AN: Hello, I am back and I got my laptop fixed hA! aNYWAYS, this chapter seems more of a filler chapter so sorry bout that, bUT i did add more depth to sai's inner thoughts and characteristics. also, more character interaction yAAYYY-

Sai is doing fine, she thinks.

Toshinori seems to be thinking otherwise.

And as if to lighten up her mood, Toshi brought her to his Agency Office, which, ironically enough, was the sole reason why she got kidnapped and turned into a paranoid mess in the first place.


For real, though. She's fine.

"My sidekick, Sir Nighteye, is the one who's mostly in charge of all the work here," the number one hero lightly explained to her, as she was perched onto his broad shoulders, taking in to her surroundings. "He looks stern, but he's really not. You have to make him laugh for him to acknowledge you."

Sai hummed. Eh, is that so?

As she surveyed everything around her, she can't help but feel a bit left out, with her stupid overalls and large bright jumper. Honestly, everyone is literally formal here, in contrast to her casual look. It doesn't help at all when she realized that she's the only child here.

Not only that, but there are also a surprising amount of... employees here.

"Ah, they uh..." Toshinori scratched his head sheepishly, as she questioningly stared at him, "they're in charge of the media surrounding me."


"Really?" Sai asked him, just realizing how popular he is now that he needs employees to take care of the media of all things. "That's... really troublesome, to be honest," she remarked, frowning thoughtfully.

"Being a hero must be such a drag," she drawled, dragging out the last word.

Toshinori just chuckled nervously, unable to respond at her comment. Sai noticed that he's being a lot more fidgety than usual, which does not fit his currently large physique at all.

Sai frowned. "Stop it."

Toshi paused, staring at her in confusion. "...Stop what?" he asked, tapping on his feet nervously.

Her frown deepened. "That. Stop that. Stop fidgeting. It's getting annoying."

What she didn't expect him to do flinch at what she said. "Jeez, I sincerely regret letting my teacher babysit you," he muttered quietly, yet still audibly enough for her to hear, "I didn't know that you'd get his habits that fast."

Sai chose not to respond to that comment, rolling her eyes instead.

Soon, they had arrived at Toshi's office, which looked simple enough on the outside.

Inside though, wow.

"Are you sure this is an office?" asked Sai, glancing at the 'office' which looked nothing like an office. It's more of an advanced recreational room than an office, really.

The number one hero chuckled at her incredulity. "Yes it is, Sai," he answered, amused, before adding, "and no, I didn't forget where my office is. This really is my office."


Sai hopped off Toshi's shoulder and bounced into one of the large couches- a nifty trick that she had learned from observing Gran Torino -as the door opened at the same time to reveal... a businessman?

He looks a bit stuck up, like something crawled up his ass and died. He... also looks like he wants to commit murder.

Sai blinked, approaching him, "I think you went to the wrong room, sir," she said, not at all intimidated by the man's stoic appearance, "I'm pretty sure this is All Might's office, not yours."

To her surprise, the man laughed.

Toshi's face turned bright red, looking highly embarrassed in the background. She wondered why.

"What's funny?" Sai asked, frowning at the man, "I'm not joking, dude. April Fool's already over last month," she deadpanned, causing the man to laugh harder.

After the man finally calmed down, he looked at Toshinori with something akin to amusement. "This is definitely hers," he stated, smirking at the number one hero's embarrassed look.

Sai finally decided it was the time to butt in. "I don't get it," she muttered with a confused look with hints of mild disturbance.

Proper introductions were exchanged, and Sai apparently had enough information about the man to hold judgment to him.

She decided that she likes (and obviously respects) Sir Nighteye; he seems pretty responsible, given that All Might himself trusts his sidekick to take care of the number one hero's agency.

Her respect grew when she found out his quirk was foresight.

...That's fucking dope.

"So what do you think my future's gonna be?" were the words that tumbled out of her mouth as soon as she found out his ability, all the while smiling angelically at him.

