A Twist

Chapter 11

"For every doctor, they say there is that one case that sticks with you." "And for me that case is you and your family having been with you both during this entire pregnancy being able to witness the love share with each other and the excitement and happiness that came with every appointment involving these babies." "Affected me more than I expected."

"The delivery was life threating and honestly I wasn't sure what the outcome would be given your wife's history and when the boys were born It was a relief because they were healthy and strong now the focus was to make sure we did everything possible to assure the same outcome for your daughter." "But unlike them your daughter was sick and we didn't know that until later on and she was small and delicate. When she was born she didn't cry and that when alarm bells went off we did all we could possibly do to help her." "And were able to get her breathing." The doctor said.

I nearly broke down crying hearing that they were able to get her to breath. But that wasn't all as he told the rest of what took place.

It was hours later that Brooke woke up. I smiled at her.

"Hey pretty girl." "Our boys were fed and changed and fell back to sleep." I told her. Feeling her grab my hand. I turn on the light and look up at her.

"Where is she Luke I see no cot with her anywhere." "What are you not telling me.?" She asked. With tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Something went wrong, didn't it.?" "Luke tell me where our daughter is." She said. Emotion thick in her voice.

I looked back at her. Taking a breath. Trying to form the words. Realizing now that it wasn't any easier to say all these hours later.

"They were able to get her to breath she's sick and fragile they said that her time is limited she isn't coming home with us Brooke." I said. Seeing the change in her expression as I felt my heart break.

"No!" "They don't know anything." "She's strong, and has an entire life to look forward to." "We're not leaving this hospital without three babies." Brooke said. Looking back at me.

"I want to see right now." She said. Tears falling from her eyes.

"Okay I can take you." I said. While I helped her into the wheelchair that was by her bed. Wheeling her out of the hospital room. Our sons were safely in the nursery. With the other babies.

We went through the hallway. And through another set of doors. I wheeled her slowly past other parents and babies until we reached the area we needed. I helped her out of the wheel chair and slowly into the rocking chair. I carefully opened the small door. Gently taking out the small baby. I carried her over. Placing her into her mother's awaiting arms.

Watching tears fall from her eyes. As she cradled her in her arms.

"Hi there, my baby girl your daddy and I have waited to meet you and your brothers our entire life." "I know things are scary and you are tired feel like you don't think you can hold on and I want to let you in on something you have me, your daddy, your brothers, and the rest of your family who love you so much and will fight for you every single day we never give up on the people we love."

"I'm going to give you and your brothers the world." "I never imagined I would get to experience what it means to be a mom I wanted that and now I have that chance and I won't let you down." Brooke said. Handing her back to me.

I carefully put our daughter back in her incubator. Looking over at Brooke.

Putting my hand in hers. "She's tough, just like you." I say to her.

"I know what we should name her and the boys." Brooke said. Looking to me.

"Roman Bennet Scott, Wyatt Tristan Scott, and for her Emerson Tinsley Scott." Brooke said. Looking into my eyes.

"Our family is complete I love those names." "And I love you very much." I said. Looking back at her. Leaning over kissing her gently.

"I love you too Luke." She said. Looking back at me. Kissing me back.

We spent some time simply looking at our daughter. Before we went back to Brooke's hospital room.

1 year later

Our home was filled with our family and friends. As Luke and I looked over at each other. Smiles on both our faces. Family pictures all over the walls. It hadn't been the easiest journey and truly tested us at times. There were moments were we fell apart and others that resulted in tears of joy.

But we had survived and had grown stronger as a couple and a family. Our kids were now a year old. And were growing, learning, and becoming their own people by the day we felt so humbled by every second we got to spent with them especially our daughter Emerson who had beat ever single obstacle against her and was thriving. Her dark hair and eyes smiling up at us. As her brothers played around with their toys that were sprawled around the room. Music played and their conversations and laughter. The joy spilling from every part of the room.

And now we truly were living our happily ever after.

Author's Note: Thank you all for your support. Look out for my future stories.