Hello all,

In celebration of the site coming back up this evening, I thought this would be a good way to close out your Saturday (or start your Sunday).

This is the first of the promised out takes/future takes. This snippet is a future take and stars one Scorpius Malfoy. Life has changed for our couple and their family, so let's find out what Scorp thinks of his new home.

Thanks to all those that have followed and favorited this story from the beginning. For those of you (who like me) wait until it is marked complete, welcome. The reviews, follows and favorites make my day.

As always, I don't own anything you recognize.

' - - - - - - '

Scorpius Malfoy was a man on a mission. At least in his head, the ALMOST six year old, as he had to remind his mother repeatedly, was all grown up and did not need to take a nap. He huffed in frustration and then quickly looked across the room. His sister turned and then settled back to sleep. Now she needed a nap, Caeli was hardly two and still a baby. Scorp, as his friends from school called him, leaned his head to the wall to think about how he ended up in his current situation.

His family had just moved into their new home at Hogwarts. This was THE school for witches and wizards and he was here years before his wizard friends. He was SIX, by the way, well almost. He had his fifth birthday and that was BEFORE the summer and now it's almost fall. And his sixth birthday was just around the corner.

Just after his fourth birthday, when he was still a kid, his mum sent him to something she called 'pre-school'. It was a muggle school near Granny Jean and Gramps Rich. He was told he couldn't talk about magic, or potions, or flying, or quidditch, or the manors. Pretty much he couldn't talk about anything. But he did get to spend with Granny and Gramps. They were fun and told him stories about his mum from when she was a little girl.

His mum said he'd learn stuff and be more ready for school. Scorp agreed and the first few days were fine. He loved to learn and thought of all the new things his teachers would show him. After the third day, when the teacher said they would learn the alphabet, Scorp got home and declared to everyone he was not going back. Hermione and Draco had worked with their son since he was born and he was apparently much more advanced than the muggle kids in his class. Scorp knew he was smart, his grandmas (he had three and each had their own name) and grandpas (he had two, he didn't have a grandpa from his dad though) would tell him just how smart and amazing he was. But he already knew that. His dad had told him. His dad would never lie 'bout something that important.

Mum had praised him for not trying to show off and tell everyone that he already knew his letters, numbers and colors. His dad was laughed at his mum and said it was proof Scorp was more a Malfoy than Phoenix or Granger. A Phoenix or Granger would have waved his hand in the air to make sure all the questions were answered correctly. Scorp stared laughing hard when his mum stuck her tongue at his dad. They were really fun parents.

Scorp leaned back a bit more and felt the cold stone walls of his new room. He assessed it again and still found it lacking. His mum and dad were going teach and that was why he was now sharing a room with his sister. At their real house, his Grandpop Perce called it 'The Cottage' he had his own room and bath. Here, he had to share a room with his sister. He grunted at the unfairness of it all. His mum said that next year she'd work it out so he would have his own room. Next year was like forever away.

Knowing if he stayed in the room he would just wake Caeli, the last thing he needed was a crying two year old and upset parents; Scorp slipped from his bed and walked to the door. He had heard Kitmu tell his parents that he and the rest of the elves were going to kitchen to see the Hogwarts elves. It was then his Dad had whispered something in his Mum's ear and her cheeks got pink. She said after Scorp and Caeli were down they could nap too.

Scorp pressed his ear to the door and listened, it sounded quiet. Slowly opening the door, just enough for him to slip through, he left his room and entered the living area. He surveyed the scene and noted there were still boxes everywhere. It seemed like his mum and dad didn't do anything after leaving him in his room. The boxes; however, would make a pretty awesome fortress. But fortresses were attacked and battles with dragons were always loud. That would wake everyone up. Again, not something he really wanted to do.

He was in the room for what felt like a long time and neither of his parents were around. When he realized he was still alone and that none of the elves had popped in, he figured he needed to come up with a way to entertain himself. Scorp's lips quirked into what some would call a smirk. His mum would have just looked at him and immediately sent him back to bed. She would have recognized the expression after having spent so many years with his Dad.

