*If I owned Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, there would have been a lot more kissing by now, but I don't so I can't.

Marinette's parents were surprised to see her back so soon since they hadn't expected her home until that night. When they saw Adrien with her, they became all smiles towards him while their eyes asked their daughter all the questions. She stuttered through explaining how they got caught up in an akuma attack as she grabbed a tray and filled it with an assortment of goodies to take up to her room. Mostly croissants and quiche for herself and Adrien, but she made sure to grab cookies for Tikki and a few cheese pastries for his kwami too. Her parents were worried about her when they heard about the akuma, but seemed to relax when Adrien told them that that he would take care of her.

On the way upstairs, Marinette handed off the tray of food to Adrien so she could grab a couple glasses of milk from the kitchen before heading up to her room. When they arrived, she realized all too late that she didn't have a chance to take down the pictures of Adrien that were scattered over the walls of her room. Her face burned with embarrassment when she heard him chuckle.

"I've already seen them, remember? Or should I say that 'Chat Noir' has seen them." He smiled at her as he set the tray on her desk, which made her even more embarrassed. "Don't worry about it, the ones you have are probably some of my father's best designs that I've modeled. Besides," he rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly acting a bit shy himself. "I have my own area in my room dedicated to Ladybug figures, along with a couple of posters."

That made her giggle even though she was still blushing, and Adrien thought it was the cutest thing in the world. He could admit that he'd had a thing for Marinette for a while, but hadn't made a move because of his feelings for Ladybug. He hadn't considered it fair to try dating Marinette if he couldn't give her all of his heart, but now that wasn't an issue. The girl standing across from him was everything he could ever want. The bravery, cleverness, and sass of Ladybug coupled with the cuteness, creativity, and caring of Marinette all rolled into one incredible person. And for some reason beyond his comprehension, she loved him.

Unable to help himself, Adrien crossed the room to hug her again. It felt so right to have her in his arms and it was all the better when she seemed to melt and form right to him.

"Blugh, can't you two hold off on all that lovey stuff until I'm gone?"

Adrien groaned with annoyance as Plagg and Tikki flew out of his pocket, he had almost forgotten that they were there.

"Oh, come on Plagg! You couldn't have given them five more minutes. Things were just about to get good!" Tikki whined as she floated next to the cat kwami.

"Give me a break." He scoffed. "I deal with the kid's romantic crap every day. Having to listen to it now that they're together makes me sick."

Adrien was about to snap at him when Marinette giggled. There was a glint in her eyes that reminded him of the times when she came up with a clever idea. "Oh well," she shrugged, "if us being like this makes you sick, then I'll just take these cheese pastries back downstairs."

Stifling his laughter, he watched as Plagg's eyes went comically wide as his head whipped around to stare at Marinette. "Cheese pastries? Such a thing exists?"

"Uh-huh," she said absently as she picked a cookie up from the tray and handed it to her kwami. "Le Parisien actually named my dad's pastries as the best in all of Paris and specifically mentioned the four different types of cheese pastries he makes. Buuuut," she drawled as she picked up the tray, "since you say that us being affectionate around you makes you sick, I'll just take these back so they won't go to waste."

"I was just kidding!" Plagg flew in front of her to block her path before she could take a single step toward her trap door. "Seeing you two crazy kids finally come together warms my heart! It's so sweet, stirs my soul! Even makes me hungry!"

She giggled, placing the tray back down and offering the cat kwami one of the cheese pastries. "You just remember that if Adrien and I decide to get close again."

Plagg quickly snatched the pastry from her hand and ate half of it in one bite. He got a starry-eyed expression on his furry face before turning to give Adrien a serious look. "This Ladybug is a real keeper. Don't screw it up, kid" He and Marinette laughed while Tikki shook her head as he finished the pastry and dove at the tray to get the others.

