezra was taken aback at the sight of her. She's dyed her hair. The Mandalorian's pink and white do had been replaced with one dyed at the tips with a deep purple and Ezra noticed just a very slight purple tint to the rest of her apparently dark brown natural hair colour.
Sabine waited for a few seconds for him to say something but eventually had to be the one to do it, "So do you like it? I went with something a bit darker, the bright colours were a bit much for me this time."
The answer she got was the wrapping of his arms around her waist and the meeting of his lips onto hers. "I love it, you look beautiful."
Her mouth curled into a radiant smile at her boyfriend, "You're too nice to me, cyar'ika." They held the embrace for a brief couple of seconds before breaking apart. As they did so, her hands slid onto his and held onto them. "Come on, we've got to tell my parents."
As Sabine tried pulling him through his door, Ezra stood firm, "Are you absolutely sure, like totally sure, they won't hate me?"
"Ugh", Sabine groaned as she turned back to him, "I've told you. If they didn't like you, you'd know. You saved my father's life, you've stuck by me for four years, you fought to free all of Mandalore and you've made me the happiest Mandalorian in the galaxy. If they actually do hate you after all that then I'll let you choose my next armour paint job." She finished the sentence by pressing an accusing finger into his chest.
Ezra smirked at her, "That's a lot of trust coming from you", the Jedi laughed and thought for a second, "Okay I believe you."
The girl gave him a slight peck on the cheek before turning and leading him by the hand to her room. Sabine had her own personal holo-communicator to home that she could use as she pleased. Ezra didn't know how often she used it, it was a private thing for her, only that is was there. It had been placed neatly on her desk and Ezra didn't miss the fact she'd spent just a bit of time clearing away old clothes and dirty dishes from around her room, at least in the places where the hologram might show them.
Sabine let go of his hand and started to fiddle with the device with Ezra watching her nervously. After some tinkering she straightened up and turned to him. "Okay, stay off in the corner for now. It's just formality, you don't start a call with an unexpected guest straight away." The Jedi just nodded at her to which she tilted her head and smiled, "Relax, okay? It'll be fine." Her words didn't help all that much, he'd been saying them to himself these last few hours. Sabine could tell he was still on edge but realised the best way to handle it was to just get on with it. "I love you, let's just do this."
"I love you too", he answered as she leaned down to tap some final buttons to contact the Wren stronghold.
The Mandalorian stepped back and looked over to him, "Just stay there and be quiet, I'll call you over in a bit."
The chance to reply was lost when the translucent blue figures of Countess Ursa Wren and Count Alrich Wren materialised in miniature atop the table.
"Sabine, dear. It's lovely to see you." Ursa Wren answered, the motherly tone Ezra'd so rarely seen on Krownest on full display.
Sabine's eyes lit up and her smile grew at the sight of her parents, "Mother. Father. I've missed you. How are you?"
"We've been well, as has Tristan. How have you been, my daughter?", asked her father.
Shifting on her feet, Sabine seemingly chose not to go in to too much detail. "I've been well. Had a mission a few days back that ended up with one wrecked star destroyer, one incinerated light cruiser and a destroyed Imperial radar dish", she replied with a hint of joking smugness.
Her parents laughed, "Making us proud then I see."
"What about you guys? How are things on Mandalore?"
Ursa's expression didn't lose it's happy demeanour, which Ezra took as a good sign. "The clans are rallying around Bo Katan and the Darksaber. Imperial forces are in full retreat or are defecting in droves."
A sigh of massive relief escaped Sabine, "That's... amazing to hear."
"Mandalore is rallying around her in a way they haven't done for anyone in centuries. She was right to say she wasn't her sister, she's something far greater." Sabine's father had started to stroke his short beard as he continued, "Passing the Darksaber to her was a wise choice, Sabine."
"I'd hoped it would be. She's a far greater leader than I could have been", Sabine answered. She never was arrogant about her abilities. Confident sure, but all of it was appropriate to what she knew she could do.
Alrich chuckled at her, "For now, perhaps. You've still got many, many decades ahead of you. Maybe one da-"
"No, we're not going there again." Sabine cut him off with a laugh of her own.
