Barrage Musical: ~A Fantasy of Tempest~

Siege's Story

A/N: This is a game script that I have written for a friend on this very site, Siege25, who wanted me to write a similar scenario to Richard's for the fan-script to the original game, with his OC, Siege. Disclaimers still apply.

Disclaimer: All music except Astral Storm and To Walk Simply Into Epicness, Rose At Twilight belong to the game, and the former two belongs to Phyranna and the latter to NemesisTheory respectively.

Note: This is set after Richard's story.

Siege (The Battle-Hardened and Superior Soldier【斯基格/ 百战与超能的兵将】)

Portrait: Siege takes a normal standing stance, looking in a direction. His sword can be seen being held over his shoulder, and he can be seen with a smirk on his face. The trench coat on him stays stationary, and his short black hair is also stationary, and stroked to the right.

Bio: After receiving word from a companion of his, that Cirno had been kidnapped, Siege immediately readied himself for a fight. By the time he got to this world, he realized it was mainly magic dominant. But that wouldn't stop him from trying to free Cirno... and help an old friend who he assumed was also on the hunt for the ice fairy.

Main Shot Type: Fires off single shots of large red projectiles that explode upon contact with enemies with a small area-of-effect and high damage, at a slow fire-rate.

Sub-Weapon types:

Sub-Weapon: Ragnell 【拉菇尼路】

Description: Siege will swing his blade periodically for enormous damage, as well as dispelling any small projectiles that are caught in the swing. Has short range, and makes attacking with it risky. [Game Description: A parallel and alternate version of the great blade of the leader of the Crimea Mercenaries. Allows Siege to reduce most projectiles in his way into nothing with a strong swing, and deal enormous damage to those close enough to be slashed.]

Related Magic Burst (Bomb): Inferno Aether 【焰火天空斩】

Description: Siege throws his sword in front, before spinning his sword, which will elave behind rings of orange flames, at a moderate pace, being invulnerable for the duration of the attack, and moving towards any living enemies on the screen, dealing massive damage and clearing all danmaku in his path, before then returning to his original position. Is an balanced-type bomb.

Sub-Weapon: Delta Stream 【三角洲喷射】

Description: Siege's main shot will be upgraded with two blue orbs that will orbit in a circular motion over Siege, firing off rapid blue arrow projectiles in a straight line for decent damage. [Game Description: A type of attack that orbits around Siege, dealing damage to enemies that are close to the sides of the character, allowing them to attack with a wider area and range.]

Related Magic Burst (Bomb): Sigma Nuke 【适马核弹】

Description: The entire screen will be filled with explosions, dealing massive damage and eradicating all bullets on screen for a few seconds before stopping. Is a defensive-type bomb.

Sub-Weapon: Shotgun Drones 【猎枪无人机】

Description: Siege will have drones of each side of him, and they will fire off long bursts of spread-out projectiles at enemies at a moderately fast rate, covering most of the screen in its shots. [Game Description: Is a spread-type weapon that allows Siege to be able to attack enemies that are far away from him. Can deal reasonable damage and has good fire-rate]

Related Magic Burst (Bomb): Bullet Overclock 【子弹超频】

Description: Siege will place both Shotgun drones in front of him, before they fire off larger arrow-shaped fire projectiles at a very-rapid rate, dealing massive damage to the enemies in front of him, but not clearing out any projectiles in his path.


Stage 1: Traces of Magic, Hostile Fairies 【魔力的气息 暴动的妖精】

Theme: Cool Summer Rain 【清爽夏雨】

(Stage plays as normal)

?: Come, to the end of magic….

(Stage continues on, until to the stage boss)

Siege: Tch… This world is almost completely controlled by magic. It's a good thing that I have a few precautions of my own, and that I've been to a place like this with my friend. I wonder where he is though….? Last I heard, he's after Cirno… I could only wish if he would be fine.

(Sindy, the berserk little fairy appears 【幸蒂,暴走的小妖精】)

Sindy: Ow... Why did that guy in the black robe had to go so hard on me….? At least he was nice enough to let me go to rest my wounds…

[Sindy's title and name appears]

Siege: Who are you!?


Siege: Who did this to you?


Siege: Just calm down, will you-


Siege: Well, this is not going as I expected.

