Chapter 2: It All Started With A Wolf In Sheep Clothing

(Emiya Household)

Kiritsugu couldn't believe the one thing that had occurred in his life- Sure his line of work demanded him to adapt to any situation-but this was plain ridiculous! The magus killer remembered this eastern-style house that was in decaying conditions, in the past it had been a house of great significance but at the period of the 4th Holy Grail War it was nothing but a discarded piece of history. In fact, there was a demolition ordered that dictated the destruction of the property. And of course Kiritsugu couldn't ignore such a great short-term refugee that would be useful for the war. Aside from considering its strategic value, Kiritsugu admitted that to him it was a shame that such beautiful home would disappear, and indeed, it disappeared at the end of the war with the black mud igniting and consuming everything in the city.

However, he didn't expected that somehow there existed an exact replica here in Musutafu… The magus killer made sure that the house was somehow related to the one that was located in Fuyuki in some way and in one way or another, it did, with the claim that it used to be a house to a noble family of Japan, way back in the 1800s. Though, in reality, it didn't matter if there was a logical explanation, no matter how, he wanted to blame Zelretch and his trickeries for this, since it was too… coincidental.

Still, in time, the family of two established themselves in the house, everything was going quite well, there were rare occasions were a villain assault would happen nearby the house. Though there was no property destruction thanks to the heroes' professionalism, and even better, there was no prosecution with a claim of a 'possible' crime he committed recently at the hospital of Musutafu. In the regard that he, Kiritsugu Emiya left no tracks about his deeds in the eyes of the Hero Society, meant that one issue was already taken care off.

However, that didn't meant that the Magus Society would stop searching for him, after all, his magic crest is quite valuable considering that his family researched the flow of time within a boundary field. Luckily most of the magi family would take his status as dead, since he was one of the final adversaries along with Kirei.

The only possible survivor of the Holy Grail War would be the nervous boy called Waver Velvet, after all he had a bigger chance to exit the city before the catastrophe that occurred at the end. Yet, he couldn't disregard that there would be some families that would like a confirmation of his death and most likely the remaining parts of the legacy of the Emiya's thaumartugical discoveries. And sadly there were quite the number of enemies he had amounted.

But nonetheless he was currently safe here in Musutafu, thanks to being one of the cities with several patrolling heroes and they can prove a nuisance enough for rival magi in the sense of trying to kill him.

And yet, he couldn't help himself that his calculating paranoia mindset knew that the heroes would be a heavy nuisance for them, that's true since they can't simply expose the Moonlit World towards the public view….

However things have changed, right now there are a vast number of magi families in despair since the third generation of quirks, which would be around the beginning of the 3rd Holy Grail War.

To explain why, Kiritsugu must recall a lesson that his mentor Natalia taught him when she adopted him.

"Now kid, do you know how quirks first appeared in our world?" She said as she puffed out a smoke from her cigarette.

"If I remember correctly they told me that it was with the birth of the Luminescent baby, am I right teach?" His teacher gave him a pleased look, acknowledging his response she continued.

"That's right, it was such a strange event that happened which caused quite the local stir in China, and it indeed brought quite the curiosity from the Moonlit World seeing this new abnormality but it was left like that, maybe a new type of physical mutation that would be quite similar to seeing an albino animal. Unique but not particularly wreak havocking." When her pupil raised his hand she almost gave him a weird look but restrained herself, after all there was no one else here and there was no need for cordialities.

"But why is it relevant? Aren't you going to teach me how to fight?" As he said crudely his teacher smacked his head with a piece of paper that was reinforced in her hand, probably a contract.

"Don't be such an ignorant kid, the first thing you have to learn is how your environment works or else the world may as well triumph over you in the future. Who knows when even the simplest of info can manage to save your ass." The boy accepted the explanation and just patted his own head while the bounty hunter continued. "As I was saying quirks were just seen by the magi community as simple genetic mutations, however several Emitter quirk types started to appear on the world, mainly elemental manipulators in certain ways. Still, they didn't pose a problem until the end of the 2nd Generation of Quirks, that's when the magi families started to panic."

"Why is that?" Kiritsugu asked

"Firstly, you must consider that there are three main types of Quirks: Emitters, Transformation and Mutants. The last two are rather physical with some Transformation type exceptions however the problem is mainly with the Emitter-types. As may or you may not know the emitter quirk users must activate by some way their ability-factor, kind of similar to how we spell casters activate our magic circuits.

"But aren't quirks and magic different? After all you said that Quirks manifest more physically than in a magical way."

