Temari could hardly believe it, she was a mother now. 20 hours of painful labor, was completely forgotten when she held her precious son. The innocence in his eyes made Temari wonder how this amazing being could come from her.

He was perfect, Shikamaru thought. "He has your eyes Tem" He said holding his son close to his chest, feeling every tiny heart beat. "But everything else came from you" Temari stated while noticing every fine detail that was on her son. The dark hair, the green eyes, his little button nose. 'He is beautiful'

When Shikamaru heard the news, he had been out celebrating his birthday. Temari insisted on him going because the baby was due in October, and between taking care of a newborn and being one of Konoha's top Shinobi, being able to spend time with friends would be scarce.

Him and the guys went drinking. Them getting together was rare so Naruto took it upon himself to plan the party which included much alcohol and games. Shikamaru hadn't drank that much because he was worried about his wife and the baby. So while everyone was getting wasted, he stepped outside to smoke cigarettes.

He smoked about three when a small boy from his clan approached him. "Shikamaru, Temari is in the hospital. She going into labor" Shikamaru didn't even need to hear the whole sentence before he ran towards the hospital. The pressure of being a dad finally hit him. 'What if I'm not a good parent. I just want our relationship to be better than the one I had with my dad'

When he arrived, he saw Sakura at the front desk. She smiled at him, which made him hope that Temari hadn't gave birth yet. He wanted to be there, for every moment of his son's life. "Sakura where is she"

"Room 204"

He ran and saw Temari laying in the bed, watching TV. She didn't look like she been through labor, in fact she seemed normal. "I thought you were in labor"

"Technically I am, your son just doesn't want to come out. Not even born yet, and lazy just like his father"

"Troublesome woman, nagging him already"

Temari chuckled. The thought of a family was now a reality. She had a loving husband and now she was going to have a son in a matter of hours. Shikamaru sat there with her every minute until it was time for the actual delivery. He was actually relieved when Sakura came and said it was time. It was beginning to be a challenge staying up, and now this excitement was sure to keep him from falling asleep.

Temari was lucky. What were the chances of her brothers being here. They sat in the waiting room with Yoshino waiting for the baby to be born. They were anxious, finally another person to add to the Kazekage bloodline. Yoshino was excited because now she would finally have someone to cuddle and baby.

In the delivery room, Temari was hurling insults at everyone and everything. Every time they told her to push, she would put more pressure on the grip of Shikamaru's hand. He couldn't feel anything due to all the adrenaline running through his body. 20 long hours and now his son was being brought into this world.

Sakura said push one last time, and Temari couldn't feel anymore pain. The only thing that registered in her mind was the cutest little whines that came from her son. Sakura cleaned him off and checked his measurements. She then handed him to Temari, which caused her to cry. Shikamaru noticed how she was balling her eyes out, she had never cried like this except on her wedding day.

She realized how small he was. Sakura said because he was born a month before the due date, he would be smaller than normal, but everything else was healthy. Sakura said they'll be able to go home in a couple of days, which excited her.

Her brothers and Yoshino walked in, they all gasp at the baby. "My son couldn't have made him" Temari handed Yoshino the baby and tears began to fall from her eyes. He reminded her so much of Shikamaru. "What are you going to name him"

"We decided on Shikadai"

"That's a lovely name, do one of you want to hold him"

Kankuro and Gaara looked at each other with a blank stare, neither of them never had held a baby. Kankuro held his hands out. "Hey bud, you're going to be one of the best puppet masters ever" Temari smiled, her family was here, every single person that means something to here was in that room. "You are not about to taint my son" She said jokingly, she actually wouldn't mind this, the more versatile her son is, a better ninja he would be. But she would never tell him that.

"I can hold him Kankuro" Gaara asked and Kankuro handed Shikadai to him. When the baby was in his hand a smiled appeared on both their faces. Tears started to fall from Temari's face again. "I guess we know who the favorite uncle is" Kankuro couldn't do anything but smirk.

Everyone in that room instantly became closer because of this moment. They laughed and talked together which made Temari cherish this time.

When Shikadai was in her hands, she whispered to Shikamaru "1 down, 1 to go"

"What are you talking about"

"You wanted two kids"

"Yea, but a girl then a boy. That's what I thought I wanted, but I wouldn't change this for anything in the world"

"I wouldn't either, but I know my family isn't complete. I don't know what I would do without those two" She said pointing at her brothers

"I guess another kid couldn't hurt, besides we obviously make perfect kids"

"I have to agree with you"


Authors Note: So this will be the last chapter for this story. I just found that my writing has gotten better so I will just write a sequel to this one to give me a fresh start, so be looking out for that. And thanks to everyone that has supported this story from the beginning.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto :(