Before you read:
-This story has nothing to do with angels. Its a euphemism
- this story will contain violence, abuse, harsh language, and possibly other triggering concepts
- it will be rated M from beginning to end
-it was previously titled The Fallen Angel
"Did you hear? Ino's missing! I hear a vampire kidnapped her!" Shino's whispers to Choji and a certain pink haired girl seated a few feet from them, felt no shame in eavesdropping.
"Kidnapped? Hah!" she couldn't help but think bitterly to herself, how could anyone forget how often the loud blond had voices lust over the idea of fucking a vampire or demon. If nothing else that explaination just made more sense to the young girl.
All around her people were huddled up in the cave. The bitter cold seeping through her clothing from the solid rock. She hated the cold. She hated sleeping outside. But she would deal. Grudgingly. In the morning they would return home. Resume training.
This vacation was a fucking joke. They should be back in class... Learning, training, preparing! Not wasting precious time on fun!
"Sakura." someone demands her attention and she finds herself locking eyes with their teacher Guy.
"Yes sir?" she responds politely.
"Why aren't you with the others? It would be good of you to socialize." although his voice is kind, she could hear the underline threat: Be social or you'll call attention to yourself as an outcast.
"I was just collecting my thoughts! I heard about Ino-chan and I'm worried. Do you think she'll be ok sensei?" if there was an award for her performance, Sakura would've won it too many times over. The trembling voice, fake tears, wide-eyed naive look; Guy crumbled.
Of course this child was concerned for her classmate! In this day and age, after all she was only human! "Sakura I swear," Guy gets down on one knee, "by the power of youth, Ino will return!"
"You stupid naive fool!" Sakura's inner thoughts spit, outwardly however, she simply smiled brightly through tears.
After Guy finishes comforting Sakura, him and the one other teacher on duty begin corralling the other kids together for bed.
As Guy walks away, Sakura allows herself a breath of relief; that was close. She fooled him. In this day and age, being an outcast was a death sentence. Sure it wasn't a direct kill, but to be different meant to be a monster. It meant you would be feared and eventually ostrisized only to be cast out of the village. In the current time, being different served no purpose whatsoever.
For the past few days, the class had been on a field trip outside their village's wall, a rare thing indeed; no one was to leave the village; normally. However, somehow Guy had somehow convinced the elders to allow it.
Sakura quietly wondered to herself if they only agreed to get the annoying older man to just shut up. After all annoying perfectly defined him.
Fishing, pinicing, swimming, playing... In other words to completely sum it up, useless activities that would definitely not prepare them For the war.
Several hours later, the young pinkett, decided to go for a walk alone. She listening carefully, everyone appeared asleep; their breathing calm and even. Getting caught sneaking away would just cause unnecessary issues. Impatience gnawed at her stomach as she began to fidget, the other teacher Ebisu had left about 15 minutes ago, most likely to relieve himself in the bushes nearby and although she didn't necessarily hear him return, she quickly convinced herself he must have. No one takes that long to use the bathroom after all!
As smooth and swiftly as possible she crept from her sleeping bag and into the night. Thinking to herself, no one would have to know. She would be back. After all, they were in fairly safe territory. A short stroll wouldn't cause any harm!
Making her way further away from her classmates, Sakura felt her muscles becoming less tense the more steps she put between herself and the other teenagers. The air was crisp and cool, while possessing a slight bite to it. It ruffled through her long locks dampening them on contact.
The moon was an unnatural shade of pink and appeared to grow darker with each second Sakura dared to stare. Shaking off the uneasy feeling the progressive blood moon posed, she continued on her way, until she reached the river. Images of watching her peers splashing about and fooling around in its depths earlier that same day, played in her mind.
A twig snapped and she once again tensed up. All too aware that she didn't have any weapons on her. The first rule the teachers made was no weapons on their little pointless camping trip. That is was a way to relax. They didn't want anyone sparing.
Preparing for the worst, a deer appears, their eyes meet, and it bolts. Sakura sighs, scolding herself for being too tense. Focusing back on the lake, she notices. Or rather catches a glimpse of what really caused the deer to flee.
Something's wrong... Guy knows this, even before the bloodcurling roar rips through the silence of the night and rousing everyone from a deep slumber. And with a soul crushing dread, he quickly realizes both Sakura and Ebisu are missing. Leaving the student teacher in charge of calming the panicked students and making sure they all stay put, he heads off toward the lake, hoping for the best; forever optimistic.
Sakura could scarcely believe her eyes. The mangled mess of a body rested on the lake, supported by some unknown force on top of the water itself, as if it were a solid. The remains were gutted and strewn about messily and if not for the leaf village headband gleaming red from the moonlight, there would've been no way for her to know who it was. The creature next to it, smiled, eyes redder then the moon gleaming madly, teeth stained red as well.
Ironically the only thought that crossed her mind was,"red is such a terrible color." before a familiar presence materialized next to her.
"Sensei?" she croaked.
"Sakura, thank goodness. Get back to camp. I'll take care of this." despite the rage upon seeing his comrades remains, Guy was surprisingly calm, it did nothing beyond unnerve his student.
"But sensei!" she objected, torn between fear and duty.
"Sakura run!" but before either one of them could move, there was a flash of white and the creature fell.
The white blur delivered blow after blow, while both teacher and student could only watch dumbly as the seemingly unfair match progressed.
And then it was over.
For Sakura it was the most terrifyingly amazing thing she had ever witnessed. By the time the fight ended, the moon had somehow reverted back to its original beauty color.
The stranger after putting the creature down began to walk toward them slowly and just when she was beginning to make out his features Guy stepped in front of her, tensing, preparing for a fight.
"Who are you? State your business." Sakura could see him subtly shaking despite the brave bravado he presented.
"My name is Suigetsu Hozuki." the stranger speaks, I'm from the iron village or rather I'm what's left of it. I heard the creature roar and was scared that someone else was going to suffer like my family did, so I rushed over." he stood a few feet away from them.
Becoming impatient, Sakura steps out from behind Guy, if only to get a proper look at their savior.
"Sakura!" he scolds while Suigetsu smiles and crouches down completely as if to worry his full height too threatening for her to handle.
"Are you ok sweetheart? I'm sorry about your friend. I was too late for him." His face was solemn and full of remorse.
Sakura found herself bravely saying, while meeting his warm purple eyes, "it's ok, you did your best. To survive is the rule of the land after all, sacrifices happen." immediately she realized her mistake especially when
Guy's face blanches at her unfriendly statement.
"I-I mean that it's sad he's gone! I didn't mean it was n-necessary for him to d-" she begins to stutter out an explanation, stumbling over her words when Suigetsu quietly cuts her off by holding up his hand to stop her.
"Its ok, you did your best." the white-haired gentleman echoed her words back at her and for the first time in a while Sakura finally shed a real smile; finally feeling understood.
Sorry if that's not the best ending. I thought it would be a good place for the prologue to end.
Btw Sasuke will NOT be popping up right away, so please be patient.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.
Please review.