A/N: Hello! I'm not gonna lie, I just didn't have the time or the motivation during my studies to continue this, but a recent review kindly asking me to update it has sparked my will anew! (that and I have time :P) However, this time I will be doing a different approach: you guys will decide what the mini-stories are gonna be about! Just leave a review with a reasonable and sad/melancholic story request (no M-rated stuff, please) and I shall pick out the best ones to write :)!

Replies to the latest reviews:

agent Banana: I'm not sure if you're still around to read this, but here it is ^^!

Procrastinating Author: Your name infuriates me because it describes me too well xDD

1563687233192312: Well, I am Evil so...

Natalia: Here, just for you ;)!

Disclaimer: I don't own Star vs. The Forces of Evil. I do own the plot as well as the lullaby.

Story III:

O Sleep, O Sleep, my Daughter Dear

requested by agent Banana

"Eclipsa! Show yourself, at once! We're not here to play games with you! Don't make this any harder than it needs to be!"

Hekapoo's commanding voice boomed from within the halls of the now-desecrated monster temple. What few guards there were lay beaten and unconscious on the ground, scissor cuts and crystal daggers ornamenting their skin like tattoos and piercings. As Hekapoo and Rhumbulus claimed foot after foot of the temple, Mewman soldiers poured through the front entrance of the Monster Temple, tearing down paintings of the monster-mewman family and shattering vases richly decorated with paintings of monsters.

"It's over, Eclipsa!" Rhombulus declared. "Your guards are defeated and I've personally made sure your monster husband won't be moving his foul body for a long time! Now get out here!"

"Eclipsa Butterlfy, this is your last warning!" Hekapoo cried and held up a fireball in each hand. "Come out now or I'll blow this place to the Underworld! I'm giving you three seconds!"

No answer came, and Hekapoo narrowed her eyes.

"Very well... One!" The balls grew larger, tripling in size. "Two!" She brought both hands together to form a raging fireball the size of an inflated beach ball, which she held before herself, ready to destroy the temple, forgetting the soldiers that would probably die if she acted out her destructive plan. "Three-"


Hekapoo directed her gaze in the direction of the familiar voice and looked at Eclipsa as she emerged from behind a pillar near the large throne at the end of the hall. In her arms, she was cradling her newborn daughter, Meteora, a desperate look on the elderly woman's face.

"Please, wait, I... I submit..."

The men raised their spears at the traitorous queen, despite her seeming to pose no opposition. She looked at Hekapoo pleadingly, and the demoness extinguished the mighty fireball.

Hekapoo, followed by Rhombulus and two guardsmen, marched at her former queen and stopped a foot short of her and crossed her arms as she impatiently tapped her foot upon the ground.

Eclipsa smiled a defeated smile.

"I'll come quietly, but please stop shouting, Meteora's taking her nap," the queen said with a hushed voice, looking at her sleeping daughter and smiling a motherly smile.

Hekapoo wasn't the least bit impressed.

"Eclipsa Butterfly, you do realise why we're here, don't you?"

Eclipsa nodded, fully aware of what fate had in store for her.

"You've come to imprison me as you've done with my husband," she said in a matter-of-fact manner and smiled faintly. "But please, could you perhaps allow me to fetch some of Meteora's toys before you take me away? With all the commotion going on, I completely forgot, silly me!" Eclipsa giggled to herself, ashamed of how forgetful she was at times.

"No." At Hekapoo's command, the two guards made their way behind Eclipsa, who looked at Hekapoo pleadingly, hoping to evoke at least some sympathy from the demoness. She failed.

"Move," ordered Hekapoo, short and sweet, and Eclipsa found herself being escorted her home to a jail-like carriage that was to be her transportation to the castle. "Get in, and don't make me repeat myself," said Hekapoo as she pointed at the open door of the carriage. Eclipsa complied and ascended the single step of the carriage, careful not to drop her daughter, and sat down. Soon after, the door slammed shut and Meteora awoke. Soon after the carriage began moving, frightening the young Meteora, who cried mightily, terrified of the darkness of the carriage and the constant bumping around as the wheels hit upon rocks and small holes in the ground.

"Shh, shh, it's alright, it's alright..." Eclipsa said in a soothing voice and gently cradled her terrified daughter. It had no effect, for as soon as the cart's wheel hit a large rock, it rattled violently and made scary noises that further terrified the scared Meteora. Eclipsa then took a deep breath and looked at her daughter with loving eyes and cradled her lightly, mathing the swing of her arms with the tune of her song that she sang with tender care.

"O sleep, o sleep, my daughter dear,

The curtains fall but have no fear,

The morn', the sun, are on the way,

They'll greet you with a warm, warm ray."

The young Meteora's hysterical crying started dimming down as she heard the gentle voice of her mother.

"In clouds up high your dreams they dwell,

The shadows of the night they quell,

And should the shadows ever strafe,

In mother's arms you shall be safe."

A yawn escaped young Meteora's mouth and the curtains on her eyes grew heavier and heavier. Her breathing soon softened and Eclipsa smiled a pained smile as she continued with her lullaby.

"So sleep, so sleep, my daughter dear,

For mother yours is always here,

Now sleep, now sleep, until the dawn-"

A single tear slid down Eclipsa's face as her voice broke. She hugged her now-sleeping daughter closely to herself, wailing helplessly as she sung the final verse of the song.

"For come the morn' I shall be gone..."



I hope you guys liked it! Remember to leave feedback and give me more story suggestions :)! Also, I'm hoping that the Lullaby I compsed is somewhat decent, it was a first for me ^^'!

Until next time, bye!

- your friendly neighbourhood jolleIQ.