Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, Mass Effect, or any other game, book, movie, etc in this fanfiction.

"Alien Language" / Emphasized Word
Written Narration'

Chapter Five: Archangel: Part Three

Harry used the confusion of the distraction team moving out to disappear from view. He made his way along the bridge without much problems; there had been a few instances of almost being hit for being too close to the freelancers; and as he got close enough, Harry looked up and saw the means through which he was going to approach Archangel, the very open window.

Harry floated himself up and into the building through the window Archangel had been using to pick off the men on the distraction team. There were many souls now gathering on the bridge leading to the building Archangel garrisoned in, but Harry had a mission to do, so he wouldn't deliver them personally…it was like the original said, he didn't oversee the passing of every single soul.

Harry watched as the Turian vigilante picked off the whole of the distraction team, leaving none alive, and the level of precision with which he shot impressed the teenage immortal. After the waves of mercenaries were finished, he decided to reveal himself before the next one came and he had to just watch again, so he willed himself visible, startling the Turian.

"Archangel. I come in peace, believe me, if I wanted you dead you would be by now…" the words said were said with such conviction that Harry knew Archangel had to have believed him. "But I come proposing an alliance until this is all over…let's start from the beginning, I'm Harry Potter, also known as Alpha."

There was no audible reaction, and the helmet made it difficult to see his physical reaction to Harry's words, so he decided to just continue. "I came upon information that leads me to believe the organizations currently working to bringing you down are going to target someone very important to me after they end you." Still no outward reaction, but Harry was on a roll, so why stop now? "After acquiring said information I decided I wanted to join forces with the Turian who's been causing all this trouble instead of helping them" at the word them Harry jabbed a finger outward, toward the bridge and beyond.

"You must be wondering how can I trust this guy? Right? How about a little piece of intel I collected, for free, as a show of good will." This time there was a nod and Harry smiled as he repeated the action. "Good…here it is, the teams they are sending toward you from the bridge are simply a distraction, there is currently another team working on infiltrating your position, using the time you spend killing the expendables to move in."

"And where are they now?" The Turian spoke for the first time, weapon in hand and aiming at Harry. "And how do I know you're telling the truth? You could be working with them for all I know?"

Harry gave the Turian a did you hear anything I just said look. "Sure I'm working with them, and I decided to come introduce myself because I'm that nice…maybe we could grab some tea while we're at it, you know, professional courtesy." Sarcasm dripped off every word spoken, and Harry's expression gave away that he wasn't being serious with the words spoken. "Now, truly, I want to help you. You impressed me, with the whole taking on all organizations of Omega and living to tell the tale is no small feat." Harry leaned against the wall completely relaxed, despite the weapon aimed at his person.

The Turian seemed to come to a conclusion about Harry and decided to lower his weapon, something that brought a smile to the immortal's face. "I'll trust your word for now, but you didn't answer my question, where is this infiltration team now?"

Harry was about to answer when he remembered he never asked where the infiltration team would be. "To be completely honest, I never asked…I do know they began moving when the team I was to be a part of acted. That means that wherever they're coming from, they are already on the move. They also have teams digging the passages you collapsed; good work on that, by the way; but from what I hear that is supposed to take a while yet."

The Turian simply watched him, not saying anything for a while, and Harry wondered if he was going to point his weapon at him again. Luckily that wasn't the case, as the vigilante seemed to have been just deep in thought as a few moments later he spoke. "I knew they would try going for the lower entrances sooner or later…but if what you're saying is true then we have some time yet before they reach us."

He took off his helmet and Harry was finally able to see the Turian's face. "I'm Garrus Vakarian, formerly a C-Sec official, now working on this shithole." The gun was still firmly within his grasp, and the Turian, Garrus was still rather tense despite Harry's calm demeanor and honesty. "Now that the pleasantries are out of the way…how do you intend to help me? I've been holding this position just fine for the last few days."

"You have. But you're getting tired, making mistakes, and they're noticing it. Let me take over for a moment or two while you recuperate, and in the meantime you can tell me about how you came to be in Omega and about this team I hear you're supposed to have had." Harry offered his hand for a shake, and the Turian seemed to be considering it for a moment.

"You can't expect me to accept something like that out of the blue? One I still don't trust you, I may believe you're not with them, but I still don't trust you. Two they'd notice the difference in skill, not to brag but I'm a pretty good shot even though I'll admit to being somewhat tired after days of this…I know you're a powerful biotic, from what I've learned about Alpha during my stay here, but other than that I know next to nothing about you."