"That's where the stuff becomes quite spicy, at first there seemed no problem since the quirks of the 1st Generation were kind of weak with some few exceptions, however once we arrived to the 2nd Generation by some 'mysterious' way, the elemental thaumaturgy was getting quite mundane, after all you must know that if several magus practice the same type of spell it gets weaker unless you supply more prana on the spell than in the period where only a couple of magus used that spell, meaning that to generate a fireball would require a short aria and a considerable amount of prana instead of no aria and little expenditure of magical energy ."At this Kiritsugu began to piece all the bits and pieces and his eyes were shot wide.

"You mean that quirks are somehow related to magecraft?!" At this he received another pleased smile.

"Exactly, and at this period, the magi society entered into a period known as the Thaumaturgy Schism, anonymously the families that strongly depended on their elements entered in a state of a one sided war against the quirked individuals with the permission of the Clock Tower, as long as the families exchanged the formation they may provide about quirks in depth with the exchange of the Clock Tower enforcer services." Before continuing the teacher inhaled a puff of smoke as her student asked something.

"And I don't think they kidnapped only Emitter-type quirk users, or am I wrong?"

"You are right, they didn't kidnapped only the Emitter quirk users but some of the other two categories so they could compare and the results were quite different than they expected. You see, they expected that the Emitter-Quirk users were using unconsciously their magic circuits that would be engraved on their bodies, however after several biopsies and autopsies later it was confirmed that they didn't had any visible magic circuits." At this Kiritsugu was more submerged into the lesson.

"In all humans there can be from no magic circuits to lots of them depending if your soul was lucky in the beginning. However the quirked individuals seemed to possess none and it was considered madness until Zelretch by curiosity made a couple of the tests to confirm the truth. You could say that their magic circuits were transmuted into a biological aspect known as the quirk factor."

"Wait how that makes sense?!" The kid asked bewildered and his teacher raised her arms in a sign telling him that she didn't exactly knew but she did in the general aspect.

"I don't know the exact details but Zelretch must have used his True Magic to understand better how it worked but for the moment you must be aware that their magic circuits transmuted itself but this doesn't mean that once they die their soul will remain with the quirk, the cycle of reincarnation resets almost everything. However Zelretch explained that whatever the Phenomenon was, it must have changed the way how thaumaturgy would operate with humans from now on. But you must know that now the Emitter quirk users use some kind of biological exchange to use magic, even though, Gaia would see it as a biological function and wouldn't erase forcefully their thaumaturgy as it would perceive it as 'something natural', and that also depends how the quirk operates. Although, you could say that the Emitter quirk factor operates like the Od magical energy that generates inside of our body, most of the quirk factors cannot be supplemented by mana except quite the few exceptions, for example; emitter quirks were they draw energy from their environment."

"Then how does the Transformation users activate their quirk?" Kiritsugu asked.

"You can consider that their quirk factor is more simpler than the Emitter's ones even though you can only compare that their spell is similar to a magus casting reinforcement on themselves with also morphing qualities that depends on their quirk. Do you have another question?

"What about the Mutant type?" For a moment Natasha wanted to laugh out loud because she would use the literal description that Zelretch patented the first day he declared how the quirks activation factor worked.

"Well, I hope you don't become ashamed of this description, but Zelretch said that the most accurate description of how a mutant quirk user would manifest its quirk factor, it would be automatically and normally at birth or at the ages between 6 to 12 years. Still, I will quote his description: 'Imagine that by some bizarre reason your magic circuits want to have sex with your genes and will stay "connected forever", and then the baby which is the mutation will make you experience something similar to prepubescent puberty and the intensity will depend of how powerful your mutation quirk is'."


"Oh! Also, I forgot to mention that the same process happens to emitter and transformation quirks but you can exclude the prepubescent fact for those." She said while still inhaling her cigarette

At this image, Kiritsugu could do nothing but cringe and deny what he had heard.

"What?! It's a completely supernatural process that no mutant should be ashamed off!"

"It didn't seem like you were into making bad punchlines teach, and for the next time, don't skip the important information until the end." The apprentice deadpanned and his teacher gave him another blow in the head.

"No promises, also, couldn't you see that I was still quoting what Zelretch said that day? Geez, even though I'm not someone related to the Clock Tower I know that the old man was capable to publish that quote on his quirk research books and you can´t blame me that he patented it."

"But I don't understand how the Association didn't censored his… particular way of speaking, surely all books must be precise and concise!?"

"Oh they tried, even though the descriptions are crude, heed my warning, if you mess with Zelretch's fun you may become the next source of his entertainment, and that's one of the many reasons why even the most respectful and educated magus can´t afford to reprimand him. I mean, there is even a silent alarm that warns everyone the moment he gets bored." That was the nail in the coffin which would scar Kiritsugu for life and was destined to blame Zelretch every time something bizarre happened in his life.