Ezra watched her nervously, anxiously waiting for the inevitable announcement of their relationship. Looking at her parents now Ezra half wondered why he'd been so worried, they appeared warm and happy and certainly not the source of abject terror he'd mentally made them out to be whilst pacing nervously in his quarters. Remember her mother did have blasters pulled on you... and nearly sold you to the Empire. It felt a bit cruel to think of Sabine's own mother that way sometimes, she'd redeemed herself with her later actions. What scared him was her disapproval of him. He worried that she might not think he was worthy of her daughter and that, even if Sabine persevered and ignored her parent's disapproval, he'd have to spend his life enduring her disdain. Ezra laughed internally as he realised he was finally understanding why so many men feared their mother-in-laws.
"I see you've changed you're hair again." Alrich said, making the conversation something much less serious.
Ezra smiled as her hand went to her hair and ran her fingers through it, "I just dyed it this morning. The pink was getting too bright for now and darker seemed more... mature."
Alrich folded his arms with one arm sticking up in the way only artists ever seemed to do, "I would agree. It's darker tones better accentuate the new patterns of your armour, and it compliments your eyes' natural brown."
"That was my thinking, father. I also gave my armour a few once overs since I saw you last. I'm moving a bit further from my post-exile masters influences but they're still in there." Ezra hadn't a clue what she and her father were talking about. Thankfully, her mother seemed just as lost as he was and was switching a quite confused look between her husband and daughter.
"You can have your creative discussions some other day, dears", Ursa laughed. "You mentioned in your message there was something you had to talk to us about?"
Oh no. Here we go. He wanted to slide out of her room and hide in his own for the next few years. As scary as telling Sabine how he felt was, it was a hundred times scarier watching her try to tell her battle-hardened warrior family that she'd fallen in love with one their people's most ancient enemies. The purple haired Mandalorian took a pause and awkwardly shifted her gaze away from her parents, just briefly glancing at Ezra.
Sabine cleared her throat and steeled herself for the next part of the conversation, "Ahem, yes. I, uh, I have some news."
Ursa raised her eyebrow in curiosity, "News? Should we be worried?"
"Uh, not exactly. Well, I hope not anyway." Sabine was slightly fumbling her words. What? I thought she said they liked me? Oh karabast, oh karabast, oh karabast.
Her father inspected her with a probing gaze, "Well then, what is you have to tell us?"
The dreaded moment came for Ezra as Sabine looked squarely at him with a loving but nervous smile, nodding her head to call him over. He took a deep breath then as calmly as he could he stepped toward her, standing squarely at her side and looking at her parents. Ursa's face hardened is surprise as he came within range of the hologram scanner that allowed them to see him. Alrich, on the other hand, had a knowing smile on his face within a heartbeat. Oh he knows exactly what the news is.
"Hey, guys. I mean, Count and Countess. How are you?" Ezra wanted to smack himself for that introduction as he apprehensively began rubbing the back of his head. He could feel the awkward glare of Sabine on the side of his face but couldn't bare to look at her in his embarrassment.
Sabine's mother at least didn't seem offended, only confused, "Hello to you too, Ezra." Her mother's focus shifted back to Sabine, "Your news is Ezra?"
She had to laugh at that, "Not exactly. Well, I guess maybe." Ezra watched as Sabine puzzled away in her mind how to handle this. After a few seconds Sabine's beautiful eyes met his with a smile that told him she was ready. "We're together."
The brief moment of happiness Ezra felt as she had formed the words nearly instantly dissipated as he saw Ursa's mouth almost fall open. Alrich was more measured, staring at the newly revealed couple with a small grin. The silence seemed to drag out for hours even though it was only a few seconds. Ursa's mouth slowly shut before her eyes shifted from Sabine and bore straight into him. She wasn't anything close to readable but Ezra had the gut feeling she wasn't completely happy with this development.
Ursa wasn't planning on addressing him though, "Sabine, how long has this been going on?" she asked bluntly.
"A- a few hours, really", Sabine stammered. "It happened last night, we told the rest of the crew this morning and now we're telling you."
"A Jedi?" Ursa said firmly.
"Yes, mother. Ezra. A Jedi. My Jedi." Sabine declared, stepping very slightly forward as she did so as if to protect him from them. My Jedi. If her parents hadn't been watching he'd have grabbed her right then and showered her with kisses. Something about it was just so right.
