Chapter 12.

I went and saw The Matrix Reloaded to day. I think the special affects are pretty impressive. It sucked how at the end it goes "To be concluded." The next one doesn't come out till November. There's actually ten animes based on the matrix "Animatrix" I wouldn't mind seeing them.

*What happened in the last chapter: Bulma was kidnapped AGAIN.

I do hope that you will enjoy this next chapter, and if not I hope that it will haunt you in your dreams. ^_~

Ignore all spelling and grammar mistakes, I didn't have time to do a proper spell check. And over all my spelling sucks. On average I spell one in ten words wrong. Which is really sad for my age.

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Pain, that was all her head could fell. Bulma moaned, where the hell was she. She ignored her splitting head ache and opened her eyes. The room slowly came into focus, her breath became caught in her throat. Blank steal walls surrounded her, and metal bars ran along one wall as a door. Bulma knew where she was even thought she had never been here before, the prison cells.

Bulma slowly got up and leaned against the wall behind her, it was coming back to her. Freeza had come to Capsule Corp and kidnapped her again. She growled, she wasn't upset but annoyed. How many times was Freeza going to do the same thing over and over again, he could have at lest been more creative. Even she could do better than this. This was really just a waste of her time.

Then her brain kicked in. If Freeza had kidnapped her again he'd have to have a good reason, and what exactly was that reason. Did he plan to use her as a weakness against Trunks and Bra? or did he plan to kill her. Bulma kicked the wall out of rage, he was a lot smarter than she gave him credit for and it angered her that she couldn't figure him out. What ever his plan was it couldn't be good.

* * *

Bra stared at the empty room, she had gone into shock "Mother," she whispered. Never before had she lost her mother. Even through Bra had worked on other planets for most of her childhood her mother had still always been there when she had needed her.

Trunks reached forward and began to shake her. "Bra snap out of it."

Bra blinked. "She's gone Trunks," for the first time she could feel sadness. Maybe what they said was true, you don't miss what you've got till it's gone.

Trunks continued to shake her. "She's not dead Bra, we can get her back."

At his words her sadness was replaced with rage. Trunks was right she wasn't dead, Freeza had taken her. Bra looked to Trunks. "Ok lets go," she ran past Trunks and into her room to get changed.

Trunks smirked and walked to his room. That was the first time he had ever really seen her show emotion. Maybe there was hope for Bra yet. Trunks could hear his fathers words echoing in his head. "Emotion is nothing but a weakness". He now knew through all his experiences that those words were wrong. And although his father had always said the exact opposite, he had known that too.

As he got changed he could hear Bra walking around her room. Had his father always wanted a second child? The question had been bugging him for a while. Had he also know that his mother had been pregnant? If so, the loss of losing her would have been more painful. Maybe he had known.

He could hear Bra running out of her room. "Trunks!" she called out.

Trunks looked to his sword that he had left lying on his bedroom floor. It would be no use against the enemy he was to face. He cast it aside and walked out into the hall where Bra was waiting impatiently.

"Can we go now," she didn't try to hide the impatience in her tone.

Trunks sighed. "Yes we can go now."

"Great," Before Trunks could blink she was down the hall and out the door, he followed behind.

* * *

Freeza sat in his chair plotting. He smirked to himself, oh he was going to have fun. Bulma was down in the prison cells this very moment, he preyed she was suffering. How dare she turn against him. Was that the way she should repay him after letting her live for all those long years. His smirk widened, he had plans for Bulma. It would be long now, in a few short hours everything that Vegeta had ever held dear would be gone forever.

The doors in front of him banged open, Freeza snapped out of thought. In front of him stood one of his soldiers, out of breath as if he had just been running.

"Sir," he puffed. "Two power levels and coming our way, we thought you should know."

Freeza's smirk turned into more of a smile. "Very well you are dismissed."

The soldier left with a look that gave the impression that he was glade to leave. Freeza didn't notice. Half the soldier's and servants that worked here hated their master, but dared not to speak ill of his name. If you said something against Freeza you would suffer instant death.

