Hey readers! Nice to finally to be uploading this. Yes, it has been a long ass time since I updated this story. Also, I have technically had this written for the past month. It's just a hassle sometimes to go through my usual process of writing things down on paper and then transferring them into a typed format. Just so you know, the next chapter SHOULD be out faster than this one was…
Maybe…Probably…Sorry Not Sorry.
[Line Break]
"Hey Kuroka."
"Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching us?"
"Not really. Why nya~?"
"Well, call me paranoid, but I'm pretty sure everyone's bee staring at us since we walked through the gate."
It was on a clear Monday morning that the duo found themselves approaching the impressive establishment known as Kuoh Academy. The main building at the end of the vast yard was huge, taking up at least six city blocks' worth of space and towering over them at four stories. Smaller buildings dotted the land around it, most likely belonging to the many clubs the school's brochure boasted.
Both wore their respective versions of the school uniform, albeit poorly. Tatsumi's consisted of the same black dress pants and blazer as the other male students, as well as the long-sleeved white undershirt. Unlike the majority of the male population, though, his undershirt was unbuttoned to show his usual grey T-shirt and his feet were completely bare. Kuroka was no better, leaving the top buttons of her own white undershirt undone to show off her cleavage. The black corset and shoulder cape matched perfectly with her hair, and the criminally short red skirt showed off her smooth thighs. Like her best friend, her footwear differed from the usual dress shoes, instead being her preferred wooden sandals.
All eyes were on them as they stared down the sidewalk. Boys couldn't stop staring at the cat girl's bouncing curves and beautiful figure, while the girls were practically drooling at the chiseled musculature sported by the brunette dragon. The latter did receive more looks than his companion, but it was mainly for the fact that his eyes were...unique.
Luckily for Kuroka, she learned to control her draconic traits in the weeks since her rebirth. She said it was almost like hiding her cat ears and tail, only instead of suppressing her Ki, she suppressed her aura. The scales and crossed pupils disappeared, but two features remained. Her purple dragon wings couldn't be dismissed as they were flesh and bone, unlike her previously-owned devil wings. It took her five days to be able to subconsciously keep them folded against her back for extended periods of time. The other distinguishing feature, which she displayed proudly to the world, was the silver tattoo on her collar bone, the Tyrant's Cross. Why would she want to hide the proof that she was no longer a runaway slave, but a part of her best friend's family?
"Wow! Are they the new students we've been hearing about?"
"I think so. They look so cool!"
"Do you see those tits? They're huge!"
"He's so handsome. I wonder if he's single..."
"I doubt it. They're probably a couple."
"Why do we have to have another bishounen?!"
"Go to hell you stupid bishounen! We don't want you here!"
Tatsumi raised an eyebrow at that last comment. "That's funny, considering we just came from the underworld," he silently chuckled. "But what's a bishounen? The language technique Tiamat gave me isn't translating it well."
Kuroka giggled and latched onto his right arm, pulling it between her boobs. "It basically means pretty boy nya~. They're cursing you for being appealing to the girls around here."
He shook his head, ignoring the fantastic feeling of softness. "Whatever. If they want to make a big deal out of someone's looks, more power to them. Not like I'm here to make friends."
"But isn't that exactly why Tiamat sent us here nya~?" Kuroka tilted her head in confusion.
"It is, but it's not why I came here. I'm here because I don't enjoy the idea of me being beaten half to death for refusing her 'generous gift.' Last time I did, it took two months for my wing to grow back the right way," he mumbled, rolling his left shoulder. It was amazing how much pain she'd been willing to put him through once she realized how high his capacity for healing was.
The rumors got louder as they ascended the front steps. They ranged from the duo being a confirmed couple to him blackmailing her into public displays of affection. Whatever the case, the dragons tuned them all out as they proceeded into the school.
Inside, the halls were teeming with students. Some were chatting idly, others rushing to their homerooms so the bell wouldn't condemn them. Heads turned to follow the newcomers, but it wasn't as bad as the crowd outside. The people in here had more important things than gossip to focus on.
"Holy hell, it smells bad," the brunette mumbled, holding back the urge to cover his nose. "I knew this was a devil's territory, but this place reeks of them. It's gonna take a while for me to get used to it."