Her father remained quiet as Ursa's eyes inspected him for an uncomfortable amount of time. Eventually, she sighed loudly. "Every Mandalorian tradition would look on this relationship as offensive. The Jedi have waged wars against us for centuries and even now it could draw the Empire's attention even more if they were to know we were affiliated with a fugitive. If the other clans hear about this they will not be pleased."
Sabine hung her lead low, Ezra could tell the answer had upset her. He was blushing at the embarrassment but the worst part was the feeling of being exposed and guilty. Guilty was the big one. For causing her this pain and even for the wars the Jedi had waged against her people. His own head sunk away and he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable forbidding of their relationship by Countess Ursa Wren.
"But I am not the other clans. I am your mother."
Sabine's head shot up at the sentence and Ezra's own eyes opened. The harsh mask of Ursa had faded to what, Ezra thought, might even have been another smile.
"Mother?" Sabine asked. "What are you saying?"
Ursa finally relented her eyes from Ezra and returned them to her daughter. "Loving a Jedi might not be the easiest thing for a Mandalorian to do, but it's what you choose to do. You are my daughter and if it brings you happiness to be with him then you have our blessing."
Oh thank the force. The breath Ezra had unconsciously been holding flowed out rather loudly as the tension in the air quickly faded. Sabine's hand found his own and squeezed it, the storm had been averted.
"Thank you, mother. For a second there I thought you'd be angry at us."
"Nonsense, Sabine. Ezra has proved himself more than worthy of your devotion. He's kept you safe all these years and has fought for Mandalore better than most of those here have." Ursa gave him a genuine smile, apparently happy to have him as her daughter's chosen partner.
"I-uh, thank you Ma'am. I really appreciate that you're willing to give me a chance." Ezra answered to her, strangely humbled at the Countess' praise.
"Clan Wren owes you many debts, Ezra. You had earned our trust even before Sabine revealed her love for you. There will be *difficulties* if this partnership is made public, but for now I am happy for the two of you."
Sabine's father had been silently enjoying the encounter between his wife, daughter and her daughter's boyfriend. With a shake of his head he laughed, "Am I supposed to act surprised by this?"
Please don't tell them, I could use without the embarrassment. Ezra didn't fancy the story of their first meeting being recounted even if he and Sabine were now together. Sabine looked at her father with a confused and almost frustrated scowl, "Not you too. Why was everyone so sure we were going to end up together?"
"Oh, I had my reasons", Alrich said, subtly winking at Ezra. "But your mother is right, we are very happy for you and you have our support for any relationship the two of you share."
"I hope you both understand what kind of commitment this is." The Countess was maintaining a fair balance between stern and compassionate as she looked at Ezra, "Mandalorian relationships are a unique commitment"
Unique? Sabine didn't say anything was different about it? Sabine had almost shied away as her mother spoke. Okay, something is up...
"We do, mother. Don't worry."
The sudden reply from Sabine ended any chance for Ezra to ask exactly what Ursa had meant. Ezra doubted it could be anything bad, surely Sabine would have warned him, but it was something he might have to press her on later.
The Countess almost laughed, "I'll always worry, Sabine. I trust you. I trust both of you."
"Thank you, ma'am." Ezra replied, eager to make a good impression on her.
"You can drop the formalities, Ezra. You may call me Ursa in private, though in public I must ask for the title."
"Of course, Cou- Ursa. I'll be happy to do that."
Ursa laughed at the awkward, fumbling young man, "I must warn you. If you do cause any harm or sadness for her, we will come for you."
Ezra could feel the colour drain from his face and the amused looks from Sabine and her father. He'd have taken the threat as serious if Ursa wasn't on the verge of laughing herself. In all seriousness, they probably would. The more he thought about it, the less it worried him though. He had absolutely no intention of giving her anything but happiness.
"Please don't threaten to kill my boyfriend, mom. It's not the best way to start off the relationship." Sabine squeezed his hand reassuringly at his obvious discomfort as she halfheartedly scolded her mother
"Be calm, Sabine. She's at least half-joking." Alrich was quick to continue the discussion, "I hope you come with Sabine next time she visits. It'll be nice to greet you as family and not just as an ally."