Harry nodded at the unasked question. Just how did his skill compare to Garrus' own? Harry decided to answer it with a demonstration of precision, first he told the Turian what his intentions were as to not break the little amount of trust he'd been given, and given a nod to go ahead, Harry threw two spells at the helmet next to Garrus. First was a diffindo, breaking the helmet in two. Next was a reparo, which fixed the damage he'd just done. All the while the helmet was in Garrus' firm grip.

"Had I been less precise you'd be in agony right now, with a broken hand. So trust me when I say I'm very accurate…and don't worry it's not just biotics that I'm good at, I'm good with weapons too. I believe you've heard of Omega's mercenary, Harry Potter? I know a lot of people seem to want to take that title from me, but I'm actually Harry Potter."

"I knew I heard that name somewhere! I have heard of you, the people in my team…they would mention how a Harry Potter would appear out of nowhere whenever Omega needed something taken care of…they said this merc had taken on assassination jobs, protection…no job was too much. Are you really him? You're a kid!"

Harry laughed at that but nodded. "I am indeed Harry Potter. I may look young but believe me when I say I'm not…I'm really not." Harry once again extended his hand to Garrus and smiled, pretty sure he was either convinced or close to convincing. "Now what do you say? Can I take over while we discuss what brings you to my wonderful home?"

Garrus hesitated for a moment before offering his own hand. "If nothing else, this should be entertaining." He was given the rifle the Turian had been using, and as he repositioned to the couch, sitting down and leaning back into the couch. "You wanted to know about how I got here yes?"

And so the launched into a long explanation about C-Sec, beginning with why he'd left, he'd become disillusioned with C-Sec after the battle for the Citadel again what he knew was a reaper and its puppet, Saren. C-Sec had not only not investigated the matter further, they adopted the Council's version of events, creating excessive bureaucracy to whomever tried investigating into matters…not that anyone did, the public were happy to accept that version of events.

He'd left C-Sec then, and began a hunt for a drug smuggler situated in the Citadel on his own, only to learn once he'd caught up to the man that the true target of his operation was on Omega, so he'd decided to head there. Upon arrival he'd stopped a Vorcha from robbing an elderly human couple, who thanked him stating he was a real life angel. He headed for Afterlife, where he met Sidonis, a former member of his team and the two agreed to form a squad to combat the crime in Omega; he'd adopted the moniker of Archangel then.

It hadn't been all that long after that their squad was twelve men strong, including himself and Sidonis, they had a salarian explosives expert, a batarian tech expert, and various former mercs, security consultants, and C-Sec agents. They'd declared war on Omega's criminals, but were always careful enough to avoid civilian casualties.

"Impressive." Harry said as he shot another of the approaching mercenaries, fully aware that the infiltration team must have been on the move again if they were sending yet another wave of target practice toward them. "That you could put together a team like that in Omega says a lot about their distaste for the way the organizations have been behaving in my absence. I'm back now and that's all about to change…as soon as we're done here, that is…" He shot another man and smirked triumphantly. "This is fun…anyway, sorry for interrupting, continue."

"As I was saying…" Garrus continued, telling of how they'd hit the mercs where it really hurt, their operations. There was no safe zone for any of the mercenaries after a couple of months, no transport arrived at its destination, and these successes left the squad with a surplus of credits. It was then they had their biggest argument in their time together.

Some of the members were happy with the job they'd done and wanted to settle down and live the rest of their lives comfortably, but he wanted more, he wanted to push forward and target areas that were previously inaccessible for them. Eventually his side of the discussion won out and the remaining members of the team accepted his suggestion. He'd pushed them into continuing because he wanted to purge Omega of all crime…and it cost him.

Sidonis was captured by the Blue Suns and forced to trick Garrus into leaving the squad's hideout to strike an alleged Blood Pack gun running operation in the Kenzo District. Garrus, finding no trace of the operation, returned to the hideout just as the gangs bombed it and gunned down the rest of his squad.

Harry noticed there was something he wasn't being told, but at the same time didn't want to further pry into the Turian's personal business, so he let it be. Harry shot the last of the freelancers and turned his attention to Garrus once more, noticing he was somewhat more relaxed than before. Maybe he had needed to talk to someone about what had happened to his team after all.

"I was about to call my father before you arrived, to be honest. I thought this was it for me, but maybe I'll live through this after all." Garrus said, turning his head a little to the side, toward him. "You don't think they got tired already, do you?"

Harry laughed, shaking his head. "They're likely waiting for the signal from the infiltration team in order to send the next wave of distractions. We should probably plan on how we're going to deal with the people coming from the lower levels as well; they're bound to get past those blockades of yours." Harry adjusted his position so he was sitting down, facing Garrus so they could talk during these moments of rest between one wave and the next.

