Anime angel515: Yayyyyyyyyy this is my very fanfic for golden sun!!!!

Felix: Girl...this is your very fanfic period...!

Anime angel515: * Hits Felix with a Really big fan ( you know like when in anime shows like pokemon...when somebody does something dumb someone else hits him with a really big fan... you know... right??)* Who said YOU could talk you...you person you...

Felix: Dang...Ouch... did you have to hit me so hard?!

ME: * from now on I will be called ME... Got that..* Yep! anywaz... this is my first fanfic ever and theres only one rule... DON'T HURT ME!!! I'm not much of a writer... its hard for me to write good stuff... I'm a lot better at drawing a stuff... T.T

Felix: Thats lame... you suck...you couldn't write a story if your lif--* stops do to being hit on the head again and is out cold*

Felix: x.x

Me: any way...


Me: This story happens around the time Isaac the everyone meets the person in lama temple... I don't recall her name...could some one tell me?... anywaz... this is later and after Ivan learns that he can see the future and not know it yet.

Felix: * who just came to* Let the fic begin!!!

* Dream from Hell*
"What is...this feeling I feel... who is this person..."

Ivan woke to find himself on the floor of a very dark place. He couldn't find anything of anyone that he knew. He got up and saw some one looking at him... But not someone he knew, but he got this weird feeling that something was wrong.

" Who are you... were are we? Hello can you hear me!!" Ivan said loudly, not liking the echo he was hearing. He walked closer and saw that this person was a girl about the same age as Felix. " Can you hear me." Ivan asked again.

This girl, however, did not answer with words, but put on a really evil looking grin on her face. She turned around and pointed to an area with seven unmoving things were. In a small voice Ivan said " Are those...things...people?" She nodded, with a bigger grin then before. " Who are they...are they.. .!!" Ivan stopped running two the people there. Isaac, Garnet, Mia, Felix, Jenna, and a boy and girl he didn't know. He saw that they were all dead and saw lots of blood. He figured that they were cut with a sword. " Who did this... WHO...DID...THI-" Ivan yelled but stopped when he saw that the girl was holding a sword with lots of blood on it. Ivan didn't know what was going on, but he did know this... she wasn't going to get away with this!

" DAMN YOU, YOU ANGEL OF BLOOD!!!" Ivan yelled running to her, pulling out his rod. She didn't say a thing... but keep smiling. When Ivan got within 5 feet of her she stopped smiling and said in a low, deadly voice " Foolish one... giving away your life away like this... but... if you want to die... I can HELP YOU THERE!!!" she yelled pulling out her sword and jumped out of Ivan's way. " Damn,...where are you!!!" Ivan yelled looking around. " When I find you, your head will fry!!" Ivan started to cast blue bolt. He could hear feet running behind him, but when he turn around she was 3 1/2 feet away and she way too close and too fast to run from. She lifted her sword and...

" IVAN, WAKE UP!!! EVERY ONE WITHIN 10 MILES CAN HEAR YOUR YELLING...GET UP NOW!!!" Garnet yelled as loud as he could, and Mia was casting douse on him in hopes that it would wake him up. I think I in need to tell, but, it got him up... but not in a good mood. " Damnit people!!! did you have to yell and splash me with water?!!" Ivan said while looking around. " Yea, you were yelling all these things, you were really freaking us all out." Garnet said while trying to not to burst out and roll around on the floor. *I guess thats my wake up call.* " Whats so funny!!!" Ivan said mad at the two laughing people in front of him. " Wellll... when you were in the sleep of hell you were turning and stuff and looked like you just saw a group of zombies or something..." Mia said really trying not to laugh. " Gez people, act like youv'e never had nighmare before...Ummm...weres Isaac?" Ivan said to the people who just gave in the humor of the moment. " Hes...over...there...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Garent said trying to get his breath. Ivan saw that Garnet was pointing to a clearing. Knowing that at the moment he wasn't going to get any thing usefull from them he walked other to the clearing, thinking about the dream of hell...

Me: HOhohohoho... I'm just to great for words. HAHAHAHAH.

Felix: Save me... and I thought Saturos and Menardi were evi-* Is hit ofter the head by three fans*

Me: Oh... Saturos... Menardi... I guess you heard.

Menardi: Yeah... that felt nice...

Saturos: That sure did...

Me: review or else!! HAHAHAHA!!

Saturos: Or else what? Hmmm.

Me: Whaaat... do you mean be that?!

Menardi: WE are the ones to give the threats around here!!

Me: NOOOO! I'm the person writing the story... I can make any thing become of you!!! everyone! rise your hands if you want me to make Menardi 5 year old!!! * counts about 95% of the reviewers hands rased* HAHAHAH! now you are 5!

Menardi: Me no want be 5!!! Me want be real age!!!

Me: No! People review.