Word count:
Námo: 90
Vairë: 66
In the northern part of Valinor was the Halls of Mandos, and in it, the fallen Children of Eru Ilúvatar. Among them walked an Elf known as Lúthien Tinúviel, fairest of the fair. One day, she sang a song which held such heartwarming beauty and love, that even the mighty Doomsman of the Valar was moved by the fairness in her voice. And so, he bestowed upon her a choice that would turn out to be so much more meaningful in the very end, than but an act of kindness.
In the Halls of Mandos, long tapestries hung from wall to wall in an endless row of breathtaking history, each showing an insight in the history of Arda. Each woven web held prestigious detail and fairness, clothing the walls in pure and utter magnificence. The end is yet to tell, however, when it comes the Weaver will be present, and do what she does best: weave.
A/N: That's it, all the Valar drabbled and done. Hope this was enjoyable, leave a review telling me what you think:) Thank you for the challenge, Eldhoron, it's been great fun! 'Till next time!
Edit: To Eldhoron, thank you for announcing this challenge. I had great fun writing it, even though some of the drabbles gave me a hard time, but the point of a challenge is for it to be, well, a bit challenging. I was sad to hear that you'd left us, not only this site, but life as a whole. We were never very close, but I could tell from the few times we'd spoken that you were an awesome person. Your stories were great, your words magical, and I wish you good fortune, wherever you may be. Rest in Peace.