I don't own Static Shock, "Frozen", or "Let It Go". They're owned by their creators and/or current owners. I think Virgil's singing voice would sound like the guy who sings the "Good Goes Around" jingle for the Cheerios commercials.

All my friends arrived at the center tonight,

too bad I couldn't stay.

My powers acted up again,

that's why I ran away.

Electricity inside just bursting to get out_,

I was under too much pressure, no doubt_.

Just turn away, don't look at me,

see the freak that I have come to be.

So I came out here to be alone_,

and just let go_.

Let it flow_,

let it flow_,

let the current jump through the air_.

Let it flow_,

let it flow_,

I can use my powers without a care_.

I left my home_, but now it's all okay_.

I can feel the charge_.

The shock never bothered my anyway.

I just can't return now, cuz who would accept me_?

I'll just stay out here, where know I'll always be free_.

I wonder what I can do now, now that there's nobody around.

Nobody to scold or lecture me.


Let it flow_,

let it flow_,

I'll use my powers with no regrets_.

Let it flow_,

let it flow_,

I'm as happy as one can get_!

No matter what_ they would do to me_,

I can feel they charge_,

I make the rocks fly around me through the air_.

I can mold the metal in them into anything that I dare_.

I can stick them together to make_ a big ol' tower_!

That's where I'll stay, a monument to my power_!

Let it flow_,

let it flow_,

keeping it lockup seemed so wrong_.

Let it flow_,

let it flow_,

things will be different from now on_.

I'm having fun in my own special way_.

I can feel the charge_.

The shock never bothered my anyway.

I had this on my mind for about a year. The first few lines came first and more came later, but not the whole song. I came up with the rest after I started writing this on November 2. It took 3 days. Tell me what you think. Sailor Dragonball 87 says! ;D