Sir Nighteye looked like he was silently contemplating as to whether or not he should tell her, but Toshi already beat him to it.

"Sai," he warned, pursing his lips as she pouted at him, "what did I say about being demanding again?"

"...Don't demand stuff 'cuz it's rude," Sai mumbled, frowning sulkily at Toshinori, "but I just wanna know my future!" she whined uncharacteristically, before straightening herself, "I mean, I just want to know if everyone's fine."

The 'will Natsu still be alive' part went unsaid, but Toshinori already got her implication.

Nighteye, who sensed that their topic was sensitive, decided to leave the room quietly, but not before giving Toshinori a tense nod.

"Oh, um..." Toshinori didn't know what to do. "...Look, Sai," he sighed, crouching down at her level, "I'm going to be honest with you. Natsu... I don't know how much longer she'll... last."

Yes, of course, she gathered that much, Sai thought, restraining herself from rolling her eyes.

"But you shouldn't ask someone to have the burden of seeing someone else's fate without expecting consequences," he said, as she looked down in shame, "Think about it this way, Sai. Do you think I'd stop your mother from bearing you if I'd known what would happen to her?" he softly asked, as she narrowed her eyes at his implication.

Sai was about to respond when Toshi cut her off. "Exactly. I would've done that regardless of what would happen to you just because I asked Nighteye of the future."

The spiky haired kid fumed in frustration. She was just finding ways to help Natsu! Was that so wrong?

"Your circumstance is different, To-chin," she rebutted, biting her lip angrily, "I could help Nat-chin without harming anyone," at least, not anyone else.

Toshinori frowned. "I know what you're thinking Sai, and it won't work even if you do it," he said, as her face fell. "I really hate using this against you, but Natsu be really happy if you did it?" he asked, as she shook her head glumly.

"No, not really," Sai answered, her thoughts going back to her conversations with Natsu, and how much the blonde girl said about hating it whenever she hurts people because of them helping her.

Ugh. Her dislikes are very specific, Sai herself once wondered if Natsu was just saying those to keep her from proceeding to do said thing.

God damn it, people here are too insightful for her own good.

"Well, whatever," Sai huffed, rolling her eyes, "Whatever the heck the vision is, it won't stop me from making sure Natsu's alive."

Toshinori smiled softly at her. "But whenever you need my help, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

"Yeah, I will, To-chin. Promise."

"Oooh, that's so cool!" Sai gushed, with stars in her eyes as Sir Nighteye showed her all the ins and outs of All Might's Agency. "So basically, you're the brains behind the Number One Hero's plans?" she asked, as he slightly blushed but nodded at her compliment.

Toshinori was sulking in the background, just a tiny bit jealous of their interaction. "Why did she make it sound like I don't have a brain?" he muttered to himself, as Sai, having heard of his statement, laughed out loudly.

"Ha! Someone's jealous!" she exclaimed, not bothering to elaborate. "Anyways..." she turned back to the green haired sidekick, who looked amused at the moment, "Hey, Nighteye-san, do you know To-chin's teacher?"

He hummed. "Oh, yes. I've met Gran Torino. Nice man, that he is," he remarked, as she nodded in agreement.

"I know, right?" agreed Sai, eyes flashing with mischief; a detail that Nighteye noticed. "Apparently someone thinks otherwise..." she sing-songed, flashing a smirk at Toshinori, who rolled his eyes.

Nighteye chuckled quietly, before ruffling the kid's untamed hair. "I think that's enough teasing for Toshinori-san, Sai," he commented, as Sai let out a shrug. He turned back to the number one hero in amusement. "You're totally whipped."

Toshinori froze, as Sai once again laughed at the Symbol of Peace's amusing reaction. "Oh my god, ahahaha!"

"Honestly, why was it a good idea to let these two meet again?" Toshinori muttered to himself.

As soon as Sai caught a glimpse of Sir Nighteye's office, she promptly screamed her head off. "What the f- why are there a lot of All Mights?!" she screamed, looking mildly disturbed at the questionable amount of mementos about the aforementioned hero.

