This epilogue is unrelated to the sequel Moon Cell of Red: REBELLION, and should rather be seen as an alternate ending, while MCoR:R continues the story.
Blackness. Nothingness. That is all I see, and feel. Like there is nothing to begin with. Slowly, my senses come to. First, my sense of touch. I feel heavy, way too heavy. And, additionally, it seems like there is a weight on my belly. Or chest. I cannot tell for sure.
Then, my sense of taste and smell come to. It smells weird. Not entirely unpleasant, but there is not much of a scent. Not much but one scent, that feels somewhat familiar, or nostalgic. But I really cannot tell. I taste nothing but my own mouth, not any less strange.
Then, I can hear.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
In the tact of my own heartbeat.
I feel disoriented, just completely off. Like I have slept way too long, not for hours but for days, and now I cannot wake up completely.
Then, I open my eyes. My vision is blurry at first, but it soon clears up, after some blinking. The room is white and looks just cold. I am lying in a bed, which is not entirely soft either. But strangely, I like this.
Wait a second… Who am I? I cannot remember a thing. I do not even know what I look like, to be honest. When I try to remember anything, there is just black.
The weight I feel turns out to be a girl, her head resting on me. Is she sleeping? She is blonde, with messy hair. Her bangs are the messiest part of her, but her ponytail is not exactly straight either. A red leather jacket lies on top of her, I cannot really tell what she is wearing below. But she is sitting on a chair next to my bed. She must have been there long, considering she fell asleep on me.
Just who is she to me? A relative, or a friend? I try to find my voice. Maybe I have none? I would not know until I try.
"Excuse me?" My voice sounds croaky. I really must have not spoken for long. But, there is no reaction from the girl.
"Excuse me!" I repeat myself, this time my voice sounds more normal already. This time, she seems to wake up.
Her eyes widen upon noticing I am awake. Tears form in her eyes, from happiness? Do I mean this much to this stranger? This feels so unreal…
"You're finally awake! I can't…" She is crying now. Simply crying, over me waking up. I collect all my strength to raise my hand to her cheek, wiping off a tear – I just cannot let her cry in front of me. For some reason it hurts me, it pains my heart, so to say. Instantly, she grabs my hand and holds it with both of her own.
Now that she gets up, I can see she is wearing a white tube top, covering an almost flat chest.
"I've missed you," she admits, though it seems somewhat hard for her to say. I must really be someone important to her, yet I cannot remember. I feel bad for asking, but she would know who I am, right?
"I am sorry, but…who are you? And who am I?" I ask, and I can feel my cheeks getting warm, and wet. I am crying, too? But why? Disappointment flashes through her eyes for a second, but she tries to hide that.
"Right. We knew this…might happen," she says, before she takes a deep breath. Then, she tells me. "My name is Mordred Pendragon, you're Hakuno Kishinami. We've been through a lot… You really can't remember a thing?"
I shake my head, but when I look straight into her eyes, suddenly flashbacks hit me. It all happens in fast forward, what must be multiple weeks. From the point that I have met this girl, escaped death, fallen in love and ultimately risked my life to give her one. It seems, it turned out the ideal way.
"And most importantly: I am your girlfriend," I conclude, smiling. Upon realising that I regained my memories, she jumps on me, hugging me so tightly that it hurts. But it is not as uncomfortable, because it is my Mordred hugging me. "How long was I out?"
"Almost three weeks," Mordred explains. "And…about ten years before that you were in cold sleep. Rin will explain, 'cause I don't really get it." That is just like her. But…ten years? I wonder if I have any other relatives left. I wonder what this world is like. I rejected my original memories of this life, so I cannot possibly know.
As if on cue, Rin steps into the room, her eyes widening in surprise, just like Mordred's did.
"Hakuno?! You woke up!" She runs towards my bed, almost tripping in the process. For a second I consider asking who she is, but I feel that would be too harsh for a prank. Though she does look different, her hair is as blonde as Mordred's. It looks weird on first sight, but it suits her as well.
Those two must have really been worried about me. She turns to Mordred, obviously noticing we both cried. "Does she…?"
"Yes, I remember. Everything," I tell her myself. Rin seems immediately relieved by this news. I repeat my question to Rin.
"What happened to me? And…what changes did I manage?" Rin and I are the only people who could know, well, if I had not rejected my original memories. No one else would know about changes we made in the Moon Cell, no one would ever notice. And Mordred does not know this world, neither from before nor know.
"You had an untreatable brain disease, just like your Mind said. It would randomly cut your access from your memories, even though they still were there. Nothing worked as treatment – no memory chips implanted into your brain, it was just impossible. And the next step would be…death."
This is hard to swallow. I have been on the brink of death this whole time, even out of the Moon Cell.
"It's a genetic thing. Your parents had it, too. But your family's funds were only enough for one person…so they sent you to cold sleep. They passed away about six years ago."
I am an orphan, huh? I should feel sad. But I cannot remember my parents, so I cannot really miss them. Yet… I wish I would have met them. I wish I could introduce my girlfriend to them.
"I don't know what exactly you did to the Moon Cell, but this world is almost completely different. This brain disease is non-existent. When I came to and looked for you – which was hard enough! – the docs found you in cold sleep. But you were fine. They wondered why you were even put into cold sleep."
I…erased the existence of a whole disease? I never planned that. I only wanted to try to make sure that I would wake up. Sadly, it seems that I was too late for my parents, and probably a lot more other people.
"Mordred suddenly appeared at your room's door here in the hospital, who knows how she got here. You really are amazing, giving a Servant a normal body… But, even being a Servant here would not be too impossible. It turns out, getting rid of this brain disease made people regain their affinity for magic again. It was all of a sudden, and all magi have to train hard to be the same again."
I was so selfish, and yet it turned out so well? Karma must be a lie, after all.
"Basically… You've reset this world to like a few decades ago. Not too much, but it's peaceful. There is no major war, most countries are democratic. It's like a dream for everyone back in the normal…the old world."
Rin cries with these words. My changes must mean a lot to her; however in the world I did all of that. I would never understand, but maybe I do not need to. Maybe all I should do is to enjoy this new life. Rin holds my other hand tightly.
"Thank you so much. You've done more than you can imagine, I'll be in your debt for forever." This seems a bit much…
"It is fine! I am glad things turned out so well." I really do not want her to be thankful, I never had such high ambitions after all. It was more a coincidence that things turned out this way.
"You'll be free to leave tomorrow, by the way," says Mordred happily. I can finally leave the hospital I have been stuck in for ten years now… Though I did not notice much of all that time. I fear it will take quite the while to grow accustomated to living normally, too. I doubt I could even stand up.
"You two will be living in my house – it's big enough, really. And I'm not going to disturb you," says Rin. I am glad she came to terms with our relationship and can be fine with being just my friend. I would not want to lose her, after all.
Ultimately, everything has worked out well and I can now start – or rather, regain – a normal life. With Mordred as my girlfriend, and Rin as my friend, both by my side.
This is only the start of a carefree, happy life and new memories to make.