-All Hallow's Eve-

Disclaimer: The works of Detective Conan and Magic Kaito belongs to Gosho Aoyama-sensei.

Warning: KaiShin relationship. AU-ish.

A/N: Happy Halloween! I wanted to get this out on time, the idea's been sitting around for too long.

01: Meeting in the Dark

Akako strolled casually down the sidewalk underneath the early evening sun. It was the one day of the year when she could dress as she was supposed to and take a walk without anyone casting strange stares at her. It helped that there were many who were dressed in black robes and white sheets, walking around the streets, chatting happily and making spooky sounds to scare off anyone close by. Although Halloween is not a traditional festival in Japan, many in Tokyo and other big cities had embraced this western festival and had gone all out in decorating their shops, or in some cases the front porch of their house, and dressed up as they go out for the evening. Already, she had seen many other witches, though of the more traditional black-garbed type, more than a dozen ghosts, a variety of undead creatures, one or two unicorns, and quite a large handful of Kaitou KID.

Briefly, she wondered whether a certain magician also came out to celebrate as his beloved thief.

It was then she noticed a rather large spike in magical energy in the air. She could literally feel her skin tingling at the pleasant jolt. Centering herself, she tries to hone into the source and found her legs automatically taking her towards a park.

As she travelled, her red eyes took note of the surrounding, finding the area eerily empty for some odd reason. People seemed to be avoiding the streets leading up to the park, many opted to take the side streets and turning abruptly the moment they found themselves on the pavement leading to the park. It was not much of a surprise seeing as how magical energy concentrated as she neared the park. It was palpable to the point that she felt she could cut through the air with a knife. Steeling herself, just in case it really was a monster lurking in the area, she took an amulet from one of the many pouches on her waist and held it tight in her palms. If it truly was a monster, it would be an opportunity for her to hunt.

The empty park, unfortunately, left her feeling slightly down.

'Well, there's always another reason for such concentration of magical energy.' She avoided the main square and walked closer to the edge of the vegetation. She remembered there was a rather rare plant somewhere along the edges, one that could have accumulated such vast amounts of energy.

The slight rustling to her right made her stop her search for the plant. Instead, she turned and headed towards the direction where her heard small gasps of breath. Carefully, weary of making any further sounds lest she spooked whatever was in the foliage, she approached the sound. Underneath a large canopy, hidden beneath the shadows of the tree's branches, were two individuals. Though to call them individuals was quite stretching it. It was clear that these two were not humans, but rather humanoid in physical appearance. The one with the back towards Akako had a large black cape swaying with the near non-existent breeze and was burying itself into the neck of the other. The companion of the caped individual had its eyes closed and a face full of ecstasy, reaching and grabbing at the fabric of the cape as its head fell backwards towards the tree's trunk. The slight rustling of sound were caused by the extra appendages, a large pair of leather wings and a whispy tail that swayed and hit on nearby shrubs.

Akako was shocked still. She felt awkward, having to intrude upon such an obviously intimate moment between these two species. It was quite rare to find such a case.

Just as she was about to leave, the owner of the wings and tail suddenly took a rather large intake of air and immediately, as though zoning onto Akako's location, had its head turned to where she stood. Bright, luminous violet eyes bore into Akako's red. She recognised those eyes as she saw them daily at school. His companion paused in mid action, slowly extracting itself from the previous position. The head turned slightly, revealing a set of rather blue eyes glaring in annoyance. The pair shared whispered words before the caped figure leapt up into the air and disappeared with a fluttering of wings.

"Koizumi. Never would I have expected to bump into you like this." Kuroba Kaito stepped out from the shadows, revealing his white leather wings and tail to the world. Akako was in awe, never had she heard of a demon of such colour. Now, though, it roused her curiosity as she wondered what sort of demon the magician was.

"What are you?" She asked softly, approaching the magician.

"What do you think?" He turned around like models in a fashion show, strutting out his hips. Akako noticed how very little, or near to none to be exact, he was wearing. White colour fur strategically covered his skin to contain his modesty. There was a rather large tattoo on his chest, done in a silvery-white ink, but the symbols were not something Akako could read easily without her grimoire. The thin white tail, with a rather spiked end, flicked this side and that as he turned as though trying to help balance the magician.

"You're an Incubi?" She asked. It explained how the magician was able to withstand her allure spell and why female flocked to him in hords.

