New Guy in Forks: The Ceiling Fan Killed Me

AN; I honestly had no excuse for not updating this chapter. I'm such a procrastinator. :(

Review Response:

50shadesofgreyson: Thank you!

aejacob: Thanks for your appreciation!

chase monaena: Can't say anything about updating as soon as possible, but here you go anyways.

willwill2will: (::)- Thank you for this cookie.

johnjohn1970: I appreciate your interest!

Nolifeking222: Thanks!

LoveGodLokiAndCaptainCold: Merci pour vos éloges


Debbie Hicks: Hmmmm... I'm not sure on how to respond to that. Really cool story tho!

Guest (1): Cool suggestion. I will take it into consideration.

Guest (2): I am going to add more chapters...eventually. Don't you worry!

Guest (3): You're not being pushy at all! Here is your update!

Disclaimer: Percy Jackson and Twilight are not mine

I've learnt to trust my instincts. They have saved me too many times to count. When I don't listen to them then I will probably be in a life threatening situation pretty soon. Right now my instincts were screaming at me, Somethings wrong!

I walked out of the expensive car, following my cousin Bella and her husband Edward. The crunching of gravel clouded my ears as we exited. I looked around me, and there were many heavy rain filled clouds in the dark skies. There was a 20 minute drive here, since apparently it didn't have a railroad system going through it. There was small houses, spaced and varied, the whole town seemed to be gloomy. It was such a stark difference to New York I almost laughed.

The car ride was silent. I was busy observing the married couple. Currently they were walking in front of me, guiding us to a house. It was small and cozy, and there was a small lot at the front where they parked their Volvo.

I had my bag slung up on my shoulder, warily following Edward and Bella up the steps. Bella knocked on the door, and I heard shuffling coming from inside the door and some muffled curses.

The door swung open and in the doorway I saw a middle-aged man with curly brown hair parted to the right. He had a small mustache and a kind face, although it showed that he also faced many hardships due to the many worry lines on his face.

Behind him was a woman with a pretty face and short black hair and black eyes. I lingered on a scar on her cheek, but mentally shrugged as I knew I didn't like people staring at my scars.

"So, is this your cousin Bella?" The man suddenly asked, glancing between me, and her.

I stuck my arm out for a handshake,

"Yeah, hi! I'm Percy Jackson. And you are…?"

"Charlie Swan, father of Bella here." As we shook hands I noticed he had a strong grip, and it was a bit weathered, probably from tough work.

He was pushed aside by the woman,

"Now, Charlie, don't leave them out there. Come on in!" I looked behind me to Edward and Bella, for conformation, and with Edwards nod of assent, I stepped into the threshold.


As soon as Perseus walked out of our view, I grabbed Bella by the wrist and super-speeded back outside. If she were still human the force would've tore her wrist off, but thankfully she is more "tougher" now. She immediately took this in stride and we both ran into the forest. When I thought we were far enough that I was sure the intoxicating scent was gone, I stopped on a dime knowing Bella could do the same. As soon as we both stopped Bella informed me worriedly,

"Edward, Percy smells really, really good, I don't think that I could've resisted anymore if we ran any later. Is this bad, am I losing control again-?!" I cut her off by pushing my lips against hers, and for a moment we just stayed there, and enjoyed each other's presence. When we broke apart, quite reluctantly I might add. I told her,

"Bella, you are the most strongest newborn I've ever met, besides Carlisle of course, but don't doubt yourself please." She sighed and pulled me to her in a hug, which would have not been possible if she were human.

"I know Edward."

We stood in silence for a while until Bella drew away and focused her penetrating hazel eyes on my gold.

"I noticed something was bothering you earlier, what was it? Other than his smell." I hesitated in my answer, eyeing Bella warily, before giving in.

"I couldn't hear his thoughts"


"Is it a generic thing?"



"Ok," Bella leaned forward in interest. "So is he like me, where its like you don't even know I'm there or….?"

I thought about the sensation,

"It was like I could feel his mind, but I couldn't access it, like there was a wall denying me access, no matter how hard I pushed."

Bella frowned in thought.

"You know that Charlie has something similar, right? Not the wall, but you said you had a harder time reading his thoughts than a normal person. Does it actually run in the family or is it this some huge coincidence?"

I sighed and ran my fingers through Bella's silky brown curls.

"Nothing is ever a coincidence in our life."

We sat down on the grass and dirt, clinging onto each other presence like it was our undead life line.

"Do you want to go hunting, sweetheart?"

Bella looked at me with those beautiful eyes and grinned that beautiful smile.

"Who ever gets the most deer wins!" Then she hopped up and zoomed away, leaving the leaves rustling in her wake.


It was dinnertime and Bella and Edward were still not here.

