Harry hurried down a corridor of the Ministry, throwing looks over his shoulder as he went. He spotted a mostly unused door and slipped inside, casting several very strong locking charms. He turned around and sagged against the door, sighing in relief. She wouldn't find him here, it was too close to the Minister's office, hopefully, she wouldn't think to come this far. Opening his eyes he saw he wasn't the only one in the room as he had previously thought. Sitting in one of the armchairs was a gorgeous dark-skinned man who looked vaguely familiar. Harry cocked his head slightly to the side trying to place him, his eyes raked over the muscular body that was hidden beneath a grey tailored suit and darker outer robes. It wasn't until he saw the emerald tie pin that it twigged. "Zabini," he said, "What are you doing here?"
The Slytherin Alumna inclined his head in greeting, "I'm waiting on the Minister. We have a lunch reservation, he asked me to wait as he was running a little behind." His rich voice sent a shiver down Harry's spine, "though I think now I might be the one running late if you do not take those charms from the door."
Harry looked at the door he was still leaning on, "er, right, sorry about that," he waved his wand at the door again and took down the locking charms. Turning back he came into the room and flopped down comfortably onto one of the couches provided.
They sat in silence for a moment, Harry had his eyes closed and his head resting on the back of the couch. "So is there a reason why you ran in here like your robes were lit with fiendfyre?" asked Zabini after a beat.
Harry visibly shuddered, "I'm hiding from my secretary," he replied.
"Your secretary?" the darker man asked, disbelief seeping into his voice, Harry nodded, "the Great Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived, Vanquisher of the Dark Lord, Head Auror and Lead Hit-Wizard, is hiding from his secretary?"
Harry snorted, "I'd take Voldemort over Emmanuella Jenkins any day."
Zabini raised an eyebrow, though Potter didn't see it, "why don't you just fire her? Surely that's within your control?"
Harry opened his eyes and looked at the ex-Slytherin, with a smile playing on his lips, "you've never tried her chocolate raisin biscuits, plus she's amazingly efficient, I don't really know what I'd do without her."
Zabini looked at Potter puzzled, "so then why are you hiding from her?"
Harry shuddered again and looking towards the door before leaning forward a bit, he dropped his voice and said in a horrified whisper, "she's trying to make me try on dress robes." He sat back once again and in a more normal tone continued, "despite the fact she already has my sizing and I have more than enough robes already, she insisting on new ones for that stupid ministry gala in a month."
"You mean the Ministry Gala that is held every year to commemorate your defeat of You-Know-Who?"
"That's the one," Harry replied.
"You don't want to go?" Zabini asked the obvious question, finding Potter to be quite intriguing.
"Not if I can help it, they expect me to kiss arse, shake every hand and someone always asks me to dance," Harry moaned.
Zabini snorted delicately, "Your dancing hasn't improved then since the Yule Ball I take it."
Harry folded his arms across his chest, "s'not like I've exactly had the time for dancing lessons. As you said, I am Head Auror and a Hit-Wizard, I've had more important things on my mind." he said obstinately.
"Or you've yet to find the correct partner to dance with," Zabini pointed out.
Harry smirked at him, "is that an offer?" Before Zabini could formulate a reply, the door opened and the Minister's personal secretary poked her head around the door.
"Mr Zabini, Minister Shacklebolt is ready for you now. Oh, Harry, Emma's looking for you, shall I tell her where you are?" She asked with a cheeky grin.
"You do that Gracie, and I'll make sure the Weasley Twins target you as their latest unsuspecting product tester." Harry told her, "I'd like to enjoy what's left of my lunch break, thank you." Gracie laughed and left the room.
Zabini stood and smoothed his robes, "well Potter, it's been.. interesting."
Harry flashed him a smile before spinning on the sofa to lay down on it, "likewise, Zabini," he said closing his eyes and for all intents and purposes, appeared to go to sleep. Zabini shook his head at the conundrum that was Potter and left to have lunch with the Minister of Magic.
AN: Decided to post this as I thought you guys might enjoy it! I've got a few chapters now and a general idea of where I want this to head. This story I think will be fairly short and the chapters will reflect that. Hope you like it!
So what did you think of the first chapter? :D
R&R please!
Much love ArielSakura