With purpose, Scorp walked to the main door and slipped out. He stood on the other side for a few minutes to see if anyone would come out and when they didn't he decided to explore. His parents had been discussing where they would live for weeks. Mum wanted to live in the Tower and Dad wanted the dungeons. Scorp didn't know what his dad had done, but yesterday Scorp was told they would be living in the dungeons. His dad was really happy, his mum was a little dazed but seemed really happy as well. It made sense, everyone wanted to live in the dungeons. Why would you want to walk up all those stairs everyday?

Because they were in the dungeons, Scorp knew they had to be near the entrance to the Slytherin House then. Being the man he was, he could read and one of his favorite books was "Hogwarts: A History". Both his parents blamed the other for their son's love of reading. Scorp thought he was more like his mom. He loved to read to her. She told him that she still got to read to Caeli. Sometimes Scorp would start to read to Caeli and his mum would just sigh. He didn't think his mum was mad because she smiled at them and snuggled into his dad's arms. Thinking about what 'Hogwarts: A History' had taught him, he looked to the right and the left and decided to go toward the more well lit area. Scorp wasn't afraid of the dark but he saw no reason to walk toward it if there was another option.

After walking a short distance, Scorp stopped in front of a bare stone wall. It seemed unusual because the other walls had tapestries and alcoves. He took a step closer and brushed his fingers along the stone wall. Before he could think much about it, the wall began to shift and move. It was then Scorp saw the large sitting room behind the wall. Walking in, like only an almost six year old could do, he gazed at the room and felt at home. The large windows were underwater and that proved Scorp was right. This was the Slytherin common room. He couldn't wait to tell his dad. He knew his dad was in the Slytherin House in school and this was something the pair could share.

The room would be a great place when he needed to get away from Caeli. All around it were multiple fireplaces, chairs and couches. Next to the largest fireplace there was one chair positioned so that it could see the entire room. That was where Scorp would sit and read. Hanging over each of the fireplaces was a large portrait of different people. He waved empathically at the one of Uncle Severus but it never waved back. The portraits at home would talk to him. Scorp didn't know what was wrong. The portrait over the largest fireplace chuckled at the boy.

"Young Mr. Malfoy, the portraits of Severus and Horace will remain frozen until they leave your world. Only then will the magic allow them to move here." The portrait was of a man dressed in very old clothes and Scorp had no idea who he was. Like his mother, Scorp hated not knowing things.

"I'm not young, I'm Scorpius but you can call me Scorp." The boy had stepped a bit closer to the unknown picture and climbed into the chair nearest the fireplace while the portrait appraised him.

"I'm Salazar, but you may call meā€¦Sal." The portrait seemed pleased with the nickname and did something very few people (living or dead) had seen, he smiled at the boy. Scorpius had heard the name Salazar before. His dad would say it when he was mad. "Using 'young' wasn't intended to disparage you. You are your father's son, and as such still the 'young' Malfoy. But since I have your permission, I will now call you Scorp." This pleased the boy. Who settled into the chair and started to pepper the portrait with questions. After a little while, the portrait seemed to believe it was time for Scorp to continue his explorations. "I think I will enjoy speaking with you Scorp, but didn't you have plans for today?"

Nodding, Scorp slid off the chair. He had thought talking with Sal was fun but the room was sorta boring. He thought about bringing a book the next time and telling Sal about it. Maybe he would bring his copy of 'Hogwarts: A History' and read to Sal. He was sure Sal would want to know about the school. With a little sadness Scoprp left the room. Sal watched the boy leave and decided to keep the door open. He expected a couple visitors soon and wanted them to know to stop in the common room. Scorp didn't notice the wall remained opened and even if he did, he wouldn't have understood how odd that was.

The next door Scorp saw he recognized. It was the door to the potions classroom. Uncle Severus had brought him here at the end of the last school year. Scorp was now big enough to help Uncle Severus and was being taught how to prepare his Uncle's ingredients. Apparently Scorpius, at FIVE, was much better at slicing flobberworms in equal pieces than his mother. This was something he liked to remind his mother. She would just huff and roll her eyes. Since he knew what to expect, he imagined working on potions in the classroom. Entering the room he noticed it was just a bunch of tables and benches. This would never do. How could he work on his potions if there weren't any cauldrons? He would have to bring his own set. Uncle Severus had gotten him one as a birthday present.

