I do not own Naruto.
"Ok, o-one step, at ah time. Just fo-cus. G-God how did I ah end up like ahh." Said one very nervous Anko Mitarashi. At this moment we find Anko walking down the street, her breath heavy, face red, and a for once closed trench coat. If you looked close enough you could even see her legs shaking. You see Anko was trying her very best to act natural, for she was in a very compromising situation. Underneath her trench coat Anko was fully naked, and not her normal mimi skirt and mesh shirt naked, but if someone were to open this trench coat she'd really earn the title "Snake whore". The worst part about it was that that wasn't even the worst of it. She had two very large, in her opinion, remote vibrators stuffed inside her ass and pussy, permanently on egg vibes hanging off of each nipple by her piercings, and the worst of the worst, a string was tied around her clit, it force her hood up and left her sensitive enough to pass out if it were any other situation, but it didn't stop there. The string went up her body, between her breast and through a ring on the collar she was forced to wear, the string went back down her body about half way and on the end was a weight. Thanks to her walking and trench coat it pulled on her clit constantly. If one when about her situation they would wonder how she ended up in it, did she lose a bet, was someone making her, or what most would believe being who she was, she was just a huge pervert, plan and simple.
Now Anko would love to argue that she wasn't but it was her own pervertedness that got into that situation to begin with. "Damn h-him, and his ah stupid photos" Says Anko as she passes the Ichiraku Ramen, she was only a quarter of the way to her destination and still had so very far to go. "AH!" Anko let out, the vibrator in her pussy had turned on and was right on high. Unfortunately Anko was too loud because the girl that worked there Ayame heard her.
"Oh Anko, was that you?" The girl asked worried.
"Y-yea, I-I'm, fine." Anko manages praying that see didn't notice the liquid going down her leg. "I've got to go-ooh, bye!" She all but yelled hurrying along.
"Oh ok, bye!" Ayame calls watching Anko leave. "Boy she was acting strange."
Back with Anko, she was giving a sigh of relief. The vibrator wasn't off but it was put on a low setting. With everything that led up to meeting Ayme and the sudden pleasure boost of the vibe she had orgasimed right then and there. She hated to admit it but she was very turned on at the moment. Though she'd be damned if she let him know that. Continuing her walk she started to come upon the main market street, meaning she had two options take the long way around make this torture last longer or go straight through and risk being found out. Weighing the options she decided that the long way was the safer way, making her way toward the back streets Anko stumbles a little and clamps her hand over her mouth. Both vibrators were on now and on high, she couldn't even take another step. Using the last of her sanity before being overtaken by please she took a step back. That did it, though instead of off both vibrators were left on low. The message was clear, she could take the back roads but the vibrators would be on high, or she could walk down the main street with them on low. "Damn, Fuck you asshole!" Anko muttered under her now ragged breath. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on who you were and how you looked at it, Anko was brought to the brink of orgasm before the vibrators lost their power which left her on very slowly dying edge thanks to the low setting, right back into frustration. At this point her legs were extremely wet with her juices and they weren't getting any dryer. And now she would have to walk through a large crowd of people and pray yet again no one noticed. Something about the idea of being caught though was surprisingly intriguing, making her arms wrap around her chest and give the lightest of squeezes, while licking her lips quickly. "Ahh! No Anko, bad, no, get your head out of the gutter." Recomposing herself she started what felt like the newest hardest part of her walk. Trying to keep an even pace Anko made her way along. As she walked the vibrators kept alternating on intensity forcing her to bite her lip for fear of letting a moan escape and alert everyone around her to what was going on. Glancing down Anko's already red face got even redder, she was leaving a trail on the ground now, it was a miracle no one had pointed out it out yet. What added to her worry was that she was now passing through the busiest part of the market.