"Bingo!" He snapped his hand, immediately a flower appeared. "As expected from a Red Sorceress. Or should that be a Red Mage?" He offered the flower, or more specifically a stem with many small flowers. She did not recognise the flower on-the-fly, only noting its rather delicate looking petals that resembled bunched up cotton. He twirled the stem, in front of her with the intention of having her take it from his hold.

Carefully, she extracted the stem and took a closer look at the small white flowers. Not all of the buds on the stem were in full bloom.

"Japanese Rowan?" She asked, not too sure herself.

"Of course." The smile, should anyone be exposed to it, would have had them pouncing on the magician. However, as Akako herself is magical in nature, she could resist the allure the other was so prominently letting out. "However, what is a Red Mage like yourself doing in this part of town. Shouldn't you be out gathering energies and whatnot?"

"I could ask you the same Kuroba-kun. Even though you've probably gathered enough to last you the next month or so during your last heist." Taking one more look at the flower, she tucked the stem into the shoulder pads of her current clothes, the snake that had been previously resting immediately sneezed at the intrusion and gave Akako a Look.

"It's All Hallow's Eve. Surely, I'm more than expected to be out at this hour. Plus there's the party later on that Aoko insisted we go. I'm killing two birds with one stone." VIolet eyes glimmered with mischief. "And stop trying to insinuate I'm KID."

"Now that I know you magical and life signature, I could easily match this to, say, a particular someone at a rather well publicised night-time even? And what then? Should I unmask you like that or are you going to admit it now and spare the both of us of any further arguments?" Akako pushed forwards, knowing that she pretty much lost any chance of having the magician as part of her harem. But that is not to say she could not make his life a living hell just for fun.

"Alright, alright. I admit." He answered dejectedly, throwing his hands up in the air with defeat. "And I hid it so well…"

"No you didn't." She sighed mentally thinking how could anyone be this naive to think no one would notice the concentrated energy. "Anyone with an ounce of ability would immediately feel something wrong with the area and come to investigate." It is well known in the magical community, that there are people out hunting for mystical beings like themselves. Either they hunt for the sake of hunting, hunt for parts, or hunt because they were afraid of them. No matter their reasons, it always meant mystical beings had to hide their nature. Akako was blessed in this sense that she was a Mage. Beings like Kuroba, borne to be something other than human can sometimes have a rather difficult time hiding amidst normal human beings. It was made worse seeing as non-humans required other sources of nutrition, and in an incubus' case, energies.

Kuroba mocked a heavy sighed and walked himself out into the open. Akako noticed more detail about the magician with the higher concentration of moonlight. The fur which she assumed to be white, was actually a gradation of silver colour. There was a light sparkle, something like glitter, on the white leathery wings. It may be because of the lack of colour, the tinge of redness on the neck was made more prominent.

"Kuroba-kun..is that…" She reached out hesitantly towards the twin puncture holes that were slow to close, but it was closing before her eyes even if it left two small dots of red. Immediately, Kuroba reached up to his neck to cover the mark. "Don't tell me, your partner is a vampire." She said the final word in disgust.

Vampires portrayed by human beings are very much accurate. They rely too much on their instinct and draining every single living being, be it human or not, in their path to satiate their thirst. It was this reason that relationships between vampire and other species were very strained as vampires attack indiscriminately. Mages were often conscripted to remove the vampires, leading to many bloody battles and heavy lost on the Mages' side. It was only recently, two decades ago to be precise, when a vampire representative approached the Mages with some sort of compromise. The vampires set up their own monitoring system to help keep their species in check. But so far, none of the other species believed them fully, there was still tension and even though vampires were now tolerated, they were still not liked.

"He's not like whatever you're thinking." Quickly he added, "he's not your normal sucker. Though that is not to say he doesn't take his share after much insistence. But he really disliked to follow his instinct. If I hadn't forced it on him, he'd rather starve himself!"

"I've never heard of a vampire willingly deprive themselves of blood." Akako knew vampires prefer human blood to those from mystical beings but to hear one who just chose not to feed, it was unheard of.

"His whole family despised the act of draining people." The magician shook his head. "I probably shouldn't say this but…" He glanced about, as though fearing overhead. Akako saw the motion and waved her hand to cast a spell to dissuade anything from coming too close and overhear the conversation. Kuroba seemed to have picked up on the spell and smiled in appreciation. "His family are the ones who forced the truce between everyone. That's the whole reason why they are still hunted by all sides. That and...the reluctance to feed made him more vulnerable."