Freeza sighed as if bored, and looked to one of his servants who was standing near the door. "You, bring me Bulma." he waved his had as he issued the command.

The servant nodded and immediately left the room.

Freeza let out another sigh. This was all only a game to him. And games were no fun when you knew you could not lose.

* * *

Trunks looked up at Freeza's ship, it was nowhere near as extravagant as he imagined. The grey steel looked out of place next to the green grass, and red rock that surrounded it.

He pointed to the ship. "So that's Freeza's ship."

"What did you expect?" replied Bra. She began to stretch.

Trunks narrowed his eyes and let them slide out of focus. "I don't know, but it sure is ugly."

Bra looked at her brother as if he were an idiot. "It's a ship."

Trunks sat himself down on the grass and looked up at it. The access codes had been changed since Bra had left, and there was no other way of getting in. They couldn't blast their way in, because for all they knew it could be a trap. Anyway Freeza was bound to come out sooner or later. Knowing him he was probably itching to kill them.

Trunks sighed and lay back in the grass. He stared up at the sky and studied the cloud shapes. He pointed to one. "That one looks like a bird."

Bra growled. They were about to have the fight of their life and her brother was commenting on the clouds. How could he be so relaxed when she was stressing. "What wrong with you?"

Trunks took his eyes away from the sky and looked to his sister. "Nothing, I just don't see the point of stressing."

Bra gritted her teeth. "Easy for you to say."

There was silence for a minute.

"Trunks what was our father like?" she had been wondering ever since she had known who he was.

Trunks sighed. "He died when I was almost eleven, but he was the only parent I really ever knew. He taught me to fight and stuff like that. He spent half his life just training. But the one thing that I could always remember was how depressed he always seemed. He was never really happy."

Bra nodded.

"But over all Vegeta was just a stupid monkey." A cackling voice came from behind them.

Bra and Trunks instantly turned around. In from of them stood Freeza. He was standing on top of a cliff. Smirk a pone face, and holding Bulma by the wrists in front of him.

"Mother!" yelled Bra.

Bulma could feel tears running down her face. She wanted to hold them back, but she was so scared. She struggled, but Freeza's grip on her wrists was too tight.

Trunks clenched his fist and teeth. He took a step forward.

Freeza held his hand up to Bulma's neck. "Come no closer if you want your precious mother to live."

Bra gritted her teeth. "You bastard!" she flew forward without releasing it.

Freeza smirked. He snapped Bulma's neck and though her to the ground. "I warned you."

Bra's eyes widened, she floated slowly back to earth and collapsed on the ground. She was in shock, she could barely move a muscle in her body. She flicked her eyes over to Trunks.

Her eyes widened further at the site of him. His eyes were full of pain and hate, more pain and hate then she ever had. Bra's mouth dropped, it was obvious that Freeza most likely had the same expression. Cracks of energy surrounded him, the ground began to shake, and the rocks crumble with the energy he was building up. She watched as he transformed into a Super saiyan, and yet his energy still increased. Bra knew what this meant, he was going to reach the next level.

Freeza watched from the cliff, he could feel himself shaking. If the brats power level got any higher it could rival his. Only one word came to mind, not good.

Bra continued to stare at her brother. "Trunks," she whispered.

Trunks could not hear her voice. All that he could feel was rage, and at the same time pain. How dare Freeza Kill his mother, he had barely gotten to know her and now she was gone. As he looked at Freeza all he could feel was hate. He hated the bastard for causing all the pain he had suffered in his life. He looked at him and all he wanted to do was make him suffer the same amount of pain, only ten times worse.

The pupils in Trunks eyes disappeared. He wasn't even thinking. All he wanted to do was have Freeza's blood on his hands while the bastard lay dieing, begging for his life. He had never felt this way before. While he felt rage and pain he could also feel power.

Bra's hands twitched, he was losing himself. At this rate it was obvious that he was going to slaughter Freeza. "Trunks calm down," she whispered.

