Why was being a good sister-in-law getting me into trouble?

Merlin, when Fleur had owled to ask if she could floo over so she could talk, I hadn't expected her to confess to me that she thought she was pregnant again. I definitely hadn't expected her to pull out a muggle pregnancy test – she hadn't risked buying a magical one in case Bill somehow caught wind of it – and I'd held her hand the entire time as we waited for the result to show up. I hadn't expected it all to come back and bite me in the arse.

The test came up positive, and she wasn't surprised in the least, but it had taken a long talk for me to convince her to floo back home to talk to Bill. But eventually she left my house and promised me that she would talk to Bill as soon as she returned to their family home. Pleased that I'd done my good deed for the day, I headed into the kitchen to begin preparing dinner.

Godric I should have reminded her to throw the test in the bin, to take it with her or hell, to burn it into ashes. I should have told her to do anything other than leave it lying casually on the side where I wouldn't notice it until my husband came home and saw it in an instant. Of course, I remained blissfully unaware of the developing situation until he walked into the kitchen, the test held in his hand.

"Love," he called out, walking slowly into the room and I hadn't thought anything was wrong.

"Are you back?" I asked with a smile, not yet turning to look at him. "Don't you finish later today?"

"I finished early," he explained before clearing his throat and asking. "What's this?"

I looked away from the bubbling pot on the stove to find my husband standing cautiously in the doorway of the kitchen, "What's what?"

He raised the test slightly and I felt all the blood leave my face. Godric's ghost.

I had been silent for too long and Lee had obviously taken my silence to mean something when really it meant quite the opposite. A grin slowly spread across his face as he approached me, holding his arms open for me. I shook my head instantly, outstretching a hand as if to halt his progress. He frowned a little, confused but still continued to walk towards me, now at a slower pace.

"It's not what you think," I said drawing the words out, but it was clear that he didn't believe me. Godric, why me?!

"I know it's a bit sooner than we planned," he said gently, trying to placate me as if he thought I was the one that wasn't ready to deal with the 'news'. "But that doesn't matter. So what if it's a honeymoon baby? We were going to –"

"No," I insisted firmly, shaking my head again. His eyebrows rose as he noticed the force that I was denying everything with. "You don't understand Lee. It's really isn't what you think; it's not mine."

That had him stopping in his step. He looked closely between me and the test which he promptly set aside. Crossing his arms, he asked with quiet confusion, "What?"

"It's not mine," I repeated, rambling when I realised that he wasn't prepared to speak a word. "It's Fleur's. She came over here to try it out because she was scared about doing it on her own and with Victoire still quite small she wasn't sure if this is the right time to have another one so soon. I guess she forgot to take it with her, or throw it away – whatever you're supposed to do with those things and –"

"I get it," he said finally, his shoulders sinking a little and thankfully stopping me from having to go on in an attempt to fill the silence that had stretched out between us. "Just – are you sure it's not yours?"

"Come on Lee," I said, rolling my eyes a little as I turned back to the stove. Lowering the heat, I glanced back at my husband. "I think I'd remember peeing on that bloody stick, don't you?"

Lee sighed from behind me and I bit my bottom lip, wishing I'd had more tact. But clearly, growing up side by side with Fred and George hadn't instilled that in me. Godric, he seemed more upset then I thought he'd be – not that I'd ever imagined something like this would happen. Who knew that a small stick of plastic could cause such a big problem?

If anything, I'd have expected him to freak out about seeing the positive test but here he was, doing the very opposite. He made no move to go anywhere and I remained at the stove, hyperaware of his presence behind me. His unexpected reaction had rendered me a little unsure of how to progress.

"Are you done?" he asked me quietly, "With the cooking?"

"I think so," I said sending a small look his way. "I just need to leave this simmering for about half an hour. Are you hungry?"

"Not really." He cleared his throat slightly and I jumped a little when his hands suddenly wrapped around my waist, "But half an hour, yeah?"

"Well mum leaves hers for an hour but I don't have the patience for that," I confessed, leaning back into him a little.

"Perfect; that's plenty of time."

My eyebrows furrowed as I turned curiously towards him, "For what – Lee!"

I shrieked his name as I suddenly found myself hoisted into his arms. Scrambling to wrap my arms around his shoulder, I met his stare with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?" I protested as he began to carry me out of the kitchen. "Lee! Are you going to answer me or what?"

"You didn't need to take the test, right? Well we're just going to have to keep trying until you need to."