"I know how you feel now, Phil. I mean, felt. I know how you felt when you did what you did. You felt alone and forgotten and lonely.

"But I was there for you. You had someone to talk to. Now I'm feeling like you did, and I have no one. You were my someone, and know your not here.

"You had someone to talk to, while I don't. You had a choice to talk to someone, yet you chose not to. I don't have a choice, but I would if I could.

"Its not fair. Life's not fair. Nothing is fucking fair and that's why I'm going to do this. I'm going to do just what you did, Phil. Because I don't think I can live a single second more without you here.

"So here we go, Phil."

My voice is breathless by the last sentence.

"I won't cry. I'll be seeing you soon."

A/N oh wow I finished it I feel accomplished how you all enjoyed. My next phanfiction will be... interesting... it is called Hitch Hiking