Kuroka pouted. "Are you saying I smelled bad when I was a devil?" she asked in mock offense.
"You know what I mean," he chuckled, giving her forehead a flick with his free hand. "It's the stench of those stuck up, pure-blooded nobles I can't stand. Always puts me on edge."
"Good!" she happily nuzzled his shoulder.
They continued on in silence until they reached the front office, where they retrieved their individual schedules. Kuroka was enrolled as a senior, while Tatsumi was a junior, so they wouldn't have any classes together. They agreed to meet up at lunch.
"Don't cause any trouble," Tatsumi reminded her as they prepared to part ways. "If you run into any trouble, just flare your aura and I'll be there."
"My hero," she teased, giving him a peck on the cheek. "You don't need to worry. I'm a big girl, ya know nya~?"
He gave her an amused smirk. "Big? Maybe. Mature? Not even close."
The cat girl giggled and gave him a shove. "I'm big where it counts." As if to emphasize her point, she strutted away with a bounce in her step and a way of her hips.
On his way to his new class, the red eyed teen lost himself in thought. His closest friend had become a lot more affectionate in the last few weeks. He'd grown accustomed to her teasing, both verbal and physical, over the years, but she seemed to be stepping up her game now. Her sexual comments increased in frequency, she kissed him at least twice as much as before, and she'd grown incredibly clingy. He'd chalk it up to her yearly mating season, but that was six months ago. Plus, she wasn't forcefully trying to undress him and fuck his brains out. He tried asking Tia, but she just gave him a knowing grin and told him he'd "find out sooner or later."
Reaching the sliding door to his classroom, he was surprised to sense a faint draconic aura on the other side. It felt suppressed, like it was sealed away, but leaked enough energy to be felt by most supernatural beings. He decided to investigate it later as he knocked on and opened the door.
The teacher, a middle-aged man with greying hair and glasses, turned to look at him. "Yes?" Tatsumi entered and handed the man his papers. "Ah! You're the new transfer student. If you could, please introduce yourself to the class."
Tatsumi faced the class, three fourths of which was comprised of females who eyed him like a piece of meat. The male population sent him dirty looks, some silently cursing his existence. His eyes briefly singled out two of the students whose energy signatures identified them as reincarnated devils. One was a girl with long blond hair, kind green eyes, an innocent face, and a modest figure. The other happened to be the source of the draconic aura he felt outside. It was a boy with brown hair and eyes, and a rather weak looking muscle structure.
"My name is Tatsumi Takara. I hope we can all get along," he announced with a fake smile."
The instructor nodded. "Alright. Does anyone have questions for Tatsumi?"
Multiple hands rose. The first to be picked was a bald boy with a scowl on his face. "Why do your eyes look so weird? Are you wearing special contact lenses or something to look cool?"
Feminine voices from around the room scolded the guy, but were halted by the new student's answer. "I was born this way, you insensitive prick. How would you feel if I asked why you look like a disappointment and smell like hand lotion and wasted potential?"
The bald kid shrunk back in shock as another student, this one female, was selected. "Where are your shoes?"
"I don't wear shoes. It goes against my religion," Tatsumi stated. That was the only way the school would allow him to go barefoot.
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No and I'm not looking for one."
"What about the girl with huge boobs you walked with into the academy?"
"Kuroka? She's...unique."
[Five minutes ago: Kuroka's Class]
Kuroka was either incredibly lucky or incredibly unlucky when it came to the class she was assigned. It was one of the few made up of only females, so there was no need to worry about perverts. Not that she was against the idea of teasing hormonal teenage boys with her generous curves. Tatsumi was too accustomed to her teasing, so his lack of reactions left her unfulfilled.
Back to the problem at hand, the cat/dragon found herself standing in front of a class which included the four most powerful devils in the academy. Two high-class purebloods and their [Queens], if her senses were correct. Even worse, the purebloods were staring at her with calculative, hungry gazes. They might not know who she was, but they could obviously feel her power. She found herself silently cursing Tiamat for having them enroll before she could learn to completely conceal her aura.
'Well, might as well make a good impression,' she internally sighed. A gleeful smile was plastered on her face as she greeted the class. "Hello! My name is Kuroka Takara and I'm so glad to be here! I hope we came get along!"
