"Homework is light tonight. Just go through chapters 3 and 4 and put the finishing touches on your papers which are all due tomorrow. Class dismissed." the professor said.
At that, the class began to get up and leave. Off in the corner, two blonde women put their things away.
"Are you coming to the party tonight, Elsa? You should totally come!"
"I don't know, Rapunzel. It depends on how much I get done." Elsa responded as she closed her laptop and opened her bag, "My backlog of work is far more than I care to admit."
"But don't you see; that's why you should come!" Rapunzel said as she placed her hand on Elsa's back, "You need to relax from all that medical homework."
Elsa looked back at her and gave her a funny look before shaking her head.
"I want to actually graduate so..." Elsa said as she put her laptop in her bag and began placing her books, notepads, pens and highlighters in as well.
The German student laughed and smacked Elsa on the back. She let out a small yelp when Rapunzel smacked her back and she looked at her with a sharp look. Rapunzel looked back at the Norwegian with a smug gaze. Elsa just laughed and shook her head as she finished putting away all of her things before standing up, Rapunzel following suit.
"Well maybe a break from all of that studying will give you the boost you need!" Rapunzel said, "You know what they say; all work and no play makes Elsa a dull girl. Or was it 'Jack, a dull boy'? I forget but I don't think it matters."
Elsa laughed again and shook her head as the two made their way out of the classroom. Rapunzel pulled her phone out and began texting someone. Elsa pulled out her phone to check the time before stuffing it back into her pocket and then looking over at Rapunzel texting.
"Who's that?" she asked absent-mindedly.
"Oh, it's just Flynn. He wants me to meet up with him after football practice."
"I'll never understand why Americans call football 'soccer' with 'football' being something entirely different altogether here." Elsa mused aloud.
Rapunzel shrugged as she put her phone back in her pocket, "You're asking the wrong girl, girl."
"Well, I mean, I'm just saying..." Elsa muttered under her breath.
The two walked in silence; Rapunzel to her next class and Elsa to the coffee shop down the street to get some work done.
"Oi Rapunzel!" called someone from the sideline.
Rapunzel looked around and saw one of her friends, a black girl who spoke German. Rapunzel greeted her enthusiastically.
"Tiffany! Komm! Kommen sie!" Rapunzel motioned.
Elsa watched as the girl came over and the two hugged each other before Rapunzel turned to Elsa.
"Tiffany, this is my good friend, Elsa. She's from Norway." Rapunzel introduced, "Elsa, this is Tiffany. I'll let you guess as to why we clicked instantly."
Elsa smiled and held out her hand. Tiffany shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you, Tiffany."
"Likewise, Elsa." Tiffany smiled.
"You sprechen die Deutsch?" Elsa asked.
"Yes." Tiffany laughed, "My father...well, step-father, technically, is from Germany and he spoke German to my brother and I at home so I eventually came around to it."
"That's really cool!" Elsa said.
"Thanks." Tiffany laughed as she nervously rubbed the back of her head.
"So Tiffany." Rapunzel said, touching her shoulder.
Tiffany faced her and the two began to converse German. Elsa was completely lost on the conversation as the two went back and forth. She smiled awkwardly as she watched the two go back and forth before she decided to excuse herself.
"Hey you two. I need to get going." Elsa said as she took a couple steps back.
"Alright, it was nice meeting you, Elsa!" Tiffany said, "We'll talk later, ja?"
Elsa nodded her head.
"Alright, take care, Elsa! I'd better see you at the party!" Rapunzel said as she stepped over to Elsa and gave her a hug, "If I don't, then I might have to break out the waterworks. And you don't want my tears on your conscious, do you?"
Elsa just laughed and shook her head as the two embraced before breaking away.
Rapunzel laughed and then patted her on the shoulder. With that Elsa broke away and Rapunzel and Tiffany walked together to their next class. Elsa let in a breath and then let it out long and slow as she made her way off campus and towards the Lucky Cat Cafe. She often liked to do her studying and work at the local coffee shops instead of the campus coffee shop or the library. She had recently found her new favourite coffee shop down the street; she liked it there. She was really in her head during the walk over, thinking about many things related to school and life and before she knew it, she was standing in front of the cafe. She had almost walked right past it, she was so deep in thought. She walked in and looked around to find a free table, finding it a little busier than usual. Luckily for her, someone was getting up so she hurried over and claimed the table before someone else did, setting her bag down before getting in line.
