"Can't you see I'm not going to hurt you? I love you!" She sat up with a jolt her eyes wide and her breathing labored as sweat dripped down her back at a slow crawl. Her light brown hair fell down in front of her face as she hung her head trying to figure out what had happened in her dream that had her acting this way. "Lucy come on! We're gonna be late for school!" her roommate called. Lucy sighed and swung her feet off her bed wincing as the cold wood touched her bare soles. She sat there struggling to gain any memory of her dream when a head of blue hair popped through her now open door. "Lucy Heartfilia if you don't get dressed this second…" Lucy looked at Levy as she continued to scold her, her hands clenched as she stood and glanced down at the outline of the fairy with a tail on her right hand.

Everyone in the world had a mark like hers, some had them visible to the world like on their hand or arm, others had them places you couldn't see unless they showed them off like on the chest, back or thighs. Depending on where in the world a person lived determined the marks shape, for Magnolia it was the fairy though. This symbol was there when a person was born, it was a link to a person's soulmate. When you come into close proximity of your soulmate your 'Soul Mark', as people called it, became filled in with the color of your soulmates natural hair color. No one really understands why or how it happens, it just does. Although most people don't find their soulmates till they're in their 20's but there have been some rare cases of people finding them while in high school. "Lu, have you been listening to a thing I've said? You haven't moved" Levy complained snapping the brunette out of her trance. "Huh? Oh, sorry Levy, I'm getting up now I promise!" Lucy said with determination, wiping away the fleeting thoughts of her strange dream while she got dressed in her usual baggy sweater that covered her hands and jeans that fit just right from being worn so often. As she turned to head out she ran a brush through her hair and through part of her hair up in her usual side ponytail before slipping on some socks and sneakers and heading out into the living room with Levy just ahead of her. They both grabbed their backpacks and headed out the door calling a quick farewell to Levy's parents as the door shut with a click.

Levy parked her blue Ford Falcon station wagon in the back of the parking lot and the girls rushed through the maze of cars to their history class together, landing in their seats just as the tardy bell rung. Lucy sighed ignoring her teacher, Gildarts Clive, as he walked in and reached into her bag, grabbing her history book and her favorite reading book. She placed her books to make it look as if she were following along and began to read her book with her hair covering her face and her sleeves pulled over her Soul Mark, resting her hands on her lap. She was just getting to a good part in her book, where the main character was promising to win a gold medal in his next big figure skating tournament to his beloved coach when the bell rang, snapping Lucy out of her lovely gay book. She huffed and shut her books putting them in her bag as she silently stood and called a goodbye to Levy as they parted ways in the hallway. Lucy always hated maneuvering through the crowded hallways of Fairy Tail High and she always kept her head down. It was easier that way, no confrontations, no people looking down their noses at her, she could be almost invisible this way. Almost.

The rest of the day went the same way, Lucy kept her nose stuffed in her book while she pretended to be paying attention to her classes. By lunch she had gotten through almost all her book and looked closely related to a fangirl possessed from the levels of love from her two gay figure skater characters in her book. She had sat with Levy during lunch in the library and had talked about going to the mall after school to do some book shopping. Books were what made them such close friends in the first place, they had met in the library one day during their freshman year reaching to grab the same book. It turned out that both had read it numerous times before and had wanted to read it yet again. And so, the love of books drew them closer until Lucy finally told Levy that she had been living at a hotel for the past month since the start of school and Levy asked her to come live with her. From there on their friendship grew until they were the best of friends. Lucy smiled as she sat in the car turning her chocolate brown eyes to her blunette best friend in the driver's seat. She tilted her head back against her headrest and thought hard about her life 'if it weren't for Levy I would be out on the streets by now broke and tired'. She opened her eyes and looked at the mall as her friend pulled into one of the empty parking spots. As they walked through the mall Lucy couldn't help resorting back to looking at the floor. With Levy's arm linked though Lucy's she could let her mind wander as she was drug to the book store while her friend told her about the newest book she wanted to get. After spending hours in the book store the girls had wandered around the gigantic mall until they were exhausted and hungry and had to stop at the food court to grab dinner. The two young girls were just about to head out when a rush of people came through the mall's food court making the girls eyes widen with shock. Suddenly a tingling sensation began through Lucy's right arm and she looked down moving her sweater to the side with a huge gasp that Levy could hear even with all the people in the court. "What's wrong Lu-" Levy stopped and gaped down at her best friends small hand as slowly a pink tint began to creep through the emblem filling until the entire inside was a soft pink color. Levy recovered quickly and stood, pushing her chair back with a loud clatter, making people nearby turn to look at her in shock as she scanned the large crowd for any tufts of pink hair. Lucy, however sat shaking nervously, her eyes wide as she stared at her now filled Soul Mark. 'No, this can't be… it's not supposed to happen to me. Not someone like me. Not someone who doesn't believe in love. It just can't.'


Disclaimer I do not own Fairy Tail or anything apart of it. I hope you enjoy, sorry it's not very long. Please leave a review as this is my first story and fanfic I have ever written! Thanks!