Boss 1: Sindy

Boss Theme: The World that only Fairies Understand 【妖精才懂的世界】

(Boss battle ensues, and ends, as Sindy's defeated portrait appears)

Sindy: Why am I always the one who gets hurt….? Uuuuu….

Siege: Look, I'm sorry for hurting you, but I had no choice other than defending myself.

Sindy: First I see a blue robed person, then a magician in black, and then you…. Why can't people just leave me alone…?

Siege: Who was the guy in black anyway?

Sindy: He never told me his name, but he had black hair.

Siege: (That has to be Richard...! I'm close, if the battle was recent, by the looks on that fairy's wounds) Anyway, thank you, and once again, sorry.

Sindy: Uuuuu…..

(Stage Ends)

Stage 2: Lively Forest, Hidden Shadows【喧闹的森林 暗动的黑影】

Theme: The Figure that Flew by the Sea of Trees 【飞驰在树海的身影】

Siege: This place is really quite large. I've been to the Forest of Magic, and it's huge in its own way, but this really takes the cake. I can't even tell if I'm going deeper into the forest or not!

(Stage begins, as title appears, and proceeds until mid-boss ? appears)

(Mid-Boss ? is defeated)


(The stage continues before it reaches the boss of the stage.)

(Sharin, the Irrelevant Fortune-Reader appears. 【沙林,不着边际的占卜师】)

Sharin: Well, well, it seems that I have another customer here already. And to think that my business was unappreciated around here.

Siege: Uh, excuse me, have you seen a black-haired man wearing black robes.

Sharin: And why are you asking that? What is your business with him?

Siege: He's a friend of mine.

Sharin: I see. Then may I ask if you are interested in a fortune reading?

Siege: No thanks. I'm very happy with my fate.

Sharin: But what fate is it? Let me read it, I'll even do it for free. And I'm curious to see how your fate differs from others.

Siege: Well, if you really must, go ahead.

Sharin: Alright…. Hm…. I see that you're not too different to a knight. You serve to protect others, but you seek to do so through the use of sheer power and might, rather than the use of tactic and tongue.

Siege: Are you calling me a brute here?

Sharin: No, I'm actually quite curious about how strange your fate seems. It says that you're a master of 'guns'…. I wonder what they are, and you also seem to have some magic, even though you're from a distant land without one.

Siege: Doesn't matter. Now, can I go?

Sharin: Sorry, but I can't let you. The mountains are already being torn apart by a mighty storm. I already had the person before going nonetheless. I swear, young people these days.


Sharin: I won't let you. Do you know what your friend's fate entails?

Siege: Murdering an entire civilisation? What's there to be afraid of? I bet that he told you he recovered already from that mind-set!

Sharin: Yes, so?

Siege: I trust in him. He's not the kind of person to twist his words much, or lie directly in the faces of others. As his friend, I must stand by his side.

Sharin: Then I will see how far you're willing to go to follow through as his friend.

Siege: Gladly. Behold my power.

Boss 2: Sharin

Boss Theme: Deep Sea Warning【深水警报】

(Boss fight ensues, and ends, as Sharin's portrait appears)

Sharin: I guess I should forfeit now.

Siege: You weren't really trying to hurt me back there, were you?

Sharin: Not really. I was just trying to scare you or least dissuade you.

Siege: I see….

Sharin: And just as an extra precaution, you might want to be very careful up there. The storm is actually a result of concentrated dark magic.

Siege: Then I should stop it. Would that ease your worries a little?

Sharin: If you were from here, you would have become a grand knight with such bravery and might. My name is Sharin. I hope to see you again, if it is possible.

(Sharin's name and title appear)

Siege: Maybe so…. Maybe so.

(Stage Ends)

Stage 3: Stormy Summit, Center of Magic 【暴风的山顶 魔力的中心】

Theme: The Mountain that Desires Rain 【山雨欲来】

(Stage proceeds as normal)

(Alex, Guardian Knight of the Magic Clan appears. 【艾丽克丝 魔法世家的守护骑士】)

Alex: Surrender your weapons and accept capture, rampaging warrior!

Siege: You could have told me earlier, you know!?

Alex: I am Alex, from the loyal knight lineage that has served to protect the Maistens for centuries.

(Alex's name and title appear)

Siege: Yeah, yeah, I don't care at all. All I care is that if you're going to let me in or not.