"Wait I now realize something teach. What about the magi? Why haven't anyone of them developed a quirk?" His teacher gave him a long serious look until she sighed.

"You should know the answer by know brat, I shall tell you in detail about the conflict between the two worlds, now we need to prepare to hunt this fellow." She said as she showed him the contract which also left in doubt Kiritsugu for quite some time.

'And that question lasted only for three days while we were on the hunt.' He truly was such a naïve boy back then, but it was kind of the truth, quirks were a mystery to the magi community and the modern society only deemed it as a the next step for human evolution which was quite true but it still was strange and spontaneous and like any other normal magi, they would want to investigate and discover how the quirks worked… if only there were more families willing to tolerate the quirked community.

Uh… his thoughts are actually quite fast paced even though there is no need too, since he is at peace with no apparent threat that will burst through the door and put in peril his life and that of his son...

"Dad!" Shirou Emiya shouted once he arrived to the house, finally, it has been a while since he went to the grocery store to buy some goods they may need for nourishment and for the remodeling of the house. But he did not expected that his son would come battered in bruises and small cuts around his arms and head and neither would have expected the following sentences he expressed next.

"I want to become a hero!" At this Kiritsugu was caught off guard, in normal circumstances he would have just smiled and told his son that he would support his dream with total calmness, but seeing his son in this state made him somewhat worried and angry.

"Shirou!? Who did this to you?!" The red haired had an instinct to make a bad lie to his parent, he would have claimed that no one did this to him but that would be denying his current intentions.

"I defended a girl that was being bullied on my way back from the store, but I still brought what you asked of me." He said as he showed he was carrying a couple of bags in each hand carrying food and tools. However his father crossed his arms and gave a disapproving gaze.

"Shirou this is the sixth time this month that you have been involved in fights and come more injured that you should have been, you must already know that I disapprove your defense method where you only receive the beating while not defending yourself."

"But they get tired after a wh—"

"After fifteen minutes or more they stop harassing you Shirou, just look at you, your body will not be able to sustain that kind of damage!" Shirou's expression could only express shame, but what he didn't knew was that Kiritsugu felt a strange proudness towards his son, knowing that he was willing to follow the actual steps of a hero instead of the twisted ideas he had come to grasp on his own journey.

"But I couldn't stand to watch those bullies hurting her just because she looked like a mantis."

"And does that mean that you should do nothing but take her share while also taking yours?"

"NO! It's just that I don't feel hitting them is right, I feel that a hero shouldn't hurt innocent ones." And there it was, another thing that made Kiritsugu sympathize with his son, but he still needed to be educated.

"They were not that kind of innocent, they were harassing the little girl, you could have reported them to a hero."

"There was no one nearby but me and them!"

"Then why didn't you acted like a hero does and scared them off?! Son, even if they aren't exactly villains they committed something bad and a hero would not just stand by and only suffer the burden of the innocent, he would find a way to solve the situation by the means necessary but they must be correct and justified solutions, and I guarantee you that self-defense would have been justified right there." For a moment his son stood in complete silence, contemplating his father's lesson.

"I understand old man. I will not do the same thing as always, however I also wanted to ask you something!" He said with determination.

"And what should that be Shirou?"

"I want to become a hero, but you told me I don't have a quirk, even though there were rumors that I had quick regeneration, and becoming hero as a quirkless child is something really hard and that there are almost no quirkless pro-heroes. But I won't let that stop me, I want to learn!" His father smiled proudly, and so, the former magus killer was willing to teach his son how someone can overcome the odds with critical thinking, cunning proficiency and a lot of tools to be used at your disposal. His title wasn't something to be proud of, but there was a reason the magi society referred to him as the Magus Killer. Ironically his son could inherit the name with a variation, something like the Villain Killer...

Okay no! That was a cliché and anti-hero like. There should be another hero name that must have a better context for his son future feats.

"And I want to learn by learning magecraft!"


'I didn't asked for this.'


(Musutafu Forest: Evergreen Forest)

Izuku and Bakugou were playing with some kids they knew from their school and a new kid that came to the city very recently, the new kid claimed to be foreigner and was named Bigby, the other kids asked for his surname but Bigby claimed that he didn't cared about that name and wanted his knew friends to simply call him Bigby. Though it was quite hard to pronounce for the kids since they were barely beginning to learn the English language, but they would manage.

The game they were currently playing was that of hide and seek and as courtesy they allowed Bigby to be the seeker first, it was even more interesting considering that Bigby seemed to have a mutant quirk that made him some kind of werewolf, and it meant that the hiders would be dears and its seeker the predator, just like nature demanded.

