Every evening:
Green, Vio, and, Blue spent a part of their day with Red. Vio often read a story aloud. Green would play checkers (and let Red win sometimes). Blue's favorite game to play with Red was hide-n-seek. Truthfully, Blue napped while Red hid and waited for his opponent to find him. He always thought he had found the best hiding place, and wouldn't budge until Blue woke up and found him.
Every third Saturday of the month, the four swords team would visit Lolli. Green, Blue, and Vio would help repair the inn while Red would make lunch in the kitchen. Lolli, in return for the help, agreed to rid the inn of all of her poisons. But she did keep the sedatives for travelers who needed sleeping aids.
As for Jerry, no one really knows what happened to him. Rumor has it that Lord Vaati imprisoned him for failing to bring him Link.