Chapter 1

"Oh God, Dean! Please, I need more! Harder . . . faster . . . anything!" I tugged futilely at the padded leather cuffs binding me to the headboard.

My big brother smiled down at me. "Patience, my young apprentice. If you keep struggling, I'm gonna stop!" He continued to roll his hips and squeeze himself around my cock leisurely, his channel still slick with my semen and his own fluids.

Dean might prefer bottoming, but he was in no way a passive or submissive partner. He'd tackled me onto the bed and brought both of us to climax fairly rapidly once we'd returned to the motel room after dinner. It wasn't until he'd coaxed me into the handcuffs that the true torment began. He'd been bringing me to the edge of orgasm and then backing off for what seemed like hours. He'd teased initially with only hands and mouth and then lowered himself onto my shaft and rode it slowly and steadily, occasionally increasing his pace just enough to bring me to the brink over and over again.

"Deeean, come on! You're killing me here," I whined in my best needy little-brother voice, prepared to break out the puppy eyes if this didn't work.

"Poor Sammy, what a way to go!" The heartless bastard laughed at me, big green eyes sparkling.

But soon after, the other man decided to be merciful and sped up his movement, lifting up and slamming back down on my member with growing urgency. He didn't protest as I began thrusting up, just gasped appreciatively whenever I grazed his prostate. My breathing grew labored as his inner muscles tightened around me repeatedly, and I eventually gave a shout and spurted into him. He rocked against me a couple more times before cumming himself.

"You are such an asshole!" I panted.

"World's smallest violin, man," Dean replied. He wiped his cum off of my stomach and then licked his fingers clean one by one. My cock gave a twitch inside him at the sight. His full lips curved in a smirk before he leaned forward and undid the cuffs around my wrists.

The moment I was free, I growled, grabbed his waist, and quickly rolled both of us over. I flipped him onto his belly and gave his ass a slap. "My turn now! On your knees," I ordered.

"What, no please? Such a pushy little brother, ain't ya?" he said. Despite the snark, he quickly complied, arching his broad, freckled back and raising his firm, curved ass in the air. His hole was red and puffy from our earlier exertions, with a bit of semen trickling out.

I stroked my cock a few times and then took a firm grip on his hips and rammed myself all the way in. My brother moaned wantonly and pushed back against me, pressing his shoulders and face further into the bed. I pounded into him hard and fast, hitting his prostate on nearly every pass. He cried out and rocked his pelvis back with each thrust. Being inside Dean like this was intoxicating—feeling how hot, tight, and wet his passage was, feeling his talented inner walls pulsating against my cock, feeling his hips moving in sync with mine. If I somehow ever got to choose what my Heaven was going to be, it would probably be this.

I continued plunging into the smaller man, snapping my hips against his buttocks. He soon shuddered and clamped around me as he came, though I could tell he hadn't ejaculated. This had confused me the first time it happened, until some Google-fu informed me that prostate and anal orgasms were in fact a thing. I kept moving, surging into the smaller man as hard and deep as I could. It wasn't long before he shouted and shook through another climax.

"Come on, Sam, enough! Can't take much more," Dean gasped, his voice roughened.

"Consider this payback for earlier! And I'm sure you've got one more in you!"

I drove into his channel over and over and listened to him keen in pleasure. I eventually reached under him and grasped his cock, sliding my hand over it in time with my thrusts. The added stimulation was enough to tip him over one last time, and I felt a small amount of cum jet against my fingers as he clenched hard around my shaft. I groaned and shot my load into him with few more strokes. I wrapped an arm around my lover's waist and pulled him against me as I fell back against the pillows, both of us dripping with sweat.

"Okay, dude, you win this time. I think you managed to fuck me stupid," he said, lolling his head against my shoulder, long lashes fluttering as his eyes drifted halfway shut.

I smiled smugly as a purr began to rumble through his chest. My bossy older brother would never admit it, but he loved it when I pounded him into the mattress like this. He looked thoroughly debauched—normally fair skin flushed, dark gold hair tousled and damp with sweat, lush mouth swollen from kissing, green eyes blown and heavy. His passage still quivered faintly around my cock, and I could feel my cum dripping down his thighs.

As we tried to catch our breaths, I reflected on how different the past few weeks had been. Everything seemed better now than it had in a long time, even with the Apocalypse looming over us. Despite all the external problems we still had to deal with, we both were more relaxed and genuinely happy now than I could remember either of us being since we were kids.

It started the night I discovered that the man lying beside me wasn't my biological brother. That the original Dean Winchester died the same night as Mom, and that my father, out of his head with grief, coerced a shapeshifter child soon after into taking his dead son's place. That the young shifter grew up beside me and helped raise me, and that he and Dad kept the truth from me until the night I caught him shedding his skin after a bad hunt. The way I reacted initially still made me writhe in shame, though fortunately I came to my senses before anything irrevocable happened. That was the same night that we admitted that our feelings for each other were more than fraternal and became lovers as well as brothers and hunting partners.