"Okay now I will give you a handicap! I will give you two minutes to get as far as possibly you can before I start to chase you all." Then he pulled a sock of his feet, the fetid odor was so strong that Izuku almost fainted by it.

"I will use this sock to hinder my nose super tracking abilities so I won't be able to tell were you are at all times." As the little werewolf said he tied his sock around his nose.

"B-b-but is it really that safe to go as far as we can? M-m-maybe we can get lost, o-or a wild animal can attack us!"

"Come on Izuku you need to man up or you won't be able to be as cool as All Might!" Bakugou said with confidence.

"So we just need to get as far away from you as possible… okay sounds fun to me!" Kaito, one of school partners exclaimed

"Yeah I want to see how far I can get! Maybe you won't be able to track my smell!" Ryu, Kaito's frend joined him in as he jumped in excitement.

"I don't know guys, maybe Midoriya is right, our mother's told us we must not go far away from the city." Yumiko, the only girl of the group was preoccupied as well.

"Shut up, you can't have fun if you are a goodie two shoes, it will be fun!" Bigby said, Yumiko was contemplating the situation seeing that after a few hours the sun would began to set, however she didn't wanted them to pick on her later.

"Okay, but we must stop before the sun goes down." At this everyone nodded.

"Okay dudes, on the count of three I want everyone of you running like villains being chased by heroes in~~~~… three!"

"Oh come on that´s not fair!" The blonde kid said in rage while his instincts made him begin his race, there were some seconds of confusion before everyone except Izuku started to run as fast as they could.

"W-w-w-what going on?!" The shy boy mind was still hesitating to where to go.

"Five~, six~, seven~,eight~, nine~." Running low on time Izuku did the first he could think of.

"K-k-Kacchan, wait for me!"

"Stupid Deku! Don't give away my position!"


(2 Hours Later)

There was nothing but silence in the forest, the leaves where rustling and the river flowed quietly while the sky started to demonstrate its most beautiful colors, if at all, this could be described as the scene of true and pure paradise. But today they were the hunting grounds of the predator and its preys.

Bakugou Katsuki, even though he was slightly annoyed he told Midoriya that he could be his partner in crime if he stayed as quiet as a fish, Deku complied and did nothing but follow his hyperactive friend around the woods, of course making least ruckus they could make while moving, after all, Bigby would find them in no time due to his amazing quirk.

"Man, being a werewolf must be very cool I can imagine how the bad guys would fear him as he shwed his bad side, but still remaining cool to the public!" Kacchan said as low as he could while showing his excitement, the hero-admirer had stars on his face while nodding his head aggressively showing his support towards his friend's claim.

"And when I get my quirk! I will become the number one! Am I right Deku!?"

"Of course you will be the coolest one out there Kacchan!" While saying it, Izuku voice pitch could be considered quite audible for some meters.

"What the frick Deku!" He said while trying to contain his annoyance, but without realizing he made the same sound pitch that the green haired expressed a moment ago.

"M-maybe he didn't heard us?" He didn't knew he was wrong with his assumption, after all they didn't had in their ever present life a constant supernatural hearing.

*Rustle Rustle*

But that range that could only be heard by meters, the mutant boy could hear the sound by miles and miles away!

"Shoot shoot! We must run!" Katsuki screamed as he sprinted first without a second thought, leaving Izuku behind him.

"W-wait me Kacchan!"

"Nuh-Huh! Every man on his own now!" Izuku was almost going to complain but then the rustling was getting closer and closer.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" The shy boy ran as fast as he could, even if he didn't had a speed quirk, he felt like had it in the moment, he ran around trees leaving bizarre patterns that would be hard to follow and still threw a scared tantrum while he was being preyed upon. He ran to the lake again and tried to reach the beginning place of the game, if he could reach the tree where the kid was counting then he was safe and he would be one of the winners. But only if he was lucky enough.

"Roar!" The werewolf shouted with a fake animal pitch. Izuku felt his life leaving his body as he put all the strength he could muster at the moment and try to sprint for his dearest life. For a moment Izuku was enjoying himself having a good time with his friends, and he appreciated them more since they wouldn't remark that he didn't had a quirk, most of them aside from Kacchan and him have already manifested their quirks. Which meant that there was some escape of the people that criticized him the most since he didn't had the guts to face his abusers unlike Bakugou, that was one of the reasons Izuku admired his hyperactive friend.

But then…

"You better run or you will be my next meal!" Now the shy boy bloods went cold… he knew that the voice belongs to Bigby but it expulsed the aura of a true predator that only wanted to tear his throat apart and feed on his body, and that almost made him wet his pants.

