Crimson Tattoos

Chapter 17

Disclaimers::: I do not own OUAT or it's characters, just my imagination. Ooohhh! I think that would make a very delightfully fitting punishment for our Snow White don't you? A servant for Maleficent, her family, and for Regina considering she is also family too. Hmmm what kind of things will they have the Charmings do? insert evil grin


A few days later, their plans to finally get the Charmings right where they wanted them was coming to fruition. It was time to turn Snow White and Prince Charming into humble servants. Seeing as Regina was still the Mayor of Storybrooke despite some objections from several inhabitants. She would call a town meeting. This way, she would ensure that everyone would show up. She made an announcement that should anyone decide to skip the meeting, they would be fined and arrested. They would do community service until their fines would be paid.

Emma grinned knowingly when she saw what Regina did to make sure they showed up. "That's absolute perfection, my Queen." She murmured, kissing her wife deeply and caressing her abdomen lovingly. "Time for everyone to see them as who they really are."

Maleficent had a dark smile on her face. She was looking forward to presenting her case and to seeing those idiots taken down a peg or two. "They would be foolish not to show up." Ingrid agreed with her.


The day of the town meeting finally arrived. Emma was there making sure they all showed up. Some of the citizens were grumbling about having been forced to show up. But the Swan-Mills meant serious business. Emma had appointed Mulan and Ruby and a few others as deputies for this meeting. Belle took notes for them as well.

As soon as Regina arrived, she brought order and began speaking as soon as Mulan and Ruby stood where they were needed. "Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for coming to this meeting." She gave the date and time that the meeting started. "Some people are here to file a grievance against Snow White and Prince Charming." She had a dark smile on her face when she heard gasps in the crowd.

"How dare they?! Who would go against Snow White? Why?! How can this be?! This is absurd!" Many were shocked and dismayed to hear that anyone would have something bad to say about their Queen.

"Quiet!" Regina shouted. She then looked at Emma and smiled at her wife. "Bring in the plaintiffs." She then looked at Ruby and Mulan and nodded at them as they brought the Charmings to the front.

Snow jerked her elbow away from Ruby, giving her former best friend a dark look while Mulan brought David next to Snow. They were not happy about being put in the hot seat. Being made to being brought like criminals before everyone.

Regina had a smug smile on her face as she looked at her nemesis and her husband. She was so glad to finally be able to put them where they belonged.

Emma smiled as she moved to the other door to the side and opened it. "Come in."

Maleficent and Lily came out and moved to stand where they were directed to stand. They looked at the Charmings and smirked at them.

Regina smiled knowingly at them as everyone gasped when they saw how Maleficent and her demon spawn dared to file a complaint against their beloved Charmings.

Emma stood with them and turned to look at the crowd. "SHUT UP!" She snarled at them. Instantly, the meeting room quieted down.

"Thank you dear." Regina smiled, giving her a look that was meant for her before she started. She looked at the Charmings. "You're both here because of certain crimes you've committed against Maleficent and her family…"

"They're monsters! Whatever Snow and David did… They did us all a favor!" Leroy interrupted rudely.

Emma marched over to Leroy and cuffed him. She pulled him to a bench and cuffed him there. "That's enough out of you dwarf. Open your mouth again and you'll lose your tongue." She then moved to stand with her mother and sister knowing she would have her turn to speak when the time was right. She smiled when Lily laced her arm through hers.

Regina smirked. "May I remind you, a crime was still committed regardless of how you all feel about Maleficent and her daughters. Shall I waive it because you hold Snow White to high standards? No. This is my town. My townhall, my rules. Interrupt me one more time and I will do more than take your tongues." She warned before she looked at the dragons. "Please tell us all exactly what they did to your family. Leave nothing out."

Maleficent moved to the front and turned to face everyone there. She smiled at her daughters, love and pride burning strong in her eyes. She then turned to look at the Charmings, her eyes grew cold. "We're here today because of a truly heinous crime committed by those two against me and my daughters. It started quite some time before the curse brought you all here to Storybrooke, Maine. I met the Charmings and we interacted with each other. I was pregnant with Lily and Emma at the time. I did however sense that the baby growing inside her had potential for darkness and also for goodness. At that time, I offered to help her, to form an alliance with her. I was willing to protect the baby growing inside her. Snow White refused my help. All because I am a villain. Cruella and Ursula were present with me through everything except for that time I visited with Snow White. I told her that I was pregnant too and that we should work together. Upon hearing that the baby growing inside her had darkness inside her, she panicked. She went to the Apprentice asking him to help her get the darkness out of her baby. She wanted to ensure that she would be as pure as Snow. She didn't want her to be tainted by darkness. That was ironic because what she was asking the Apprentice to do was dark magic. The Apprentice then told them they needed a vessel to contain her daughter's darkness. Snow White then came up with the idea to get sleeping powder, go to the cave I was in, knowing I had just given birth to my daughters' egg and was waiting for them to hatch… I was in dragon form. Cruella and Ursula were there, staying watch over us. The Charmings came to the cave I was in and blew the sleeping powder in Cruella and Ursula's faces. Once they were asleep, they came inside and found the egg Lily and Emma were in and snatched it up. I turned back to myself, wanting to protect my babies. I asked them what kind of people they were to do this to my children. Snow replied saying we were monsters and that my daughters were monsters like me. I begged her mother to mother not to take my babies. I begged for mercy." Maleficent had a tear falling down her cheek as she said this. "They took her to the Apprentice and he performed the spell that would take Her daughter's darkness and poured it into my Lilith and Emma. Then he created a portal, intending to send my babies to another world. This land of no magic. Cruella and Ursula tried to stop them, but the Charmings pushed them into the portal along with my daughters. Until now, I had thought my daughters were lost to me for good and I was very angry with the Charmings for the part they played. Then Emma came and found me. It was then, that I went to Rumplestiltskin begging for his help. He then revealed to us the truth of what really happened, how everything came to be. And then he revealed that The actions of the Charmings came with a price. The use of the dark magic they used on my daughters came with a price. The loss of their daughter." She smiled darkly. "Your Snow White is not as pure as you all thought she was. She was willing to use dark magic to hurt me and my family. Her idiotic husband did everything with his wife regardless of how wrong it was. Clearly we know who wears the pants in their relationship." Maleficent had just insulted David. "Clearly Mary Margaret… Snow White has a fear of Villains… Of Dragons… Of anything she considers abnormal. But what makes this so ironic is when she did what she did to me, to my family. Her actions were anything but pure. She was manipulative, callous, cold hearted, a bitch… In other words… A Villian."

There was an uproar after she said this about Snow. The Charmings started shouting, Snow was in denial, hating to be compared with a Villain. Some of the crowd, especially the Dwarves were angry with what Maleficent said about their beloved Snow White. A few were surprisingly sympathetic with Maleficent and her family. Turning sour looks towards the Charmings. They had to arrest all the dwarves for contempt and sent them to jail.

Lily sneered at the Charmings. "Because of you two, my sister and I were separated from our mother. Because of your actions, we were cursed. We grew up not knowing we were sisters or that our mother wanted us, loved us. Just imagine if the roles had been reversed. How would you feel? We were innocent! We did nothing to deserve this! What did we ever do to you?!" She growled.

"You're villains! Monsters! So what if we took you and put our daughter's darkness in you? You are dragons! What difference does it make if we did that?! You mean nothing to us! Villains are monsters! What's a little more darkness?" Snow snapped.

Maleficent laughed harshly. "My reputation made me who I am. It was the actions of King Stefan who pushed me to lash out at them. It was between me and him. If that makes me a Villain then so be it. You took MY daughters! You trespassed on MY land, you stole from me and HURT my family. Do you think we should forgive you and let it slide? I think not."

Emma moved to face the Charmings, seeing that David hung his head in shame while his wife spoke for them. "Look at me!" She slapped the table, causing David to jerk up in surprise. "You don't know me, you don't know my sister. Yet you and your wife were so quick to condemn us all because of who our mother is. What made her who she is had nothing to do with you two until you came up with this plot, this scheme to use our egg for your daughter's darkness. You made the decision to steal us from our mother. You made that choice. Not Maleficent. Not Lily. Not me. YOU." She pointed her finger at Snow White. "We're not the Villains in this. You are. Think about the child growing inside you right now. How will he react when he finds out exactly what you did? You want to instill goodness inside your son? How will you do that when you go about doing everything the wrong way? Speaking of which… There is another matter I am concerned about. This delusion you have that you're the Queen here." Emma shook her head. "This isn't the Enchanted Forest. You did NOT create this town. You did NOT build this place. You did NOT create job opportunities here. This is my world. Lily's world thanks to what you did to us. My wife on the other hand, created this place and made it a place for you all to live in. She could have made you all suffer a worse fate than this. Running water, electricity, cellphones, computers, cars, delicious food like pizza, fried food, dessert, all kinds of things you would never find in the Enchanted Forest. This should be paradise compared to the land you came from." She heard people agreeing with her. Emma smiled knowingly as she shared a look with Granny. "Well, Snow White threatened my wife and had the nerve to say that she would take over Storybrooke and find a way to get you all back to the Enchanted Forest."

Some people gasped in dismay and began shaking their heads. Snow saw this and tried to safe face. "She's lying!"

Emma scoffed. "We heard you. We saw you attack Regina."

Zelena stood up and nodded. "It's true. I was there with my sister when that happened."

Snow White scoffed. "Are you going to believe Villains over your Queen?" She clearly thought highly of herself. It was time to take her down a peg or two.

Henry stood up and looked at the woman who was his teacher. "You're the one who is lying. I saw what you did to my mom and to my aunt. I heard everything you said to them. You and your stinky dwarves were plotting to take this place from my mom…" His family had witnessed everything as did he, through their blood bond magic which were infused in their tattoos.

"But… But you know they are not good enough to lead. Not like I am." Snow replied. "Why are you covering up for them?"

Emma saw red when she said that. "Are you calling my son a liar?!" She turned to look at everyone. "You all know Henry. Has he ever lied to any one of you? Who would you trust to tell you the truth? Or are you going to allow Snow White to speak for you, to decide your fate like she decided my fate? Lily's fate? She chose to use dark magic. To send us away… Well?"