Her introduction was well received. When the questions started rolling in, she was more than prepared.
"How do you keep your hair so shiny?"
"That's a secret."
"Are those boobs real?"
"As real as they can get."
"Who was that hot guy you were walking with? Is he your boyfriend?"
"Tatsumi? He's my adoptive brother."
"Is he single?"
That one got slightly under her skin. "He is," she replied in an odd tone. "But good luck asking him out. If he could resist these-" she lifted her breasts for emphasis. "-for the four years I've been shoving his face in them, then he won't bat an eyelash to any girl in this entire school."
This caused a mixture of reactions from the class. Some sank into their chairs in disappointment, others met Kuroka's declaration with challenging eyes, and a few even gossiped about whether or not the brunette in question may be gay. The only ones to show no reaction were the four aforementioned devils.
"Alright, that's enough for now. You can all ask any further questions during the lunch break," the teacher announced. "Kuroka, you may take the desk behind Rias Gremory over there."
"Okay!" she responded with fake enthusiasm, all the while thinking 'This is going to be so uncomfortable.'
[Line Break]
By the time the bell rang for lunch, both Tatsumi and Kuroka were praying to get out of their respective classes. The former was bored half to death with the lessons, which were chock full of things he'd already learned from Tiamat; while the latter was irked by certain students in her own class eyeing her like an exotic slice of meat. Needless to say, they were gone before the bell finished ringing.
They met up on the rooftop of the academy. Kuroka was the first to reach it, and found herself standing at the guard fence. Her best friend told her a few times over the years about how dragons love high places. It wasn't until now that she understood what he meant. Compared to the ground, where everything was stationary and movement was restricted, the higher elevation was amazing. She felt so free! It took all of her willpower not to just climb the fence, spread her wings, and leap.
"I see you're enjoying the view," Tatsumi chuckled, seeming to materialize out of thin air and making her jump.
"Tatsumi nya~," she whined, punching him in the arm. "Don't do that! I'm stressed enough as it is nya~"
The boy smirked. "Oh? I didn't think half a day of school would already be too much for a mighty Guardian Dragon."
"Grrrrr," she playfully growled, halfway between that of a cat and a dragon. "I'm trying to be serious nya~!" she pouted.
"Really?" he asked in mock surprise. "Wow. And here I thought miracles didn't happen."
That was the last straw. The nekoshou launched herself at the brunette, tackling him to the floor. They both wrestled for dominance, neither willing to let the other have the upper hand. Tatsumi was definitely stronger but Kuroka was more flexible and easily slipped out of any hold he caught her in. The epic battle between dragons ended when she mounted him, pinning his legs to the floor and his arms above his head. He glanced up at her with playful defiance, their faces mere inches apart.
"Do you surrender nya~?" she grinned.
In a display of strength, he forcefully rolled over, turning the tables on the confident neko. "It seems you forgot the first rule about being a dragon."
"And what would that be nya~?"
He leaned in closer until his lips were next to her ear. "Never submit to someone weaker than you," he growled, eliciting a soft moan from Kuroka as chills were sent down her spine.
She was disappointed when he got off her. It was instinctual for both nekomatas and dragons to become...attracted to powerful beings. Being around Tatsumi had been manageable back when she was half devil, since her devil side kept her feline instincts in check. Sure, devils were lustful and greedy beings, but that was more of a bred-in mindset than a genetic condition. Back then, she could ignore his teases like they were nothing. Now, she felt the impossibly strong need to mate with him right fucking now! The only thing holding her back was the knowledge that they were at school and Tiamat would kill both of them if they were expelled.
Tatsumi helped the blushing girl to her feet with a triumphant smile. "Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" he said knowingly. "That was for all the hell you put me through during puberty."
Kuroka's eyes took a surprised glint. "Are you saying seeing me naked turned you on this much? No wonder you spent a whole month in Antarctica just to get away from me. How do you control it now?"
"Not like I had a choice," he laughed, sitting against a wall. "It was either get used to the sexy kitty flaunting her curves every which way, or give in a viciously claim said kitty and throw away every shred of decency I've built up over the years. Option A was more favorable, and allowed me to get back at you. Adaptation and assimilation are my specialties, after all."
