So I know I said I wasn't going to post this just yet but...I couldn't resist. I already have the first four chapters written and I am weak.
Updates are gonna be sporadic until the end of November, but I hope you like it!
Chapter 1: Road to Corinth
"Listen carefully ok? We don't have a lot of time. It started two years ago. Space Patrol Delta reported the appearance of an aggressive new computer worm. The Venjix Virus. A year later, it was estimated that Venjix had already infected 37% of the worlds computer systems. By then, it was too late. SPD was brought to it's knees, unable to stand up to the virus that made a mockery of their technology. Communication with the rest of SPD outside of Earth was severed. Venjix took control of the worlds communication, power, and defence systems. It built armies of advanced robotic soldiers that laid waste to everything in their path. There was no stopping them, and Venjix declared victory. But it's not over. Not yet. If you can hear my voice, please go now to the domed city of Corinth. It's the only place we can be safe. But you have to make it inside the city walls before the defence shield is activated. Please. Hurry."
The air was filled with the sounds of explosions and gunfire, mixed in with screams and robotic whirring. Around the large dome, all manners of vehicles rode up and skidded to a stop, and soldiers ushered terrified civilians who were covered in dirt inside.
"I don't give a shit about protocol Sky, I'm going out there," his glasses cracked and his hair covered in a fine layer of dust, Spencer Bly, once the SPD Gold Ranger, glared up at his slightly taller commander.
"Spencer, you can't do that, it's far too dangerous, and god knows what's between you and Teddie," Sky insisted, standing between his former team-mate and the army of robots.
"You're not my boss any more Sky, SPD is gone! I will not hesitate to break your nose if you get in my way any more," Spencer's voice was a low growl as he glared furiously at him.
"Ok, first of all, I think you and Annie need to stop hanging out," Sky grabbed his wrists and forced Spencer to look at him. "It's just as you said Spencer, SPD is gone, and so are our Ranger powers! Other than your genetic powers, you have nothing to protect you from what's going on out there!" he insisted, but Spencer tried to pull himself free. Sky continued to try and hold him back, until they heard a yell and looked around. More of the robots, called Grinders, were approaching. "We need to stop them!" Sky barked to Spencer, who scowled even more.
"Fine. Then I find my sister," he told Sky, who sighed as he drew his blaster. The former Ranger moved off to take out the robots, and Spencer turned to face the monsters that stood between him and finding Teddie. "Teddie, you are in for a world of hurt when I find you," Spencer vowed. Light flickered in his hands, and he moved much faster than the robots, taking out each with a well-placed energy ball. Before long, he spotted more swarming the Colonel of the military of Corinth, and let out a low growl. He ran at them, and within moments had destroyed them all.
"Thank you son," the imposing man nodded to Spencer, surveying him curiously. "You're SPD, and part of the infamous B-Squad, am I correct?" he asked as he studied Spencer's torn gold and grey uniform.
"Cadet Spencer Bly, former SPD Gold, Sir," Spencer told him as he fixed his glasses. "SPD was taken out in one of the first waves," he reported.
"And the other bases?" Colonel Truman asked him.
"Cut off Sir. When Venjix infiltrated our systems, we severed ties to the other bases to keep Venjix on Earth," Spencer explained softly, looking around as more blasts filled the air.
"And the SPD Ranger Program?" the Colonel questioned. Spencer sighed, shaking his head.
"Sir, Venjix dismantled it and severed our connection to the Morphing Grid Sir. To prevent him from accessing the Morphing Grid, we deleted the program, Sir," Spencer's hand found his morpher, which was now almost completely useless, serving only as a way to communicate the other SPD Rangers and imprison criminals.
"This way!" both looked up as they saw a military van pull up nearby, and the driver got out to help everyone out. A girl with black hair tied back in a ponytail was hanging on to the end, scorched and bruised. Her green jacket had been discarded, and her white t-shirt was covered in rips.
"Teddie!" Spencer yelled, taking off towards the girl as she leapt at the robots that had been chasing the van. She grabbed one lunging for the back of the van, and the people inside screamed in terror.
"Spencer!" Teddie called to her brother as she smashed the robot to the ground. Spencer threw a ball of energy that hit it, exploding on contact and revealing the wiring. Teddie stomped down, smashing through the circuitry. The two worked together, stopping the robots and allowing the people in the back of the van to escape.
"Are you nuts?" Spencer rounded on Teddie as soon as they were clear. "Why the hell did you run off?" he demanded, and Teddie's expression took on a stubborn look that ran in their family.
"Because people needed help, Spencer. I might not be a Ranger any more, but-"
"I know," Spencer sighed, pulling her into a hug. "But try not to be so reckless, please?" he asked her, and she nodded. "Get to the city," he told her, pushing her towards the dome.
"I'll be fine, what's left of SPD are helping the military," he told her.
"But I can-"
"Not without raising questions Ted, go," Spencer told her. With a frown, Teddie took off.
"Who was that?" Spencer looked around as Colonel Truman approached him again.
"My younger sister, sir," Spencer gave a small sigh.
"I hear she was the one who saved the people in that van," the Colonel said, and Spencer gave a small shrug.
"Being a hero runs in the family," he told the man, who nodded slowly.
"I see. Thank you, Bly," he left to give more orders to the men rushing over, and Spencer took in a deep breath.
"So, I hear you threatened to break Commander Tate's nose," he looked around at the pretty blonde that walked over and stood beside him. Instead of her usual silver and grey SPD uniform, she wore crimson and black ninja gear that placed her with the Thunder Ninja Academy.
"You know Annie," Spencer's voice was light as he looked away from his best friend and partner. "Even now you sound way too sarcastic when you refer to Sky as the Commander," he told her, and tossed an energy-ball at a half broken Grinder.
"Hey, I'm not the one who threatened to break his nose," Annie shrugged as she blasted another one.
"You know, you guys could sound a bit less, you know, nonchalant about the world ending?" Bridge suggested as he took out another one.
"Like you can talk," the pair spoke simultaneously, before both attacked the same Grinder.
"I've known you guys for years now and that still freaks me out," Z shuddered as she met up with them.
"How do you think I feel? I'm married to one of them," Bridge complained, pointing at Annie.
"Why did you feel the need to point?" Annie questioned as she moved over to him, taking out another one. "I mean, it's not like everyone thinks you're married to the tree there," she gestured to Spencer, who rolled his eyes.
"Well, it would make a bit more sense than the tech geek and the trigger-happy psycho," Sky muttered as he moved past them, and a blast narrowly missed his ear.
"Whoops, thought you were one of those robots. You can see why I got confused," Annie deadpanned as Sky turned to glare at her.
"Guys, can you leave the fighting till after we get everyone inside?" Syd complained as she reached them. "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't put holes in my boyfriend Annie," the former Pink Ranger frowned at Annie, who just rolled her eyes.
"Fall back!" they looked around as they heard Colonel Truman's yell. "Everyone into the city now!" he ordered as air drones hurtled towards them.
"You heard the man!" Sky barked, blasting another Grinder before they hurried off, running inside.
"Spencer!" the now former Ranger looked around at Kendall's call, and jogged over to her, pulling her into a tight hug.
"I'm so glad you're safe," he murmured as the scientist clung to him. "Did everyone make it?" Spencer asked, loosening his grasp on her to glance at his family. They stood nearby, all of them filthy and exhausted from the journey to Corinth.
"Still looking," Chase replied as Olivia fussed over Nerida. The dog was entirely baffled and confused as to what was going on, and just as tired as everyone else.
"Jeremy hasn't found Cassie," Teddie spoke softly, tears in her eyes as Heckyl checked the burn on Teddie's arm, having stopped chastising her for running off.
"Nora vanished too," they looked to Ari, who was staring at her phone with a helpless expression. "She wasn't in the magical realm when..." she trailed off, and hurled the phone away. Xander pulled her close, looking just as helpless. His Mystic Morpher was a charred mess, sitting uselessly by his side.