Ezra exchanged a brief smile with a clearly overjoyed Sabine before answering, "Of course. I'd love to come visit you."
"I'll bring him along next time, I promise", Sabine laughed. "Just promise you'll be nice, Ezra isn't always the smoothest at social interactions", she joked with a teasing glance over to him.
Ezra feigned a hurt face but laughed as well, "Hey, that's mean!"
Sabine leaned in to him and kissed his cheek, "You know I'm right though."
His eyes caught hers again and reduced him to another goofy grin. Everything about her had become so familiar yet so new at the same time. The hair, obviously, was different but something else had changed. It was something far less physical and much more emotional. Her eyes were... brighter? Her posture less tense, her laugh more free and her smile more common. It was a change Ezra had noticed in the last few days in particular, a change he admitted might have had something to do with him. Even now, despite her parents watching their every move, she seemed elated in a way he'd never seen her before. The feeling was mutual of course, he'd never experienced this type of closeness with another person before and there was no one he'd rather share it with than her.
"Ahem." Ursa's voice sounded over their moment. "I suppose we should leave you two to it then."
The two older warriors looked at each other before taking some time to take in the sight of their daughter with this Jedi she'd become smitten with. Ezra could tell they were at least happy that Sabine was happy. They were right about the history of the Jedi and the Mandalorians though and he'd need to ask Kanan to refresh him on that particular topic. It wouldn't be easy if they ever went to Krownest, or even worse if their relationship made it into the wider knowledge of Mandalore. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. It didn't matter to him, he'd deal with whatever consequences came if it meant he could spend his life with Sabine Wren.
"Keep yourselves safe, we'll be thinking of you", Alrich told them in a soft voice.
Sabine gave her parents a glowing smile, "Thank you for being okay with this. I'll stay in touch, I promise."
With a final smile and exchange of 'I love yous', the Wren parents disappeared from the tabletop, leaving Sabine and Ezra standing hand in hand.
"Well that was... not as painful as I thought it would be", Sabine admitted.
The Jedi turned to his partner with worried glare, "I thought you told me you were expecting them to like me?"
"Oh, I did. It's the relationship I didn't think they'd like", the girl replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
"But that's... ugh... you know what, it doesn't matter. It worked out." Ezra pulled her in and gave her a long hug. He'd been dreading it ever since Sabine had mentioned. He didn't dislike her family by any stretch, it was just that natural response to have to things like this. It was much worse knowing that both of Sabine's parents were hardened and experienced warriors. If they didn't like him, there was a whole bunch of things they could do to get him out of the way. Not that they would, of course. He decided to just drop it for now, he'd avoided one storm from Ursa Wren and he didn't much fancy stirring up another with her daughter.
"So, your Jedi, huh?" No way he'd forget that comment or how happy it had made him when she said it.
There was a giggle from Sabine, "Damn right, my Jedi." She lovingly and possessively let her arms snake around and claim as much of his back she could humanly could. It was tight, hard to breath and absolutely, positively adorable to him.
They held each other for a while, Ezra rocking her gently in his arms in a strangely cathartic way for the two of them. His head dropped lazily against her shoulder as he contemplated her and everything they'd become.
"You know I never thought you'd be like this." Ezra said quietly.
He felt her stir in his arms but she didn't make any effort to leave him, "Like what?"
Ezra tightened the hug for a heartbeat, "Like this. Hugging, laughing, all the cute stuff. I thought you'd be more... distant. Not in a bad way really, just not all for the affection stuff."
The girl in his arms released her tight hold and stared at him quizzically, "Really? Why would you think that?"
"I don't know, I just always thought Mandalorians wouldn't be ones to express things like that."
Sabine appeared offended, to lack a better word, towards him. She removed herself from his embrace in a huff and folded her arms at him, but the faint smile she still wore showed she wasn't all serious.
"You thought I'd have trouble being expressive?", she said with a hint of unmeant harshness.
"No no no that's not what I mean", Ezra answered placing his hands up in front of him in defence, "I'm sorry?"