Alex: Absolutely not! What's to prove that you got the same intentions as the previous person to pass through this castle?

Siege: And who is that? Let me guess, a black-haired youngster in a black robe.

Alex: How did you know-

Siege: Yeah, thought so. I knew the only way he can do, is this way. So I ask you politely to move aside, or it is more than your pride that will be shattered.

Alex: Don't make me laugh, we magic knights will not yield to such threats.

Siege: Then how about a little force?

Alex: Then you shall be struck down then!

Boss 3: Alex

Boss Theme: The Rainstorm that Sways【扑面而来的暴风雨】

(Boss fight ensues, and ends, with the defeated portrait of Alex appearing)

Alex: Rrrgh…..

Siege: Done yet? I have already taken down most of that armour with my attacks. Any more and your armour won't protect you from me, enchanted or not.

Alex: Fine! You win! Just do whatever you want! I don't care anymore!

Siege: No need to get flustered. Defeat is a very vital component of creating a perfect mind-set, since pride is dangerous to all.

Alex: Just… go in, and find your friend. He's on a request from me.

Siege: And what is it?

Alex: Nothing you have to care about.

Siege: Jeez, touchy, aren't you?

Alex: You make me want to strike you down, but I don't have the power to do that. But oh, how I hate you now.

Siege: Feeling's mutual, lady. I'm going.

(Stage Ends)

Stage 4:Winding Corridors, Dancing Pixies【幽深的长廊 飞舞的风灵】

Theme: Castle Siege Battle【城堡攻坚战】

(Stage continues as usual, until reaching the Mid-Boss Doris, and defeating her.)

Doris: ….

Siege: Well, I guess this ain't going to be a smooth trip.

(Stage continues as usual, until reaching the boss of the stage)

Siege: I can tell Richard's been this way. I can sense his magic sprayed across these corridors when he defended himself from the inner defences like me. I guess the only way to go is forwards.

(Doris, the Regular Maid appears. 【多丽丝 普通的女仆】)

Doris: Dear sir, I ask you leave immediately. You have already caused too much damage to our castle.

(Doris's name and title appear)

Siege: Already heard that, and not interested. Anything else you like to say?

Doris: …Gnat.

Siege: Excuse me?

Doris: If you won't leave, then I will force your corpse out with my magic! Even with an incomplete magic circle, I can still beat a savage like you, at all costs!

Siege: Well, aren't you fanatical?

Boss 4: Doris

Boss Theme: Bet Everything in a Magic Battle! 【赌上一切的魔法战】

(Boss battle ensues, and ends, as Doris's portrait appears)

Doris: So I am defeated once more.

Siege: Spill it, where's Richard?

Doris: I know no such person, but I saw a person in a black robe, who defeated me earlier, and entered the ritual room behind me. If you seek him, enter.

Siege: Heh, looks like you got some decency to tell me what I know.

Doris: Just a little warning. You might want to be careful of what you do in there. Without enough magic in you, you risk being caught inside.

Doris: I don't get what you mean, are you trying to threaten me again, you crazy sow-

*Siege soon comes closer to the door, as it rumbles open, revealing the darkness inside*

Siege: Oh. Out of the frying pan, and into the fire, I guess. Richard, I'm coming for you, buddy.

(Stage Ends)

Stage 5: Endless Darkness, Roaring Thunder【无尽的黑暗 咆哮的雷呜】

Theme: Endless Darkness【无尽之暗】

(Stage proceeds as normal, until the boss of the stage)

(Frenio Maisten, Magic Clan Successor appears 【菲妮奥.麦斯缇恩 魔法世家的继承者】)

Frenio: Welcome, welcome. It's been so long since this castle has received guests of any kind~

Siege: For the love of…. I swear I've been fighting one woman too many. *sighs* What's your name?

Frenio: Frenio Maisten. Mistress of this miserable castle, and the soon-to-be queen of this world.

(Frenio's name and title appears)

Siege: You know, I can't help but pity your state. You're blind, aren't you.

Frenio: None of that matters to you, peasant.

Siege: O-kay…. You seem to have quite a attitude problem. What got you riled up all the sudden?


Siege: Oy…. Calm down, will you? What are trying to do here?

Frenio: Are those eyes on you as worthless as your being? I'M TRYING TO COVER THE WORLD IN DARKNESS!