Since then, there'd been a number of positive changes in our lives. For one, Dean was freer about using his abilities, at least in front of me. I'd witnessed him make small changes to his appearance to avoid recognition, grow fangs and claws when going toe-to-toe with a monster, and reduce his size to fit through small spaces or get out of bindings. I learned that part of his almost uncanny knack of identifying the bad guy was due to his enhanced senses, now that he no longer had to be subtle about their use around me. One major bone of contention between us as a result, however, was his even more egregious tendency to throw himself between me and danger. His reasoning was that he healed faster and was harder to kill, but I worried that he sometimes forgot that he wasn't indestructible.

More importantly, my brother was much more open now. He still presented the façade of the charming rogue or tough hunter to others, but with me he was so much more candid than before. We'd both promised to no longer keep anything important hidden from each other, and he'd been good so far at trying to let me know how he really felt or when something was bothering him. And while he was rarely given to verbally expressing his feelings about me, he turned out to be surprisingly very physically affectionate, even accepting the occasional PDA as long as we weren't "on the job" or around anyone who knew who we really were.

Then there was the difference in our physical relationship. Namely, lots and lots of sex—almost every day, usually several times in one day. Even on nights when we were tired or banged up after a hunt, we still managed to squeeze in some making out and a slow hand- or blowjob. And it was almost always more than simply fucking, with long bouts of kissing, caressing, and worshipping each other's body leading up to the actual intercourse. I felt like a horny teenager much of the time, though I never saw this much action when I actually was that age.

Right now though, I was replete and more than content to lie beside my brother, my lover. I buried my nose in his soft hair and inhaled his musky scent. Being with him like this was the closest I'd ever had to a sense of home. I placed a hand over his heart, just below his tattoo, and pressed a gentle kiss into his temple.

"Wish I could stay like this forever, Dee—beside you, inside you," I murmured into his ear.

Dean stretched languidly in my arms. "I hear ya, baby boy. Unfortunately, the world ain't gonna save itself, and Bobby would kick our fucking asses if we dumped it all on him. Tell you what though, once we've got this Apocalypse shit in the bag, we're gonna take a nice long vacation. At least a week in someplace warm and secluded, and we can spend as much time as we want screwing each other on every surface in the place."

"That's the one thing that's gonna really suck about being at Bobby's—we're going to barely be able to touch each other there. It's gonna feel like forever!" I could hear the whine creeping back in my voice.

My brother groaned. "Don't remind me, man! Though a terminal case of blue balls is safer than trying anything under his roof and risk getting caught. We'll just hafta take a buncha long drives or something to get some alone time."

He wriggled against me and carefully pulled himself off my cock. "In the meantime, it's your turn for clean-up duty. I'm pretty sure you broke everything on me from the ass down!"

"Bitch, bitch, bitch. It's not my fault if you can't hack it, old man!"

I darted from the bed just ahead of his vengeful lunge and locked myself in the bathroom, snickering. We might be lovers now, but I was still a little brother. It occurred to me as I wiped myself down that we'd both been laughing more in the past six weeks than we had in the past four years. I was still smiling as I emerged from the bathroom with a wet washcloth.

The smile turned into a smirk at Dean's irked expression. I could almost visualize the laid-back ears and lashing tail. He would probably noogie me into oblivion if I ever said this aloud, but ever since the big reveal I'd begun to notice that some of his behavior was decidedly feline. In addition to the post-coital purring and the tendency to bring claws to a fist fight, there was his hedonism, his fastidiousness, his fondness for naps, his (former) tom-catting with attractive members of either sex wherever we went, his vehement avoidance of anything resembling a vegetable unless it was a burger topping or a French fry, and his tendency to taunt and play with his prey, whether they be vamps or drunks in a barroom brawl.

I resisted the urge to scratch my brother behind the ears, not wanting him to attempt to rearrange my face. Instead, I bent down and kissed him tenderly. His lips remained stiff at first, then softened and opened up under mine.

"Hmph, you're lucky you're cute," he said after I carefully swabbed his groin and between his legs. He pulled me down beside him. "Come back to bed, doofus."

I tossed the soiled washcloth in the direction of the bathroom and looked over the other man anxiously. As much as we both enjoyed it when I got forceful in bed, I never wanted to hurt him. We experienced pain too frequently while hunting, and I didn't want to bring it into our love-making.

"Are you okay? I wasn't too rough, was I?"

"I'm fine, and you were great. I ain't fragile. Don't worry so much, man." He kissed me softly before settling against my chest and wrapping an arm around my waist. "Go to sleep, kiddo."

