Pyrrha Nikos wasn't quite sure what to make of Haytham James Kenway.

On one hand, Haytham was one of the few people Pyrrha has met who knew nothing of her reputation as the four-year consecutive Mistral Regional Tournament Champion. In their first meeting, Haytham had only recognized her as a cereal box mascot. With that degree of unfamiliarity, striking up conversation with him came easily. There was no enthusiastic praise and reverence like from her fanatics, or the predatory stares and smirks from her challengers. Haytham only sported the same polite, courteous smile as Pyrrha always wore. Both of them sought and offered an optimistic hand at friendship, and Pyrrha leapt at Haytham's offer without hesitation.

On the other hand, while Haytham was nothing if not a gracious gentlemen with regards to the members of Team JNPR, he was a harsh critic of Team RWBY's supposed "childish" behaviors and "juvenile" mannerisms. RWBY had quickly become a part of Pyrrha's proud circle of friends at Beacon Academy, so it left Pyrrha conflicted on whom to side with whenever Haytham went on to criticize those friends time and time again.

Pyrrha hoped for a peaceful, friendly gathering between the teams when JNPR and RWBY gathered at the library. Ren was reading through texts for Doctor Oobleck's upcoming exam, Nora was napping, and Pyrrha was catching up on her latest "X-Ray and Vav" comic issue, hiding it behind her textbook so Haytham wouldn't lecture her about it. The members of Team RWBY sat at a nearby table as they played a board game together.

"Would you kindly host your game of world domination elsewhere?" Haytham asked aloud. He sat back in his chair as he penciled something into notebook. "If I recall correctly, people come to libraries for the pursuit of knowledge. Not to play a children's card game."

The teary-eyed Weiss and Ruby were weeping together due to suffering severe losses in their game. Pyrrha felt for them. Either of them could have easily won if not for Yang's hidden trap cards. Ruby cried out to Haytham, saying, "You just don't understand our pain, Haytham! The whole of Remnant was ours for the taking!"

Yang snickered sinister cackles, not too uncommon whenever she was teasing her little sister. "Remnant is mine! It's all mine!" Yang turned to nudge her partner. "Alright, Blake, you're up."

It took Blake a few moments to respond. Blake seemed to have been in a half-distracted daze for a few weeks now. Pyrrha wasn't sure what exactly was wrong. Despite Team RWBY informing Pyrrha's team of Blake's former allegiance to the White Fang, JNPR wasn't privy to everything going on with the yellow-eyed Faunus.

"Huh?" Blake asked as her team looked at her expectedly. She jiggled the cards in her hands. "Oh, um, sorry. What am I doing?"

"One of your teammates is obviously not as passionate about conquering Remnant as the rest of you are," Haytham called out to the team. "Might I suggest refocusing your efforts on something more productive? Instead of playing at warfare, perhaps direct your energies into improving your combat skills so that you may one day defeat Team JNPR in dueling class."

Each member of JNPR was among the top of the ranks in Professor Goodwitch's dueling class. RWBY's members were ranked just below them, and that remained as a point of contention between Haytham and Yang.

Yang relished in the challenges Haytham constantly presented toward her team. Pyrrha enjoyed a little friendly competition as much as the next person, but the way Yang met Haytham's taunting eyes with a cocky smirk made Pyrrha feel more uncomfortable than she is willing to admit.

"Come on, Haytham," Yang purred with that same grin of hers, "why do you always have to be such a spoilsport?"

"There is plenty of sport in many activities: fencing, sailing, acrobatics, and so forth. The same cannot be said for board games."

The beautiful blonde rolled her eyes. "Says you. We used to have Remnant: The Game competitions all the time back at Signal. Any guesses for who the reigning Queen of Games was back in the day?"

"Yang Xiao-Long? A Queen?" Haytham gave an unimpressed snort. "I would sooner believe young Rose to be the reincarnated Grim Reaper in disguise than entertain the possibility of you bearing royal blood in your veins."