Siege: Yeah, yeah. You're being an utter generic villain here.


Siege: ….Well, that's a new problem.


Siege: You have friends, do you?

Frenio: If you mean 'friends' as in 'back-stabbing moralless garbage', then I have plenty of those.

Siege: Wow, you're quite on edge with this matter.


Siege: Sorry, but I got someone to find and someone else to help. Can't die here, can I?

Frenio: Then come. This boring world needs to change.

Frenio: Let's all welcome the coming of a new world of magic, HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Boss 5: Frenio Maisten

Theme: 17 Years of Despair and Insanity (Inner ver.) 【十七年的绝望和疯狂()

(Boss fight ensues, and ends, as a cut-scène appears when Frenio's spell count has been depleted.)

Siege: Alright, little girl, show's over. You've lost.

Frenio: Lost? LOST!? Oh, you pathetic wretch, we have just begun! Witness my true power!

(Frenio uses another spell, as the screen is slowly turned to black)

Siege: Damn, this isn't good at all…

Frenio: Enjoy your last moments here. There will be nothing to save you, and you will die a slow and painful death.

Siege: Well, this is going to end badly…

Siege: …

Siege: Say... That took a lot of power out of you, huh?

Frenio: What!? And why do you care?

Siege: Hmph. It looks like that I've got to get stronger if I'm going to get past you. Time for your lesson, junior. You've got a spanking you need to have, for that measly behaviour of yours.

Siege: Allow me to show you…

Siege: ….my true potential!

Frenio: What….

Frenio: What is this!?

Frenio: You're a normal human… You can't possess such power!

Frenio: What is this power!?


Awakening Theme: Rose At Twilight (NemesisTheory)

Awakening State Changes:

-Siege's main shot will increase in fire-rate, as well as having a larger bullet-radius and AOE effect.

-Siege's sub-weapons will change, respectively: Ragnell will be swung at a faster rate, as well as having a larger slash radius, Delta Stream will gain two extra blue orbs that will extend further to the sides of Siege, that will fire the same way as the other orbs, Shotgun Drones will have three drones instead of one on each side.

-Siege's Magic Burst will be more powerful, as Inferno Aether will last longer, as well as having blue flames instead of orange ones for more damage, Sigma Nuke will last longer, and Bullet Overclock will have a wider spread-range, as well as having double bullet density.

*A picture of Siege having his eyes closed, as his hair turns from black into white, as well as his arms bearing blue inscriptions, before his eyes open, showing that they have turned bloody-red*

*The battle continues, as Siege suddenly charge up his power, as a blue aura appears over him, and dispels the darkness around him in a ring-like burst of blue energy, while his aura remains*

(The battle ensues, before Frenio is finally defeated, for real, as she then disappears, and the background breaks to reveal Richard in front of Siege, and the hooded figure, and Patrick facing them.)

Richard: -YOU DO AS I SAY, IF YOU-

*The hooded figure throws a icicle at Richard, as Siege destroys with a shot*

Patrick: Who dares-!?

?: What!?

Richard: HA!? YOU!?

Siege: Richard, I've finally found you.

Richard: Siege, what in the name of the Dragon God ARE YOU DOING HERE!? I thought I told you to keep an eye on Reimu and Marisa, with Sunset!

Siege: Sorry, but I can't abandon my pal. *looks at ?* So, it's you again. You used ice before. Who are you?

?: I am…. No-one.


Patrick: Hmhm…. And the plot thickens. Very well then, before I was interrupted by this arrival. I have an offer to make to you, Richard.

Siege: Oi, hold on, shady-eyes. You're not making any deals as long as I'm around.

Patrick: Now, now, calm down. I'm only going to offer him something simple: my magic.

Siege: And how exactly this is related?

Patrick: He has a magic pedigree unmatched by anyone in this world. With my dark magic, and that talent, I could possibly gain results that I could have never imagined. And as a extra offer, I'll return Cirno to you.

Siege: …So it was Cirno.

Richard: …..

Patrick: So, what will it be-

Siege: Say, you know something, top-hat freak?

Patrick: Hm? And what is that, my dear friend?

Siege: There are very few people who can possibly get under my skin, considering that I have a high tolerance for anger and hatred. But, you sir, have really topped it off.

