Tainted Loyalties
By: Elina Peverall ;)
Disclaimer: Inspired by the fan fiction story "Darkness Within" by Kurinoone. I do not own Harry Potter, all credits goes to the author J. K. Rowling and Kurinoone for the inspiration to write this story.
AN: Hello! I've been thinking about this story for a while now and have finally decided to write it down. I apologize if there are any run on sentences and wrong grammar, I promise to improve it and make this story as interesting as possible. Hope you enjoy!
Anne C.
Year 1981
In a dark and dimly lit room, three figures dawn in dark cloaks with hoods covering their faces coward their heads and bowed deeply to their master the dark lord himself. So feared was he that his name was almost never mentioned. Just almost, there was only one man who would dare say the name of the most feared wizard of all time Lord Voldemort, known and portrayed as the great leader of the light, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, defeater of the feared dark lord known as Grindelwald. Just by thinking of the so called leader of light did Voldemort boil with anger and grip his seat he half listened to the reports of his pathetic death eaters, more specifically the inner circle death eaters. Deeply thinking, the death eater named Barty, also known as Bartimus Crouch Jr. continued on with his report, unaware his master was barely even listening. Lord Voldemort's dark figure sat in the centre of the room; he was a tall figure with pale skin, dark hair and pair of ruby red eyes that were highlighted by his aristocrat features. Due to his long use of the dark arts, forever was he cursed with side effect of those red eyes. Although, personally he quite liked them, for no longer was he the orphaned half-blood Slytherin all those years ago and with the change of appearance it reminded him of how he came to be, leader of the dark side and the most feared wizard of magical Britain! Finally silence regained the room after Barty finished his report, the death eaters were shaking in fear, wondering perhaps they upset their lord through these reports and would be tortured for the next couple of hours. However, the silence was broken from the sound of the dark lord using his left hand's fingers was thrumming the wooden handle of his seat his face was a mask of no emotion, but his red eyes betrayed his thoughts of contemplation, deep in thought he was he absent mindedly pet his familiar the serpent known as Nagini, who was just as feared by the death eaters themselves, due to her large size and well known appetite of humans as delicacies. Noticing the end of the report, he stood up slowly while contemplating with himself on whether not he should just dismiss them. The silence was broken when he made up his mind, while he held his wand on his right; he conjured a pale green stone that looked like jade which seemed to thrum with magic,
"Tell me Lucius, do you recognize this stone?" He asked with his cold and high voice to one of his trusted followers and a patriarch of the Malfoy family. The Dark Lord's eyes bore into the blond haired aristocrat making him flinch as his eyes flashed with recognition and look at the ground before answering, "It is a blood stone my lord."
Voldemort motioned for him to continue, "The most prominent of pure blooded families have them and are used to identify a new heir being born to the family."
The dark lord looked at Malfoy, unsatisfied with the little information given to him. "That's it; surely you can offer more information Lucius? Bellatrix, would you care to share your knowledge?"
He looked over to his most loyal follower and powerful witch, who of course recognized the stone just as her brother in law Lucius had, after all she was a pureblood from the notorious house of Black.
"Often families would use them to identify if their children are perhaps filthy squibs in advance." She spat the word squibs in disgust treating it as a foul curse word.
"The stone will glow when the family magics recognize an heir is born until one of the members of the house touches it." She pauses, trying to remember more of her pureblood education that she had been taught so long ago.
"Upon their skins contact with the stone, the family member would have visions of the possible heir; which was often useful to identify the child." She finished, knowing she has satisfied her master with the right answer; a smile appeared on her face brightening as she bowed low to her lord making her wavy dark haired ebony locks move in the light. Bellatrix had pale skin, a slender frame, high cheekbones and dark eyes that seemed to be filled with a look of hunger and insanity. Like many other death eaters she was known for her thirst for torture and her fierce loyalty to her lord.
Voldemort nodded his head, satisfied with the answer while staring at the stone he spoke. "This stone was made for my ancestors, the blood stone of the house of Slytherin."
There were intakes of breath from the news, anything belonging to the family of one of the four founders was a rare find and considered a priceless artifact. However, the news they heard afterward shocked him to the core.
"Twenty one years ago, this stone however faint it may be, glowed none the less." He continued, his face giving a contemplating look. Many of his followers knew what this meant; it was believed that the Dark Lord was the last and only heir to Slytherin's line. It appears they were wrong, another heir was born to Slytherin's line and the question on all three of their minds was who?
As if reading their minds he answered, "Upon contact with the stone, I envisioned an orphaned young witch, with auburn hair and Slytherin's emerald eyes." He paused, thinking if he should continue. "At the age of two, she was adopted by muggles and was given the name of Lily Evans. Unaware, she was the daughter of scion Andrew Fedore Marchent and Victoria Marie Marchent nee Garissen. It was believed many years ago that the family died out during the Great War against Grindewald; however it turned out a daughter of the Gerissen family escaped and married into the minor house and gave birth to the child twenty one years ago. However, it was indeed unfortunate that the father two weeks before the child's birth died from a blood malediction and the mother past away giving birth in a muggle hospital hence, her ending up in a muggle family."
Silence greeted his answer; all three of the death eaters were in deep thought, they could not believe that the filthy mud blood Lily Potter was not all she seems. To think that the Most Ancient and Noble House of Garissen descendants of Salazar Slytherin still lived, it seemed almost imposable that there was another heir alive and yet none were aware of it. Crouch, mustered up his courage asked, "How did you address the situation master?"
The dark lord gazed at his follower carefully, "I did not, to this day I left her alone, and whether she lives or dies I did not confront her. Occasionally, I would have reports on her whereabouts and living but that was it. After all, the Garissen family may be descendants of Salazar Slytherin himself; but the line has long lost his ability. Due to this, the orphan would have been of very little use to me."
He paused a moment of thinking, "Those were my thoughts until a year ago, this very stone glowed, however far brighter. By then I knew, another descendant was born, but as a true heir to Salazar Slytherin, one with the gift of parseltongue."
Then he looked at each one of them directly and spoke quietly, almost a near whisper. "His name is Hadrian James Potter, son of Lily Potter nee Evans and James Fleamont Potter. He is pureblood heir to the Potter family and the Gerrissen family and one of the two children of the prophecy."