The boy could only run to the safe point and try to win, even though his instincts told him that somehow being there wouldn't be enough to make him forget about that guttural, savage and chaotic voice. And yet also there was another anomaly that he didn't understand but there were small traces of strange black fog on the corners of his eyes, as if they were trying to cover his vision in ink. They seemed to be advancing in a quite rapid pace but somehow they couldn't cover them entirely, somehow there was resistance towards the black miasma.

He couldn't understand why that was happening, and even with the adrenaline pumping its maximum efficiency to overrun his chaser. There was a constant reminder, an instinct.

'Liveliverunrunrunliveliverunfasterfasterfasterlivelive'. It recited his survival, and even if Bigby seemed like a good guy, Izuku now felt fear.

After agonizing minutes felt like hours, Izuku came back to the safe point of the game where there were the players that must have been caught much before Kacchan and him ruined their cover.

But he was so close, he could feel the rough texture of the marked tree, he could win! He was going to survi….!

"LOOOOK OUT!" A familiar voice exasperated, but it was far too late as both individuals came crashing to each other.

"NOOOOO!" Both of them shouted, and while their predator was getting nearby, Bakugou raised himself up again and somehow instinctively he put his hand on his back similar to a Naruto run.


Short and weak bursts of explosions gave him the momentum he needed to reach victory!

"Yes, yes! I won, I wooo—Bluargh!" And he crashed his face against the tree…

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The laughter could be even heard miles away, after all, the laugh of children brought life and joy to whoever heard it. Bigby was facing the floor kneeled in the ground with an apparent smirk on his face, without everyone noticing he left a big dirt trail behind of him.

"Geez Baka-chan! You couldn't have done something more stupid than that, I must tell everyone tomorrow about what happened today!" Bigby exclaimed without taking in consideration about what had just happened, only Izuku and Bakugou displayed pure awe while the rest were still stuck with their own amusement.

"K-K-Kacchan! Y-you did it, d-didn't you!?" Both of them were looking the same thing. How the blonde child was igniting small explosions from the palm of his hands, they were mostly fire crackers, and at last, the other kids grew curious about the small explosions they were hearing and finally realized.

"Katsuki are you serious, your quirk appeared just now?! I call that cheating!" Ryu pointed his finger accusingly to the explosion boy.

"Shut up! It was fair and square, I just had some good luck." He said proudly.

"Wow dude, congratulations, I clearly didn't expected that twist!" Kaito patted the boy on the shoulder which the proud kid accepted.

"O-o-one day! I will get an awesome quirk just like yours K-Kacchan!" As much as Izuku wanted too, he couldn't declare a rivalry, he was a bit too shy and now felt that his friend was leagues far above him.

"Oh come on, shut it everyone, you know that Baka-chan made the most stupidest thing right now with that tree, I mean. was he trying to kiss it?!" The werewolf said mockingly and while Ryu laughed sheepishly, the others made a nervous laugh except for Kacchan. In fact he grew quite angry.

"What the hell did you said?" He said in a low tone of voice while approaching the mutant with an intimidating pace.

"What? I just said the truth, after all, you are in love with the trees aren't you? You just went running to your girlfriend tree number 1, and I forgot to mention that Izuku almost peed on his pants while running!"

"H-HOW D-DID YOU K-KNOW?!" Even if it was something quite rude, everyone tried to hide their amusement.

"So that kills two birds with one stone so tell me everyone! I am right lads or am I right lads?!" He directed his question to Ryu who was supporting him earlier but now he backed off. There was an awkward silence for a moment, it lasted until Bigby rambled out of nowhere

"I am very thirsty, chasing for each of you wasn't an easy task." He said with an uncomfortable grunt while he touched his throat and whiffed desperately.

"I have my bottle of water here so I…" Ryu tried to give some of his but the werewolf slapped it furiously. "Hey!"

"Don't give me that transparent shitty liquid that only leaves me drier." Bigby snarled

"Uuuuuh, how does that make any sense?" And yet his words were ignored as Bigby still rambled.

"I need something more substantial, something more refreshing… I need something… ah I remember! Something red!"

"Red? Like Kool Aid?" Katsuki questioned with a weird look directed towards his partner.

"What is Kool Aid?"

"Really dude? You don't really know that juice?! It's pretty good, you are lucky I have a pouch, but before I give it to you, apologize to me." He said while retrieving his juice from a lunchbox.

With quick reflexes Bigby stole the pouch without Bakugou realizing the fact, then he raised his hand and squished the juice pack until it exploded filling his face with juice while trying to take in mouthfuls of juice.