"Hey, Elsa. Good to see you again." the owner said with a smile.
"Hi Cass. Good to see you too." she said.
"So what are we having today?"
"Uhhhmmm..." Elsa hummed as she quickly made her last minute decision, turning back to face her, "I'll have a Mexican spiced mocha and that ham-and-cheese croissant sandwich that looks delicious."
"Sounds delicious." she said, "So how's school?"
"Ah, you know." Elsa chuckled, shrugging her shoulders, "Busy as hell."
"I've no doubt. You're a medical student too, right?"
"Yeah." Elsa nodded.
"Ah, so it's even more work." Cass chuckled.
"Don't remind me." Elsa said, shaking her head.
She laughed again, "Alright, well we'll have that up for you in just a few minutes."
Elsa thanked her before heading back to her table and unpacking her laptop, books, binders, pens and highlighters. And it was back to work for her. It was a few minutes before her order was finished and Cass brought it up to her. Elsa looked up at her and smiled.
"Ah, thank you." she thanked.
"No problem. Enjoy!"
Cass went back to the front to help the next customers. Elsa went back to work. The time melted away as she got schoolwork done.
"Welcome back from vacation!"
"I had fun, but it's good to be back."
Elsa paid no mind to it.
"Well, I don't think I need to tell you what to do."
"No, you don't." he chuckled.
"Damn, was that the right answer this whole time?" Elsa whispered to herself under her breath, "Shit..." she said as she picked up her highlighter and highlighted a part of her book.
Elsa didn't even notice him walking up to her. Or maybe she just didn't want to notice.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you."
Elsa looked up from her book and met the man's gaze.
"Yes?" she responded.
"I was over there, and now I'm over here." he said to her as he motioned to where he just was then to her, "And I'm here because I couldn't help but notice you because there's something about you and I don't know what it is and I wanna know because it's driving me crazy."
The statement completely blindsided her and Elsa felt her face flush beet red as she nearly choked and brought her hand up to her face and covered her mouth, turning her head to the side.
"Ah...I...uh...thank you..." she stuttered, too flushed for words.
He just smiled at her. Underneath that smile though, his heart was racing at warp speed. There was a bout of silence between the two that after a few moments too long, he decided to break.
"So what's your name?" he asked.
Elsa turned and faced him and returned his smile.
"Elsa." she said, offering her hand out.
"Elsa. What a delightful name." he smiled back as he graciously took her hand and shook it gently.
"Thank you." Elsa giggled as he released her hand, "And yours?"
"Where are you from, Elsa?" he asked her without skipping a beat, "I hear an accent on you."
"Bergen?" he followed up immediately.
Elsa was shocked, slowly nodding her head.
"Ye...yes. How did you know?" she asked.
The man laughed and shook his head.
"Because everyone else is from Oslo, and you look too unique to be from Oslo." he grinned, making it obvious that he was joking and it was just a lucky guess.
"Yeah, okay." Elsa giggled, rolling her eyes.
A short moment of silence befell the two again as he just remained present, smiling. It took everything in her power to not turn completely red. Same went for him.
"What...what about you?" she asked.
"Local. I'm a Bay Area boy." he responded.
"Ah." Elsa nodded.
He nodded back. They bathed in each other's presence before Elsa broke the silence as she picked up her cup and bringing it up to her lips.
"Well, aren't you going to tell me your name?" she mumbled as she took a sip of coffee to try to calm herself down.
"I don't think you'd be able to pronounce it." he joked
"Hah! Try me!" Elsa retorted confidently as she set her cup down and stared up at him, "I studied a bit of Japanese in school."
However, shortly after her shoulders dropped. She was very confident that he was Japanese but what if he wasn't?
"Erm...you are Japanese, aren't you?"
He stared at her and smiled at her in silence for a few moments. Elsa felt her chest tighten from the tension in the air; both the tension of wondering if she guessed his ethnicity wrong and more importantly, the sexual tension. What was it about this man that was making her feel warm inside?
"Are you going to ans-..."
"Tadashi." he cut off with a grin.
Elsa swallowed a lump in her throat that she didn't know she had as she let out a short breath of relief; so she did get it right.
"Tadashi. Simple enough." Elsa responded to him with a sassy smirk.
Tadashi just stood his ground and smiled back at her. Elsa could feel her throat and chest tighten up again. Who was this guy? Tadashi finally broke the silence and motioned at her and then back to where he was.