"Damn," Spencer sighed, following Teddie's gaze to where Jeremy was standing with his family. He was arguing with Jenna, determined to continue searching for his missing girlfriend. He didn't get a choice, however, as gates all began to close, and the shields began to cover the domed city.
'Activating shield. Loading bio-dome control-climate environment,' a voice echoed over the city. The shields flickered, and took on an illusion of a normal sky, making the city seem much larger than it really was.
" what?" Teddie wondered.
A year had passed and everyone had grown accustomed to the idea that they would be remaining in the domed city for a long time. A few of Venjix's forces had managed to find ways past the shield, but no force too great. To protect the city, a mysterious person known only as Dr K had contacted the military, and recruited a team of four to participate in the new Project Ranger.
Their base, known to most as The Garage, was located not far from the military district. Inside, the young woman who had risked her life to save a van of civilians coming from San Angeles sat cross-legged on the cold, hard floor, listening to music as she worked on the engine of a bike.
"You've not done a bad job on that, lass," Teddie looked up, a streak of oil across her cheek, as Flynn crouched beside her, peering at her work. The Scottish mechanic, who'd driven a bus full of civilians to safety, studied the engine that Teddie had been rebuilding for the last few months.
"I have good teachers," Teddie smiled back at him, switching off her music.
"So it seems," he nodded.
"What's up anyway Flynn?" Teddie asked the Scotsman, who was admiring her work, impressed that she had done so much to it.
"Training in five minutes," he told her, and Teddie checked her watch.
"So it is," she stood, and stretched. "I'll go clean up," she jogged up the stairs and disappeared into the bathroom she shared with Summer. Washing her hands and managing to get the oil off her face, Teddie surveyed her reflection in the mirror. Her black hair was now cut to just above her shoulders, left loose and messy, curling out a little. Out of habit, she scratched just below her collarbone, directly over her heart, where the clawed scars lay hidden under her white t-shirt.
It had been a year since the world had ended. Somehow, it felt longer, and shorter, at the same time. Teddie's hand trailed along her chest, touching where a necklace lay, but as opposed to the necklace she had worn before, it was a lot lighter and offered a little less comfort. It was a pretty white gemstone, not unlike the White Energem she had carried until a few years ago, except for that it lacked the warm glow of the Energem.
Teddie took a deep breath, putting those thoughts out of her mind before they got to her. She shook her head, and left the bathroom, grabbing her jacket from her room before heading back downstairs and into the lab.
"Just on time Teddie," Scott commented, checking his watch as he walked in.
"But not late, so not breaking your rules, Commander," Teddie saluted, and the tall young man rolled his eyes, unable to find himself annoyed with her. Despite his military background that showed even in the way he held himself, Teddie's relaxed and playful attitude won him over.
"Just get ready, would you?" he sighed, walking over to the pretty blonde girl that made up the last of their team.
"Yes sir," Scott rolled his eyes at her teasing, and the four started to train.
The silence of the Waste was almost deafening, with any small sounds muffled by the sand that covered the area. It was eerie, but by this point, she was used to it.
The girl was sitting perched on what had once been a car, before Venjix's attack had destroyed it. She wore a pair of goggles to shield herself from the sun, which had long since been casting a brownish haze over the sky thanks to the destruction, and a black hooded cape and jeans hid her appearance.
With a sigh, she checked her watch, and shook her head.
"Five minutes my ass. Where the hell did you go?" she muttered, her voice soft but irritable. She jumped off the scrap metal and stretched, before heading in the direction her companion had gone. She followed his footsteps, rolling her eyes at his obvious tracks and inability to be remotely careful in the Waste.
Hearing a yelp of fear, her eyes narrowed and she darted in the direction of the noise. She saw her companion stumbling away from a taller figure, wearing a leather jacket and an angry scowl. "Leave him alone!" she shouted, leaping through the air. The figure reacted faster than she expected, grabbing her punch.