She sat beside him, the red in her cheeks slowly receding. "So you used your powers to cheat nya~?" she accused.
"Call it whatever you want. I win either way," he stated with finality. "If the banter is out of the way, we can get down to eating. You set up the silencing barrier around us, right?"
The half-dragon nodded. "Right after I got up here. It's projected in a fifteen foot radius with me as the central lynchpin, and I added a psychic alarm in can anyone tries to get too close."
Tatsumi rubbed the top of her head proudly. "You're really getting the hang of aura manipulation, aren't you? I'm impressed."
"Mmmhmm," Kuroka purred, leaning into his touch. "It's kinda like senjutsu, so shifting from Ki to aura is easier than I thought it'd be nya~."
"Either way, it deserves a reward." The red-eyed boy used his free hand to pull two lunch boxes out of thin air. It was a trick Tiamat taught him: making a pocket dimension. Not as big as the ones used for devil rating games, but enough to store small things. Example: today's lunch. Each box contained enough food to feed four people, since a dragon's appetite was enormous.
They ate in silence, filling the bottomless pits they called their stomachs. It was yet another wonder to the cat girl how she could consume so much each meal and not have it negatively affect her figure. Tatsumi had explained that most of the nutrients went to sustaining her aura, while a smaller portion was actually used for physical needs. Her perspective on her new race was gradually broadening.
"So," Tatsumi said, setting down the lunch box he'd cleaned out. "What's got your tail in a twist today? Is it related to the devils here?"
Kuroka sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Yeah. A couple of purebloods and their [Queens] are in my class nya~. They were staring at me like a toy they wanted for Christmas. I'm willing to bet they'll be approaching me, you, or both of us about joining their peerages before the end of the week."
Tatsumi sneered. "End of the week? More like end of the day. Haven't you noticed the familiars watching us?"
She had. Four sets of eyes were trained on the duo from the shadows and hard to reach locations on the roof. None were foolish enough to enter the barrier, but they still watched the dragons nonetheless. Their masters were either retarded, thinking a powerful being won't notice the surveillance, or ballsy as hell.
"Do I have permission to kill any that follow us home nya~?" she inquired adorably.
Tatsumi smiled and reached up to pat her head again. "No. First we leave them critically injured. If the devils send more, we take those out. We want to at least give the stuck up bitches a chance to see the error of their ways before executing familiars. On that occasion, you can do whatever you please."
The dark haired girl purred contentedly. Tatsumi knew exactly where her cat ears were hidden, so he took the opportunity to scratch the sweet spot behind the left one. She tilted her head into his touch. "Nyaaaaaa~," she moaned, gradually leaning until her head was in his lap. Words failed her as her brain turned to pudding, his magical fingers making her forget her stress. She could stay link this forever.
The warning bell that signaled the last five minutes of lunch shattered her peaceful daydreams. She groaned, trying to ignore the reality that she'd have to return to that hell of a classroom for another three hours. A poke to her cheek prompted her to open her eyes and give Tatsumi a pleading look.
"Sorry Kuroka, but we gotta get going," he sighed, lifting her off of him and standing. "Don't give me those 'sad kitten' eyes. You know I'd love nothing more than to take a nap, but do you remember why we're here?"
"Because Tiamat is terrifying," she shuddered. Her fear of what the dragon king would do to her if she found out Kuroka skipped class was more than enough incentive for her to start moving. It's not that Tiamat was a mean dragon, but she did become violent when her son and his companion refused to follow her advice. The advice in question: "Don't cause and/or get into trouble if you value your tails."
He gave her a smirk. "That's right. No amount of sleep is worth her wrath," he agreed, leading her to the roof access door. "Just try to ignore the devils. If they start something, we can always claim self-defense."
"True," she conceded, re-entering the building.
[Line Break]
The end of the school day finally came with the final bell. Tatsumi was finding it difficult to not smash his head into his desk until it shattered. He couldn't decide which was more annoying; the hopelessly dull lessons or the other students with their questions. This material wouldn't be so hard for them if they actually used their brains instead of thinking about shopping, boys, or (in the case of the males) porn. It was a wonder that he hadn't punched the pervert with glasses through a wall yet.