Granny spoke up. "I believe Henry. He has never told a lie." She glared at Snow. "How dare you try to make this child look bad for something. YOU did? He never did anything to you. I'm appalled by your actions! You will never be my Queen." She spat on the floor in disgust.

Soon others began agreeing with Granny as one by one they began turning their backs on the Charmings.

Regina smiled smugly when she saw this as did Maleficent.

David looked at the sisters and their mother. "I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen. What we did was wrong. I know it. I do not want our son to be ashamed of what we did. Please let me make up for what I did." He had remorse on his face.

Snow gasped at her husband and elbowed him. "David! You can't…"

Regina sat up and looked at the Charmings. "Your actions have shown us your guilt today and as a result, I have the perfect punishment for you two. Seeing as David has shown remorse, his punishment is as follows… Your title as Prince will be stripped from you. And you will be put to work in the stables, seeing you have an affinity for animals. That would be a perfect job for you." She was being generous to him.

"Thank you." David replied humbly. He would still be able to raise his son. And for that, he was grateful.

"You can't do this!" Snow exclaimed.

Regina smiled smugly. "Oh yes I can and I will." With a wave of her hand, she took Snow's voice away from her, rendering her mute. "As for your punishment, your title will be stripped from you. Snow White will no longer be Queen or Princess. She will be nothing but a servant. You will serve Maleficent and her family for the rest of your life. And you will carry out the rest of your days in absolute silence. You will be allowed visitation with your son during tea time outside. You will learn what it means to be humble. To serve the people you've ever wronged." She brought the gavel down. "That will be all, ladies and gentlemen." Regina smiled with satisfaction as she joined Emma and their family.

Cora laughed, proud of what they'd accomplished. "That was poetic justice my dears."

They made sure David was taken to the stables as Maleficent took a hold of Snow's elbow roughly. "Shall we go home darlings? We have much to celebrate."

Emma shared a look with Lily and grinned before she kissed Regina and hugged their son. "Yes, let's go home." They all left in various clouds of smoke and arrived at the mansion. They made sure Snow knew where her room was, having given her the smallest room in the house. They gave her clothes to wear, wearing clothes of a lowly servant.

When she tried to resist and fight back, Maleficent used a switch on her and lashed her back until she crumbled onto the floor in submission. Maleficent smiled darkly and ordered Snow to get to work in the kitchen. She was made to do what Regina asked of her. The Mayor did not trust Snow White to cook so she did that but forced Snow to sweep and wash her floors and cabinets. She then washed the dishes and after they all had their fill, they allowed Snow to make her own sandwich and to have a glass of water after everyone had eaten and they drank wine. They then ordered Snow to wash their clothes.

Sometimes, Maleficent would make Snow repeat washing the floors until they sparkled. She took delight in making Snow work until her fingers bled. Best of all, they didn't need to hear her complain or whine. She learned to do as she was told. She was grateful for the times she would be allowed to visit with her son and her husband during tea time. Over time, if she did well, and they were pleased, they would allow her to have ice cream or dessert. Since she lost her voice, she would listen to their conversations and learn more about the dragons and their families. She began to realize she was wrong for treating them the way she had in the past. She was starting to see them in a different light as their families began to prepare for the births of their babies.

One night, it was time for Regina's babies to be born. She woke Emma up and the dragons took her to where they'd prepared the birthing site. Regina turned into a dragon as did Emma and their daughters soon joined them. "Zarah and Carina Swan-Mills." They knew which egg held Zarah and Carina seeing that their eggs were of different color.

A week later, Emma gave birth to their son and their daughter. "Logan and Reagan Swan-Mills." were born. Reagan was exactly like Emma, down to having both parts. But she looked exactly like Regina save for her eyes. Logan on the other hand, had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. He looked more like Emma but had Regina's lips.

Several weeks went by before Maleficent finally gave birth. Ingrid and Mal were so thrilled that the day had finally arrived and with their families surrounding them, she gave birth to Lucian and Morgana. The older dragon and Ingrid were grateful for another chance at being parents. This time, their family would make sure they wouldn't miss out again. Naturally, they refused to allow Snow anywhere near their babies until they got older enough and were able to defend themselves against anyone who would wish them harm. No one could blame them for being overprotective of the newest additions to their family.

Henry was thrilled to not be an only child anymore and took pleasure in spending time with his siblings. Logan looked up to his brother and Henry took pleasure in teaching him things.

Zarah and Carina and Reagan were very close and did everything together. Sometimes Reagan would spend time with Logan as they had some things in common as well. They had the close bond of twins as did Carina and Zarah.

After the babies were all born, Ruby and Zelena began having a baby fever, wanting to have their own. It wasn't long before Ruby was expecting. Soon, Belle followed.

Cora was thrilled to be a grandmother and took pleasure in the fact her family was constantly growing bigger. She was very protective of them all ever since she had been given another chance at life.

Storybrooke was never the same again ever since the Charmings got what was coming to them, but they went on with their lives, realizing it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. Life went on and more adventures came their way.

The end.