The hero in question had the audacity to look affronted at her offending looks towards him- er, a particular life size cutout of All Might.

Sai did not want to know where and how the sidekick managed to get a cardboard cutout that big. She is also ignoring the fact that there's a literal pile of plushies of the number one hero right in the corner.

...Those cute little rascals. She's gonna steal- uh, borrow one of them. It's not like Nighteye's gonna notice, right?


"So... uh," Sai cringed, realizing how awkward her reaction must've been. "I didn't know you're a super fan," she scratched her head, sheepishly laughing, "I mean, no offense but... I was just really shocked, y'know? I seriously didn't thought that you'd be a fan of... him," she said, jabbing a thumb at Toshi as the blonde man let out an indignant 'oi!'

The sidekick nodded in understanding. "It's okay, I'm pretty unpredictable," he smiled, before adding, "In fact, I was such a fan that I myself came up to him and asked if I could be his sidekick."

Sai blinked, processing the information.

"Okay," she slowly said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm glad that you did?" she added hesitantly, not sure what to make of it, "I... don't think Toshi would be able to survive without you, considering what he does at home," she muttered quietly, shuddering at his 'cooking' and 'hobbies.'

God, just thinking about those (almost dead) houseplants of his already made her cringe.

Somehow hearing her, Nighteye chuckled. "Thank you for the compliment," he said, his eye crinkling as Sai beamed.

Score! She finally got to make him laugh on her own!

(It does not include the April Fools one. No. That was just her idiocy taking its own time to shine.

She was serious about that, damn it!)

"Ahh, another hero acknowledged my greatness!" she couldn't help but boast out loud, forgetting the fact that she's currently in the presence of said heroes. "Surely with this, I can get recommend to UA."

What an arrogant piece of shi- turd she is, am I right guys?

Toshinori blinked, unsure of what he had just heard. "Did you just say 'UA,' Sai?" he asked in surprise, for he had never really expected the spiky haired girl to be interested in attending his alma mater.

Sai nodded, eyes shining in determination. "Yep! I'm gonna be a hero!" she said, unwittingly revealing her plans to Toshinori, who looked slightly alarmed at the news.

"W-what?" he asked, in shock. And to be honest, he had every right to be. One look at Sai would immediately make people think, 'This kid does not have any motivation whatsoever.'

Nighteye adjusted his glasses. "Why do you want to be a hero, Sai?" he asked her curiously, as she bit her cheek and pondered.

"Well... it's stupid, really." she admitted, letting out a sheepish laugh. "I just wanted to help my friend, y'know?" she said, shrugging. "I realized that I could help her- at least, financially -by being a hero, because obviously," she paused, staring at the still-in-shock form of Toshinori, "heroes get paid here, and they're loaded," Sai said, emphasizing the word 'loaded.'

Not to mention that by going to UA, she could also fulfill her promise to Natsu, and in extension, also return a favor to her.

...Man, her initial reason to Nighteye sucks, Sai thought with a frown. She really needs to sharpen her word play.

Perhaps she should've put in some fancy words to make it less childish? Whatever, it's too late to dwell on it now.

"Anyway-" Sai turned to Toshinori, holding her arms out, "Carry me, To-chin!" she demanded childishly with a gleeful smile, as the number one hero snapped out of his stupor.

"...Right," picking up the spiky haired kid, Toshinori nodded at his sidekick and said his goodbyes, as she waved at Nighteye, who waved back.

To-chin was right. Sai did indeed feel better because of the mini-Hero Agency tour.

Or was that a false sense of security? Sai doesn't know, and she doesn't want to find out.

Either way, she isn't gonna tell Toshi, that's just asking for trouble (and a shit ton of teasing).

(Also, paranoia.)

Sai hummed at she was perched atop the number one hero's shoulders. "So where are we goin' to next, To-chin?"