"Well listen, I have to get back to work, but it was great talking to you." he said, "You know, I know a great little Mediterranean spot near AT&T Park and has a great view of the Bay. You should join me there this Thursday."
"A Mediterranean spot? View of the Bay? What, are you asking me on a date then? After you just met me?" Elsa sassily retorted.
"Of course I'm asking you on a date; that wasn't an exhibition. I want to get to know this lovely girl in front of me and more importantly, why I feel such an energetic tug towards you." Tadashi responded to her.
That response completely blind-sided Elsa. Never before had a guy responded that way to her. First of all, every other guy normally stuttered and said something along the lines of 'I mean, I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to hang out...' or 'I mean...only if you want to...' so that was a refreshing change for him to be honest about his intention. But more importantly, it didn't feel arrogant or like he was trying to be cocky; it just felt like an honest declaration of what he wanted and that she was completely free to say 'yes' or 'no'. She didn't feel pressured to give a 'yes' at all. At least, not from him. Internally though, her mind was screaming at her to take up the offer. Or rather, her heart was screaming to her mind. Which, once again, caught her off guard.
"I...I..." Elsa sputtered, unable to contain her reddening cheeks.
Tadashi leaned in slightly towards her, making her look up at him. Even though he only leaned a few centimetres in towards her, energetically it felt like he got right up against her. It made her dart her eyes away.
"Because you feel that too, right? I know you do, Elsa. That zap, that invisible twine, that electric charge in the air." came Tadashi in a low, deep voice.
He said it just loud enough that she could hear him but quiet enough that no one else around could hear. Hearing that made Elsa's heart go into hyperdrive and her face turned very warm and she became very aware of her breathing, because she had to control it. Finally, she turned and looked up at him.
"Yes. I do. And I would love that." she said softly as her eyes drifted back up to him finally.
Tadashi straightened back up and smiled brightly at her. It was warm and put her a bit more at ease and she returned the smile with her own.
"Let's exchange contacts so I can let you know when and where." Tadashi said to her as he pulled out his phone, "You prefer Facebook? Instagram? Snapchat? What's easiest for you?"
"Just text me. My number is 415-5..." she started.
She stopped when she noticed that he looked like he was trying to get his contacts open so she waited a moment. Elsa took a sip of coffee as he unlocked his phone and opened up the contacts.
"Okay, now you can tell me." Tadashi said as he turned his attention back to her.
"It's 415."
"4...1...5..." he repeated.
She couldn't help but smile to herself a little as she looked him up and down as he was taking her number. He was cute. Really cute. And well put-together. And...well...there was something about him, and she didn't know what it was. But that buzz, that zap, that energy between them he was talking about a moment ago? She definitely felt it.
"Uh-huh..." he nodded.
He mouthed the last part to himself and then put her name in and then looked back at her.
"415-555-8140?" Tadashi repeated as he looked over at her.
"That's it." Elsa smiled.
"Alright, I'll send you a message right now so you know who I am." he smiled as he sent her a one-word text.
Elsa grabbed her phone and looked at it and saw his text come in.
"415-555-9061?" Elsa said aloud as she unlocked her phone.
"That's it." Tadashi affirmed.
"Alright, I'll add you. Just let me know when and I'll figure something out." Elsa said to him.
"I will." Tadashi nodded, "Well I'll let you go now. You have a good rest of your day and I'll see you Thursday."
"Bye Tadashi~." Elsa said, letting her voice trail when she said his name and waving with her fingers.
He winked at her as he turned around and put his phone back in his pocket before going back to work. Elsa flushed again when he winked at her and swallowed a lump in her throat. She watched as he got back to work. Her eyes never left him as he finished cleaning the self-serve counter where the creams, napkins and sugars were before reporting back to the manager, who then assigned him to the barista to learn how to make drinks. He was smiling, laughing and joking with his co-workers and customers which made her sigh in content and smile dreamily at him. She didn't even realise how much she was looking at him until she saw him look back at her and wink. That threw her off and she cleared her throat and pretended to get back to work, looking at her laptop a few moments, peeking up to see if he was still looking at her. She let out another breath and then got back to work, but finding it hard to concentrate as she kept sneaking glances at Tadashi, her mind racing with thoughts of him.
"C'mon, Elsa. Get back to work..." Elsa mumbled to herself under her breath.
Underneath Tadashi's seemingly smooth surface though, he was bubbling underneath. He went to the back for a moment to catch a breather and as soon as he was out of sight, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and ran his fingers through his hair.
"What the hell did I just do?"