I had learned that Charlie Swan; Bella's dad, was engaged to the black haired lady; Sue Clearwater. They were both really nice to me, and I felt guilty barging in on them like this. Their house cozy, it had a couch, a T.V, 3 bedrooms, and a kitchen; all the necessary things you need for a modest and relaxing living. I put all my luggage in the extra bedroom. The first was taken by Charlie and Susan. There usually would be two extra rooms available, but because of my presence, Bella was going to bunk here so she could know me beller, as well as I, her. Since Bella was here, Edward was going to stay too for some unknown marriage law.

Anyways, now it was 8 o'clock and Sue had cooked a delicious looking dinner of lasagna. They were setting up the table and I had tried to help, but they just shooed me away saying something about me being a guest. I felt even more guilty about that. I felt like a parasite; sucking away resources.

So when I was sitting down and Sue was putting the lasagna of the table, I came to the realization that Bella and Edward were nowhere to be found.

When Charlie sat down across from me and was about to serve himself a big chunk, I bring up the matter.

"Hey Charlie, or -uh- Mr . Swan-"

"Charlie is fine."

"Okay Charlie, do you know where Bella and Edward went?"

Charlie paused in scooping up the lasagna, his eyebrows scrunched. I noticed that next to Charlie Sue had an alarmed expression on her face.

"You know what, I'm not really sure myself. I-". He was cut off by his fiancee when she clasped his forearm and whispered something in his ear.

I didn't mean to be impolite, but with superior demigod hearing, I managed to catch the words that were being uttered.

"They're probably out hunting."

As a look of realization came upon Charlie's face, I idiotically revealed the fact that I had eavesdropped.

"Wait, what do you mean by hunting?"

Charlie and Sue exchanged a panicked glance and started to make probaby-indiscreet- but- not- to- me- hand gestures, all the while my eyes got narrower from suspicion.

"Ah- well you see, Edward and Bella.."

"Are hunting for game." Sue shot Charlie a sharp look, but Charlie waved her off in an I've got it manner.

"You see, Bella and Edward love to hunt in the forest. That's why there are always a bunch of rifles around the house." He said, pointing to one sitting in the corner near the couch that I did not notice before. "It's kind of like a tradition for them. We don't interrupt them while they are hunting."

My eyes narrowed. Charlie and Sue held their breath.

I shrugged my shoulders and everyone relaxed.


And with that, the subject was dropped.


After dinner, Sue, Charlie and I chatted in the living room for a while.

I learned that Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesmee Carly Cullen's (Or Nessie) name was a result of a combination of Bella and Edward's parents. Renee and Esme make Renesmee, and Carlisle and Charlie make Carly.

She was currently living in the Cullen household, which we would visit tomorrow evening.

I also learned of Edward's adopted siblings, Emmett and Alice. Emmett was married to Rosalie Hale and Alice was married to Jasper Hale.

I learned about the Black family that lived in La Push. I would also be visiting them sometime later in my visit.

When it became late, Sue and Charlie led me on a brief tour around the house and directed me to my room.

Currently I was laying in my bed, my arms under my head, staring at the ceiling fan, going round and round and round. I couldn't go to sleep.

To pass the time, I lifted up my finger and followed the path of one of the blades of the fan as it went in circles. Round and round and round and round and-

There was a sound.
I don't know how I heard it, as it was as quiet as a mouse' footsteps. I just chalked it up to demigod senses.

I tried to strain my ears to hear it again, but the buzzing of the fan was distracting.

I glared at the innocent looking fan, trying to will it to stop. As if that would work.

It worked.

I blinked in surprise as the fans blades started to slow. I looked at the switch to see if anyone had turned it off, but the door was still closed.


My mind was taken off the subject as I heard another sound. It sounded like two people were talking. I started to get nervous, are people breaking in?

I could only identify a few lines of broken speech as I listened closer, tensing my body.

"...stopped. Could one of them be awake?"

"...Came from the right room, must be..."

"...Why is he...Edward...?"

Edward. That name was familiar…

Oh! He's Bella's husband. That meant that the pair who was talking was Bella and Edward, back from their hunting trip. I relaxed my body and curled to my side, releasing a breath of relief.

I picked up a few more lines.

"...smell is so bad, I can't stay here..."

"...think he can come to our house tomorrow?"

"No...they won't be able to resist, except Carlisle..maybe…"

"...Can feel his heart. We have to go now.."

And that was the last I heard. I frowned. What was that all about? I couldn't go to the Cullens house? Something about hearts and resisting? Smell?

I mentally shrugged. It was too late to think about it now.

I threw off my blanket and kicked it to the foot of my bed, suddenly feeling hot. I wanted the fan back on but I was too lazy to get up.

Suddenly, I felt a soft breeze brush my skin. I looked up, and saw that the fan turned back on.

I stared at the fan, seeing it slowly speed up until it was spinning as fast as it had been spinning before.

What in the world is happening?!

My breath caught in my throat and I suddenly felt as if I was choking. My hands went up to my neck and I tried and failed to take breaths. I felt an ice cold sensation strike through my veins, before my eyes rolled into my head and the world went dark.