Patrick: I care not about your matters. All I care is for the response.

Siege: ….And I count, three, two, one…..

Richard: …..Pft…

Patrick: Hm?


Patrick: Something funny, boy?

Siege: Oh, you'll see soon enough, Cheshire. If I were you, I'd run.

Patrick: And miss an opportunity like this, how about no-

Richard: Oh, you make me laugh and retch at your words, you useless piece of trash.

Patrick: What do you mean?

Richard: First, you send Reimu and Marisa to a one-way trip to Eientei, then you take Cirno screaming for her life, away to your land. And then you create this incident, just because you want to lure some fire girl out, and now… Now you have the gall to ask me if I want to be your servant?

Patrick: So?

Siege: Well, it seems that he's out of it. I guess I won't be the one tearing you apart today, my friend.

Richard: Here's a counter-offer for you, dark magician. You have two choices. You can return Cirno to me with her mind back to normal, and you can beg and plead for mercy like the miserable wench you are, and if you're lucky I might let you go with only just your ego and pride deflated. Or you can resist futilely, and I will take Cirno from you with force, and I will teach you the true meaning of despair and suffering, and make you taste what true darkness looks like! You have no other choice, so what's YOUR choice, bastard? You want to beg, or do you want to die suffering?

Patrick: Heh. Unfortunately, I choose neither. And I'm actually sad you rejected my offer.

Siege: Well, then I guess you're going to choose the second one. Richard's on one side, and I'm on the other. What does that mean on your chances of escape.

Patrick: Nothing. You serve no purpose, my dear brute.

*Patrick suddenly teleports to the top end of the screen*

Siege: What!? How did he!?

Patrick: If you survive this, Richard, and if you have a change of mind, then you are free to find me for all you want. As for you, intruder, I do believe you're not going to live anyway. So ta-ta~!


?: Richard Liu, Siege, allow me to eradicate you for my master.

Richard: Cirno… No… Stop! Wake up! It's me, Richard! Your friend!

Siege: Don't try, Richard. Cirno's really out of it. She won't listen. I know because I had someone like that before.

Richard: ….No….

?: I am not your friend. Now die.

Siege: Listen up, Richard. I can see that you're losing power after that fight of yours. So, how about I take your place to help deal with her.

Richard; No… I hold responsibility to this as much as I do with you. Allow me to go, and atone for my mistakes.

Siege: Then, we do it together.

Richard: Just like old times then… Let's do this!

Stage 6: Dying Miracles, Faint Light【崩溃的奇迹 残存的光明】

Boss 6: ?

Theme: Unknown Coldness and Darkness【未知的寒冷与黑暗】

(Boss Battle ensues, as Richard and Siege swap around for each spell that is broken, before the battle ends with Siege defeating the last spell, as the ritual room returns to normal)

?: …. Come, to the end of magic.

(The robed figure teleports out of the room.)

Richard: Wait, Cirno! Don't leave!

Siege: Richard. It's already done. We can get out of-

Richard: !?

Siege: Richard?

Richard: U….Uggghhh….

Siege: ….Richard! Hey, this isn't funny! What's happening to you!?

Richard: Siege…. Run…. Now…..

Siege: What the-

(Richard suddenly rushes to the middle of the screen, before being enveloped by a ball of purple magic)


(Suddenly, the ball disperses, to reveal Richard as a boss, his eyes being completely white, and sporting a purple aura)

Siege: This isn't good….. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

Richard: Rrrggh…..

Siege: Richard!?


Siege: Oh no…. He's going to kill me! I have to fight back, at least as much to exhaust him enough to stop trying to murder me!

Stage 7: Friend's Duel, Clashing Wills【朋友的决斗 顶撞的意志】

Boss 7: Richard Liu

Theme: Astral Storm (Phyranna)

(The Boss Fights goes on, until Richard's Spell count is depleted, triggering a cut-scene)

Richard: Rrgh…. Hhhnngghh….

Siege: Richard?

Richard: Uuugh…. That hurts like hell….

Siege: You back? You alright?

Richard: I don't think that I have control over my body now. This isn't going to end well. Siege, nuke me with all you got. Now.

Siege: What!? What are you talking about!? I can't do such a thing to you! You're basically asking me to assist your suicide here?