"How about you? Where do you want to go?" Toshinori, still in the guise of All Might, asked back as she frowned in thought.

After giving it some thought, she snapped her fingers and pointed straight ahead. "Let's go to Gran Torino's!"

Toshinori paled, almost dropping Sai as he tripped over thin air. "W-what?"

Sai frowned, disappointed at his response. "You suck. Why are you even scared of him?" she asked, as Toshinori finally gathered his wits to glare weakly at her, "What? I'm just sayin'," she said, shrugging.

The number one hero muttered some things about 'being spartan' and 'sadistic' but Sai just rolled her eyes at his exaggeration.

"Oh, stop being dramatic," she groaned, taking a fistful of his hair as he slightly yelped, "Let's go already!" she half-heartedly whined, yanking onto his hair as he sighed but followed.

"Fine, fine." Toshinori pulled her hands away from his locks and lifted her to his eye level, giving her a stern look. "Please don't do that again," he muttered tiredly, already resigning himself to her commands- er, wishes.

She merely gave him a cheeky grin, her eyes holding a devilish tint to them. "Okay."

The Symbol of Peace has a bad feeling with that smile.

...Although it could also be just his nerves quaking about the inevitable meeting with his former teacher, who knows.

Sai was still smiling when they finally arrived at Gran Torino's place, a sight that made Toshinori inwardly shudder.

"...Can I leave her here?" he muttered to himself, to which Sai heard and nodded enthusiastically.

She smiled brightly, making her eyes seem bigger (and more adorable, oh my god she's so cute-) than usual. "Sure you can! If you want, you can even pick me up later in the evening!" she said, and if it wasn't possible enough her smile grew wider.

Toshinori was ashamed to admit that he had considered Sai's suggestion. He was even more ashamed to admit that he had immediately agreed with her, quickly running away as soon as he heard the sound of the door about to be opened.

He wondered why Sai was smiling so much, though. If he was more observant than he thought himself to be, he would even consider that Sai was encouraging him to leave.

Alas, he wasn't paying attention to such details.

As soon as Toshi flew away to oblivion (or to wherever superheroes brood and hang out) Sai dropped her practiced smile, which... isn't much practiced.


She rubbed her cheeks, just realizing the pain of straining it too much. "God, I didn't know that smiling could be this painful..." she muttered to herself, as Gran Torino finally showed himself, his eyes looking around until he finally spotted her.

Sai gave him a lazy wave. "Yo."

"What do you want?" was her much welcomed response.

She pouted childishly, crossing her arms. "Is asking for some guidance and advice really too much to ask?"

The old man didn't even hesitate. "Yes."

Sai scowled, before scratching her head in frustration. "Okay, man. I'm serious," she said, tapping her foot impatiently. "I really need your help."

Gran Torino rolled his eyes, making a way for her to go in. "Brats; could never understand them."

"I heard that."

As Sai finally made herself comfortable on the couch, Gran Torino prompted her to explain. "So... I think To-chin's pissed at me-"

"Oh, really? Why am I not surprised?"

"-and that he's probably..." Sai paused, just registering what the old man said, "...Hey! It's complicated, y'know! And you're literally the only one I could talk to about it!"

Gran Torino frowned at her, as she frowned back. "What makes you think that he's mad at you?"

Sai blinked, not expecting the question. "Wait, what?"

The old man just stared at her pointedly, waiting for her to explain herself.

"Well... I just-" she bit her lip, confused, "I was being paranoid, okay!?" she finally admitted, as Gran Torino gave her a blank stare. "I thought he was worried, really- but I didn't want to be guilty of making him worried so instead my stupid brain-" she hit her head with her fist at this "-decided to think that he's mad at me," she said all in one breath, "Well, not that it made any difference of course," she added sourly, just realizing how utterly stupid her words were.

And true to her thoughts, Gran Torino did say that she's stupid.

"Shut up, you're supposed to be comforting me, damn it," Sai muttered, frowning.