Weiss, once she wiped away her tears and recomposed herself, regarded Haytham with a reconciliatory look. "Honestly, Haytham, we're only having a bit of fun. There's no harm in taking a break from our work every once in a while." With Weiss' connections to the Schnee Dust Company and Haytham's regal attire and attitude, Haytham was the most benevolent to Weiss out of all of RWBY.

"Don't bother, Ice Queen," Yang interjected as she waved a dismissive hand. "Haytham's gonna keep on hating no matter what it is we do."

Blake mumbled something under her breath. Citing weariness, she resigned from the game and walked off.

"Why don't you play with us, Haytham?" Ruby piped in. "Since Blake left, you can play as Vale."

Clasping his journal shut, Haytham set down his pen and folded his arms. He gave Ruby a flat look. "And what makes you think I have any inclination of playing?" Haytham wrapped his knuckles against the underside of the table. Nora woke up with a sniffle.

"Pancakes!" she groggily spat out. Before her head could drop into slumber again, Haytham lifted his left wrist and extended his hidden blade. The sharpened edge was a breath away from Nora's chin.

"Do try to remain awake during our study hour, Nora," Haytham ordered plainly. "Should you begin to falter in any of our classes, I will have to assign you remedial material myself."

Nora made a childish whine. Ren rubbed a reassuring hand against her back.

Pyrrha decided to step in. "I often played Remnant: The Game during the time between tournament matches," she said as she closed her book and turned to Haytham. "It's actually an exhilarating game that requires lots of strategic planning to win."

"Simpler games fill those needs quite well," Haytham countered. "Fanorona, chess, Nine Men's Morris, or checkers even."

"But the complexity with multiple cards and game pieces with various abilities makes for very unpredictable matches." Pyrrha recalls once being defeated because her opponent had used special courtesan units to sneak into and capture her capital city. Pyrrha had paid her opponent in kind in the ensuing tournament match. "It keeps you on your toes, forces you to improvise on the spot. I've had my fair share of unconventional victories with the game."

Ruby practically hopped in her seat. "See, even Pyrrha likes playing Remnant! Play with us Haytham!" Cute, innocent puppy dog eyes were rarely an effective trick against Haytham, but Ruby attempted it anyway. Pyrrha applauded the effort regardless. Perhaps this was the olive branch needed for a more amiable relationship to flourish between Haytham and Team RWBY.

Haytham adopted a contemplative expression as he stroked his chin. "Valid points. If your recommendations ring true, Pyrrha, perhaps I will dabble in this game. Still, what's say we make the parameters around this activity a little more interesting?" With his free hand, Haytham held up – held up Pyrrha's "X-Ray and Vav" comic? Pyrrha opened her textbook and found only a diatribe on the impracticality using a chainsaw as the bayonet for an assault rifle.

Ruby's eyes boomed into ginormous proportions. Her body shaking, she pointed at the comic cover with unconcealed excitement. "That's part of the special limited series! Where did you get that? It's not supposed to be out yet for another month!"

Haytham merely tipped the front end of his tricorn hat in Pyrrha's direction.

"Why, Pyrrha?" Ruby's eyes became watery as she fixed her gaze on the red-haired warrior. "Why would you keep something like this from us!?"

Pyrrha's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Defensive, she answered, "If you want to read it, Ruby, you're free to do so." Though tiresome of her reputation as a Regional Tournament champion, it did have its perks at times.

"Not so fast," Haytham said. When Ruby tried to filch the comic from him, Haytham held his hand high and the book away from her. "Let's say I partake in this little board game of yours. Should you win, Pyrrha shall gift her entire collection of comics to Team RWBY."

"What?!" Pyrrha stared at her partner in astonishment. "Why would I –"

"Deal!" Ruby cut in with the widest grin across her face. She was practically jumping in her seat, but Yang extended a hand and planted her sister firmly on her bottom.

"Not so fast, Ruby," Yang said, watching Haytham with a twinkle in her eye. "What do you want if you win?"

Haytham set the comic book down. He left Team JNPR's table and made his way to Blake's seat. "I would like to examine Weiss' rapier and use it in a few spars."