The lanky boy yelped, stumbling back and falling into the sand as his attacker shoved the girl back. She was forced back several steps, but remained on her feet.
"Great, you have a bodyguard," the young man grunted.
"I'm not his bodyguard," she bit back, and her hand went to her side. Her opponent's eyes widened as she drew a sword that had been hidden. "But I do need him alive," she told him.
"Trust me, you don't want to do this," the boy warned her. His entire body was tense, and his dark eyes were on her sword, which was in surprisingly good condition for something in the Waste.
"No, no, she doesn't," the other boy scrambled to his feet and grabbed her arm. "She doesn't want to," he insisted, and she turned to him sharply.
"I get that you're a coward, but come on," she shoved him off her. "He was going to hurt you. Do you really have that little self-preservation?" she demanded. He looked away, embarrassed.
"I hate to interrupt, but he was trying to rob me," she turned back to the stranger quickly. "Emphasis on 'trying'," he added with a snort. The girl was quiet for a moment, before whirling around. Her companion yelped, despite her face being hidden.
"Really? I leave you alone for five minutes and you try to steal from a guy who looks like he could rip your head from your shoulders?!" she demanded furiously.
"Well, as interesting as all this is, I'm out," the two looked at the stranger, who walked back over to the beaten black car that he owned.
"Whoa – whoa where are you going? You can't leave us out here!" the girl frowned as her companion pleaded with him. The taller boy turned with a frown, about to tell him to shove off, when the radio transmission reached them. "Corinth?" he asked with a smile suddenly. "You're looking for Corinth City?" he realised. The stranger was silent. "Am I right?" he pressed. "Yeah, sure, I mean, the radiation makes the compass go all screwy, and messes with the radio frequencies too. Very hard to find your way," he continued on.
The girl sighed, knowing exactly where he was going with this. "Fortunately for you, we're already headed that direction," he jabbed a thumb at himself, and the boy frowned.
"If you knew were Corinth City was, you'd be there," he turned and went for the car.
"I was, I just came from there, I'm just showing her were to go! I'm serious, see?" he held out a card that the boy snatched from him to examine. Sure enough, it read him as a Corinth citizen.
"Ziggy?" he snorted. "Your name. Is Ziggy?" the boy blushed at the taunting.
"Yep, that's me," Ziggy nodded, not seeming to mind the mockery.
"So what are you doing out here Ziggy?" the boy asked as he tossed the ID back.
"Ha, you know, that's a long story, I'd be happy to tell you the whole thing on the way," the stranger and the girl both looked at him, and he visibly wilted. "Or maybe I could just get in and keep my mouth shut," he suggested.
"Yeah. The second one," the boy told him.
"Good luck with that. I've been trying to get him to shut up since I met him," the girl snorted, climbing into the back. Ziggy sighed as the other boy started to drive.
The three drove in silence for a few hours, reaching a barren forest. The girl in the back straightened up as she looked out, not speaking, but her breathing was uneven as she struggled to keep calm.
"So, you still haven't told me your name yet," Ziggy broke the silence.
"I dunno," the driver told him
"You don't know if you want to tell me your name?" Ziggy frowned, confused.
"I don't know my name," he shrugged.
"Well, where are you from? I mean, who are you, then?" Ziggy pressed him.
"I don't know," the boy growled.
"Ziggy, just leave him alone," the girl sighed in the back.
"What? I'm just saying, if we're gonna be working together, we're going to need to work on our communication-oh, wait wait wait!" Ziggy yelped suddenly, and the boy slammed his foot on the brakes. "See? Ziggy promises, Ziggy delivers," he gave a smug smile as both looked out.
"Corinth..." the girl murmured.
"Now, we probably want to pull off the road here and just wait till dark-"
"We can't stop," the driver said abruptly.
"What?" Ziggy demanded.
"We're running on fumes. If I kill the engine now, I may not be able to start it again," he explained, and Ziggy immediately shook his head.