Gran Torino snorted. "Heh, the day I'll get to comfort you is the day a rat will talk to you," he said, smirking as she groaned and rolled her eyes. "Now shoo, and go do your weird training regimen. If I'm not mistaken, I'm just here to babysit you," he said, drawling at the word 'babysit' as Sai groaned.

"Shut up! I'm not a kid, damn it!"

...Funny, Sai felt like those were the wrong words to say.

Toshi returned back when Sai texted him. He looked... kind of worried when he saw her covered in dust and is looking really tired.

Wait. This seems familiar.

"...Is this just me, or is this deja vu?" Sai squinted at Toshinori, who looked visibly worried at her grimy and slightly battered form. "Seriously, I feel like I've seen that look before."

Toshi was unamused. "You see this look every day because you do the same reckless thing every day," he deadpanned, as the spiky haired girl shrugged.

She smirked. "Well, I can't help it, y'know?" she remarked, before suddenly yawning. "Oh, wow. I didn't realize it's already this late," she murmured, half delirious as she stared up at the stars.

...Nah, she can't think of any poetic shit about the sky unlike other fanfics.

"You're tired," Toshinori stated, picking her up as she muttered something incoherently.

(No shit.)

"Alright, let's go home now."

"Mm, 'kay."

Contrary to popular belief, third graders are actually not that stupid.

"Hinata-chan!" Sai jolted awake at the mention of her last name, as she looked around with tired eyes while smothering a yawn.

Where was she? Oh, right.

Lunch break. At school.

Right, right. Everything was different now.

Sometimes she forgets about that.

Yuri didn't look happy at her lack of attention. "Did you even listen to what I said earlier?" she whined, pouting as Sai blinked, racking her thoughts for anything to say.

"Uh..." was her intelligent response. Not good. Yuri was glaring at her already. "...You said you like Takeshi?"

Yuri's face exploded into a bright red. "W-what?!" she yelled, before glaring at their classmates who stared at her exclamation. After all attention was lost from them, Yuri grabbed her by the collar threateningly... or as threateningly a third grader could get. "How did you know that?" she hissed.

Sai did not expect that reaction. "Dude," she raised an eyebrow, gently pulling herself away from Yuri's tight grip, "I was joking."

She was met with silence.

Contrary to popular belief, third graders are actually not that stupid. But really, to be honest, they're still stupid.

Sai is ashamed to be considered as one of them.

"Sai?" Tenya walked over to her desk, all the while staring at an angry Yuri's retreating form. "Did you say something stupid again?" he asked, as Sai shrugged.

Hmm... she wondered how long she could get under Ten-chin's skin. She hadn't tested yet.

She stuck her tongue out in response. "I don't say 'stupid' things, Ten-chin," she said, leaning on one elbow, "I'm just too smart for our classmates," she added, as a sudden gust of wind flew by them.

(...She is not arrogant.)

"Sai, you're being arrogant," Tenya deadpanned, as Sai harrumphed.

"Excuse me?" she asked sarcastically, "I'm just stating facts, thank you very much," she rebutted, clicking her tongue. She stared at Tenya from the corner of her eye to see his reaction, only to see him looking peeved at the situation.

Sai couldn't help it; she laughed out loud.

"Oh, wow. I did not expect that reaction, but you were just too easy," Sai said, amusement lacing her voice. Tenya just sighed in exasperation, already tired of her shit.

"I'm not surprised why our classmates think you're a mean person now," he frowned in disapproval, doing his signature hand motion.

Sai smirked, deciding to humor him. "Why is that so?"

Tenya just gave her a pointed stare, instead asking, "You really know how to push people's buttons, do you?"

Sai gave him a shark-like grin. "You have no idea."

Sai sometimes wondered why her power was both so frustrating and fascinating.

She learned the reason when she got her ass handed to her by an old man. Specifically, Gran Torino.

"I am in pain," Sai wheezed out as Gran Torino stared in amusement at her prone form, "Help... me."

He laughed at her misery.

