
Summary: A one-shot fun time with our fav couple Asami and Akihito.

Disclaimer: The original story and characters belongs to Amano Yamane.

Entry 1 Cross-dressing

As Akihito walked into Sion all eyes were on him, Suoh and kirishima were shock beyond belief at what they were seeing. What would Asami's reaction be if that was their reaction. Aki walked passed them smirking heading straight for Asami's office, when he reached the door he pushed it open without consent and walsed in closing the door behind him.

Asami was behind his desk looking over reports kirishima left earlier, he looked up after hearing the door opening. The look on his face; priceless, Aki thought smirking. Asami sitting there stunned with wide eyes staring at him, he thought he was losing it, Akihito was wearing a short pleated skirt with black thigh high stocking and a long sleeve belly skin blouse, a long blond wig, lip-gloss, eyeshadow and high heel go-go boots.

He walks to Asami's desk, then around to his side and turned the chair around, sat on his lap straddling him.

"What's that look for aren't you happy to see me?" he asked in a feminine voice smirking.


"Is it so hard to believe it's me?" he replied with a devilish smirk.

"Why are you dress like that?" gaining his composure "and your voice."

"It doesn't matter…what is however the look on your face which was priceless." He said while placing a finger on Asami's lips smirking.

Asami rapped his arms around his waist as he stood up with him in this arms, walking over to the sofa in his office and place Aki on it while hovering over him, which, didn't surprise Aki for he was expecting as much.

"it seems your prepared to accept the concequences for coming here dress like this willing, speaking of, how did you get here?" he asked in a possessive tone.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he replied playfully.

"Fine. I walked." He pouted looking away.

Poor trapped Aki noticed the murderous aura coming off the crime lord above him, "so… you walked… all the way here looking like this…. for the world to see what's mine?" he asked in a seemingly calm tone grabbing Aki's wrists with one hand and pinning them above his head "have you forgotten what I told you about other people and my things?" he leaned close to his ear and whispers while he slipped the other freed hand up Aki's inner thigh and felt him slightly jolt "Possessive bastard." he panted slightly "Seems you need to be reminded." he slips his hand in the mesh underwear and stroke Akihito's growing erection "And your punishment, a week in the secret room."

Before Akihito could protest his lips were sealed in a mind blowing kiss.*How did it end up with me getting punished, this PERV never miss a chance to tie me up dose he, should have known better trying to please him, Oh well damages already done* When they parted he release Aki's wrists who was blushing and panting he wrapped his arms around Asami's neck pulling him in for another kiss, then reply "Happy Birthday bastard."

The End