With the kwami's thoroughly distracted with baked goods, the teenagers turned their attention back to each other with Adrien taking her hand and leading them to her chaste. He sat down and pulled her down to sit in front of him with his arms wrapped around her, much like they had been on the roof. Knowing that it was Adrien made her a little nervous, but then he rubbed his cheek against her hair in a very Chat-like manner and she relaxed in his arms.

"Say it again." He whispered against her ear.

Marinette smiled. "I love you."

"Again." His arms hugged her tighter.

"I love you, kitty." She squeezed his hands in hers.

She swore she heard him purr as he pulled her body against his chest and kissed her neck just below her ear. "I love you too, Purr-incess. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Surprised by his sudden question, she turned her head to look at him and he pressed his lips to hers for a quick kiss. Marinette's cheeks turned pink as a broad smile stretched across her face. "Girlfriend be your I'll. I mean, your be I'll girlfriend! Ugh! I'll be your girlfriend!"

Adrien couldn't help but laugh as she tried to put those four works in the right order, it was absolutely adorable. Marinette gave him a scowl but he quickly made it up to her catching her lips in another searing kiss. Surprising her, her lips parted with a quiet gasp. He cautiously licked her lower lip to see if she would accept his advances and was thrilled when she did. Adrien moaned at her sweet taste as one hand splayed across her back and the other gripped her hair, pulling it out of her signature pigtails. She was shy as she kissed him back and it made her even cuter in his eyes.

They eventually trailed off into light pecks on the lips before he kissed her cheeks, eyes lids, the tip of her nose, and then trailed his lips to her neck. He was so tempted to mark her, but thought it was too soon. Maybe after their first official date. For the moment, he was just thrilled to have her in his arms while they really got to know each other.

The two of them talked for a good, long while about everything that they hadn't been able to talk to anyone about except for Plagg and Tikki. It was a relief to finally be able to get certain things off of their chests that they couldn't tell anyone else, or that no one would be able to understand. As they talked, Adrien would steal little kisses here and there, making Marinette blush and smile as they were quickly becoming addicted to each other's lips.

When Adrien's stomach gave a needy growl, she reached over to the tray of food to hand him a quiche while she grabbed a croissant. That sparked a new conversation about the foods his father didn't allow him to eat and the pressures he was put under because of his name. Their talk continued until the food was gone, their phones had multiple messages from Alya and Nino, and her parents had sneaked a couple of peeks into her room.

Eventually, Marinette looked at her phone and saw that one of the messages Alya had sent was a link to the Ladyblog that covered the attack from that day. Neither one of them wanted to see it, but they still looked to see what she had recorded and posted. The video caught the attack with Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting the akuma. Then she was pushed into the pool and the camera was discarded for a moment, probably when she had been helping untangle Chat. When the camera moved again, it showed Chat beating desperately against the barrier over the pool and screaming her name before using Cataclysm and dropping into the water. The camera cut out just after Chat surfaced with an unresponsive Ladybug in his arms, then it came back focused on Alya.

"Hey peeps, Alya here with another update on the latest attack. As you saw, Ladybug and Chat Noir were attacked by Nightmare, but I am relieved to inform you that they are both safe. I probably could have recorded what happened after Chat Noir got Ladybug out of the pool, but even as a dedicated journalist, I made a judgement call and decided that it would have been in bad taste to do that to two heroes that have done so much for Paris and me, personally."

"You know, I was thinking while we were on that roof that we owe Alya an exclusive for what she did for us today, this just confirmed it." Adrien said quietly as he continued to hold her, his cheek pressed against her temple as they watched the screen.

"Agreed." Marinette had been looking away any time she'd thought she might see herself in the water, but there were a few things she had noticed that she hadn't before. Like the frantic look on Chat's face when she went into the pool and how desperately he had beaten against the barrier that kept them apart. All she remembered was looking up, seeing a blob of black above her and hearing a distorted, panicked voice just before she lost consciousness. It broke her heart to see him so scared. Taking his hand in hers again, she cuddled close to him, gaining his attention.

"You alright, bugaboo?" He gave her hand a squeeze.