Weiss raised one of her eyebrows in curiosity. "Why would you want to duel with Myrtenaster?"

"The blade itself is nothing uncommon. It is the rotating dust chamber that interests me. I have never fought with a sword with such a design, and would like to personally see how it fairs in combat."

Pyrrha had to admire Haytham's boldness. Few Huntsmen and Huntresses liked to share their custom-made weapons tailored for their unique needs and talents with other people. Weiss' pride and personality only made it even more unlikely of her to acquiesce to Haytham's terms.

At Weiss' doubtful countenance, Haytham extended his hidden blade once more. "I shall add my own weapon to the table. If I conquer Remnant, I shall get to learn about the creation and application of Myrtenaster in greater detail. If I fail, I surrender my blade and Pyrrha's comic book collection." After removing his bracer accompanying the blade, Haytham offered his hand to Weiss. "Are we in agreement?"

"Yes!" Ruby wholeheartedly declared. She went on her knees and bowed down to Weiss. "Say yes, Weiss. Say yes. Please!"

Chuckling, Yang punched Weiss in the shoulder. "Yeah, shake his hand, Ice Queen. This is the most fun Haytham's been all year."

Pyrrha, with some hesitation, raised her hand. "Excuse me, but Haytham, I haven't agreed to letting my collection be used as a bargaining tool."

"Oh, but you have, Pyrrha," Haytham replied. "Though I greatly respect you as my combat partner and a good friend, my position as the leader of Team JNPR takes precedence. As such, you have already informally agreed to whatever disciplinary actions I deem fit for unruly behavior."

While Pyrrha felt greatly complimented at being considered a good friend, she frowned. "I may not have been studying lately as I should have, but –"

"And the cause of that slacking in studying is that comic collection, hence why I have put it at risk." Haytham gave Pyrrha a playful smile. "Come now, Pyrrha. Do you honestly doubt my ability to win?"

"Well, I…" Pyrrha paused and pondered Haytham's words. He still spoke as assertively as ever, but didn't he detest playing what he considered to be a childish, inane game?

"Alright," Weiss said with a resolute nod. She clasped Haytham's hand and firmly shook it. "Team RWBY agrees to your terms."

"Then let the better Hunter win," Haytham said.

While Ruby gave an eager cheer, a feral grin that showed off glistening white teeth spread across Yang's face. "You're going down, Kenway."

As it turned out, Haytham was much more well-versed with the ins and outs of Remnant: The Game than he let on.

Not fifteen minutes after Haytham took Blake's place, Ruby was planting her face against the table as she sobbed to herself, Weiss was staring blankly forward in stupefied silence, and Yang's eyes and hair were flaring in dramatic bursts of color. Haytham had since removed his hat and coat, sweat wearing down his face with a stern glare pointed at the game board.

"This is it, Haytham!" Yang cried, pulling a card out from her hand. "With that last move, you've just activated my –"

"Need I remind you yet again, Yang?" Haytham interrupted. "With my spy units still hidden among your forces, your trap cards have no effect."

"That's the catch, Haytham." Yang stomped the card down hard, causing a long crack to stretch across the wooden table. The board and game pieces were unbroken, thankfully. "If I roll a ten or higher, then those spies are all dead men!"

"Ah, but since you've played that card, I must spring my own trap." Haytham spun the card between his fingers before holding it up for display. "Even if you do roll a ten or higher, my vanguard will be able to bypass the last of your naval defenses. The City of Mistral will be completely surrounded, and so its fall will then only require one more turn. Are you truly willing to take that risk?"

Yang gritted her teeth. She shook the dice in her hand with a growling hum under her breath. "I guess I am."

Pyrrha – who now stood behind Haytham alongside Nora and Ren – resisted her urges to look away and instead forced her eyes to remain on the game. Haytham had almost flawlessly defeated Weiss and Ruby with Blake's fairly depleted forces. Then, it became a close match of wills between himself and Yang. Forgoing any pretense of studying, the rest of Team JNPR stood by their leader and looked on with barely-contained anticipation.