"It's tasty… but not that tasty like the red I am used to… this isn't fresh!"

"In first place, you freaking cheater! In second place, the lunchbox is filled with some ice, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Bakugou was starting to get more pissed.

"The SuN is too hot today, I just want some refreshing red and to rest in a shade." Izuku flinched as he realized, THAT was the dreaded voice. The savage voice returned, it sounded like a dry gagging voice inside a cavernous structure, his partners only grew discomforted unlike him.

"Dude, the sun isn't even directly hitting us now and you are complaining because of a little hit? Where is your cool?"

"I am better than you BakA-chan, you are just an idiot that kissed a tree, go back and smooch it, juSt, go bAck with your sOulmAte." More fury was beginning to build inside the explosive boy, especially with that reckless voice that the arrogant piece of… freak was trying to emulate.

"Bigby why are you being so rude right now, you weren't like this a while ago…" Kaito expressed his opinion, but Bigby ignored it.

"YOu knOw EVEryOne?!, I thiNk I aM riGht lAds, you wouldn't sEe such a desperate attempt to pursue loVe, you know I think I remember a friend of mine with a NATure tyPe quirk tHat would have maybe HaVE given you A chance to be loved… what was iTs name? ….aSHe? EInSJdas?" The kids felt their spines cold not only because the voice now started to sound so… distorted, whenever Bigby tried to mention the name it exuded a primal static that seemed to block the kids senses, none of them were aware of it, but assumed that maybe it was their imagination and discarded it off, and yet, Izuku fear grew more…. It wasn't an illusion, even if he wanted to believe it. "What are you even trying to say? And quit talking like an animal, its freaking annoying!"

"You aRe tHe infurating one! YOuR lACk oF gRaY MaTtER Is MolEsTinG mY FreaKiNG bRain ceLLs, yOu cAn'T eVen ComPreHend ThE nAme Of yOur lOVE. GrRGH IT'S Too HoT AND I aM dRY. I NeED rED!" The maniac thrashed the soil in anger almost hitting Kaito

"Hey hey! Calm down Bigby, this is too far gone! What are you even crying about? Nothing is making sense!" Kaito almost screamed in anger.

"OF CourSE YoU wOulDn'T, yOu aRE jUsT PiPsQuEAKS AfTer aLl! ALl oF yOuR bRaInS aRe PlaNt deaD!" The last remark had a twisted voice, similar to that of sharpened knives clashing with each other, with the deepness of a profound cave, to every child their foots could only stay put as the voice intimidated them and filled them with dread.

But to Katsuki Bakugou it brought no fear, for him, the world angry was so underrated right now. He was furious that not only this person insulted his own acquaintance, but also because it insulted him and his mother.

It pissed him so much…

"Hey so you said you wanted to play with us for some while today right? Well I wish to be your playmate, we will do something fun called wrestling, and you know what? I feel like I want to wrestle!" It was at this moment that everyone knew, that Bigby fucked up.

"Look at him slithering!" The enraged bomb ran quickly towards his opponent, and then Ryu and Kaito followed.

"WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT!" They screamed and before Bigby had a moment to react; Bakugou jumped and grabbed the werewolf, which pulled him to the ground as the exploding wrestler let gravity do the rest of the work.


And then the bully received the biggest pain that no child would ever forget, the humiliation was too powerful.

"AaAAaIgh!" He said as he rubbed his face in pain, the rest of the children aside from Izuku screamed in hype as they had witnessed a replicated pro-wrestling moment at real time.

"Take that doggie!" Bakugou screamed as he posed asking for more appraisal raising both of his arms.

"You imbecile!" The bully growled with the same voice but this time it seemed to bring no fear but mockery. "yOu ARe sO iDiOTic, jUsT yOu wAIt, I wILl oBlIteRatE yoU jUsT LiKe I wIll DiD tO sHe" And then the beast disappeared through the wildlife so quickly nobody could react towards his response, and yet there were still good vibes about the spectators thanks to the performance.

"Ah that was good now us the gentlemen and the single lady can return home after that incredible match between Explosion Boy and Hairy McBaby!" Ryu said as he imitated the motion of holding a microphone.

"I just hope he isn't that hurt" The hero admirer said with concern.

"Come on Midoriya, that dude deserved it after all, even Yumiko would agree with the way Kacchan dealt with the situation."

"Speaking of which… Where is Yumiko?" The blonde haired one asked while looking for the only girl of the group.

"Agh come on! And she was the one that said that we should have finished the game early, come everyone we must search her."

"C-couldn't we go back to our moms first? I-it's already getting pretty dark."