Her head fell back in a laugh and she sat down onto her bunk, "I'm not a normal Mandalorian, Ezra. On the battlefield, sure, but on my own? I bend the rules a bit. I'm unique like that"
Unique. That sure was one way to describe her. Ezra had to just take her in again, for the millionth time, and appreciate her. There wasn't anything about her that wasn't original or individual. Every icon on her armour was her own design and blend of colour painted in her own unique style. Her armour was reforged to fit her uniquely lithe frame and smaller stature. None of that impeded her skills though, of which she blended a distinctive love of explosives with her one of a kind vambraces, jetpack and duel-wield style in a way that must have cost the Empire thousands of credits and almost as many men.
Stopping himself from getting lost in the love of his life again, he sat down next to her on the bunk and leaned back against the wall on the far side. She copied his actions and lay her arm across his chest to hold herself close. Ezra thought back to what her mother had said of Mandalorian relationships as 'unqiue commitments'. Now was as good a time as any to ask her what exactly that mean.
"Hey... you know I have to ask. What did your mother mean about Mandalorian relationships being unique? Is that something I should know?"
Sabine froze a bit at the question and sighed, "I... It's not something people tend to know."
"Uh, should I be worried?", Ezra asked.
"No", was her blunt reply.
He waited for her to explain what exactly she meant but when the answer didn't come, Ezra was forced to press her on the issue.
"That still doesn't answer my question", he prodded.
"Ezra.. it's just...", Sabine had raised her head to look up at him. Whatever was the matter, it was making her noticeably uncomfortable.
Without a word he placed his hand on her cheek and stroked it lightly, "You can tell me anything, cyar'ika."
Her mouth curled into a smile at his remarkably good pronunciation. Sabine leaned into his hand and closed her eyes to relax, leaving herself think for a bit before saying whatever it was she had to. When her eyes opened she reached up her hand and pulled his off her face, instead holding it tightly with her own.
"What my mother meant was Mandalorians don't love like other people. We're a war society before everything, we don't like wasting time or wasting feelings."
Wasting time? It sent alarm bells ringing straight away in his head. Is she going to marry me? Ezra would have loved that in a lot of ways, but it was a massive step to take in the first day of a relationship.
"W-waste time? You're not going to ask to marry me already are you?" Ezra asked meekly.
Her eyes rolled unamusedly at him, "No, Ezra. It's not that."
He looked at her concernedly whilst beginning to brush her hand with his thumb. "Then what is it?"
Sabine's eyes drifted to their joined hands and she smiled, "We don't waste time or feelings on people we're not sure on. We can't afford to waste time pursuing a hundred different partners and opening ourselves to a hundred different people who we might end up giving a reason to hate us."
Ezra still didn't get what she meant and just stared at her with a confounded expression. Noticing her failure to explain herself, she let out another sigh and looked him straight in the eye.
"We love for life, Ezra. Some people say it's cultural, some say it's biological, but I guess it doesn't matter. We just do." The sentences were rushed and said quickly and Sabine looked away as soon as they were out.
"So... you're saying-"
Sabine cut him off to clarify everything, "When we fall in love, we don't tend to fall out of it. It's why Mandalorians are so closed off emotionally, we can't risk starting something that stays with us for the rest of our lives." Sabine stopped and used her other hand to brush her hair nervously from her face, "It's why I took so long to... think. And to say what I felt. I had to be sure."
Ezra remained too stunned to respond. For life? Sabine had proven she'd loved him already several times over, but that she was almost guaranteed to carry this through forever was as dizzying as it was unexpected. He loved her. He loved her to death. He'd like nothing more than to spend every day of his life with her. To wake up to her sprawled lazily over him and then go to with her resting peacefully beside him. That perfect life was so tantalisingly in reach and the brief taste of it he'd been getting only made him yearn for it more. For life, huh? That's something I'm sure I can learn to deal with...
Not wanting to leave an awkward silence hang, he slipped his hand out of hers almost startling her as he did so. That hand found its way back to her cheek and pulled her in for a deep and slow kiss.
He pulled away with a smile but kept his head close, forehead pressed on hers, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare you away, okay?"
Ezra let his hand draw little circles on hers as he smiled, "You wouldn't have scared me away, Sabine. I love you. Always have, always will."