He sprinted for the door the instant the bell's tone came through the speaker. His legs carried him through hallways, down two flights of stairs, and past the shocked faces of students just exiting their classrooms. It didn't matter if he was making a spectacle of himself. He just needed to get out of that cramped dungeon that masqueraded as a learning establishment.
Kuroka joined his freedom run on the second floor, equally thankful to be released. Although, she did have a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as they dodged doors and weaved through the crowds. The devils had been excused from class half an hour early, stating it related to their respective "clubs." She knew from the rumors that one of the [Kings] was the student council president, so that didn't bode well. It was just as they reached the front doors that her gut feeling was confirmed.
"Will Tatsumi and Kuroka Takara please report to the student council room," a voice came over the intercom. "I repeat, Tatsumi and Kuroka Takara to the student council room."
Both teenagers froze. They knew that neither of them had broken any rules or disrupted the peace of the school, so neither could possibly be in trouble. The only reason they could think of for being called up was the devils trying to recruit them. Tatsumi knew they'd try making a move, but on the first day? There really was no end to a devil's greed.
Red eyes met amber as the duo looked to each other for confirmation. Seeing understanding in the others' stare, they both nodded.
"Screw that!"
They took off running faster than before.
[Line Break]
From the top of floor of the main school building, a single person stared out the window of the student council room. Her violet eyes watched as a pair of students fled the school grounds. She let loose a sigh, turning back around. Her bob-cut black hair swayed with the motion. She wore the standard Kuoh Academy uniform, which hugged her modest bust, as did the other females in the room. This was Souna Shitori, or Sona Sitri to those who knew the supernatural world. The Student Council President.
She sat down at her large desk, an irritated expression dominating her features. "They ran away."
Sitting on one of the couches, another girl frowned. This one had long crimson red hair that fell to the base of her spine, blue-green eyes, and large breasts that rivaled Kuroka's in size. "That's disappointing. I wonder what scared them off?" Rias Gremory pondered.
Her best friend and [Queen] to her peerage chuckled behind her. Her eyes were the same violet as Sona's, but that's where the similarities ended. Akeno Himejima's hair was tied in a ponytail that trailed all the way down to her ankles, and her boobs were larger than Rias'. "Maybe they had plans that didn't involve being held after school hours for no apparent reason?"
That one struck the two [Kings] hard. In hindsight, summoning them over the PA system without probable cause seemed extremely suspicious. Also, there were no school rules stating that students had any obligation to obey the student council after the final bell. Sona especially should've seen the glaring holes in this plan.
"Not to add fuel to the fire," the room's final occupant, a heterochromatic girl whose right eye was light blue and left was purple, interjected. This was Sona's [Queen], Tsubaki Shinra. She adjusted her glasses, standing next to her [King's] desk. "But having your familiar, alongside those of your peerage, spy on them was likely a bad idea as well." The long dark haired beauty crossed her arms under her impressive bust, her face neutral.
Rias gained a sheepish expression. "How was I supposed to know they'd detect them and set up a barrier?"
"It doesn't matter what we say now," Sona said. "It appears we both blew it on first impressions."
They sat in silence for a few moments. It's no exaggeration to say they both reacted hastily. What devil wouldn't when faced with the amount of power the female Takara was giving off? The devils even suspected that the red-eyed boy may be just as powerful, but better at hiding it. It was just too tempting to take them now before any other high-class devils discovered them here.
Rias broke the silence. "What information were you able to gather on them?"
Her childhood friend gestured to the open folders on her desk. "Not as much as I'd like. All of their sensitive information, from birth certificates to medical records, is classified beyond my clearance level. I asked my sister for her help, but the moment I told her their names she clammed up and told me to not dig any deeper. The only tidbit I could catch was that the Maou themselves helped enroll them as a favor to someone.
"If you want the surface details, they're easy enough. Kuroka and Tatsumi Takara are adoptive siblings. No known blood relatives on either account. Raised and home schooled by an unnamed legal guardian and enrolled in the second and third years here. No criminal records. No outstanding awards or prizes. It's like they didn't exist until a month ago."
The Gremory heiress put a hand on her chin in deep thought. "If my big brother and your sister are involved, they must have some pretty high up connections. I wonder what they are."