"Fuck, fuck it all, mmm." Anko let out getting an odd look from a passing man. As she continued it got so busy that every now and again someone would bump into her. This would send jolt through her body, especially when them manage to catch the weight on the string. Twice Anko almost came from just how sensitive her body had become. It was at this point Anko froze. The vibrators were back on high and she knew that there was no going back, he was going to make her orgasm in the middle of this giant crowd. Anko had be feeling it for awhile and was trying hard to not give in, but now all her willpower failed. In perfect silence and with a very obvious o-face Anko had her second orgasim of the day and boy did it hit, falling to her knees, Anko was lucky she didn't pass out. She couldn't even begin to describe the feelings that were hitting her, shame, humiliation, slight anger, relief, joy, pure pleasure. Anko would never admit it but that was probably the hardest orgasim in her life up to that point and she loved it. With everyone now looking Anko knew it was all over. Someone was going to come up to her check to see if she was ok and discover her little secret, they were going to see the giant puddle she made and smell the arousal off of her. At least that's what she thought was going to happen. As her orgasm ended a large puff of smoke went up all around her and next thing she knew she was out of the market place and in what she would assume was a training ground. Still on her knees
Anko looked up after hearing a voice.
"Man that was close. You ok Anko?" Questioned the one who put her in that situation to begin with. Finally coming to Anko responded with "Naruto you fucking asshole! Everyone saw, what am I supposed to do now! I'll be shunned even more now. And would you please turn this shit off" Anko said gesturing to herself. Thanks to her anger she was able to put aside the fact that her whole body was on fire and a slight breeze could make her come. Though that was only for that instance since she was right back to her knees about to come again.
"Oh no you don't." Naruto said turning the vibrator down to low. "Remember if you want those pictures of mine those only go off if I decide not when you ask, and your only allowed to orgasim when I turn them on high."
"Asshole!" Anko managed to get out without moaning, though what came next was nothing but moaning due to Naruto turning the vibrator in her ass up to medium. "Yea well, ah mmm, you said , ah damn, that no o-one would , ahh ah, f-find out." Anko got out really starting to wish he would quit it already.
"Oh that don't worry I left a two shadow clones, one henged like you and made the whole thing seem like a big prank of mine onto you. Which I guess in reality isn't that far from the truth. Now Anko don't you have somewhere to be?" Finished Naruto with a big smirk. While Anko was far from happy with him it did make her feel better knowing that he was taking her public safety seriously.
"F-f-fine, mmm, but ah soon as I get to the ahh top of the mmm, fourth's head, you'll give themmmm, to me, right Anko questioned, both hating and loving her sensitivity.
"I never go back on my word Anko, good luck, oh yea one more thing." Naruto said as he reached for her collar and pulled the string causing Anko to whimper. Pulling the weight out so it hung outside her trench coat naruto added to the weight and left it hanging as it was. Anko made an attempt to move it back under her coat but was stopped by a look from Naruto.
'Right, I'mm, not allowed to touch ahh, any of the mmm, toys you use on mmee." Anko said giving up on the hope of making her voice steady.
"Good to see you listen, as a reward, here." Naruto said as he held up the remote. Next thing Anko know the vibrators were at full power again.
"Ooooh, nooo!" Anko moaned she was so very sensitive, it actually started to hurt. The unfortunately both Naruto and she knew that she had a real masochist side to her, which meant this was just all around amazing for her. "Ahh, I'm, mmm, I'M, AHH, NOOOO!" Just at that moment Naruto turned everything off. Anko was again left on the edge and this time the only thing even giving her anything to work with was only jolting her and not giving her what she needed. "Damn weight!" Anko muttered.
"Oh what was that Anko you want more weight added? Well since you insist." Naruto said adding an odd looking weight onto the end of the string. The feeling was instantaneous, she thought her clit was on fire before, now she wondered how it didn't rip of, and yet again the whole situation just was hitting all the right buttons for her. "Well see you at the finish line Anko." Naruto said before jumping off.
Giving a sigh "Damn him, why did I have to ahh, damn it! Mmmm." At that moment the eggs went back on, a very annoying reminder that she had to keep going if she wanted out. Making her way along Anko couldn't help but worry about someone seeing and questioning about the weights on the string. So she stayed on the back roads and thankfully this time no sudden vibe attacks. Unfortunately it seemed that naruto was just biding his time waiting for the perfect opportunity, which just came around the corner.
"Oh hey Anko." Called Kurenai as she saw her friend and started to walk over.
"Oh hi Kurenai." Said Anko while thinking. 'Shit, shit, shit, god fucking damn it!' Due to both the vibrator stuffed in her turning on and set at medium.