The fucking prick.

"I hate you," she said, slowly regaining her bearings as she sat upright, "Why the hell would you do to a seven year old child?" she asked incredulously, staring at her (unofficial) quirk trainer-slash-torturer with mixed admiration and fear.

Gran Torino merely blinked. "You're not exactly a normal seven year old."

"And that makes it acceptable?"

He laughed, dodging her annoyed reply.

What a prick.

Sai began to doodle on her arm, feeling the rough texture of the solvent based marker touching her skin as Gran Torino waited for her to finish her preparations, only for him to utterly destroy it and put her ass on the ground.


It's getting really tiring, to be honest.

"Wait- wait!" Sai's eyes widened, as caught something from the corner of her vision. Alas, Gran Torino kept on advancing onto her. Her eye twitching, Sai yelled out, "I said wait, god damn it!"

Gran Torino paused, his clenched fist hovering dangerously above her head which she was pretty sure is going to concuss her and probably break her skull-

(No. She was well over the trauma already. Joking satirically about it is just rubbing salt on an old wound. Practically useless.)

"...What?" the old man asked her impatiently, raising an eyebrow.

Sai narrowed her eyes. "Did- didn't you punch the drawn eagle earlier?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Didn't it explode into ink goo after you punched it?"

"And what if it did?"

Sai pursed her lips, pointing a finger at the still somehow intact eagle drawing. "Then why is this still flying?"

True to her words, the drawing in question remained static in the air, although the wings became slightly deformed, mostly due to Gran Torino's punch.


"Okay, I'm out," the old man suddenly said, interrupting her about to become monologue.

Sai gave him the stink eye. "Fine. Don't help. I could handle this anyway."

In the end, she could handle it. Kind of.

She had to get help (not really) from an irate Gran Torino and a very worried Toshinori because she somehow got stuck on top of a lamp post upside-down with her head dangerously dangling over the edge.

How did she get help, exactly?

Let's just say her shouts of profanity were very loud.

"Don't worry Sai, I'll get you down!" Toshi held up his arms with a reassuring smile with Gran Torino looking feeling the opposite beside him, "Now jump! I'll catch you!"

Sai frowned. Wait, how did he know she was in trouble?

"No, go away," she deadpanned, as Toshi faltered at her blunt refusal, "I can handle this myself."

She whistled with her fingers, before raising both her hands as an eagle swooped in and carried her into oblivion-

Nah, just kidding. The bird dropped her off safely on the ground before disappearing off into the sunset or something.

Toshi was shocked at the spectacle, his jaw hanging. Gran Torino helped him recover by forcibly closing the number one hero's mouth.

"You've done well today, kid," Gran Torino complimented, to which she smirked at, "Much better than this idiot did during his high school days."

Toshi chose not to react to that statement in fear of his teacher's wrath. He instead fussed over her disheveled look again. "What happened? Why are you so dirty?" he asked, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

"Sparring happened," Sai explained, letting herself be carried by the blonde man, "Don't even try to lecture me. The old man already did," she added, as she gave Gran Torino a dirty look.

Toshi gave the old man a look of half-disdain and half-gratitude, before settling the spiky haired kid on his shoulders. "We're off, then," he said, before taking off with Sai.

She huffed, but had a smile playing on her lips. "This is so fucking ridiculous," she muttered softly, as Toshi was vaulting them both over buildings with his superb quirk.

"What's ridiculous?" Toshinori asked, apparently hearing her small remark.

Sai blinked, before answering, "The fact that this has become a normal thing," she laughed hysterically, not caring if she sounded crazy to Toshinori.

Ah, he laughed too. That's kind of comforting.

Too bad he had misunderstood her answer.

Seriously, who knew that she'd get reborn, have a super power, get fucking kidnapped, meet a hero, and then get trained to be one?

No one, that's for sure.

...Maybe Lady Luck is actually in her side all this time.

Omake: Intellect

"As both of you may know, I am actually smarter than both of you," Tensei stated, pointing at both of them.