A small flash of joy appeared on her face but it disappeared as soon as it came, "You're sweet Ezra, I love you too. It's just... saying it and doing it are two different things."
It hurt him to hear her say that, to hear her say she didn't fully trust his commitment. After everything they'd shared these last few days he'd hoped he'd proved himself. The answer wasn't to get angry or upset though, the answer was to prove her wrong in any ways he could. If she wasn't one hundred percent sure he was in it for the long run, then the problem lay with him and not her.
"Then... how can I prove to you that I mean it?", he stated plainly. His sure response made her perk up a bit.
"Ezra you don't need to do anything. I know you love me, I didn't meant to say I doubted that...", the Mandalorian's eyes kept searching his own, as if looking for the right words.
Ezra went quiet as she tried to say what she wanted to, but watching her struggle to put her feelings in order ate away at him too much. This their relationship together, it was as much his duty to sort things out as hers.
And then the idea came. It came almost out of nowhere and when it came it wouldn't leave. At first, he pushed the idea back thinking it was simply ridiculous, there was no way they could do that. Well... why not? It was a good question when he thought about it. He'd already loved her for four years and there wasn't any chance of him stopping as far as he could see. Now knowing what it meant for her, he could be confident she was in it wholeheartedly too. Kriff it, what's the worst that can happen?
He must have let it show how hard he was pondering to himself. When he finally zoned back in, she was looking at him with a humoured smile, "Ezra? You still in there?"
Her face was right in his, letting him fully appreciate her once more. The way her newly dyed hair fell perfectly around her face, the way her smile managed to shine brighter than Lothal's sun. Those eyes, those chestnut eyes he couldn't help but falter at whenever he saw them. Everything about her still enchanted him as much as when he first saw it. Any last-minute doubts he had dissipated instantly. You know what you have to do, you know what you want to do.
"Well, why don't we get married?"
The sentence came out quickly and a bit quieter than he intended, no doubt due to the nerves piled behind it. It took her a second to process what he'd just asked her. Ezra could have pinpointed the exact moment she realised what he'd said simply by the massive shift in her face.
"W-what did you just ask me?", she stammered in amazement at him.
"You heard me. Sabine Wren, will you marry me?", Ezra used his hand to cup her face and pull her gaze onto him. His whole future was now hinging on an answer to question that two minutes he'd have never considered asking.
To his surprise she pulled away from him, breaking the touch of his hand on her cheek. She sighed and shut her eyes tight but didn't answer him immediately. The wave of confidence he had before enacting his crazy plan ebbed away quickly. Karabast, Ezra! What were you thinking? You've scared her away? How could you be so stu-
"I love you. I love you more than I can ever tell you." She still wasn't looking at him, and he let his head sink down.
"But?", Ezra asked, wincing and closing his eyes to brace himself.
"But if I marry you, we're going to have to deal with all the stuff with Mandalore. Marrying an outsider... a Jedi particularly, it won't make things easy for us. And with the war going on I don't think we can deal with all that right now. There's too much to deal with even before throwing in damn Mandalorian vows and traditions."
Ezra felt his heart sink and reality come crashing down on him, "I-I understand. It was a stupid ide-"
He nearly jumped when he felt her wrap her arms around his neck, pulling her face close to his.
"But maybe we don't need to tell do all the official stuff yet", she said as Ezra opened his eyes to her loving smile in-front of him.
"What do you mean? I thought you just said no?", Ezra asked in confusion.
She shook her hear with a smile, "I said we can't deal with ceremonies and vows and official stuff. But I don't need a ceremony to tell me I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll marry you Ezra, when we get around to it. Maybe we don't tell my parents just yet... or anyone really. But we'll know, that's what matters."
Her lips covered his before he could reply to her. The kiss was deeper than usual, drawn out and passionate. His hands drew around her back and pulled her in, savouring every millimetre of contact he could make with her. When they finally pulled apart for breath, he looked at her with loving eyes.
"So that's a yes then?", he asked with a grin.
Sabine stifled another beaming smile and playfully bit her lip, "Absolutely yes, Ezra."
"Do we need to, you know, do anything?", he questioned.
"There's vows that need to be said technically, but there's no specific time to say them. Some say them when they propose, some say it at the ceremony, some at random. It depends really."