"No, no. No, this is a joke, right? Y-you're not serious," Ziggy gave a nervous laugh. The young man didn't respond, instead taking off quickly, and Ziggy jolted back as the force pushed him back against his seat. "Okay stop, time out, look, we need a reality check!" Ziggy pleaded with him. "All right, let me spell this out for you. Nobody has ever made it through the Venjix Barricade during daylight. Understand? No-one!" Ziggy said as the boy continued to drive.
"Well, I'm about as close to no-one as you're ever gonna meet," he told the terrified boy with a wry smile. The girl snorted in the back, her arms folded.
"You know what? You can uh, you can drop me off anywhere along here. Or here. Or here-there! Aw, that spot would have been really good..." Ziggy sighed, hanging out the window. His eyes then widened. "It's a perimeter patrol," he gulped, and they looked around to see two Grinders on bikes racing towards them.
"Great," the girl sighed.
"Hand me that," the boy growled.
"What? This?!" Ziggy grabbed a wrench. The boy shook his head. "This? Can you be more specific? This? You mean this?" he tried a bunch of different tools, before sighing. "You do not mean this," he held up a lollipop. The driver grabbed it and stuck it in his mouth.
"Interesting vice for the brooding bad boy," the girl commented from the back.
"You could sound more scared!" Ziggy shouted at her, his voice rising in pitch. "We're running the Venjix Barricade in broad daylight, with Willy Wonka at the wheel!" he snapped. The girl didn't respond, opening the window and peering out. The driver grabbed a small device and activated it so it started to beep, and stuck the lollipop to it, before throwing it out the window. It stuck to one of the bikes, and blew up, taking the two Grinders out.
"Nice shot," the girl commented lightly.
"Remind me to uh, never get on your bad side," Ziggy gulped as the boy laughed.
"Trust me, you're already there," he smirked.
"Okay, close call, but I think we've got enough time to uh, to turn around and back up before we hit the – the Venjix Barricade!" Ziggy shrieked as he looked ahead to see machines rising from the sand. The car didn't slow, and more Grinders appeared, firing shots at them. The car swerved, taking damage as the girl sighed.
"Okay, I'll help," she decided, leaning out the window. The Grinders they passed were hit by a blast of red energy, that caused them to explode.
"You have another weapon?" the driver asked her.
"You think I survived so long in the Waste without more weapons?" she replied, still looking out. The boy smirked, and tossed another bomb out. The rest of the Grinders exploded, and the car continued on.
Sipping his coffee and adjusting his glasses, Spencer, who was now a Corporal and one of Colonel Truman's right hand men alongside Andrew Hicks, stood at a computer as he studied the shield strength.
"Late night?" Hicks stood beside him, speaking quietly to his friend.
"Offered to babysit for Annie and Bridge. Kiana was up half the night, meaning I was too," Spencer let out a wide yawn, and ran a hand through his hair as the man beside him laughed quietly. "The kid's as much a terror as Annie," he complained.
"I wouldn't call Carson a terror," Hicks shook his head, and Spencer glanced to him with a raised eyebrow. "Terrifying, though, absolutely," he elaborated, and Spencer couldn't help but grin.
"I don't see it," Hicks looked sharply at Bridge, who had appeared on his other side.
"That's because she's nice to you," Spencer told him with a roll of his eyes, sparing Hicks the worry that he had spoken out of line.
"She is?" Bridge asked innocently, tilting his head.
"Dude, don't even," Spencer laughed, shaking his head. Bridge just grinned at him, and the former Gold Ranger looked down at the screen in front of him. His easy smile faded, and his brow furrowed. "Is that...?" he looked to Bridge and Hicks, who glanced down.
"I'll alert the Commander," Hicks rushed over to tell Colonel Truman as Spencer stared at it.
"Talk to me Bly," the Colonel instructed as he walked over.
"Single vehicle doing probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, and I once witnessed a man sniff a dog as part of an investigation," Spencer quickly cleared his throat as Colonel Truman frowned and Hicks stared at him. Bridge just grinned, unashamed. "It's driving right through the Venjix barricade," he elaborated quickly. "It's definitely human...wait..." Spencer frowned.