"If we did they would punish us because we lost her for a month, I am not dealing with that!" Ryu concluded and everyone aside from Izuku agreed.

"Yeah we will find her in the blink of an eye you'll see!" In defeat, Deku nodded.

And yet, his instinct told him not to go, to leave them to their fate, as he somehow understood that venturing in the forest would bring nothing but pain, he could have stayed put and go back to his mother's embrace, to report his friends attempts and the disappearance of Yumiko. Still, he wanted to take steps further into his heroic practice, he couldn't just say no and run from this situation, if he did he wouldn't feel that he deserved to be a hero.

"Hey Deku, are you coming or not?!" Kaito said as he tailed his other two friends into the forest.

"Ah! I-I-I-"

"Come on Deku, we can't go back without Yumiko, our moms would kill us if everyone but her were present! If you go back you may as well rat us." Blackmail, a classic strategic since childhood.

"N-no! I wouldn't rat all of y-y-you! I'm coming!"

"The last of us is a rotten villain!"

Izuku still doubted it was a good idea, but he didn't wanted to be guilty about everyone being punished because it was his fault, he could only comply with the peer pressure of his play mates.

However, he couldn't ignore the fact of returning to that hunting field where he was the prey, and even less considering the fact how Bigby transformed… no one could see it but him.

He could only see how a black fog was being expelled from his body expulsing an intent stronger than he could only consider it as if someone wanted to bully him, but to cause much bigger harm, one that couldn't be repaired in any way. No one noticed how his skin was being pealed apart like a shedding snake, it only leaved rotten gashes on the werewolf and no one seemed to notice it.

'Why?...Why no one can see it?' Izuku's young mind asked itself again and again as he couldn't comprehend it. He was a quirk enthusiast, and yet he couldn't explain what he was seeing. He could only comprehend it by instinct, and only himself. When he tried to explain it to his mother and doctor, they only said that he was really perceptive but there wasn't any solid proof of any change on Izuku. His 'ability' at best could only be described as a sixth sense, but it wasn't so supernatural to be categorized like a quirk.

And yet, the sixth sense felt like something more substantial to his vision, something that enhanced it, something that made him see the 'aura's' of people…

Without noticing they ventured deep in the forest, where there was nothing but darkness.


"Ouch!" Kaito said as he tripped over a branch. Izuku stopped running and got closer to the 'aura' of his friend.

"H-Hey are you okay!?" Izuku offered a hand blindly in the dark.

"It's nothing, just a scratch, but man where did the both of them go? They just left us too far behind. Now I am fearing that we must not only search for Yumiko but also for those idiots."

"D-don't be to h-hard on t-them, w-we are j-ust worried about her you know."

"Yeah I know, but they shouldn't just be like an oxen chasing a red cape, thanks to that we are far away from each other and it makes me angry that they do it each single time."

"W-well Ryu and Kacchan are just like that, they can get a bit too excited." Izuku sheepishly laughed at his comment while Kaito just sighed.

They walked just a little bit more into the forest without any sense of direction thanks to the black pitch darkness, not even the moon had risen enough to barely illuminate the environment

"Come on! It's too dark in here and I don't have a flashlight." Izuku's playmate was getting desperate."

"C-can't you use your quirk?"

"I can't! If I use Bengala I might as well alarm our mothers and get us grounded!" The hero aspirant was starting to share the sentiment as he could contemplate the aura of his partner moving erratically.

"Hey Izuku couldn't you use your magical sixth sense? I am sure that it could help us here."

"W-what!? B-but y-you told me that y-you didn't believe me!"

"And I still don't believe it but I might as well trust you now, I am out of options Deku."

"O-o-okay then!" Izuku contemplated the floor and searched for any particular sign for Yumiko's aura, her color's was blue so it would be easier to identify it from any of his friends, as Kaito possessed brown, Kacchan orange, and Ryu white.

After some minutes of investigating the floor he could see faint blue stains in the floor. Izuku knew these were from his friend but something told him that something was quite different, he could see the color, but there was a strange crack pattern in it.

"Follow me Kaito, I think I got her track." His friend didn't said anything and just complied as he was too tired to do anything. It didn't last long before they-

"H-hey K-kaito! I think w-we found where s….he is…" Izuku stopped.

There was a figure in the distance, even though there was such blinding darkness, one could see movement of their found companion. Izuku's friend sprinted towards her,

"W-wait Kaito!"

"Where the hell were you Yumiko you know we were so worried about you! What the hell were you even thinking?!"

As he approached her there was nothing but an awkward and tense silence.

"You know that you were the one that proposed to end the game early, are you becoming rebellious Yumiko?" He said teasingly.