"How's it going? I heard you were on a two week long mission, did it go well?" Kurenai asked now standing in front of her friend.
"Y-yea it went well." Anko got out as steadily as she could. Of all the people that she would least want to find out Kurenai was at the top of the list. Thankfully Naruto seemed to be playing nice at the moment, though who knew how long that would last.
"That's good to hear. I was just about to… hey Anko what is that?" Kurenai asks pointing to the weight and string. Suddenly the weights seemed a hundred times heavier to Anko.
"Oh, um this?" Anko says holding the weights up trying to downplay them. "This is… for…". 'God think of something, you can't say yea these are weight that are attached clit? What to see how much they pull on me?' Anko started to say while thinking how screwed she was.
"Yea Anko what are they for?" Asked Kurenai wondering why hey friend was acting so weird.
"Yea, um, mmmm, yea these are for training chakra control and ahhll that." Anko said, the vibrators were really starting to get to her.
"Oh that's cool, how does it work." Asked a now curious Kurenai.
"Um, actually Kurenai I have to go, ah have some place to beee, t-tell you about it n-next time, ok?" Questioned Anko praying Kurenai would let her leave, cause from the looks of it Naruto was perfectly ok with letting her cum right in front of Kurenai.
"Ok well, I should be going too, Bye." Kurenai said turning to leave. It was at this moment Anko found out why the last weight Naruto gave her was different from the others, due to the fact that it started to vibrate. The sudden motion caused Anko to drop it which was a very bad idea. With a giant tug on her clit and and the added direct stimuli from the vibrating weight Anko orgasimed for the third time that day. She just couldn't catch a break, biting her lip Anko refused to make a sound, for if Kurenai turned around it be over. Her inner thighs and legs were covered in her own juices, it was a miracle she didn't notice before, but now there was no missing it. That and the second puddle she had made that day. The worst was that it wasn't ending either, Naruto must of decided to up the ante, because the vibrators were now on high making her orgasm last longer than what Anko thought was possible. And yet through it all Anko just couldn't stop the smile that played across her face the whole time. It was a full minute and a half before Anko came out of her orgasim. 'This can't be healthy!' was all she could think of after. Now for a normal woman she would on her knees, unable to walk, probably passed out after this much stimuli, but this was Anko and she is anything but normal. This many have been a whole new level of pleasure for her but she wouldn't be beat by it. After naruto turned the vibrators in her ass and pussy off, Anko was able to recollect herself enough to get moving again. Though at a much slower pace that was that much slower and agonising to her thanks to the weight vibe still being on. After a short while that felt like forever, Anko finally made it to the base of the Hokage monument. All she had left to do was walk up the hill and get to the fourth's head.
"Huuh, huh, just ah little f-further, ahh." Anko got out. She was beyond tired, her whole body was sensitive, and she honestly didn't know if she was going to make it. And yet even after all that the thought of not making it and having to do it all over again, just added to her seemingly perpetual wetness. Starting her walk Anko couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next. So far every time she got to some sort of milestone, something would happen and she'd get some mind blowing orgasm that was coupled with humiliation and some add on to make things worst. Just then there was a puff of smoke and Naruto was standing in front of her.
"T-t-here i-t is. Ahh." Anko said expecting this.
"Aww Anko, have I already become that predictable, and here I thought I was konoha's most unpredictable ninja." Naruto said with a fake pout. All Anko could do was glare, any words she had for him would only come out as moans now and she would not give him the pleasure. "What cat got your tongue?" Naruto asked knowing full well why she wasn't responding. Sticking his hand in his pocket naruto shot her vibrators to high real fast causing anko to do something between and EEP and a moan. "There's that beautiful voice of your's. Well getting past that, Anko I'm sure you realize by now that I'm not just here to tease you." Anko just glared harder, though with a deeply red face and look of lust in the deeper parts of her it, it was near useless. "So give me your trench coat and I'll be on my way." Naruto finished holding out his hand expectantly. That got Anko's attention.
"No!" Anko forced out gritting her teeth. It was one thing to walk around with all this stuff under her coat, it was another thing entirely to do it without her coat.