Yes, later he would find his set and be able to help teach the dunderheads in his dad's class. His dad would be teaching now and Uncle Severus said Scorpius was a better student than most at the school. Scorp had asked what a dunderhead was and Uncle Severus said he wasn't one so he didn't have to worry. He then said that Scorpius's dad would have a long year trying to get the students to learn anything. Scorpius would be an example of what you could do if you just focused. The first time Scorp called his father a dunderhead his mum almost choked on her dinner. His dad mumbled something about speaking to Severus.

Without his potions set the empty classroom was every boring and there wasn't even a portrait around. He decided he didn't want to go back to his room yet and Sal told him to finish his explorations. His potions set was still packed in one of the million of boxes and trying to find it would surely wake up Caeli. And maybe his parents, he assumed they were still napping as well. He left the room and this time, he just forgot to close the door.

As Scorp reached the stone steps he noticed a portrait of a young girl playing in a field. She started to giggle and Scorp shushed her. The last thing he needed was for a laughing portrait to give him away. She lifted her finger to her lips, mimicking Scorp and shushed him. Scorp didn't care, she had stopped laughing. With the portrait handled, Scorp began his ascent into the body of the castle. The girl in the portrait left to wander in some other frames.

' - - - - - - '

Hermione and Draco Malfoy were relaxing in their bed after a very enjoyable celebratory shag. They had successfully moved their family into the castle, the children were napping and their elves had bolted to find something to keep themselves occupied for the next nine months.

Hermione rolled to gaze at her husband. She thought back to their time at the school and it seemed like a lifetime ago. And in a lot of ways it was, both she and Draco had changed from when they were scared eleven year olds and entering the castle for the first time. Neither would have imagined their lives taking the twists and turns they did.

Draco was having much the same thoughts. Sort of, his wife was naked and her still full breasts were poking out from under the sheet. He dragged his thumb over the crest on her nipple and heard her groan. Glancing at the time, they still had at least another hour before the kids would be up. Draco pounced and Hermione didn't resist.

' - - - - - - '

Scorp didn't know how many steps he had climbed before he found a little alcove with a bench. Thinking a break would be a good idea, he climbed up and found it to be more comfortable than a bench should be. Shrugging, he thought about his next move. He could just go back to the common room, but he didn't have his books so that would still be boring. Sal probably didn't now know any good stories. He could go and see if he could find a cauldron and ingredients in the classroom but it really didn't look like there was anything out. His dad would have a lot to do before classes started. He could keep going up the stairs, but they looked never ending. Sighing at his options, Scorp didn't notice the ghost that appeared through the opposite wall.

"What do we have here? A youngling? Who be you?" Scorp looked at the ghost with a critical eye. The man was dressed much like some of the very old ancestors Scorp saw on his family tree. The ghost had chains over his body and seemed to be covered in blood. After assessing the ghost for a few moments, Scorp stood on the bench, to be at the same level as the ghost.

"I'm Scorpius Malfoy. You are the Bloody Baron." Scorp kept his eyes focused on the ghost. The Baron, not used to small children or even the older ones not being startled by his appearance, floated back and appeared to be leaning against the wall.

"You are the son of Draco then. He didn't seem to like me very much. But he was a bit of a prat." The Baron watched as those grey eyes flashed with anger and then melted into some emotion the Baron couldn't quite identify. The young boy stood a bit taller, his eyes narrowed and his mouth quirked in a manner that reminded the Baron of a very different student.

"Yes, he did act like that but if you had talked to him, you would know he is a great dad. I'm not listening to anyone say mean things about him." With that Scorp hopped off the bench and began the rest of the trek up the steps. Scorpius had heard his mum say things like that when someone would make a comment about how his dad acted as a kid. Before Scorp could take more than two steps, the Baron called him back.

"Young Scorpius, wait. You are correct, I've been known to be a bit hot headed in my time. Please come back and we can discuss you." Scorpius eyed the ghost with something that amounted to distrust, but shrugging he returned to the bench and resumed his standing position. "Please sit and if you don't mind, I'll sit next to you." Scorp agreed and plopped down on the bench, he waved his hand toward the open area.

"Please don't call me young. I'm almost six, I'm not young." The Baron just laughed in a happy baritone, it was a sound that hadn't resounded in the dungeons in over a thousand years. He nodded and settled himself next to the boy.

