New Year, New Trouble
Mai P.O.V
"When you said 'I'm taking you out', I was not expecting this," I said to Huey as I stared at the frozen water body.
"What were you expecting, a lunch date?" Huey teased.
"No," I replied dumbly, "but it didn't include being outdoors either"
Perhaps you are confused by reaction; allow me to lay a bit of foundation as an explanation.
Today's New Year's Eve. Earlier in the morning, Huey woke me up saying we had to leave early for the 'date' he planned on having before his grandfather turned his holiday upside down. We had not been able to do much 'alone' with the others around. Granted Riley and Cindy didn't pull any silly stunts since that 'day', but Huey didn't take chances. Not that any trouble happened worth mentioning; in fact, we had a pretty good time with each other. I can say for certain that I have somewhat achieved another level in terms of my relationships with everyone. I can admit that we're somewhat friends given all the bonding we did (for the record, Taro is still an idiot).
So when Huey suggested we head out for the day, I was unsure about us both not being in attendance in the Freeman Household. However, Huey suggested leaving my bodyguards to keep occasional surveillance just to keep things in check. Although, with Riley and Cindy sleeping in to stay up all-night for new-years, and Jazmine educating Taro on western traditions, there wasn't really much cause for alarm. After all, Huey assured me we would be back well in time for the New Year's Celebration.
So we drove out of Wood-Crest, way further out to a little lodge that was near a frozen lake for…
"Skating? You brought me out here to ice-skate?"
"Yeah," Huey replied.
"I don't know how to skate," I stated bluntly.
"I know," said Huey, reaching out his hand to me, "I'm going to teach you"
Third P.O.V
Mai and Huey had gone into the main office of the lodge to enquire about skates and returned outside after being assisted. Both sat on a bench to change their shoes for the pair given. In the time that they were inside, other people gathered on the little lake, gliding along the ice. There were children playing, couples skating around (if they were not parents standing on the bank watching their kids) and others skating by themselves. At a safe distance away from the bank stood a little gazebo and underneath a table with refreshments ready for tired skaters.
"Are you done, Mai?" Huey asked.
"Yes," Mai answered, "Now what do we do next?"
Huey stood up, perfectly balanced on the blades and held out his hand to Mai. Mai took hold of his hand and followed his lead, but it was difficult to keep balance on the ice skates. Nearly tripping, Huey held a firm grip on Mai's waist, and saying, "Careful!"
"Don't mind me, let's just go," Mai said, a little embarrassed.
They made their way carefully towards the ice, with Huey giving instructions to Mai as they got on the ice. Safe to say, it was a trying activity for Mai. She had to hold on to Huey fort the majority of the time she had to skate, and it annoyed her that she struggled with skating. After nearly falling for what was the nth time, Huey chuckled as he said,
"There's no need to rush. Just take your time to learn how to balance and then you can begin to push little by little"
"I hate this," Mai stated.
"You're still learning, Mai. I promise, once you get the hang of it you'll enjoy every bit of it"
"I feel vulnerable, like I have no control of my body"
"That's why you're leaning on me"
"You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"Can't say I'm not"
Mai pouted and gave Huey a light shove, but doing so caused him to lose balance and fall with her following suit and landing on top of him.
(*Japanese for ouch)
"Another thing about skating," Huey wheezed, "you don't shove the person you're leaning on"
"Sorry," Mai apologised.
Huey shook his head and faced Mai, "Its fine. I like this view anyway"
"Is this supposed to be some tactic to woo me?"
"Is it working?"
"Perhaps," Mai replied with a smile. She leaned down and gave Huey a small kiss on his lips before getting up. Once she had perfect balance, she stretched her hand to Huey.
"Well, are you going to keep lounging on the ice or will you actually be useful and teach me how to skate?"
Huey grinned and got up, "I think that's enough lessons for one day. How about I skate and you just lean on me and enjoy the ride?"
"With pleasure"
They spent the next twenty-five minutes with Huey gliding around the ice with Mai hanging onto his arm the entire time. This part of skating she enjoyed (even though Huey was doing all the work). She laughed with glee, enjoying the rush of wind and adrenaline, while Huey chuckled loudly, enjoying this little time he had with his girlfriend. The original plan was to stay a week at the lodge, teach Mai to skate, go exploring, and all sorts of activities. But right now, this was enough for him, as long as he was beside her, and as long as he could share these moments with her, to bask in her laughter and smiles, then it was enough for him. From afar, others smiled at the sight of the young couple enjoying themselves; the fondness in the teens was truly remarkable.
Once they got off the ice, Mai and Huey exchanged their skates for regular shoes and went over to the refreshments table for a hot beverage. Mai savoured the hot chocolate to the fullest, happy to have something warm her up.
"So, ready to go back to Wood-Crest?" Huey asked sipping on his coffee.
"Yes," Mai replied. She quickly finished her hot chocolate and disposed the used plastic cup into a nearby waste bin. When Huey had done the same thing, they trudged in the snow, hand in hand back to the car.
"I don't like skating much," Mai began, "but I do like spending time with you"
"Same," Huey said.
"I'm not ready to go back to what waits for us at Wood-Crest. Too many responsibilities to think about"
"I know," Huey agreed, "but we don't have to hurry back. We just have to be in time to prepare for the New Year"
Later Back in Wood-Crest
When the couple arrived back in Wood-Crest, they were surprised to not only find the house still in one piece, but decorated in preparation for the crossover that would happen later that night. Huey and Mai split up once they entered the house, with Huey going to check on Riley and Mai headed for the kitchen where she found Jazmine and Cindy in a heated discussion.