"What was that Anko, I couldn't hear you over the resiling of all these pictures." Naruto said holding up the bain of Anko's existence.
'Those DAMN! PICTURES!' Anko thought.
"I especially love this one." Naruto says holding up one, causing Anko to pale and blush at the same time. "Wow, didn't think it was possible to do that. Ok Anko since you also seem to want this one, how about a trade. This picture for your coat. If I were you I'd take the offer, since I'm planning on keeping this one after we're done here." Now Anko looked at him with betrayal. He had promised she'd get every pic back if she did this. "Oh don't worry Anko, this would be for my private collection, never to see the light of day again if I keep it." Anko now had a dilemma, if she took the pic she'd be left completely naked walking up the Hokage monument, but if she didn't Naruto would be using it as part of his "private collection". Unsurprisingly at this point both ideas were actually starting to sound nice to her or maybe it was the steady increase of the vibrators that was clouding her mind. Either way she needed to make up her mind. "F-f-fiiine." Anko said as she started taking off her trench coat. Once it was off Anko noticed two things. One without her coat the slightest breeze felt like a pleasurable fire on her skin and two Naruto looked to be in a daze.
'Beautiful' was all Naruto could think of. She really was a goddess in her own right. Nice full breast and hips, lips so red you'd think she painted them, and her eyes, Naruto could stare into them all day, add the fact that she was naked, being teased, and was blushing a nice deep red, it was a miracle in it's own right Naruto didn't pass out from a sudden loss of blood flow to head head in favor of the second.
Anko stood there with her hand out, wishing he would hurry up and quit staring at her. Realizing that he was staring Naruto handed over the picture and left saying, "See you at the top, good luck Anko."
With Naruto gone Anko really started to feel the fear of being caught, now that she was alone she felt all the more vulnerable, with nothing to hide her shame if someone walked by. So she did the only thing she could do, she started up again. She still had a ways to go and she wanted this to end as soon as possible, or at least that's what she told herself. Anko without realizing it was slowing down her pace, and it wasn't completely due to all the pleasure. Anko whether she admitted it or not had really enjoyed the day, she loved this kinda stuff, hell the reason she was here in the first place was because Naruto had found her in the forest of Death do some very similar things and took some pictures. If she was honest with herself, which she wasn't, she didn't want it to end. She started to notice things as she went, how nice it was to feel the wind between her legs or on her nipples, the heat of the sun on her face and chest, the fact that if she looked to her left she could see the whole village staring back at her. Anko slowly without realizing it moved her hand down her her body. All the vibrators were on, but at low settings, nothing to get her off, just to feel them and stay wet. Anko ended up changing that though, her hand had made it to her clit. Slowly Anko came to a stop as her hand got to work, rubbing, tweaking, pulling, it was slow, hesitant at first. Like she didn't really know what she was doing, though as she stood there she couldn't help by turn toward the village. 'What am I doing!' Anko thought as she moaned long and hard. Her hand was getting faster and faster. 'I shouldn't be doing this, I have to get to the top.' This time a groan escaped her lips. She had turned to fully face the village now. She was getting really close. She could feel it, her legs started to spread apart, bending at the knees a little. 'Stop this Anko, stop what if he sees?' Her other hand started to move to the weights, picking them up she brought them to eye level. 'Anko, if you do this it's like admitting you like doing this, and if he finds out he's never going to leave you alone, he'll make you do things like this all the time, you'll become a living sex toy to him!' Though with every thought she had the more and more excited she became. She was reaching her peak, a few more seconds and she would be over the edge. Making that final push Anko dropped the weights. It bounced and tugged on her clit in all the right ways. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Anko yelled as she climaxed, squirting all over completely exposed. Falling to her hands and knees Anko couldn't fight the smile gracing her face. Her breath ragged, legs jello, for some reason this orgasm was the strongest one yet. She couldn't explain it, maybe it was because she had finally given over. "I, ha, love t-this."
"Glad to finally hear you say that Anko." Naruto said standing next to her, looking out over the village. Anko froze, she had gotten caught up in the moment, and now he fears were coming true. Panic started to cross her face, that was until some pictures fell in front of her face. "Anko, I just wanted to have a little fun with you. Truth is when I took those pictures it wasn't the first time I caught you having fun in the forest of Death."
