Kikkie: I am going back to my roots and writing Adrien as a crazy character. I have been working on this series on the side for a bit and I wanted to see if it was interesting enough to post on here, but I never felt conferable putting it on. But then I remember I felt the same way for The Innocent Sin and The Angelic Demon. and that story became a HIT! So lets where this goes!
Summary: In order to save her family from living on the streets, Marinette does the most awful thing she could think of...Marry the man she hates the most in this world: Adrien Agreste. But as time goes by, she begins to realize that he may not be the monster she thought him to be all this time. If only his enemy saw it that way...and also didn't have a crush on Adrien and wanted to kill Marinette.
"Hey, Mari..."
His voice was like hot coal being thrown at your ear by an angry person! I hate him with a burning passion that no other person could possible imagine. Adrien Agreste, the son of the most talented fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste. He is also the biggest asshole I have known since my freshman year in high school, the reason because he is an Agreste! And the Agreste were nothing more but big rich bullies that made everyone in Paris life a breathing, living hell!
Adrien and his father owned practically half of Paris! The other half was run by the Borgiouse, the second richest family in Paris and the Agreste mortal enemy. I will get deeper into that story later, right now I have to explain why I hate this guy. Adrien Agreste, Paris number 1 model three years in a row, and also a criminal. That's right, a criminal, this guy, and his father didn't own Paris out of the blue. No, he stole from people by threating their jobs and stuff with his father. My family business being one of them. You see, one day when I was 10, my landlord raised the price on our building because the Agreste threaten him. This price rise took a huge stab of my families business. Because of this, my mom and dad work TRIPLE a day just to make ends meat. They take on multiple clients a day and make hundreds by the thousands of bakery sweets just so that we couldn't lose our house. In other words, my families business is dying because of those fuckers, and Adrien is to blame.
"Go away..." I growled under my breath. But that didn't make the blonde leave alone, In fact, he had the nerve to take a seat on my desk like he owned the dam thing! Well, he did since his father paid for half of the building in this place to be built. But that didn't mean I had to give him my full attention.
"Oh come on Marinette, I can make your life a dream." Adrien purred to me, god I hated him. He thinks cause he has money that he is all that!
"Or a nightmare," I growled, making his smile turn into a dark frown. Oh dear, I think I pissed off the great Adrien Agreste, too bad I didn't care.
"You know, most women I met would die to go on a date with me. Especially ones with your beauty." Did he say: and beauty? Last I check, I was chubby to the point no guy would even hook up with me. I mean, true I was a little fat...well morally chubby. I had a small gut, most of my fat went to my chest and hips. You can blame that on the parents that owned a Bakery. I was also very tall for my age, a lot of guys made comments about my legs being long. Then, there was my hair, I had long puffy hair that reached down to my hips, although I always kept it in a ponytail.
"Then ask one of them!" I spat out.
"ADRIEN!" A voice shouted at him. He turns his head to look at our homeroom teacher, her arms were crossed over her chest and she had a sour expression on her face.
"What?" Adrien growled.
"Get off of Marinette's seat and open your book to chapter 12." The teacher growled, making Adrien roll his eyes at her. That woman was possibly the only woman I knew that could talk down on Adrien and not get into trouble. I hope I don't find her missing poster one day, that would be sad. I watched Adrien hop off my desk then walk two steps down to his seat. A second later I felt a dark aura begin to fill the room, he was not happy. And when Adrien is not happy, people get hurt, really bad.
"Now, today lesson is about Concentration Matter. In 19-BANG" The front door to the class swung open, revealing a pissed off looking woman. AKA, Chloe Borgiouse, the daughter of the mayor and Adrien's sworn enemy. She's also my enemy, but to a smaller extent since I don't hate her as much as I hate Adrien. The blonde woman comes walking into class with her thousand dollar handbag in her hand that was a design from Adrien's father. Which I never understood, she hated the Agreste but was still willing to wear their clothing line. Anyway, Chloe was one of those extremly skinny to the point she's a stick with long wavy blonde hair that takes a whole bottle of shampoo to wash looking girl. She wore skin-tight white jeans with a yellow vest that had a white shirt underneath. She gives Adrien a quick glance before walking towards her seat. Honestly, I am shocked they haven't killed each other yet.
"Uh, Chloe you're late." The teacher said.
"And? Is your time worth more than mine now? Because we can change that." Chloe responded, my god, at least Adrien had the respect not to say anything mean.
"No, I just wanted to tell you..." The teacher muttered. The dark aura in the room begins to deepen to the point that even I couldn't breathe. When class was over, I'd made sure I was the first one out the door! I didn't even bother to look back! I made my way all the way to the courtyard to my friend Alya. She was sitting at one of the lunch tables minding her own business when I sat across from her. Putting my long hair in a ponytail, I looked straight at her to say:
"I can't deal with this anymore!" I growled, making her move her eyes from her phone to me. "I need to get out of her!"
"We're seniors, we'll get out and away from this shit hole soon," Alya said. "Girl you just need to be patient."
"Easy for you to say, Adrien won't leave me alone! I can't get away from him now!" I said. "Every time I turn around, he's there! He's stalking me, I swear it!"
"You only have one class with him. And I have Nino on my ass, thank you very much!" Alya said, I am not going to lie, she does have a big ass. " Alya wore white shorts that wrapped around her thighs because they were a size smaller than her hips, and they didn't button at her belly button. Making her panty straps on her hips visible to those around her. She also wore a yellow small open button-up blouse that stopped a few inches above her belly button with black boots to go with her black earnings. The left side of her head was braided to look like a rose, while ether rest of her hair hanging down to her shoulders.
"And it's enough!" I shouted.
"Girl, I don't see why you just don't hook up with him," Alya said, where the hell did that come from!?
"What?" I asked.
"Aw come on, you cannot sit there and tell me he is not hot?" Alya asked.
"I mean...he's attractive," Alya said. "He's rich, has the body of a swimmer, can take on five guys and has a dick print that reaches to the ceiling."
"He's also a psychopath that raises my parents rent every month for fun," I said.
"Which is another reason you should date him. Maybe if you two were hitched, maybe he would lower the rent."
"And if we break up, you would possibly find my body in a river," I growled. "No, I rather not date someone who could kill me at any moment. Also, let's not forget Chloe! If I hook up with Adrien, I will be putting a target on my back. And I am not prepared for that!"
"Good point girl." Alya said.
Kikkie: going to end it here