First chapter!...well more like a prologue. Im a bit dusty with Fate Zero so I will take some time to watch it on good ol' friendly Netflix. While I get updated, hope this satisfies yo for some time. I need help with who to choose as his Master, maybe you could help? Oh, if any of you are wondering, Perseus WILL be a legend in this World, known to ALL, only having to tweak a couple of things and such for it to fit.

Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time.

When his mind was clear enough to recognize itself-himself- as an entity, words were ushered into his mind. No sound, whatsoever, was capable of being transferred within this space that was outside of the Time-Axis, therefore, no sound was heard within this indescribable space.

Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Memories were driven at an unrecognizable rate at the mind of this empty husk. A child being beaten and mistreated by an overweight man. A young boy at the age of twelve fighting a mockery of a human and a bull. Traversing across the country and fighting for the soul and liberty of a loving mother. Letting his rage and potential run amok and defeating the great Polyphemus with only his hands and a sword. Fighting against The General, Atlas, Titan that represented the concepts of "Strength" and "Endurance" and holding the unbearable burden of the Heavens.

Let my great master ■■■■■■■■ be the ancestor. Raise a wall, against the wind that shall fall.

That same boy, now with a streak of silver across his raven hair, developing his strength and abilities alongside a blonde girl and a boy with a curly, brown hair reaching down into his ears. Traversing through an endless maze and fighting non-stop against creatures that would traumatize any mortal. Letting himself be controlled by his Nature and detonating a volcano that would later carry him to befriending Calypso. Falling into the River Styx and remembering his family and all of those that would fall if he fell. And in the end, battling against the Titan Cronus, Ruler of Time and Evil itself.

Close the four cardinal gates. Come out from the crown. Rotate the three-branched road reaching the Kingdom.

The next memory was that of waking up in a frozen land, alone with only a writing utensil in hand and a wariness worthy from a warrior. Hunting and battling within a pack of Nature-bred hunters, trained with nothing but with the teachings of their instincts and experience. A sky blue river that cleansed those of not Roman origin. Fighting against the Giant who was born to fight Death, with two friends, the son of War and the daughter of Riches, and freeing that who "kept" Death.

I shall declare here. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.

Meeting again lost friends, and immediately traversing against all odds to honor Wisdom. Fighting in the Heavens, under the rule of the Seas, and in the end, falling into the bottom of Hell, with no help whatsoever from his allies. Traversing through glass and fire to end up meeting new allies. Only to end up in the final battle, where he returned Gaea to her-its-long state of neutrality, deeming Humanity as too powerful for now to deal with their strength. And in the end, dying from too many wounds inflicted by the Will of Earth and getting his soul sent to the infinite records of the Throne of Heroes.

If you will submit to this will and this reason… then answer!

Suddenly, memories weren't coming. It was knowledge; languages, Humanity, the state of The World, The Holy Grail War, where seven heroes will be called from Beyond to fight for a wish. He didn't have a wish; he accomplished almost everything he wanted, with the exception of making a family and settling down in a calm place. So, why? Why would they put an effort into summoning him? He felt it, an object from his past was being used here to specifically summon him into this war, an artifact so unique to him that it would be unmistakeable by any means.

An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Magic Circle came the shape of a fairly tall man. Well, man was exaggerating his build. He was more of a teenager, with jet black hair that had a streak of silver crossing it, like the moon shining in a pitch black sky. Muscles, not overtly grown like drug users, but a muscular yet lithe one, a body who took pride in both strength and maneuverability. And ever-changing eyes that swapped between a healthy kelp green and an ocean blue so deep that the only thing comparable would be the recondites hidden in the sea that Humanity has never reached. He was dressed in bronze-like metal armor, too perfect in its design to be anything matching copper or bronze, where it fit perfectly to his nimble frame.

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!

He was a Servant, and his Master just summoned him to win a cup, his surprise forgotten and thrashed in favor of collecting his bearings and see around him to witness his Master, a triumphant smile plastered on his face at being able to summon him from the Throne of Heroes. With only a single question in mind, he asked:

"You have summoned me from the Beyond with a purpose. I ask of thee. Are you my Master?".