"So, what are you planning today? I don't see either of your parents or your elves around." The boy looked and as if he decided the ghost was trustworthy, he explained about sneaking out of his room and then out of the living room since no one was around to play with him. "Boredom and a desire to explore. Seems you are a bit more Gryffindor than Slytherin." The boy's eyes narrowed again.

"My mum was the Gryffindor Princess. My dad says I'll rule Slytherin like he did." The Baron thought about the only girl in memory who took the Gryffindor Princess title, Hermione Granger. Now the Baron recognized some of the expressions the boy had given him. Yes, this was a child who would be a force.

"Your father is probably correct." With that the Baron stood. "You should continue on your exploration and remember to be aware of your surroundings at all times." The ghost floated back through the stone wall and Scorp was alone. He jumped off the bench and started to make his way up the steps.

' - - - - - - '

Draco was quite pleased at his ability to still satisfy his wife. It wasn't like they were old, they were still in their twenties and had a long life ahead of them. Knowing they were now pushing the limits of Scorpius and his tolerance of naps, Draco alighted from the bed and went to shower. Hermione was still napping. After his shower, Draco woke Hermione with some kisses and she too showered and dressed.

They entered the quiet main room and noticed the door to the children's room was still shut. Draco leaned his ear to the door and heard nothing until Hermione whispered to him. "If we open that door he will wake up. Let's unpack a bit more and make sure we are ready for classes to start in a couple of days." Draco thought that was an excellent idea and began to do as his wife suggested.

It was about thirty minutes later when they heard Caeli's cries. Surprised they didn't hear Scorp shushing her, the parents opened the door to find Caeli alone and Scorp's bed hardly touched. "No Scory." Caeli whimpered while clutching her stuffed dragon with one hand and pointing to Scorpius's bed with the other. Hermione swept into the room to grab her daughter and her wand was at the ready. Even all these years later, there were certain actions that were unstoppable. Draco had already gone through a litany of spells and was comfortable no one else had been in the room.

"KITMU!" At his frantic call the house elf popped in looking concerned. Noticing the lack of his youngest master the elf nodded and blinked away again. Draco saw the elf's eyes widening at the missing scion and was comfortable he was already searching the castle. "Come on let's go see what the boy is up to." Hermione quickly changed Caeli's diaper and slipped her into a warmer outfit, the dungeons were chilly after all. After exiting the room and deciding he would had moved toward the more well lit hall the family started to move.

Hermione gasped when she noticed the opening to the Slytherin common room. Like all the houses, the doors to the common room should be shut and only open to allow entry before closing again. As a professor (officially this time), she had only seen it in passing. They would tour all the houses tomorrow with the other staff. Draco immediately ran into the room and began to search for Scorpius. There were three portraits in the room, Slytherin himself, Horace Slughorn and Severus Snape. The portraits of Slughorn and Snape would remain still until the time of their deaths. Slytherin; however, was very active.

"G'day Master Malfoy. Looking for your son?" Draco had never actually interacted with his house's namesake and was a bit surprised at the pleasant demeanor.

"Yes Master Slytherin, he seems to have scampered off. My wife and I are quite concerned." The portrait nodded and looked to Hermione and Caeli. The portrait seemed to sag a bit and a look of remorse drifted through the paintings expression.

"I regret the way my beliefs have been modified to fit the whims and desires of others. Your beautiful wife is an excellent example. Magic is magic. Always remember that. The young price of the house was here. Incidentally, the house has already accepted him. I believe he found the room quite comfortable but a bit boring. I believe that was the term he mumbled as he left. Madam Malfoy, I would like, with your and your husband's permission, to talk. My story has been told incorrectly for a millennium and I believe you could be the witch to set it right. This is something that can wait until the children are at an age where they won't just go wandering off. I've been holding off for a thousand years, a few more won't hurt me." Slytherin's image then froze. Draco and Hermione were both a bit shocked at the request but were more concerned about Scorpius.

After leaving the common room, they next came to the potions classroom and again the door was open. Entering, Draco didn't expect to find Scorpius. The classroom was still empty of cauldrons and the supply closet was locked up. He was glad he had thought to put the children's potion set from Severus in the supply closet and out of sight. Had Scorpius seen that he would have decided to try and brew something.