"When you say vulnerable…"

"Stop what you're thinking." Kuroba put up his hands in front of Akako. "If you're thinking I'll reveal any more, you can think again. And if I so much as hear you thinking of attacking him, you can bet your powers that I'll decimate you and the rest of the Mages. Don't think I don't have the power."

If the surrounding aura was anything to go by, Akako's prickling senses was telling her that the Kuroba, now slightly agitated, is dangerous. She can just imagine what an angered incubus could do.

"Then at least allow me to ask," Akako knows when to retreat and with Kuroba's stance, it would be prudent to retreat and drop the matter all together. "Where is your partner going now?"

"I demanded him to feed. But knowing him, it would be more like raiding a nearby blood bank rather than actually feeding off a live human." He sighed, shaking his head. "It just isn't the same but no matter how I try to tell him it would only weaken him further, he would not listen."

There had been research and development on creating artificial blood for feeding. This was because not only vampires required blood as a form of nutrition, some other mystical beings such as the Lamia and other Japanese origin Youkai requires blood as a form of sustenance. The Mages have spent much time in research but so far, the artificial blood lacked certain aspects that made them not feasible as a long term source. She knew blood from blood bank had been processed and her own research found that they too were lacking in certain magical elements.

"How long?" She asked, more out of curiosity. "How long has he lived off the blood from blood bank."

"As far as I know, since he could remember. Though he did mention he was used to taking blood from animals rather than human, or even mystical beings."

"I hate to say this but prolonged feeding off non-human source would be hazardous." One of the experiments the Mages had recorded was done on a captured vampire, depriving it of human blood and instead giving it animal blood. Suffice to say, the vampire became extremely weak, suffering even in complete darkness without the slightest bit of light. Said vampire was kept barely alive after the deprivation, on the tiniest amount of stale human blood, so that the Mages could continue their experiment on finding methods of controlling the vampire species. Thankfully, the experiment was brought to a halt a century ago and the vampire was laid to rest after decades of torture.

"Try telling that to him. He just won't listen…"

"So you thought to offer yourself as a source?" She lifted an eyebrow with small amount of amusement. She had to wonder whether the being in front of her was truly a demon or if he was a human in demon clothing. Normal demons and mystical beings could care less about vampires. But here Kuroba stands, defending and protecting one.

"What else am I supposed to do? I'm not going to have him waste away. Especially since I've found him to be my mate."

"WHAT?!" Akako exclaimed. Although it was not unheard of for a species to find a mate in another species, but to find a vampire to be a mate, that is the first time she heard of it. "You can't be serious."

"Of course I am." Kuroba nodded. "He's perfect." With how his voice seemingly to drip with adoration, Akako could sense how much the magician loved and, dare she say it, lust after his partner. It hinted to the incubus' current needs.

"You should go feed as well." She lifted off the spell. "You're...showing too much."

"Eh?" Kuroba glanced at his physical self.

"Not that, but you're becoming quite obvious of your needs."

"Ah. Yes, it seems I have yet to have my own fill." He scratched his cheeks in embarrassment. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll go look for my own meal. Don't worry, I'll leave some choice male for you to devour."

"You make me sound like one of your type." Akako was tempted to throw a hex at him just for the sake of it. "And what do you mean 'leaving some choice male'? Don't tell me you're a hermaphrodite?" This was even more rare than the discoloration and his choice in mate. For an Incubi, or a Succubi, to be capable of having both genders of partners made them all the easier to find sources of sustenance. She remembered reading that it was also possible that hermaphrodite beings were often stronger than normal with their natural powers more potent.

"Excuse me, but I'm just not picky like the rest of my brethrens." He turned to face Akako, tail swinging elegantly behind him. "I consider myself to be a bi, so energies male and female could satisfy me." His grin was too wide to be considered as innocent. "Anyways, I'll see you at the party. And if you're lucky, I might be able to drag my mate to come as well. It's high time he's become more social. I swear staying at that dreary mansion after...well, that's just not good for anyone, no matter the species."

Akako felt there was more to the magician's words but she was unwilling to question further in case she touched on subjects that should be kept hiddens. It seems anything involving his mate were touchy subjects.