"I'm so sorry that I scared you, kitty." She closed her eyes to keep back the tears. "I didn't realize just how scared you were until I saw the video. I swear I'll try not to do that again."

She felt him press his lips to her temple while he hugged her. "I know you won't, because I'm not going to let you get in that situation again. First, I'm going to do a better job as your protector. Second, I'm going to teach you how to swim so something like that won't happen again." He felt a shiver rush through her body at the thought of getting gin the water again, but he just hugged her tighter. "I'll be with you the whole time, you know I'll keep you safe."

Hesitantly, she nodded. Deciding that was the best time to change the subject, they started planning on how they would surprise Alya.


Alya was on her way to Marinette's house the following day just as the sun was starting to set. She called her, saying that a lot had happened and she wanted to give her all the details in person. She was about half way there when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of red and turned quickly to see if it was her favorite superhero. A second later, someone tapped her shoulder from behind. She squealed in surprise at first from someone sneaking up on her, then she was squealing because Ladybug and Chat Noir were standing there and smiling at her.

"How you doing, Ladyblogger?" Chair grinned, giving her a two-finger salute.

"I'm fantastic! You two mind if I record this?" She was already getting out her phone.

Ladybug giggled at her. "That's actually why we're here. Without you're help yesterday, I might have died. So, we decided to give you an exclusive interview with the two of us as a thank you." The two heroes could see their friend was practically vibrating with excitement as she finally got her phone ready.

"But, this isn't the best setting." Chat grinned as he took a step closer to Alya. "So, we're taking this interview to a better venue."

Before Alya could figure out what he meant, Chat had looped an arm around her waist and had used his baton to raise them into the air. Her breath caught in her throat as she quickly began to record while keeping a death-grip on her phone. She'd never forgive herself if she dropped it and lost any of this footage. The next thing she knew, the three of them were flying over the rooftops of Paris. Alya changed hands with Chat Noir and Ladybug more than once, but she was never scared that she would be dropped. They always made sure that the other had a firm hold before letting her go. She knew that they were making it a whole experience for her.

When they finally came to a stop, they were on the top of the Eiffel Tower with the most amazing view of the city as the sun sank closer to the horizon and making a golden sky. She was out of breath and her heart was pounding, but she couldn't be happier as she turned the camera on herself. "Hey peeps, Alya here from the top of the Eiffel Tower with what must be the biggest scoop since the creation of the Ladyblog! Ladybug and Chat Noir, literally, just picked me up and took me vaulting and swinging through the air! I've been snatched up while in danger before, but I've got to tell you, this was a completely different experience."

The two heroes laughed as Alya switched the camera to them. They were sitting on the edge with their legs hanging off, like they didn't have a care in the world. "We thought you might like to know what it's like for us." Ladybug smiled at her before sweeping out one arm. "This spot right here, this is the best spot in the city to keep an eye out. Chat and I end up here a lot when we're doing our patrols, which makes it the perfect place for an exclusive."

"Absolutely! The only question is, where to start?" Alya gushed a bit. Normally, she was able to keep her cool. She had tons of questions memorized in case she ever had a chance like this, but her excitement made it hard to focus.

"I'll start," Chat said, giving her a warm smile. "We want to thank you, Alya. If you hadn't helped untangle me from milady's yo-yo, I don't know if I could have gotten to her in time."

"I'm just glad I was able to move," she admitted, suppressing a shudder. "For those of you who weren't affected by Nightmare's abilities, be grateful. It was like reliving every nightmare you've ever had while walking through the scariest haunted house on Halloween, and during a full moon. Not an experience I'm looking to repeat, ever. Anyway, let's move on to the two of you. Tons of people on the Ladyblog were surprised by your fear, Ladybug. Do you feel comfortable telling us where that came from?"

"I don't know how much I can tell you," she shrugged. "I just never really learned how to swim when I was younger, and then I made the mistake of watching Jaws and it turned into a full-on fear. Since then, I never really got in water that was more than waist deep and couldn't see the bottom. It was never an issue until yesterday."

