AN: I've been writing this inbetween chapters of Bad At Love. I'll be updating both of them regularly but I may not update this one everyday. Any continuity, spelling, and grammar issues are my own. I don't have anyone that reads these for me before I post them so I apologize now.

Veronica knew something was up when she realized that her period was late but she didn't want to make a big deal out of it since it had been late before. After a couple of days she'd made the journey to one of the drug stores, one she knew she wouldn't see any of her classmates at. Walking down the isle she scanned the tests as she tried to decide which one to buy before finally deciding on two different ones.

Not wanting to make small talk and end up getting caught by someone she paid without saying too much, got back into her car, and drove back to her apartment. She was glad that her dad was chasing some bail jumper in Las Vegas instead of being here. The last thing she needed was him making a big deal out of nothing and she knew that it was nothing. She hadn't told anyone, not even Wallace because she knew if he knew he would blab and the last thing she needed was for it to spread around school.

She couldn't get the thoughts out of her mind as she pulled up to her apartment building and parked in her usual spot. There was too much going through her mind for her to stop thinking about it. All she could hope was that she wasn't but she had to consider the possibility that she could be. The past few days had been filled with her working on some of her fathers cases as well as some of her own as a way to keep her mind of the what if but now there was no way she could keep from thinking about it.

With the car turned off she pulled her keys out of the ignition, grabbed her bag which had her recent purchases in it, and got out of the car. As she walked up the stairs each step felt like a hundred pounds were added to her even though that was impossible. The weight of what was on her mind and in her bag weighed on her and she knew that in the morning she would find out. She had read the instructions before purchasing and knew she couldn't do anything with them now if she wanted the best results for the pregnancy tests to be accurate. She was just glad that she wouldn't have to deal with her father and that Eli was busy. She didn't need either of them freaking out when it was nothing because it had to be nothing more than a scare.

The apartment was quiet and dark though she heard Backup come out to greet her with a soft bark and wag of his tail. The dog was one of her best friends and the only male she felt she could truly trust wasn't going to flake on her or disappoint her. She didn't want to think that Eli could ever do either of those things to her but her trust in people wasn't what it should be, not after what had happened to her at Shelly Pomroy's party. The only other people that she could say she trusted was her father, Keith Mars, Wallace Fennel and Eli "Weevil" Navarro. As crazy as it was she trusted the local biker gang leader over her former friends and even her mother because he never tried to be anything he wasn't and he never made her question who he really was.

As she walked to her bedroom she sighed, Backup following close behind, and thought about what her father had told them just a few weeks ago when he'd figured out that the two were involved. Eli and Veronica had kept their relationship quiet because it wouldn't help either of them. He didn't need his boys questioning his integrity or if he was selling them out and she didn't need anyone wondering just how far she'd go to solve a case or if she'd really lost herself and was now part of his gang in someway. Shaking the thoughts from her head she changed into the shorts and t-shirt that she wore for bed then climbed into her bed and drifted off to sleep.

That night she didn't have any good dreams, not like she ever had good dreams anymore they were all mostly nightmares or about Lilly which she still categorized as nightmares. She woke up more often than she wished too but it was better than letting her dreams torment her as her mind came up with the worst case scenarios to her current predicament. After waking up at six in the morning she decided now was as good a time as any to take the two pregnancy tests that she had bought the previous evening.

Taking them out of her bag she walked into her bathroom, opened the boxes, and followed the instructions. She set the alarm on her phone for when it would be time to check them and waited.