Anne couldn't breathe. Could this be true?! For the first time in 8 years, she felt her heart swell with hope.

Frederick. She must find Frederick!

She burst out of the room, no longer caring if anyone saw her exiting his room and ran directly into Jenny, who promptly dropped the armload of freshly-laundered linens in order to steady the former mistress they all loved.

"Miss Anne! Whatever is the matter?!"

"Frederick...I mean Captain Wentworth…" she gasped. "Where is he?"

"In the gardens, I think, Miss. I can fetch him if you like."

"No, thank you Jenny. I will go. The fresh air will do me good."

Jenny was left standing in the hall, crumpled linens at her feet, and her eyes wide as Miss Anne nearly ran for the stairway.


Frederick sat on a bench with his head in his hands. She didn't get it. She hadn't found the letter. That was what he had decided. The alternative - that she no longer loved him, that he had driven her away - was too awful to contemplate.

Well, he had waited 8 years for her, he could wait a few days more. And if he hadn't heard from her by this time next week, he decided, he would call and offer her his hand and his heart once again.

The thought of waiting a few more days was torturous! He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose in agitation.

"Frederick?! Frederick?!"

He sprang to his feet at the sound of that voice and cried out with all his heart and soul in response. "Anne! I am here, Anne!"


Sophie was laughing at one of the many strange observations her darling Admiral had made on the Kellynch gardens when a frantic voice broke their peaceful morning.

"Frederick?! Frederick?!"

"Good heavens!" Sophie gasped. "That sounds like Miss Elliot! What can have happened?!"

"I think you are right, my dear," the Admiral replied with a puzzled frown. "And whyever is she calling for Frederick instead of you?"

"Anne! I am here, Anne!"

"And that's Frederick, using her Christian name! Come, my dear! We'd best try and find them."


"Anne! I am here, Anne!"

She bolted toward the voice, weaving through the gardens she knew so well.

"Frederick!" she cried again.

His voice, closer now, shouted back to her. "Anne!"

She could hear running footsteps now, heavy, booted ones and she followed them, turning a corner to see Frederick doing the same further down the pathway. Both froze momentarily before Anne, unwilling to let this chance slip away, broke into a run once more and flung herself into his arms.


Frederick could scarcely believe it! Anne was in his arms once more, and he swore to never let her go again as they clung to each other.

His mind finally registered that Anne was saying something, sobbing out a single word over and over again. He leaned back to look at her.

There were tears streaming down her face and Frederick might have worried that he'd misinterpreted the whole thing were it not for the smile on her lips and the joy in her eyes.

He felt her small hand on his cheek as her eyes devoured him in turn until he crushed her body to his chest once more, desperately telling himself again and again that this was real. It was real!


Anne could scarcely believe it! Frederick was holding her close, crushing her against him as if he never wished to let her go.

"Anne," he murmured into her hair, "Marry me, Anne."

Anne couldn't breathe. Was this really happening?! For so many years now she had hoped and prayed for this but had never been able to bring herself to truly believe it possible.

She pulled back and sought out his eyes, only to find her own tangled emotions reflected back at her. There was the desperate hope, the joy in their reunion, the all-consuming love...and the panicked fear that he had somehow misunderstood.

"Say it again, Frederick" she whispered. "Please."

"Marry me, Anne. Please."

Her only answer was to push up on her toes and press her mouth to his in a gentle kiss.


Sophie could scarcely believe it! Miss Elliot was in Frederick's arms, and he was kissing her!

She and the Admiral had hurried through the gardens, though it had taken them quite some time to find the pair as neither was particularly familiar with the grounds yet.

When the shouting had stopped, Sophie decided that the crisis must have passed, but determined to find either of the two parties and make certain of it.

To say that she had been shocked when she turned a corner only to find her brother and Miss Elliot locked in a firm and passionate embrace.

"Frederick!" she choked out.

He broke away from the kiss, his eyes never leaving Miss Elliot's, grinning like a fool! "Frederick!" Sophie snapped again before he finally met her eyes and she nearly stumbled.

For the first time in many years (8 to be precise), Sophie didn't see buried pain and bitterness in her brother's eyes, but unadulterated joy as he spoke. "Soph! You must congratulate me! Anne has consented to finally be my wife!"