And there was still silence.

"Hey come on don't make me seem like I am crazy. Maybe you just need a hug, those always made you smile."


"See that I am right?! Come on Yumiko and let me give you a big one!" At the moment he hugged her, a sickening crack was heard.

Izuku's eyes widened as his instinct finally understood the cracked pattern of the girl, the auras he could see reflected what the person was feeling at the moment or at what state they were. When someone was preoccupied their aura's moved erratically, when they were in joy the auras hummed happily, if the person was sick the aura dimmed.

However those blue cracked stains in the floor were a complete mystery, it was the first time he saw aura stains in the floor. He assumed it was pretty normal in particular.

But… his perception changed when he stepped on it… it felt wet and expulsed a strange odor.

And now there was more clarity, the moon rose enough and illuminated the forest with its silver light.

What Izuku saw… was unbearable, horrible and cruel, he saw the destruction of his innocence.

The body skin color was pale with crimson, its twisted decoration was the black blood being expulsed from its body, and one of its arms was barely connected from a flesh tissue that remained resistant for its extension to fall out, there was a hole on the place where the stomach is normally located, innards where exposed in the moonlight and were caressed by the sick breeze of air with a putrid smell, so pungent that no one can tolerate inhaling it the first time, and finally, the eyes reflected the red of hell, devoid of life.

"Hey, you smell bad… did you hid on thrash or something?" Kaito innocently said.

Izuku was too paralyzed with fear, he wanted to do something but his mind was still trying to process what his eyes were seeing.

There was no more cracked blue, but black miasma, the same as Bigby possessed… and this thing wasn't Yumiko anymore.


And thus, this was the night were everything began, as other abominations emerged in response of the living beings that creeped on the territory of their master. The intruders will serve as food for their master, their bodies contained the red their master needed, and the undead will accomplish their task.


As Fate dictated tonight; there were four victims.



I wouldn't say this is my best chapter, but it's an improvement considering how I wrote four years ago. Also sorry for this long wait, I needed to survive my projects and exams, thank you for your patience.

Also my spidey sense tingles with danger, because if my guess is not wrong people will ask these two questions:

How can Izuku see auras if that is a non-existent concept of the Nasuverse?

What are the origins of Bigby?

And so I will give you the answer of the first one, the second I'll leave it to you as a wild guess and whoever paid attention to some of the keywords may at least have a sense of what Bigby is/could be/was/will be. Yes I'm being vague so you'll have it more difficult, muahahahaha! (PD: Whoever guesses it deserves cookies.)

So about Izuku seeing auras, well, to whoever had paid attention to the lore of the Nasuverse, there is a particular set of eyes that only those people that are fated for something can inherit them. It's not an invention of mine, if you research well then you know what Izuku's possess, there will be other surprises for Izuku's magical prowess so stay tuned.

Also I may guess that some of you will still be anxious about more context about the relationship of the magi families with the Hero Society. I explained the general idea of how their relationship is. And some of you may be confused about how the quirks are related with magic since maybe the explanation would be confusing or vague for you so here is the summary: Thanks to the Phenomenon, on the most part of the human population, magic circuits were transmuted to the biological function known as the Quirk factor which is responsible for the supernatural powers in the Hero Society. The reason of this is yet unknown.

And yes, magic circuits are pseudo-physical parts of the human body and soul, however by transmuted I mean that magic circuits became integrated more with the human body as a biological function. As you may know, almost every superpower in My Hero Academia is in fact an extra biological function. In this story the magic circuits transmutation is defined as a mutation with the DNA by linking themselves directly with the genes and does not work as pseudo-neurons that functions as magic-unit storages capable of replicating miracles that Gaia destroys because they are unnatural. In fact, Gaia will perceive the use of quirks as a natural function of humans and will not erase the miracle because it has become an integral part of the human body and it is natural. (PD: There is another factor that determines the type of quirk and type of power the individual may develop and I may explain that between the 3rd and 4th chapter)

And you may ask: Phoenix! What about the 10% of the Quirkless population?! Mostly those are consisted of the magi population and people that even if they are civilians they have the capacity to learn thaumaturgy. Also, the reason why magi families and the rest of the population are unaffected will be explained in detail later. However I can tell you that the families that had a long history will be 100% magi, and the rest have a certain percentage chance to develop either a quirk or have the possibility of becoming a magus. To go into more detail will be practically spoiling the story.

Thank you for your time reading this story of mine, PM me for any doubts or suggestions.

(PD: Kaito's quirk is to generate a fireball that functions like a *flare*, from there comes the term Bengala)

See you next time!