As they reached the steps the parents looked to each other and began their ascent. Neither noticed the portrait was lacking the young girl that watched the hallway. Nor did they know she had scampered off to find the old headmaster. He was roaming the halls and needed a friend.

' - - - - - - '

Before Scorpius could sigh in relief when he saw the top of the steps and heard someone walking at the same time. The Bloody Baron's warning about being aware was still at the front of the young wizard's mind. He slipped into the shadows and crept his way up a few more of the steps until he could see over the last one. Scorp knew there were a few people at the school but that didn't mean he wanted to met someone he didn't know. He was very fast and smart but he still didn't have a wand. His Grandpop Perce had taught him a few tricks but nothing that would be truly useful in this situation.

Scorp recognized the person standing with his back to the stairs as Professor Dumbledore. Scorp wasn't sure what to make of the man, he seemed to happy. Overly happy people unnerved the small boy. Trying to determine if he should wait the old man out or just slip back into the dungeon. He was surprised when Dumbledore began to speak to him.

"Good Afternoon Scorpius, I see you are taking advantage of the students not being here yet." Scorp wasn't sure if this was a trick or not. Dumbledore had his back to him and Scorp was hidden in the shadows. It would be a few years before Scorpius would realize his platinum hair acted like a beacon, even in the darkest of the dark. After thinking for a moment, Scorp stepped from the shadows and advanced on the man in purply robes.

Dumbledore watched the boy through the large mirror that hung on the wall opposite of the staircases. The boy never looked beyond Albus's body to figure out how he saw him. And it was a good thing, Hermione and Draco were going to have a difficult enough time with Scorpius, let alone if the five year old started figuring out some of the adult's tricks. "Now Young Mr. Malfoy, where are your parents?"

Scorp sighed yet again at someone calling him young. How long would he have to endure such things? He was not a child! He blew out a breath and while he could not quite mask his emotions yet, Albus was impressed at how much the boy was able to control. "Napping and I decided to see my new home. I've found a room with a nice portrait, it'll be nice to read in too, where my dad will teach and spoke to a ghost. He was a little gross, I am not a huge fan of blood, but he seemed ok. All of that before I left the dungeon. I'd like to see the library." Scorpius let out a big yawn before quickly trying to cover it. He eyed the old man wondering if he would mention taking a nap.

"Well, that seems like quite the adventure. Why don't we sit for a bit, if you don't mind? I've been walking the halls all morning and I'm not as young as I used to be. While I rest I can tell you about some of the adventures your mum and dad had at school. Then we can make our way to the library." Albus motioned to a cushioned bench and the boy immediately agreed.

After the pair settled on the bench, Scorpius leaned his head into the old headmaster and listened about the day his mum and dad arrived at Hogwarts for the first time. Before Albus could get to the actual sorting, Scorpius was snoring lightly and snuggled into the man. Albus had been walking all morning and was a little tired himself. Figuring he had a bit until the Malfoys would appear, he adjusted his arms and draped one around Scorpius. Albus figured if the little adventurer awoke, his attempt to leave the bench would at least rouse him.

This was how Hermione and Draco Malfoy found their son and former headmaster. The pair were both lightly snoring on a bench in the middle of a Hogwarts hall. Scorp didn't find the library that afternoon but he would soon learn more of the secrets the halls of the school held. He would end up befriending almost all the ghosts. Peeves really wasn't anyone's friend but the poltergeist did try to avoid pranking the Malfoy heir.

Narcissa and Draco Malfoy had worked hard to redeem their family name. By the time Scorpius Malfoy graduated from Hogwarts, most of the next generation only knew the Malfoy name as a family who loved deeply, fiercely and completely.

' - - - - - - '

A/N there are other stories from this universe that will slowly be added. Scorp just wouldn't let me put off telling of his adventure. In fact my other story was put on hiatus until Scorp was satisfied. Apparently this is a trait he shares with his father. This was supposed to be the last of the takes but as it ends up, it was first. *shrugs*.

There were a couple of comments regarding the Potters. They never played predominantly into my thoughts on this story. They really were just a secondary story line and since I had people surviving, why should Harry have remained an orphan. Always a fan for HEAs. Since people have asked, I will see if some idea comes out (can't promise anything on that one however).

Until next time...