Sharon took a deep breath before knocking on the hotel room door. She was finally at ease with her past. It was amazing what a simple conversation with someone could do to someone's mind. But her stomach was still in knots now that she had to talk with Andy.

"Oh. Hi. I thought that it was the room service. I just called on lunch." Andy said after opening the door. He let her walk past him and couldn't help himself to just look at the way her hips swayed from side to side. He still couldn't believe that he was married to that woman. His thoughts sobered up though when he realized that if she was already here, that meant that she had made a choice and she had been quick at it.

Sharon turned to him and played with her pockets before she looked up to him. "I love you. I love you so much that when I think about it, it actually hurts just right here," she said putting her hand to her stomach. "I love you so much that when Jack came to me in our house, I wanted to physically hurt you just thinking that another woman could have been touch by you. I love you so much that when we were first intimate, I was terrified that I couldn't possibly satisfied you. But this morning, I was just terrified that you left me for good. And I'm done Andy. You're it for me. I won't ever, ever love someone the way I do love you."

Andy was just standing in front of her while she talked. He knew that she had to get that off her chest. He still had some questions for her but he knew that it would be better just to let her finish.

"So what about Jack?"

Sharon came close to him and put her hands on his sides. "I was afraid to let the past go. I thought that letting go of him would mean letting go of everything that he gave me, like my children. Jack changed me. The way he treated me, made me who I am now. I'm sorry that I didn't understand sooner that letting him go wouldn't change me. I'm sorry I yelled at you, did not believe you, tried to hit you... Gosh, I'm a terrible wife." Sharon said, hiding her face in his shirt.

"You are not. You're amazing. And I love you too by the way."

Sharon pulled him closer before looking up at him. "I just you to know that I trust you. But if one day, I discover that you're having an affair, I swear that you will thank God for already having children, because that wouldn't possible afterwards."

"That's noted." Andy bend his head and capture her lips with his. They both couldn't believe how long it has been since their last kiss. Of course they didn't kiss while at work but they made that up before going or even the car after the long hours. When Andy had went to his hotel room, only a tiny tiny part of his heart thought she could still be in love with Jack and would go back to him. Although, he really thought that Jack and her really needed to have a serious conversation, he never doubt her love for himself.

"So. Does that mean we're free of Jack?"

Sharon ran her hand on his cheek. "Yes. Our marriage is free of Jack. Well, I'm Sharon Flynn now aren't I? And that's a good proof too." She said raising her ring hand between their faces.

"It is." Andy responded smiling.

"You're very quiet."

"Well... I just-" Andy ran his hand in his hair, clearly nervous. "My marriage with Sandra was like that at the end. You know, me going home and finding her in a furious state. Her screaming at me that I was a cheater and just good for drinking. At the end of our wedding, my back was the one begging for me to go and sleep in a bed and not on a couch. I guess I just-" Andy took a deep breath and looked down at Sharon with a small smile. "I guess, I just never thought that it would happened with you. Grabbing my pillow and sleeping alone on that couch..."

"Oh Andy. I'm so sorry I made you feel like that."

"It's okay. I know that you would never have done all of that if you were in your normal state."

"It wasn't even your fault. I should have been the one sleeping on the couch."

Andy laughed and pulled her to him. "Well, don't worry about that sweetheart. I think that was the only time that you should have been the one sleeping on the couch."

"I'm really sorry I doubted of you. "

"I know."

"Do you think we will be okay?"

Andy looked at her, clearly surprised. "I thought that we already were."

Sharon detangled herself from him and went to sit on the bed. "I still feel really bad, Andy. I wanted to hurt you last night. I wanted to physically hurt you. That's not normal. I was not myself but still. I feel like you should be angry. I mean if you had done something like that, I think that I still would be mad at you."

"Well..." Andy started to say. He walked to the bed and sat beside her. "I'm not. I love you and I'm just so glad that you're here with me. That we will be working on our marriage to make it even better."

Sharon turned her face to Andy and smiled. "I will make sure you know how much I appreciate and love you then."

