Title: N/A
Pair: Ocxoc (AyaxSebby)
Commission (for):Request
Theme: 1. Dance ( art/1…
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Warning: N/A
Summary: N/A
World: canon
Chapters: Drabble
Status: complete
Date started: 6-8-13
Date Finished: 6-8-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Crescent Moon Guild

Disclaimer on Art and OC's:
I don't own the characters


Aya didn't know what was wrong with her today as she tumbled around and tired regaining her composer. Her boyfriend Sebastian a handsome man with long black hair and tempting blue eyes he was moving gracefully on his feet, of course he would he was a master swords men.

He walked to his girlfriend and smiled, "we can stop practicing if you want," he said. There was a ball coming at the crescent moon guild and Aya didn't think she could learn ballroom dancing but wanted to practice anyway.

"No," she said, "I want to keep practicing and getting better," After all she was going to dance in a pretty dress and look like a princess and Sebastian a prince. She blushed at the thought.

Sebastian smiled and grabbed her hand and led her to the dance flower. Lavender eyes met blues as he held her hand and danced with her. No words were needed to be said as he led her on the dance floor, his fingers laced with hers as he took her dancing.

He obviously knew what he was doing as he showed her the simple moves of ballroom. It was beautiful as his moves were graceful as his sword skills; even Aya was starting to catch up to his moves as they glided around the small room lost in another's eyes.

"I believe you are ready," he said after a few hours. Aya blushed a bit and smiled as he kissed her lightly on the lips.