"Well? What is it?" Colonel Truman demanded.
"It's weird...I'd almost say it's broken, if I didn't know who helped build these systems. It's reading two and a half bio signatures," Spencer looked up as his glasses slid down his nose.
"Alert Doctor K," Colonel Truman instructed Hicks, and immediately one of the computer screens flashed, and turned white with a large K on it.
"I never learned to play a musical instrument," Ziggy was listing of everything he'd never done, having accepted his fate as the other two continued to fight. "Always wanted to, you know? Who-who knows? I could have been the greatest clarinet player in the world," he considered.
"Dude, shut up!" the girl snapped as her hood fell down from the wind, revealing her long black hair tied back in a bow, with freckles dusting her face. "We're trying to survive here," she growled.
"Hand me more thermix chargers," the boy shouted, and Ziggy spat out the lollipop he'd been eating. He grabbed one quickly, and it began to beep, making them pause.
"That's not it?" Ziggy wondered. The driver swerved suddenly, and the bomb fell into the back. "And that's gotta be worse," he gulped. The girl whirled around to grab it, but it fell under the seat and she dove to grab it.
"Call me Dillon," both looked up in in surprise.
"My name. You can call me 'Dillon'," he allowed with a heavy sigh.
"It's been nice knowing you Dillon," Ziggy smiled at him as they reached the barricade.
"So much for being the positive one," the girl sighed, grabbing the bomb and hurling it out the window. It clanked loudly against the metal of one of the machines about to blow them up, and exploded, clearing the way to the city. "You're welcome," she sighed, slumping down as if exhausted.
They kept driving, speeding towards the gate, as both Dillon and Ziggy laughed lightly.
"They made it!" Hicks cried out in shock.
"How the hell did they manage that?" Spencer questioned. "Either they're really lucky, or there's something more at play here," he looked up at his friend as the Colonel walked over to the computer.
"Doctor K-"
"Lower the shield, and open the gate please, Colonel," Doctor K requested. The group looked around at the white computer screen.
"There's going to be infiltration before we can power the shield back up," the man warned the Doctor, frowning.
"Understood. My team is on the way," the Doctor told him, and after hesitating, the Colonel nodded to the two watching and waiting for an order.
"Sorry Flynn, I got a little carried away," Teddie apologised as she handed the Scottish man an ice pack that he pressed to his shoulder.
"That's putting it lightly," Summer commented, amused.
"What? He came at me and it was just reflex," the dark haired girl defended herself, blushing.
"It was just reflex to flip me like that?" Flynn complained, but there was no real annoyance in his voice as Scott and Summer giggled nearby. "Just where did you learn to fight lass? Scott I can get, but you?" he grumbled.
"Yeah, and I make sense," Scott grinned. "Aren't you like, a singer or something?" he teased her.
"A singer who can give you a run for your money, Truman," Teddie warned him. His eyes flashed at the idea of her challenge. Before he could accept it, he alarm blared loudly overhead, and they looked up in surprise.
"Rangers, you are needed at the Southern Gate," Doctor K told them quickly, and they sighed, getting to their feet.
"No rest for the wicked," Teddie shrugged, grabbing her helmet and going to her bike. She pulled the helmet on and kicked the bike to life as Summer did the same, and Scott and Flynn started the engines of their cars, and the four sped out of the Garage.
At the south gate, Grinders, accompanied by a much more powerful robot, strode in, taking advantage of the open gate the moment the shield had been lowered.
The three in the car, all filthy and exhausted, looked around as the robots approached them. Dillon and the girl scowled, and Ziggy gulped, looking terrified as the robots approached them.
Their eyes widened and the scowl was wiped from Dillon's face as a boot collided with the face of the Attackbot. The force made it teeter backwards, stumbling and falling into the Grinders that surrounded it. The owner of the boot bounced off and flipped through the air, landing in front of the car.