Richard: That's not up for debate. That bastard, Patrick… He must have pulled some sort of magic spell that is keeping hold over my mind and body. Good thing your force came in handy freeing me the former, but my latter is still running on his commands like a good pup.

Siege: Gods damn it….

Richard: Hurry up, please… I don't know how long I'll be dazed for. And I can feel that I'm about to fire off one hell of a spell. You must decide now!

Siege: (What can I do?)

Siege: (It seems that Richard's not lying about all of this.)

Siege: (But I can't do such a thing to him…. He's my pal. My closest one.)

Siege: (Is it really a necessary sacrifice?)

-Finish Richard

-Hold back for a little longer.

(Finish Richard chosen.)

Siege: …..Damnit….. I'm sorry for what's going to happen…

Richard: Don't be. You've done all I can. Better I die in your hands than go rampant on Gensokyo once again.

Siege: …..Ggghhhh….

Richard: Tell Cirno that I'm going to take a nap when you finally free her, alright? She doesn't need to know yet.

(A prompt appears on the screen, for the bomb button to be pressed. When pressed, whatever Magic Burst that Siege has equipped will be fired, defeating Richard, and leading to the Bad Ending.)

Bad Ending:

*A picture of Richard lying on the ground, having a peaceful expression, and his eyes closed, as Siege soon appears in front of him.*

Siege: Richard…..

Siege: I'm sorry…. I'm so sorry…

Siege: If only I had a little more power, I would have been able to stop you right here and now.

Siege: …..

*The castle soon trembles, as the screen and picture shake violently*

Siege: !? The castle's falling apart!

*The picture soon changes, as it shows Siege flying up, with Frenio in his hands*

Siege: …I'll at least save this girl. It's what you would have done, eh old buddy?

Siege: I can tell she's still alive. I guess you have really saved her in my stead.

Siege: …I only wish you have a safe journey to whatever afterlife you're going to.

Siege: …Farewell, Richard.

*The picture soon moves to Richard's laid corpse, as the screen soon darkens, as it shows a chibi version of Siege and Frenio, as Siege is crying streams, as Frenio lies in her arms smiling*

(Hold back for a little longer chosen)

Siege: Sorry, but I can't do such a thing.

Richard: Well then…. You might want to buckle up then.

Siege: At least you'll live.

Richard: But you won't. Still, that's what I expect of you, Siege. Trying to protect me even when I'm literally trying to fry you to crisps.

Siege: …Maybe I'm selfish, but I'll try.


Richard's Last Spell Theme: To Walk Simply into Epicness (Phyranna)

(Richard uses one last spell, which is a progressively harder two-minute survival spell with 7 phases, before Richard is defeated again, for the true ending)

Richard: Well played…. Siege… Well played.

*Richard collapses on the ground, having no more energy to fight*

Siege: Phew… I managed to survive that. The others are definitely going to jump out of their socks when they hear Richard got such a powerful last spell, as compared to those 'Last Words' he was talking about, and I survived it relatively unscathed.

*The castle soon trembles*

Siege: Crap, the castle is about to go down! I have to take Richard and that girl!

*Siege then slings Richard over his shoulder, who is already unconscious*

Siege: Oi, it's time to go already!

Frenio: Leave me… There's nothing left for me.

Siege: Psh… I don't have time for this!

*Siege punches Frenio in the gut hard enough to knock her out of conscious*

Frenio: Gwah!? Uunnggghhh….

Siege: Now, time to get the hell out of here.

Stage 8: (Unnamed) [Proposed Name: Fallen Castle, Incident's End 【崩塌的城堡 灾情的结尾】)

Theme: Rose At Twilight (NemesisTheory)

(The stage continues, to the end, to the true ending.)

True Ending:

*A picture of Richard and Siege standing on the same cliff in Richard's ending appears, the screen showing their backs turned towards the land onwards*

Richard: So, I guess that we've got a new task in our hands, eh?

Siege: Right on. How are you doing?

Richard: Still aching, but the little nap I had gave me most of my power back.

Siege: So, what next? We chase after that top-hatted screw-ball?

Richard: Damn right. I ain't letting him go.

Siege: Let's go then.

*The screen then shows the camera facing them*

Richard: …Right. Let's do this.

Siege: For our friends…

Richard: And for the others.

*The sign 'TO BE CONTINUED IN EXTRA' is shown*