"One of us could easily seal the shutters on the lower levels, when they get past the collapsed part of it…we could do it now, even. It'd take some time, as there are three shutters and they are some ways away from each other." Garrus had placed a hand under his chin in thought as he spoke, something that told Harry he was in leader mode.

"That would leave the one here exposed should the infiltration team make their move, but we can manage that if I'm the one going off to the lower levels…"

He would have spoken more, if Harry hadn't fired the rifle at another freelancer, which told them the infiltration team was either moving again or was in position already. "…I'll go, here, take over this position. I can remain invisible while I work something we can make use of."

And with that Harry was off, leaving Garrus to deal with the incoming Shepard. Maybe if they didn't wound up becoming friends, Harry could try recruiting Garrus himself, which was the original plan before he changed it due to the betrayal from the Eclipse, the Blue Suns and most importantly, the ones he thought wouldn't ever do it, the Blood Pack.

Harry walked back downstairs, already invisible, he passed the infiltration team, and took a moment to decide if he wanted to deal with them himself or if he let Shepard deal with these guys. Deciding it'd be best if no one knew of his involvement for now he just walked past the men and continued on his way to the door under the stairs, the way to the lower levels.

The first shutter was easy enough to find, as he walked through the door and down the set of stairs leading to the lower levels, it was the first thing seen on the intersection. So he walked straight to it and pressed the button on the shutter, initiating the countdown to sealing the passageway.

He didn't need to stay to ensure it would seal up alright, instead Harry made his way toward the right of the intersection where, if he remembered correctly, would be the garage and the next shutter.

There were a few parked cars but he paid those no mind, instead focusing on the job at hand, getting to that shutter and sealing yet another passageway. As he walked, he let his mind wander back to when he first met Aria. She'd been in a similar situation, having bitten more than she could chew, but he had decided to help her as it wasn't her time to pass on yet.

It wasn't like those stories where the good guy saves the girl and they are together forever. Oh no, she had barely even thanked him then, saying she could've handled things just fine on her own, and he had the suspicion she actually would have handled things just fine on her own, at least once he discovered how powerful a biotic she was.

Harry hit the shutter switch on the garage and made his way to the last one, letting his mind wander to other places, like Earth. He wondered, for a moment, how things were back in the magical community he'd been forced to leave behind all those years ago, he wondered how different things could have been if the ministry were less moronic in their dealing with the next threat. Not that he wasn't a threat, he always wanted to change how things were done in the magical world, but he was only a threat to the one who held the position of Minister, as that had been his goal, to become Minister and begin the changes he wanted to make from there.

He sighed, wondering why he still let himself think about those days after all this time, they had made their choice, and in the end, so had he. He was happy on Omega, he had a wife he loved dearly, he still had Luna, even though it was just an android with her memories uploaded into it…maybe he was just feeling melancholic lately. Was this how the original felt?

He hit the last shutter switch and sighed once more, wondering if he would become as disillusioned with life as the original Death had been before he passed on the mantle. But that thought was quickly pushed aside as unlike the original, he had companionship in the form of Aria and Luna, his two reasons for living. Aria more so than Luna, he'd learned; sure he greatly appreciated the lengths Luna went through to ensure they could still be a couple even after everything that had happened, but she wasn't Luna anymore, not truly.

Harry was about to begin walking back toward Garrus' position, when he seemed to finally remember he was a galactic being of untold power, so instead he simply apparated back, no sound coming from the spell being cast, a sign of great power and mastery.

AN: New chapter! \o I'm sorry to announce next week there will be no chapter as I'm going through one of my bad moments and writing isn't working out even if I try to force myself into it nothing comes out. I'll try posting for the week after but nothing is certain, but once the next chapter comes out it'll be back to the same old deal, once a week I'll post a chapter.

Thanks for understanding.

Time to answer some reviews:

Mr. Heller:

1 - Sorry. But I never said Harry will have all the answers, he'll make mistakes.

2 - Sorry. But I wanted to try this, I'll explain their relationship through flashbacks. That was the plan all along anyway.

3 - Sorry. I always wanted to be a part of this world but even I know OCs can be rather boring, I just hoped I'd do it right.

4 - I used to write in a different way but people complained about that one too, so I'll stick with this for the moment, sorry.

5 - That one was a brain fart moment, something I realized after rereading the chapters. I might go back and rewrite those bits in first person view.


Interesting, didn't really know that.


Sweet, thank you =D

Chips the mouth:

Hmmm...hopefully you'll like it.