"That stuff is nothing compared to Hip-hop. Even RnB's music is better than theirs!" Cindy yelled.
"I'm telling you they're the best!" Jazmine protested.
"No it ain't!"
"Yes it is!"
"It ain't"
"Yes it is!"
"Ladies!" Mai shouted, gaining their attention, "What is going on?"
"Well, I wanted to play some k-pop music on the radio while we wait for tonight but Cindy was being rude about it," Jazmine explained.
"Duh. That music sucks and there's no way I'm listening to it," Cindy retorted
"It does not suck!"
"Yes it does!"
"Okay enough!" Mai cut, "Obviously this debate about k-pop is not going to end anytime soon and as far as I see it, it should not be any of our concern if we want to enter the New Year –which is like two hours away- with a clear conscious and no bad feelings on our minds. How about we pause this for another day? You two can listen to your preferred genres of music on your own and we'll let whatever radio station is on play their selection of music. Deal?"
The girls nodded reluctantly and went on their separate ways. Mai sighed in relief as Huey walked in the kitchen.
"Crisis?" Huey asked.
"Sort of, but successfully averted," Mai answered, "What are the boys up to?"
"Riley was teaching Taro how to play videogames. I think Taro's addicted"
Mai shook her head, "Trust Riley to actually convince Taro to actually like those things"
"Yeah. Let's go watch the countdown in the living room"
"What do you expect from this New Year?" Mai asked as they made themselves comfortable in the living room.
"Finish high school smoothly, then college I guess. How about you?" Huey asked.
"I suppose to have a good, problem free year. And hopefully that my training goes smoothly"
"Hmm. What about your dad? Do you plan on carrying grudges?"
"My father is another matter entirely. I'll deal with him when I get home"
"Are you finally going to reconcile with him"
"Maybe, but I would rather not think about it right now. Tomorrow's problems will be dealt with tomorrow"
They continued watching the live coverage of the New Year Crossover in New York until it was time for the countdown. The other teens had gathered into the living room, waiting for the 10 second start. The announcer on the TV announced that the countdown was near and couples best prepare for their new year's kisses. Mai and Taro promptly asked for explanations, but the countdown began.
Cindy and Riley did a full on smooch.
Jazmine shyly kissed Taro's kiss and looked away. A blushing Taro looked was stunned by Jazmine's actions, but returned the sweet gesture with a kiss to Jazmine's temple.
"Happy New Year, Huey," Mai smiled softly.
"Happy New Year, Mai," Huey replied. He leaned down and kissed Mai. Both had full hope that the year would be good to them as this moment was, but fate is a funny thing (ATLA Uncle Iroh referenceJ).
Kai and his mother had a grand time in Japan. They had been to temples to participate in traditional New Year traditions, visited famous city spots, and did shopping (a lot being merchandise for Kai). They had no family to visit, but spending time together was nonetheless special to the two. It had been a day after New Year, and they were preparing to go back to their home in Namibia.
"Mother," Kai asked, opening the bedroom door, "are you ready to go?"
"Almost, son," the woman answered, "Have you checked of we left anything on the rooms?"
"I did a full sweep of the place, there's nothing we left"
"Passports and necessary documentation?"
"All in the travel packs"
"What would I do without you, my boy?" Kai's mother smiled, as she closed the last of her bags.
Kai answered with a grin, "Life wouldn't be as nice"
Kai's mother laughed as she gathered her bags and followed Kai out of the suite they booked. They took a taxi to the airport, and once there, headed for plane. As they neared their gate, Kai said, "Mother, I really had a great time here"
"Me too, Kai-kun"
"Why don't we come and live here?"
"I've told you before, this place has bad memories"
"What kind of memories? You've never explained them to me"
"Kai-kun, there's a time and place for this kind of conversation," Kai's mother said sharply.
"Sorry, mother"
As they passed gate entrances for certain flights, Kai's mother caught sight of a familiar face. Her body froze as the person before her seemed to recognise her as well.
"Kai," the woman said alarmed, "we need leave the airport"
"What? Why?" the boy asked confused. But his mother was already walking in the opposite direction. As he followed his mother, Kai noticed that she kept glancing over her shoulder. He almost did the same, but his mother snapped, "Don't look behind you. Keep your face forward!"
Kai followed his mother's instruction, slightly panicked by the look in her eyes. He gathered that there was someone his mother knew that was following them. What he didn't understand was why they were being followed and why his mother was terrified so. Whoever was chasing them didn't seem to catch up to them yet, they probably had a difficult time navigating through a lot of people. Once outside his mother shoved him into a taxi that was already there (probably dropping another person off) and quickly followed suit, but not before a voice yelled out,
"Akane! Kurosawa Akane!"
It was the first time he saw his mother so terrified.
"To the nearest port," his mother instructed in a shaky voice.
Kai heard in the background, "Akane, the Kurosawa clan is not done with you!"
Kai chanced a glance and saw a women glaring angrily behind them.
"Mother, who was that? Why did we run? Why did she call you Akane Kurosawa?"
"We will deal with that later, Kai," his mother answered, obviously still panicked, "but for now we have to leave Japan before 'they' find us"
"That woman?"
"No, the Kurosawa"
A/N Thank you for reading. I'd like to give a big shout out to IluvBoondocks for the first scene with the ice skating. Thank you so much :)