"And when do you want to say them?", Ezra entreated as he pulled her into another hug.
Sabine shrugged in his arms, "I don't know. When we get a nice moment some time. Just because we don't say it right away, doesn't make it any less true for us."
Ezra laughed a bit, "When will that be? You got something planned already?"
"Ha, no. It'll just feel right I guess, I'm not worried about it right now."
Ezra's hand traced up and down her back, earning an approving purr from her, "So what now?"
Without a word, she pushed him down onto the bed to have him lying on his back. She curled herself up against him, tightly clinging to him for all he was worth and settling into a comfortable position.
He couldn't stop himself chuckling, "Okay.. this I can do."
Sabine shifted against him and gently hit him to be quiet. It made him smile and he got the message, letting them enjoy the moment in peace. Ever since Krownest, he'd come to love their moments like this, just holding each other close. They didn't need to talk to understand each other, having her with him was enough to melt away any of his worries about anything else. His girlfriend... no, his wife-to-be, seemed to fit perfectly against him each time, as if it was always meant to be for them. As always, minutes rolled on and time passed them by without notice. He couldn't tell how long it was before she spoke to him again.
"You should move some of your stuff in here, like Hera said", she told him lazily.
"Hmm, I'll do it later, I'm too comfy right now", he answered.
Sabine scoffed jokingly, "I didn't say now, nerf-herder. I'd kill you if you moved right now."
"You say that, but you love me too much", Ezra jested with a smirk, teasingly moving his shoulder to annoy her.
The Mandalorian moved her head to look at his face, "Do I? You're assuming a lot there, Bridger."
"Well, you did just agree to marry me..."
The Mandalorian knocked him playfully, "You know we're not technically married yet? We still need our ceremony... and the vows.. and the wedding night."
The last one stuck with him, no doubt she emphasised that last one for a good reason. "Oh, so that's why you want me to move my stuff in here?"
"Part of it I suppose...", she answered as she brought her lips up to his neck. She kissed him lightly, drawing out a quiet but satisfied moan from him.
"You... you know they're... still on the Ghost... right?", he said between breaths, cut off by the sensation of her lips making contact with his bare skin.
"Ahuh...", she mumbled as she worked her way lower on him, moving around from the side of his neck to his collar bone, pulling apart the shirt there.
It was too much for him and he let out another satisfied moan, feeling her smile against him as he did so. Then, without warning, she pulled back and innocently lay her head down on his shoulder.
"W-what was that for?", his voice both confused, surprised and excited all at the same time.
The girl laughed against him, "You were right, I couldn't kill you for moving. But I can mess with you".
The young Jedi was lost for words, hardly the first time when it came to her. He let his heartrate drop back down and his... excitement go down with it. With a squeeze of her and a gentle kiss on her forehead he let his eyes sink close.
"I love you."
Mumbling into his shoulder, he heard the woman he loved answer him, "Love you too, cyar'ika."
Yeah, as I said. Just fluffy trash with on real point, but if that isn't fan fiction I don't know what is. It is what it is I guess. They're not really married, just they've promised they will marry each other when the time comes. Think of it as an "engaged to be engaged" kind of thing. I just threw it in because I'm a sucker for commitment stuff, so I couldn't help myself.
Going forward, I don't know if I'll add any more to this now. I could do something with it in the future, possibly with their vows, but I think if I ever do it's many months away. I am in the conceptual stages of something else right now, but I can't put a time frame on when, if ever, that will be out.
You might have also noticed the title change. It was, admittedly, a long overdue one. I never intended to do a continuous story in this, only unconnected ones. That went out the window pretty quickly but I just never got around to changing it. Given that I'm pretty much done with this, I felt it deserved a proper title and description to explain what it is. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' is, essentially, what happened to Sabine and Ezra that pushed them to act the way they did in the story, plus it's a phrase I use verbatim in Chapter 1 so it felt appropriate.
I'll have to specifically thank RagnarDanneskjold for his help on this one, he provided invaluable feedback, direction and ideas that this chapter simply couldn't have been done without. Thank you immensely, and if anyone still hasn't read his stuff yet then you owe it to yourself to go and do so.
Kind Regards - Lothcat1138