"And we'll be working on fixing that very soon," Chat promised, taking her hand in his. Alya noticed, but decided not want to mention it yet since she had a few more questions before that one.

"Chat Noir, a lot of people commented that they could really see how scared you looked; first, when you couldn't get to her, and again when you both surfaced from the water. Many said that they were surprised that you didn't lose your cool. What was going through your mind then?"

He took a deep breath as his gloved hand squeezed Ladybug's. "Mostly going back and forth from denial at what was happening and trying to focus on getting her breathing. I won't lie, I almost did lose it a couple of times after she went into the water. But when she took that first breath, it brought me back too."

"I can only imagine." Alya nodded in understanding. "I mean, for the people of Paris, it would have been an impossibly hard blow, but it's different for the two of you. You work together in some of the most dangerous situations ever seen in our generation in Paris. The fact that the two of you work so well together speaks greatly about your partnership. What do you think it is that makes your partnership so solid?"

"Well, having the purrfect partner doesn't hurt," Chat grinned while Ladybug rolled her eyes. "But I'd say the one thing it really boils down to is trust. I know that any time there's a fight that I can count on my lady to see what I can't and get things to work out in our favor. You've seen some of the Lucky Charms she gets, I'd never be able to figure out what to do with them, but she always does."

"And I trust my kitty to be there to watch my back and give me perspective with people since it can be hard for me to let others in," Ladybug smiled. "Sometimes, I think people focus a little too much on me since it's my ability that can cleanse the akumas and restore everything to the way it was. I don't think Chat gets the attention he deserves; he's saved me more times than I can count to make sure that I can put things back in place. Although, if he were to get a lot of attention, his head might get too big for his ears." They both chuckled as Chat Noir faked indignation while Ladybug flicked his bell with her finger.

It was so adorable that Alya nearly lost it, but covered her fan-girl moment with a big smile. "Very true, I've personally seen him step into harm's way multiple times to keep you safe. Which makes me and a lot of my bloggers wonder, have you ever gotten angry at the people that have been akumatized?"

"No way."


They answered at the same time.

"Hawkmoth is the one to blame, not his victims." Chat said, vehemently.

"The only thing that any of the people who have been akumatized are guilty of is being human." Ladybug agreed. "We all have bad days and things that go wrong because life isn't perfect. He takes advantage of these people, which makes them victims too. Chat and I have never seen those people as akuma, only as akuma victims because that is what they are."

Alya felt a little choked up at that. "Well, as someone who was akumatized in the past, and speaking for all those that have been akumatized, thank you. It's good to know that you don't see us as evil people or anything like that."

"We'd never do something like that," Chat smiled kindly. "To us, all of Paris is our home and we see the people that live here as an extremely extended family. We might not see everyone that often and names might escape us sometimes, but we promise to always step up to do what we can to keep everyone safe."

"One more question," Alya grinned at the pair, it was time for the big one. "As I'm sure the two of you know, LadyNoir has become the ultimate ship all over Paris. People have been clamoring to find out if the two of you really are a couple, or if the flirting is all for show and you two are just good friends. And I've been watching you two since the start of this interview, and I've noticed that you're a bit closer than before. So, I've got to ask, has LadyNoir gone canon?"

She watched with barely kept excitement as Chat Noir smirked and Ladybug's cheeks turned pink as they squeezed each other hands. That was enough for herself, but she wanted a definitive answer for her blog.

"Well," Chat continued to grin, "I've never hidden my affections for my lady. I got bitten the lovebug the first time we fought together and I've fallen even harder since then."

Alya watched with baited breath as she waited for Ladybug to answer. "It wasn't the same for me," the heroine smiled nervously.

"Meowch, milady," Chat smirked as he placed his free hand over his heart, gaining a chuckle from Alya.

