Hi you guys. I, like many, have been obsessed with the Life is Strange series and since it ended in a way that makes me unable to sleep at night, I thought I'd write an alternative ending where a lot of fans might be satisfied. It plays with Pricefield and Amberprice. It is set after Max chooses Bay. Hope you guys enjoy.
She found herself back in the bathroom, kneeling on the hard tiles as the dazzling blue butterfly fluttered away softly. Soon, the chaos where it all began would commence once more. Max knew she was there to let Chloe die, as much as the thought destroyed her, but she had to think about the countless other people who deserved to live too.
What if there was a way to do it all?
As she heard the exchange between Nathan and Chloe again, she couldn't help but impulsively grab the hammer and smash the fire alarm. This time, Nathan noticed the sound of the crushed glass shards before Max even pressed the button. Momentarily distracted, he yelled "WHO'S THERE", as Chloe took the chance to kick him in the balls (again). Yet with a gun still in his hand, he shot Chloe...again.
FUCK. But isn't this what I was meant to let happen?
She had an idea. Why didn't she think of it before? It seemed all too simple, and therefore couldn't possible work. Max rubbed her temples in contemplation. Max, almost desensitised by violent drama, having witnessed this scene for a second time, whipped out the photo she meant to submit for the "Everyday Heroes" contest. Last Friday morning, she took a selfie with her portfolio, in attempts to put "the artist with the art". It sucked, so didn't even let Mr. Jefferson see it that following Monday.
That disgusting prick.
She decided to ignore the blue-haired body on the floor. She decided to block out the sounds of whimpering and dying breaths. Max clenched the photo tightly in anger, concentrating hard on its blurry image. This has to work. Please. Suddenly, the world around her changed. Her head pounding and heart racing, she checked her nose for any blood. Nothing. It was then that she decided: she was going to do it right this time.
Her vision dissolved and she awoke in her room. The weight of the future still hung heavy on her shoulders, like waking up from a dream that seemed to be reality, and that this realm was the actual fantasy. She checked her phone.
October 4th, 07:31am
Holy Cow. It worked.
School started at 8:30, but she thought that school was probably less important what she had to do. She decided to get proactive on her plan. First, she would text Chloe to meet her immediately, telling her to meet in the parking lot to get the truth out of the way. Of course, this Chloe was the one she hadn't spoken to in 5 years...but to Max, it didn't matter. She was making up for that now. She would be happy to see a Chloe that was alive and pissed off rather than dead on the bathroom floor again. Plus, the week they had together was filled with wonderful memories that they could recreate. Maybe even better now that she knew what she felt for Chloe was beyond playing pirates and platonic first mates. It always had been something more.
To: Chloe
Hey Chloe. It's Max. Meet me at the parking lot at Blackwell ASAP please. It's really important. I don't have time to explain.
Then, she would have to figure out with Chloe how to tip David off and lead him to Jefferson and Nathan's bunker. She figured she would have to have Chloe leave some evidence lying around, or to just leave him the coordinates of the farmhouse...if Max could remember where on the map they had found it all...it would be no problem getting David to jump at a lead in any direction, she knew, since he was a) paranoid as fuck, and b) suspicious of everyone. He also was the one who helped her survive before. That would be the easy part.
What would prove to be challenging was of the utmost importance- to start warning people about evacuating the area before the next Friday. Before the storm. In other words, when the storm would wipe out the whole city. Images of beached whales and debris all over town flashed through her eyes. She grabbed her head at the temple.
Focus. We're going to save them all.
She thought the lighthouse was one of the safe areas, and she would have to Investigate for more secure locations. Samuel might know more about that. She made a mental note to ask him. She made a list of all the things she had to do in her school agenda, and saw a huge note for the weekend that said "CALL MOM, TAKE PHOTOS, STUDY FOR ENGLISH TEST". On the 4th, it said "VORTEX PARTY". Max realised she could also prevent Kate getting dosed by Nathan tonight.
But that was going to have to wait.
Her phone buzzed five minutes later.
Chloe: hey dude i dont hear from u for 5 years and suddenly u remember 2 text? :-/ well, i can't say that im not hurt but still good to see that u remembered my number. ur lucky im even awake at this hour...but im curious to see what ur like now. ill be in the parking lot in 15 mins. u better be buying me breakfast. better yet, meet me at two whales. mom would be happy to see you too.
Classic Chloe. Coming to see her with no questions asked. Emojis, snark, and all.
It's gonna be good this time, Max. It's gonna work out. You're going to save everyone.
She quickly texted Kate, trying to sound casual.
Me: Hey Kate, are you going to the Vortex party tonight?
She impatiently awaited a reply, tapping her thumbs on her screen. Finally, the pending message dots appeared.
Kate: Hey Max! I am going! I'm so excited! It'll be my first party, and I'm sort of nervous...I might even drink something ALCOHOLIC :-O
Me: Oh that's too bad! As much as that sounds fun, I was hoping we could have a nice movie night in!
Ugh. Max was trying her very best not to burst into a lengthy text about how Kate would be drugged if she went to the party. Why Kate would want to go in the first place is beyond her. She thought about how depressed Kate looked on Monday.
Kate: Aw! That does sound nice, but I've been looking forward to this for so long! I've never had the chance to go before, and I finally got invited! Maybe you could come with me!
Me: I know Kate, but I just have a bad feeling about tonight's party.
She had to think of a good excuse.
Me: I've been hearing lots of awful things that have been happening in those parties. The Vortex Club is a bunch of jerks...Stella told me that a few girls were drugged last time they went. I'm just...have a bad feeling, and I got worried for you.
"I'm sorry Kate. I hate having to lie to you" Max said out loud.
Kate: Omgosh! That does sound awful... I don't know yet...Maybe you're right. I do feel bad already about going since it's a lot of illegal things they're doing. I'm probably shouldn't underage drink or be surrounded by drugs... WWJD, right?
Max: Trust me Kate. It's not a place anyone should be.
Kate: Well, I trust you Max, thanks for looking out for me. I'll let you know what I'm up to tonight! Might catch up on bible study, since I'm soooooo behind. TTYL.
That was too easy, Max thought. Was that all it took? She didn't want to dwell on it; she didn't have time. So, she threw on some generic clothes and headed for the door. She lingered in front of the mirror, checking out her standard outfit.
Maybe Alternative Reality Chloe was right. Maybe I do need a new wardrobe.