Sona shook her head. "Whatever you're planning, please don't. The last thing we need is for you to make an emotionally-charged decision and ruin any chance of us being on good terms with them."
"Why do you automatically assume that I'll screw something up?" Rias asked incredulously.
"Sona merely raised an eyebrow." Must I have Tsubaki retrieve the list for me?"
Rias immediately shut up
[Line Break]
The draconic duo reached home faster than anyone could've predicted. This was partially due to the fact that their escape became a race halfway to their destination. Needless to say, foul play and sabotage were implemented by both parties in an attempt to come in first. The victor was Kuroka, but only by a hair.
"I win nya~!" the cat girl cheered, sticking her tongue out.
"Yeah, but only because you punched me in the face to take the lead," Tatsumi fired back.
She was prepared though. "Only after you tripped me nya~."
"I tripped you because you threw an apple at me!"
The continued their childish display of accusations as they entered an apartment complex. It wasn't that large of an establishment, only two stories tall and containing a grand total of six apartments. Theirs was on the first floor, being one of the four smaller models in comparison to the second floor suites. The building was clean overall in addition to being fairly generic. Cream colored walls, random paintings, solid wood doors with numbers engraved into bronze plaques. Nothing too fancy.
Tatsumi pulled out his key when they reached the last door at the end of the hall. He remembered Tiamat insisting on renting them a penthouse in one of the town's high-end complexes, but that was quickly shot down. All they needed was a two bedroom home with the basics for living, which they could afford on their own with their collective savings. Luxury would've been more of a hindrance than anything.
He opened the door and steeped into the modest living room. There was only a single couch to sit on with two end tables, and a coffee table between it and the 32 inch TV. Further back was a breakfast bar bordering the edge of the kitchen. To the left of that, a hallway extended a short way, ending in three doors.
The first thing Kuroka did upon entering was extend her purple-scaled wings through the special slits hidden in her modified uniform, as well as releasing her cat ears and tails. She threw herself onto the couch, stretching all eight of her appendages. "Nyaaaa~," she moaned in content. "It's so nice to just let go."
Her best friend followed suit, letting his own draconic features show themselves. Not only were his wings brought out, but Incursio's blade seemed to materialize in its sheath on his back. In truth, the weapon had been on him all day, rendered invisible via Tatsumi's personal concealing abilities. It was a good thing that that evolution stayed with him through the reincarnation. "I know what you mean. It's very liberating," he agreed on his way to the kitchen.
Kuroka draped an arm over the back of the couch, popping her head up to watch him. "How do you make hiding your wings look so easy nya~?" she asked with a pout. "Making my ears and tails disappear is as simple as dismissing them, but having the wings folded against my back all day is so stifling nya~."
The brunette chuckled as he opened the fridge. "Honestly, the discomfort never goes away. You just get used to it and relish any opportunity to relieve it."
Kuroka groaned in annoyance, flopping back down. "That's not fair nya~!"
Setting the ingredients for dinner on the counter, he said a phrase she'd heard from him countless times. "Life isn't fair. Anyone who says otherwise is either selling something or a politician."
She groaned, knowing she should've seen that one coming. The worst part was that, after seeing many of the horrors and atrocities the supernatural world had to offer, she knew he was right. If she were to reject the notion, she'd also be denying the circumstances that led to her current situation. Still, she refused to give him the satisfaction of one-upping her. Again.
"Whatever you say," the nekoshou carelessly dismissed his sagely words. "What's for dinner tonight nya~?"
"I was thinking of Italian," he stated, preparing the pots and pans for his culinary expedition. "So spaghetti, lasagna, pizza, garlic bread, and maybe some chicken alfredo to mix it up."
Kuroka's mouth watered as the dragon boy listed off the food. It was no secret that Tatsumi was a genius when it came to cooking. With taste buds and olfactory sensors that could examine any piece of food down to an atomic scale, it was almost impossible for him not to be. Everything he cooked, no matter how simple or complex, came out as a masterpiece. The reincarnated cat girl couldn't resist a single meal prepared by him. And now, with a dragon-sized appetite, she could enjoy them even more.
"Mmmm," she purred, lost in her fantasies of fantastical flavors.
They fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the boiling of water, sizzling of meat, and the occasional clanking of cookware. The brunette lost himself in thought, as he usually did when cooking. He remembered the devil in school who gave off that draconic aura. The likelihood of it being the result of a sacred gear was high. He was probably picked solely for that power by one of the high-class devils in the school.
Tatsumi didn't hate all devils, per se. The reincarnated ones were mostly victims of the demonic nobility's greed, after all. Sure, some of the purebloods he met were actually decent people, but the ratio of good to corrupt was like comparing a bucket of water to the ocean. They were a minority, with the majority being stuck up, power hungry pricks who deserved a taste of Esdeath's torture methods.
'Esdeath.' The name echoed in his mind. He could still remember killing her as if it happened yesterday. She was a sick, sadistic woman with warped morals, but he'd seen another side of her. Even in the end, she smiled at him with those loving eyes as if she were a young girl on a date with her crush. It was for the good of the Empire that she died, but he still felt regret in ending her live. Maybe he could've saved her.
Kuroka watched intently as her friend's face cycled through emotions as he cooked. Curiosity, frustration, sadness, determination, and then happiness flowed into one another fluidly. She subtly reached out with her senjutsu, trying to see if he was alright. For her, Tatsumi was the easiest person in the world to read due to the nature of his Ki. Any shift, from anger to joy, was as subtle as an atomic bomb, so a quick peek was all she needed to confirm her suspicion.
"Who are ya thinking about nya~?" she question innocently.
The dragon boy was brought back to reality with a jolt. "What makes you think I've got someone on my mind?" he countered, obviously overly defensive.
She gave him a look that plainly showed she wasn't buying it.
"Fine, you caught me," the boy surrendered. "I was remembering… a woman I used to know. Before I met you."
Kuroka felt a pang of jealousy well up in her chest. "What was she like?"
Tatsumi had to chuckle at that. "The best way to describe her would be 'a walking contradiction.' She was the most vile, cold hearted sadist I've ever met. She memorized thousands of methods of torture and didn't care if the person she used them on was guilty or innocent. Her soul was so stained in blood and malice that an average human could feel it. Hell, the killing intent she leaked alone could bring a war-hardened veteran to his knees. Entire armies and countries fell to her sheer power."
He sighed, emptying a box of noodles into a pot of boiling water. "But, I saw a side of her that nobody else did. When she looked at me, there was no hatred, sadism, or even a condescending glare. When she and I were alone, she became an emotionally awkward girl. She obviously had feelings for me. I'm just sad that I couldn't change her for the better in the end."
The cat/dragon detected a hint of loss in his voice. "What happened to her?"
"I killed her. Ran a spear through her torso in the heat of battle. The fucked up part was that she died giving me that same loving smile she always had."
As Tatsumi went silent again, Kuroka mulled over the new information. This was the first time in all of the years she knew the silver dragon that he revealed a piece of his past willingly. She sometimes caught him muttering names in his sleep, but they had no evident connection to his waking discussions. Unfortunately, the topic seemed to darken his mood, so she decided the best course of action was to drop it.
"Enough about that nya~!" she suddenly shouted, standing up and bounding over to the breakfast bar. "We should focus on more important things nya~!"
He raised an eyebrow. "Like what exactly?"
"Like you letting me taste some of this delicious- OW!" She tried reaching a hand out toward the pot on the stove where the tomato sauce was heating up, only to get said appendage whacked with a large metal spoon.
"No sampling," Tatsumi reprimanded. "Wait for dinner like a good kitty."
She pouted, but the smile returning to Tatsumi's face was enough to sate her…for now
So, it took two reviews for me to realize that i forgot to expand upon something here: i most definitely am twisting around BOTH the AKG and DXD universes for subtle plot purposes.
Example 1) Koneko never told Rias or the others her sister's name and her physical appearance is unknown to all but the highest echelons of devil society.
Example 2) The unable-to-disipate-dragon-wings thing that wasn't present in canon DXD. Yes it does needlessly complicate things, but i like things needlessly complicated. It's how i roll.
Should you have any concerns or complaints about the direction of this story, feel free to ask. HOWEVER: Keep in mind that i both have a plan AND am making this up as i go.
P.s.: Another reason for my delay in posting this is another crossover i've been working on, but it was mostly laziness