"I don't think so," Teddie grinned confidently, and Scott, Flynn and Summer ran to stand with her.
"No way..." the girl whispered, her hands going to her mouth.
"Nice landing," Flynn nodded to her. Teddie winked back. The four grabbed small devices which, other than Teddies, had been hanging from around their necks.
"Ready?" Scott called as he, Summer and Flynn lifted an almost phone-like device, and Teddie raised her arm, where hers was attached to her arm with a small lever.
The four Morphed into Red, Blue, Yellow and White suits, and their helmets flashed as the Attackbot stood, roaring. The Rangers sprinted forwards to fight off the robots.
Teddie moved around the attacks that came her way with elegance in an almost dance-like style, but carried force behind it as she kicked one of the Grinders into the rest, knocking them all down. When they blasted at her, she leapt into the air and over the attacks, landing behind them and attacking with well aimed punches and kicks.
Seeing the Attackbot turn it's attention to the car, Summer leapt over, landing on the bonnet and kicking it back. Teddie landed behind the robot, kicking it up so Summer's next attack could throw it back. Pushing itself up, the Attackbot turned and sprinted off.
"You okay?" Scott and Flynn ran over.
"Yeah!" Summer smiled.
"Of course," Teddie nodded. The four then turned and ran after the Attackbot, who skidded to a stop as it came to a dead end. Cornering it, the four called on their individual weapons.
"Street Sabre!" Scott held a long sword in front of him.
"Turbo Cannon!" Flynn balanced a massive blaster over his shoulder.
"Zip Charger!" Summer aimed a small bear like blaster at the Attackbot.
"Rocket Hammer!" Teddie spun her massive hammer. They then ran at the Attackbot as it shot at them, missing them and exploding behind them. "Today is gonna be a long day," Teddie muttered under her breath as they made to take out the Attackbot.
Explosions once again filled the air as the Attackbot that the four RPM Rangers were fighting against.
"Street Sabre Strike!" Scott was first to attack, moving too fast for the robot to react.
"Turbo Cannon! Fire!" Flynn then fired several shots from his blaster, knocking the Attackbot to the ground. Their audience stared in amazement at how they dominated the battle.
"Zip Charger Activate!" Summer sent a tiny version of her Bear Zord at the Attackbot, which darted through the air and struck it several times.
"Rocket Hammer Slam Attack!" Teddie then leapt into the air, slamming the powerful hammer into the robot. It flew back, smashing through some crates, and they ran after him.
"There he is!"
"I see him!"
"Quick, combine weapons!" Scott instructed. Their helmets flashed as the four combined their weapons to make a huge blaster that had to be supported by all four of them. "Road Blaster! Engine Cell, Activate!" Scott inserted the disk and aimed. "Target locked! Fire!" a blast that was shaped like Scott's Zord slammed into him, and the robot went flying into the distance. "Direct hit!" they cheered.
"Let's move it people!" Colonel Truman barked as the small group rushed around. "We need those shields back up!" he told them as they all worked as quickly as possible.
"Contact Alpha, multiple targets approaching from south-south-west," Vasquez spoke up from where she monitored outside of the dome. "Contact Beta, more targets, from the north-east," she frowned.
"Venjix drones Sir," Hicks spoke up, looking at their commander.
"Too many to count," Spencer muttered as he stood on Vasquez' other side. "They're all over the place Sir," he looked up at the frowning man.
"This is not good. Even for the Rangers..." Bridge muttered, glancing to Spencer. They hadn't seen that many attack drones in a year. Venjix was attempting to take Corinth down once and for all.
"Rangers, this is Doctor K," the Rangers put a hand to their helmets. "Do you have a visual on the oncoming targets?" the Doctor asked.
"Uh, that's affirmative," Scott nodded.
"They'd be a bit hard to miss," Flynn gulped.
"That's a lot of bad guys," Teddie had her hands to her helmet. They'd never encountered so many at once. The drones flew through the city, destroying buildings and attacking civilians.