'Wait this wasn't the first time.' Anko thought. "W-when was, ah the firrst, t-time?" Anko asked worried, her voice was still shaky from the orgasm and the fact that the vibrators were still on.
"Actually about a year ago now." Naruto said almost sheepishly.
'A whole year ago! Oh god, all the things he's seen!' Anko though humiliated and getting slightly turned on. 'Damn body of mine!'
"Anko like I said I just wanted to have some fun with you. So you don't have to worry. What went on to day and over the past year will go with me to my grave. So thanks for the fun." Naruto said setting her trench with the clothes she started the day with down next to her. As Anko looked closer thanks to still being on the ground she saw that he had also left the remote to the vibrators there also.
"Naruto!" she called out. 'What the hell am I doing?'
Naruto stopped and turned around. "Yea?" Anko hesitated for a moment but then picked up the remote and through it to him with the last. Naruto caught it with a surprised look on his face.
"L-listen, ah, I had f-fun today. And ah, um, w-well, ah'd like t-to do it again, w-with y-y-you." Anko got out. 'Damn I should've turned the vibrators off first.' Naruto smiled and walked back over to the still downed Anko.
"I had fun also and since I like you, I'll give you a warning, if let me keep this remote I will tease, torture, and humiliate you, but I will also protect, love, and pleasure you, for as long as I want. So if you let me keep this there is no going back. You ok with that?" Naruto said crouching down and offering her the remote.
Anko looked at the remote. Then looked into his eyes. He had pushed her to the brink, nearly humiliated her not only in front of strangest but people she knew, had caused her to willingly to some extent show a side she never thought she'd show anyone, and yet after all of that she couldn't feel happier. Looking up Anko smiled and said "Y-yea, I'mmm, ok with that ahh."
The smile on Naruto's face was giant. "Good to know, now since today marks your first day as my girlfriend I think we should take a picture to commemorate!"
"G-g-girlfriend!?" Anko asked a renewed blush to her cheeks.
"Yea, I don't share, and I don't expect you to either. I will only tease my girlfriend and no one else." Naruto said matero factly. At hearing this Anko couldn't help but form a bigger smile.
"Alright stand up and pose how I tell you too." Naruto said moving a bit a way to set up a tripod with a camera he got from who knows where. Forcing herself up onto shaky legs Anko waited for orders on how to pose.
"Ok Anko spread your legs and bend them at the knees like you did before." Blushing Anko did so, something about the fact that Naruto was stand right in front of her and that she was willingly letting him photograph her turned her on immensely. It seemed like she just got hornyer and more perverted as the day day went on. "Ok now hold up both hands in peace signs. Good, now wait just like that. Don't move a muscle." Naruto was looking through the camera now, and holding up the remote for Anko to see her turned it up on high. Anko's body convolved but she held her position.
'Oh GOD!' Anko thought, she was so sensitive. She would orgasm in seconds. "Anko you are not allowed to cum." Naruto stated simply. Anko gave off a whining sound showing that she heard him and that It was near impossible, and yet she manage to hold it off. Her tongue was hanging out, her nipples and clit burned, and she thought she was going to die. Naruto walk over to stand behind her and put his arms around her neck with his head next to her ear.
"One the count of three Anko you're going to cum and the camera is going to take the pic. Ok?" Naruto asked. All Anko could do was slightly nod. "One." Naruto said slowly.
'GOD, naruto hurry up!' Anko thought.
"Two." Naruto said even slower.
'Please, please, please, PLEASE!'
"Two and a half." NAruto said teasingly.
'I'm going to die because I can't cum.'
"THREE!" Naruto yelled. Taking the picture.
"YYYEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!" Anko screamed out loud for her fifth full mind blowing orgasm of the day. Squirting everywhere Anko fell backward into Naruto, and finally passed out from pleasure overload. Even passed out her orgasm lasted two minutes, her body shaking the whole time. Naruto just held her in his arms enjoying the show.
"I can't wait to tease you again, but until then sleep, you sure as hell earned it." Naruto whispered into her ear turning the vibrators off. He then made a clone that began taking everything off of her so that she could sleep easier. As Anko slept the smile on her face never faded.