Tenya blinked.

Sai coughed once. She raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

Tenya blinked once more, before looking at his brother intently. "...Really?"

Tensei frowned at the reaction he was getting. "Seriously? You guys don't believe me?" he asked, voice with a tint of whine to it.

Sai crossed her arms, deadpanning, "Well, I would believe if you weren't so stupid sometimes- no, wait-" she paused, "-all the time."

"Why you-" Tensei stopped, turning to his younger brother, eyes pleading for help.

Tenya shrugged, unsure of where to side. "Uh, actually..." he said, looking at Sai with something akin to confusion, "I have a more important question; why are you insulting my brother?" he asked, as Sai raised an eyebrow, "I thought you have a crush on him?"

Tensei blinked. "Wait," he looked at Sai, as he was pointing to himself, " You what?"

"Okay, first of all," Sai gave Tenya an annoyed look, "How dare you expose me, traitor," she hissed at him, "We're having a talk later."

She clicked her tongue, before staring at Tensei who seemed to stopped working a few seconds ago. "Second of all; he's my crush, I can do whatever the hell I want with him."

Tensei apparently recovered after hearing that particular statement. "You know, why do you make it sound like your crush is your possession or something?" he muttered.

Sai chose to ignore him in favor of talking to Tenya. "Why did you betray me, Ten-chin?!"

Tenya blinked, internally face palming. Right, and he thought they were smarter than him.

Hidden Files / Rin's Life / Rage


(Yes) No

File Opened. Enjoy.


"Right... right..." Rin pursed her lips, squinting her eyes at the bright light the laptop's monitor seemed to emit. "I still have no idea how this shit works."

It was the middle of the night, and Rin was on her laptop in her dark room, trying out a new digital art software.

She is... getting better at it. Somehow.

And then monitor turned pitch black for a second, before turning back on only to see that the program had crashed.

Rin stared at it for a moment, processing what she had just witnessed.

"...What the fuck?"

And then shit hit the fan.

"What the hell?!"Rin hollered angrily, grabbing her laptop and shaking it back and forth (which she had realized later has done nothing at all to improve the stupid thing's performance whatsoever) as she mourned for her unfinished artwork that was not saved.

God damn it.

The sound of footsteps suddenly made her pause, before she was suddenly blinded by a bright light. "Gah! What the fuck?" she covered her eyes, squinting at the familiar silhouette in front of her.

Once she got a clear look at it, she raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's you," she muttered, unimpressed, "Seriously, I thought Jesus was standing in front of me for a moment."

Her older brother frowned at her sarcasm. "What the hell are you doing, screaming this late?" his bloodshot eyes scanned her room before landing on her laptop and seeing its contents.

He raised an eyebrow. "... You're screaming over Microsoft Paint? Really?"

Rin blushed, before glaring at her laptop darkly. It wasn't her fault that she accidentally opened Microsoft Paint while she was viciously attacking her laptop!

"Ugh, you know what?" her brother glared at her tiredly, "Whatever. Just try not to do that again."

And with that, he slammed the door, leaving her again to her devices.

Rin turned her attention back to her laptop, searching then how to recover unsaved works in that program.

She somehow forgot that concept existed in the midst of her... rage.

Alright then. Time to add something new to her list of to-do's then.

# 194: Try to control your anger, idiot. It makes you more retarded than usual.

There, all done.


Save file?

(Yes) No

File saved.

Close file?

(Yes) No


AN [SLIGHTLY IMPORTANT PLZ READ]: surprise surprise! an omakeeeeee- also whasdis? a hidden file? anyway, i wanted to make the last one as an omake too, but i really wanted to show that rin is different from sai, and that it also seemed a bit more serious (but this one? not really lol) than other lighthearted lulz omakes that i make. so i decided to make it a spin-off (kinda) to show how sai had that stupid annoying attitude and also to compare rin and sai. anyway, das all for now- hope you enjoy this chapter woop-