"Rangers, I'm downloading the Zord Attack Vehicles to you. Stand by," Doctor K spoke up again.
"Hit us Doc!" Scott, Summer and Flynn lifted their morphers and flipped them open, pressing the button to call on their Zords, as Teddie activated her own.
"Activating Eagle Zord!"
"Activating Lion Hauler!"
"Activating Bear Crawler!"
"Activating Swan Jet!"
The four leapt into their Zords and connected their morphers to them, and took off. They shot towards the attacking drones, easily avoiding their attacks.
"They're all over the place!" Teddie groaned as she swerved to avoid another attack."And they're far too persistent!" she spun through the air and blasted the ones following her. "Summer, they've got a lock on you!" the White Ranger yelled as she saw the large weapon pointing at the Bear Crawler.
"Tell me something I don't know!" Summer growled, swerving again as she attempted to get away from it. A car slammed into the weapon just as it activated, and it took out a large swarm of the flying drones.
"Grinders are neutralised! Enemy Attack Point Alpha is contained!" Scott announced.
"Thank you, whoever you are!" Summer called down to the driver of the car, smiling under her helmet.
"Excellent!" Colonel Truman nodded his approval as signs of Venjix drones slowly disappeared from the city. Hicks, Vasquez, Bridge and Spencer all breathed out, relieved that the Yellow Ranger was unharmed.
"You two, with me," Hicks nodded to two of the soldiers, and they, plus Spencer, hurried down to find out just why the human signatures only read one and a half.
The Rangers continued to take out the robots that swarmed the city, changing to the Beta site.
"We've still got bandits coming in from the north!" Flynn called as he drove through the city.
"Not for long!" Summer called as she cut through them. Teddie cheered as she flew through the air, passing Summer's Crawler as it launched into the air, and shot down more of the drones.
"Enemy bandits retreating on all fronts!" Scott spoke up as he shot down those that Teddie missed.
"City shield restored to full power. Sealing all city gates," the announcement echoed down as the fake sky reappeared. A few moments later, the Attackbot that they had faced before reappeared, growing much larger.
"Oh, this ain't over yet!" Flynn gulped.
"Shocking," Teddie rolled her eyes as she leaned forwards on her console.
"Rangers! Form High Octane Megazord!" Scott instructed. They all hit a lever, and Scott, Flynn and Summer's Zords combined. They skidded across the ground, and the robot let out a loud roar.
"Attack sequence mustang!" Summer yelled as the Megazord began moving towards their enemy.
"Roger that!" Scott nodded.
"I love Attack Sequence Mustang!" Teddie laughed as she flew over the Megazord's head. They easily blocked each of the robot's attacks, before calling on a shield that blocked the toxic fumes. Teddie flew back in, blasting the Attackbot from behind.
"Let's finish it!" Flynn yelled, and the others all voiced their agreements. They grabbed the robot and blocked its pipe, before they shoved it back as the pipe began to swell. The Rangers called on their Super Sabre, and held it up, ready to attack. They shot at the robot, and finished it off with one final blow. The robot collapsed, and exploded, destroyed.
"I want to go meet those three," Summer decided, leaping down from the Megazord.
"Oh, me too!" Teddie followed her down, and the two demorphed. The two young men looked at them, one curious and the other wary. "Hey," the White Ranger smiled at them.
"I don't know how to thank you," Summer commented, looking at the taller of the two.
"You can start with some gas, maybe some water, I'll be on my way," Dillon told her with a brief shrug. Teddie's attention was then drawn to the girl as she emerged from behind them, pulling down the goggles to reveal her dark eyes. Teddie's eyes widened.
"N-Nora?" she stammered, taking a step back.
"Hey Teddie," Nora Russell smiled back at her, unable to stop the tears in her eyes.
This chapter started out wildly different. Nora wasn't meant to show up for a few chapters but I decided I liked this introduction better.
I hope you liked it! I'll aim to update as soon as I can!
Let me know what you think!
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