Before Andy could fully registered what she had said, Sharon pushed him on the mattress and climbed on top of him. When Andy looked up to her with wide eyes she just smiled and kissed him. She started by nipping at his lips before smoothing them with her tongue. Andy was about to open his mouth to let her in when she pulled back and dropped her kisses lower, on his neck. And turned his head to let have more space. Sharon could feel both of his hands on her body. One on her back and the other in her hair. She grabbed them and linked their fingers together on each side of Andy's head. She turned her head and started to kiss the other side of Andy's neck.

Andy had never ever felt like Sharon was boring in bed. However, it was the first time that he felt like Sharon was all over him. He felt she was everywhere around him. Her hands in his, her hair all around their faces, her scent in his nose, her face in the crooked of his neck, her breast pushing against him, her bent knees pushing against his hips. Andy felt like it was the first time he was touching her. And he liked that very much. A part of his brain wanted to push her away and make sure that she wasn't giving herself to him just to prove him that she loved him and deep down he knew that Sharon wasn't the kind of woman to use sex. If she wanted to have sex she made sure that Andy understood her message. She wasn't playing games. She wanted him. Because she wanted him and she wanted to have and give pleasure.

Andy grunted at that thought and push his hips against hers, making her moan against his skin. She could already felt how exited he was and that spurred Sharon on. She detangled their hands long enough to take off his tee-shirt, while making sure to run her nails against his chest. She stood up and did the same thing with his pants and boxer, leaving Andy totally naked on the bed in front of her while she was still fully dress. Andy tried to pulled her to him and undressed her but Sharon resisted and climbed back on him. His now impressive erection between them. She laid on him and linked their fingers back together.

"I love you so, so much." She whispered against his lips.

"I love you too." Andy responded, a moan on his lips when she started to undulate her hips. "God Sharon." He tried to break his hands free but Sharon kept holding on. He could easily really get free but if she wasn't ready to do so, then he would let her. She shifted to sit on him and let go of his hands. Andy immediately grabbed her hips and stopped her movements. She didn't stopped but slowed down. She took off her blouse and her bra and dropped a kiss to his lips before standing up. She took off the rest of her clothes but kept her gaze on his.

"Come here. Please." Andy said, extending his hand, his voice amazingly sweet. When she laid down on the bed beside him, Andy tried to pulled her to him and rolled over her. But Sharon pushed back and they laid on their sides facing each other for a moment, in silence. Andy carefully reached to Sharon and put his hand on her naked hip. She moved herself closer to him and kissed him. She had never felt like that with Andy. It was like the world could explode around her and she wouldn't care. She felt at peace and serene. If it wasn't for Andy still hard enthusiasm against her stomach and her own horniness, she would have stayed like that forever. But she remembered what her original goal was so she shifted again and turned Andy so he was on his back.

The rest of that hour passed in quick speed. Sharon made sure that Andy knew how much she loved and how good he was making her feel. She totally let go of any inhibition that she might have and truly enjoyed herself. She made Andy clench to the sheets, his brow sweating and furrowed in concentration. There was a lot of kissing too, a kind which had left Sharon's almost bruised by Andy's teeth. She also had enjoyed herself and marked Andy with love bites on his arms and chest. She had never done before but that had been fun, and now, as she was laying against him, she mentally noted to herself to do it in the future.

"You okay?" Andy asked, still out of breath.

Sharon first hummed, still not capable of forming word. She got closer to Andy and he started to stroke her back, drops of sweat against his fingertips.

"My god. That was so good." Sharon whispered running her foot against her husband's leg.

"It really was. You were amazing." Andy turned his head and grabbed Sharon's lips with his. She had to turn her head away. Her whole body was still tingling from the intense they had.

"Sure. I was the one amazing." Sharon turned her head to look at him and whispered in his ear. "My throat is soar from shouting..." She blushed and tried to hide her face in her pillow below her.

Andy chuckled and grabbed her chin to make him look at her. "How can you blush after everything that we've done here and before..."

"I don't know."

They both laughed and Sharon cuddled close to Andy. "I love you."

Andy could felt Sharon's eyelashes fluttered against the skin of his neck. He turned a little more on his side and gathered her closer. Andy had give her a chance to go, to take a step back from their wedding. Jack had given her amazing children and her love. He had let go. Andy would never do something that stupid now that she had chosen him. She had chosen him. Him. And Andy could not be any happier than in that moment.