Friends of Team RWBY – Sun and Neptune, they had introduced themselves as – had joined the audience and were cheering Yang on.

"Don't do it, Yang," Neptune advised. "If you can hold out for another three turns, the wild Grimm will take care of Haytham's land forces. You can take back the northern villages and turn the tide back in your favor!"

"Not unless Haytham's got another trap card under his sleeve," Sun said. "He's got Yang cornered. Damned if she does it, damned if she doesn't. I say do it, Yang! Roll the dice! You've got no other option!"

With a final gulp of precious fresh air, Yang threw back her arm before tossing the dice.

Pyrrha held her breath. She could hear the beats of her own heartbeat as she watched the small white blocks tumble across the board. Each time the dice sprung off the board, the sound echoed through her ears.

Finally, the dice stopped rolling. The number: ten.

As Yang's turn ended and Haytham's began, Haytham had his units cut through Yang's. After playing another card and another role of the dice, Mistral fell, and Haytham was victorious.

Nora screeched a celebratory rumble. "Ha! We won! Remnant now belongs to Team JNPR!" Nora picked up one of the royal-looking game pieces and began to chant, "I'm Queen of the Castle," striking poses as she did so.

"I… didn't know you would be so good at this game, Haytham," Ren said plainly. He seemed to be at a loss for words. Pyrrha shared his sentiments.

Sighing, Haytham wiped his arm across his forehead to get rid of the sweat that had been slowly pouring down from his hairline. "I am a man of many talents."

Pyrrha clapped her hands together. "Congratulations, Haytham." Her smile was balanced with a curious tilt of her head. Was it really just pure, natural talent that let Haytham win, or was it something else?

Haytham met Pyrrha's gaze and caught on to what she was silently asking. "In my youth, I once had the misfortune of being trapped on an ailing airship for nearly two and a half months," Haytham said. "There was little to do to pass the time, save for the menial games the crewmen had brought aboard. My opponents vastly out-skilled me, and in the process, they taught me much."

Ah. "So you are skilled at the game, but you associate it with bad memories?"

Haytham laughed an honest laugh, one that Pyrrha hasn't heard from him in a long while. "No, not bad memories. Simply old ones. My father originally taught me how to play. Being the rambunctious child that I was, I was overconfident in my ability to win. My time practically stranded on that ship proved instrumental in humbling my attitude."

Yang, her hair relaxed but irises still red, scoffed. "A humble Haytham. Yeah. Right." No doubt tired and bitter, Yang sauntered off.

Haytham reequipped his hat and gauntlet. Offering up his hand, Haytham regarded Weiss with a sympathetic smile. "I believe I am owed spoils for my efforts, no?"

Despite her obvious reluctance, Weiss handed over her rapier with the appropriate Dust rounds. "I expect you'll return these in a timely manner?"

"But of course." Haytham held the handle of Myrtenaster tightly. He made a few experimental swings with it. "I trust that there are no hard feelings between us?"

Weiss looked to Ruby, who seemed to still be sobbing and avoiding everyone's eyes. To Haytham's question, Weiss only shrugged.

"Splendid." Haytham glanced at Nora, who was now lording her game piece over Sun and Neptune. "Ren, your partner is growing rabid again. Please ensure that she does not cause any more damage to any persons or property." Wordlessly, Ren obliged and approached Nora. Turning to Pyrrha, Haytham asked, "Up for another spar?"

Pyrrha quietly lamented the fact that the relationship between Team RWBY and Haytham remained somewhat strained, but at least Haytham wore an earnest smile on his face. He was often too focused on making sure JNPR kept up on their studies to take a respite and simply enjoy life. Those moments of repose and comradery Pyrrha shared with Haytham were moments Pyrrha deeply adored and enjoyed.

"Let's," Pyrrha replied. She and Haytham left the library and made their way to their usual sparring spot. All the while, they shared teasing smirks. After a long day of studying and laughter and tears, the only thing left on their minds was a desire for a good fight.

Haytham was a good friend to have. Pyrrha hoped that as their time in Beacon passed, their friendship could grow into something more.