"I was sure that this kitty flirted with every girl he saw when I wasn't around, and that he was only joking when he did it with me. But eventually, I noticed things that don't come with being a hero, just being a good person." Her expression grew a little sad as she blushed. "Then yesterday, after what happened, we talked for a bit while we regained our strength before facing Nightmare again, and things just seemed to click into place for me too."

"So... are you confirming that the two of you are now a couple?" She pushed, if she got this, the following of her blog would quadruple over night!

Chat and Ladybug exchanged a knowing look before turning back to Alya, looking directly into the camera as they spoke. "LadyNoir is canon!"

"You heard it here first! Ladybug and Chat Noir are officially a couple and I, for one, couldn't be happier for them!" Alya announced as her camera focused on their linked hands for a moment before going back up to their smiling, blushing faces. "Before we sign off, is there anything you'd like to say to the people of Paris?"

"Just that we're floored by the acceptance and trust that everyone puts in us," Ladybug smiled brightly, her blush calming a bit.

"We're always im-purr-essed by the support we get from the people, and we swear that we won't stop until the city is finally safe from Hawkmoth." Chat Noir grinned, gaining an eye-roll from Ladybug in the process.

"True words from true heroes. This is Alya, signing off. Later, ladybloggers!" Turning off her phone, Alya did a little happy dance before turning back to the black and red spotted super heroes. "Thank you two so much, you have no idea how much this means to me!"

"I think we can imagine a little bit," Ladybug smiled.

"This was like the whole kitten-cat-buggleto you, huh?"

"Really, Chat? That one was a bit of a stretch." She huffed, although her partner/boyfriend kept grinning as he winked at her. Shaking her head, she stood up and walked over to Alya. "Alright, it's time to get you back, you looked like you were on your way somewhere and we'd hate to keep you any longer."

"Are you kidding? My girl, Marinette, will totally be cool with what just happened!" She gushed, missing the knowing smile from the heroine that time.

The trip back was just as exciting as the trip there with Alya being passed from hero to hero, her phone recording the entire thing as they went. Chat Noir and Ladybug were laughing and enjoying themselves almost as much as she was, and that made things all the better for her. She was disappointed when they finally got to the spot where they had picked her up, she didn't want the ride to end. Giving her a wave, the two vaulted/swung up to the rooftops and were gone.

She was still buzzing with excitement as she saved the footage to her cloud before running the rest of the way to Marinette's house. Rushing up the stairs she gave quick greetings to Tom and Sabine before bursting into Marinette's room. "Girl, you missed the most ama-" Her words came up short when she saw Marinette sitting on her chaise, snuggled up with Adrien, while they shared a pretty serious kiss! The two quickly broke their kiss but didn't move away from each other, looking surprised.

Her eyes switched back and forth between the two for a few seconds as their faces turned bright red. "Wha- when- Holy crap! This is beyond the best day ever!" Alya cheered as she finished ascending the steps into the room.

"Hi, Alya," Adrien gave her a weak wave, although he didn't move away from Marinette.

"Sooo... Are you two official now?" She winked at the two, causing them to blush even worse but they still nodded. "Yes! It's about time, you too! Paris, the city of love, indeed!"

The future journalist continued to gush and talk while Marinette and Adrien shared a secret smile between the two of them. They had gotten back to Marinette's room, changed back, and collapsed on her chaste moments before Alya had gotten there. Adrien hadn't been able to help himself and kissed his new girlfriend due to a mix of adrenaline and wanting to show off to their friend.

Within five minutes, Alya had texted Nino and most of their class to let them know that Adrienette was official and that she would be collecting on some bets in class on Monday. The two of them knew that they were going to be grilled even more seriously than they had been on top of the Eiffel Tower, but they were fine with that. They wanted everyone to know that they were together, and would be for a very long time.

A/N: This whole thing came out a lot faster and better than I expected. I'm usually an anime girl, so watching this cartoon from France was a bit of a stretch for me. But after watching the first couple episodes, I was hooked and I'm thoroughly enjoying the new season unfold before me (yes, I have been watching on YouTube as the episodes come out). Hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Warm-Fuzzies and please review!