Trunks paid no attention to her words. He was completely blinded by rage and hate, no words could get through to him. He was acting exactly like Vegeta.

His power level seised to increase. Freeza stood looking from the cliff. He gulped, the brats power level was higher than his. He cursed the saiyans, why did their power levels always have to increase when ever they felt extreme rage or pain. He looked to Bra in her weakened state and saw a small opportunity. Of course it would be suicide, but he was out of options.

Bra couldn't keep her eyes of Trunks, she had never know a power that could out do Freeza. She smirked, the bastards evil life was ever so slowly coming to a close.

She suddenly choked, she could feel fingers wrapping around her neck. "Help," she managed to chock out. She turned her head slightly to see Freeza holding her smirking.

"How would you like to join your mother," there was a slight tone of amusement in Freeza's voice.

His words snapped Trunks out of his trance. The pupils in his eyes reappeared, and his brain kicked in.

Freeza raised her into the air. She made a feeble attempt to kick him and missed. "You know is this all the thanks I get for letting you live for all those years," Freeza slowly tightened the grip on her neck.

"I hated you as I child and I hate you now," Bra's vision slowly went red, she could feel nausea wash over her, her arms became limp. Bra damned herself for being so weak, for not fighting, and dieing so pathetically. She preyed that maybe Trunks could finally put a stop to his rein of terror.

She wished she didn't have to die like this, Bra would have preferred to have died fighting. Not like this at the hands of Freeza. She slowly closed her eyes and waited for the end. But the end never came.

The sound of explosions caused her to open her eyes. To Bra's surprise the fingers from her neck were gone, and she was no longer being held by Freeza, but lying on the ground.

She glanced up at the sky, above her Trunks and Freeza were locked head to head. She picked herself up and continued looking upward. A smile formed a pone her face, if anyone could bet Freeza it would be Trunks.

Trunks stared into the cruel harsh eyes of Freeza, his enemy. He had to control himself from ripping off his head.

"Your father couldn't bet me brat, so what makes you think you can," Freeza kept up a confident appearance even though he was scared stiff.

Trunks narrowed his eyes. "I'm different."


Trunks prepared himself for another onslaught. "I just am."

Freeza studied his situation, he had no hope of winning even with his immortality. At the moment the brat was just toying with him, the same thing that nearly ever saiyan he had faced had done. There was really only one option left, running.

Freeza looked down at Bra. "How would you like to lose her too?" Trunks looked down at Bra. The very second he did Freeza made a run for it in the opposite direction.

As he flew away he glanced behind him. The very second he returned his eyes to the front he froze up in shock.

"Did you really think you could run," In front of him stood Trunks smirk a pone face.


Trunks held his had up against Freeza's head, A ki blast slowly formed. "Say goodnight."

* * *

The breeze slowly blew through the trees, making a rustling sound. Trunks paid no attention to the sounds around him, but at what was in front of him.

Vegeta & Bulma Briefs, the two names stood out on the head stones that lay in front of him. It had been one year since the death of his mother and Freeza. Not much had really changed in that time. Bra lived with him now, she had some ambition to be the next president of Capsule Corp. Trunks couldn't wait till she was old enough.

"I miss you both," he felt slightly stupid talking to a head stone, but no one was watching. "I hope you happy where ever you are," he placed a flower on top of their graves.

"Trunks can we go now!" Trunks turned to see Bra near the gate at the other side of the cemetery. Even though she tried not to show it he could tell she didn't like coming here.

"Fine!" he yelled back. As he made his way to the gate he walked passed the graves of his grandparents. He stoped for a second and stared.

"Trunks!" His sister was becoming impatient.

Trunks quickly turned and made his way over to his sister. He was happier than he had been a year ago, he was no longer alone.

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Over all I think my writing style has improved greatly while writing this story.

Well this is the end of this story. But never fear I shall be back with a bigger and better story.

I have been corrupted, all the R rated stories in my favourites list are influencing me. I am no longer a sweat and innocent fanfic writer, I have crossed over to the R side.



Missq ^_~