Sleeping together was high on my list of favorite things about our new relationship. Growing up, we'd always shared a bed until I was almost twelve, when Dad decided we were too old for that. Even then, we still slept together fairly frequently, when he was away on hunts or when the motel room that the three of us were crammed into didn't have a cot or couch. But we'd been getting separate beds since Dean and I started hunting together, mostly because I no longer had the excuse of teenage hormones to cover any embarrassing—and revealing—physical reactions. I didn't realize how much I'd missed the intimacy of going to bed wrapped in each other's arms, hearing each other's heartbeat and feeling each other's breath, until we started again.

I curled up around him, pulling the sheets up over us. "Love you, big brother."

"Back at you, little brother."

I awoke the next morning to my brother's pink lips wrapped around my cock as he hummed Stairway to Heaven. I groaned appreciatively and dug my hands into his short hair. It had taken quite a bit of practice and willpower over the past few weeks to not climax immediately when he started humming around me like that, though I was pretty sure I was developing a kink about Led Zeppelin. But with the sneaky bastard catching me while only half-awake, I found myself cumming after only a couple of minutes.

"Dammit, Dee, that was too fast!" I complained after I caught my breath.

"And good morning to you too! Thought we'd try to squeeze in another round or two before heading to Bobby's." Dean grinned and waggled his eyebrows as he crawled up the bed and leaned in for a kiss. His mouth tasted more minty than tangy, suggesting that he'd taken the time to wash up before sucking my brains out through my cock.

"Well, it certainly was a better wake-up call than the damn alarm clock. Want me to return the favor?" I slid a hand down to his cock as I spoke.

"Sam, when have I ever turned down head?"

"Umm, when you want my cock in your ass instead?"

"Touché. And I may take you up on that later. But for right now . . ." He pushed his groin insistently against my hand.

I wrapped my fingers around his member and stroked it quickly as I positioned myself between his legs with my head resting on a muscular thigh. I licked at the head and slit before taking as much of him as I could into my mouth. I might not have the other man's level of control over my gag reflex, but I'd been working on how much I could swallow down. As I sucked and nibbled up and down his shaft, I reached back to slip two fingers into his entrance and began massaging his prostate. His channel was already slick and as taut and heated as always, and I felt my cock begin to perk up.

Dean started to thrust gently into my mouth and tug on my hair. He gasped and moaned as my mouth and fingers moved faster, and his hips sped up to keep pace. I choked a bit as his cock hit the back of my throat, my lips wet with saliva. He pulled back with a whispered apology but kept moving, fucking himself forward into my mouth and backward onto my fingers. I brought my other hand up and ran my nails over his scrotum and perineum. He stiffened at that and grasped my head tightly as he ejaculated, filling my mouth with his salty cum.

I didn't swallow but instead reached up and drew him into a kiss, opening my mouth so that he could lap up his own seed. We exchanged a few more deep kisses before I pulled away.

"Sorry for the lack of foreplay this time, but if we stay here too long, we won't get to Bobby's house in time for dinner," I said.

"No complaints here, man." He gave my hair one last tug before carefully unwinding his fingers. "Wanna join me in the shower? We can save time and conserve water!"

I eyed his ass appreciatively as he walked into the bathroom. "I doubt this is going to save us time, since you know we won't just be showering."

"Whatever, dude! Just get in here!" He turned on the water and stepped in the shower.

The room was already steaming up when I got in with him. This wasn't the tiniest shower we'd ever been in, but it was still a tight fit for two tall, broad-shouldered guys. The showerhead barely cleared the top of Dean's head, which was a bit of a surprise—usually we both had to duck to fit under these things.

My brother was standing under the spray, face upturned and eyes closed, the water darkening his hair to shining bronze, glistening on his lean muscles and fair skin, clinging to his long lashes and the soft curls around his member. One hand was slowly rubbing a bar of soap across his broad chest and down his flat stomach. Green eyes opened and smiled up at me as I placed my hands on his narrow hips, my thumbs slotting into the V leading to his groin.

I pushed the smaller man back until the water hit my chest. He lathered up a washcloth and caressed my pectoral and abdominal muscles with his hands and the soapy cloth. I dipped my head to wet my hair and kissed him, slipping my tongue in his mouth when his lips parted. As our tongues danced around each other, he stepped closer, curled his hands around my shoulder, and began rubbing our cocks together. We rutted against each other for several moments, our breathing growing heavier and our kisses more frantic.

I managed to pull my mouth away to whisper in his ear, "Not that this isn't great, but wasn't there something earlier about wanting my cock in your ass?"

My lover's eyes lit up. "See, this is why you're the brains of our operation!"

He swiftly turned around and placed his hands against the shower wall, leaning forward and hitching his pelvis up. He looked over his shoulder at me enticingly. "Waiting for an invitation or something?"

I slipped a finger into his entrance first to make sure he was wet enough before putting both hands back on his hips. As I slid inside, we both sighed and slowly rocked our hips together. He rested his head against his hands and gently squeezed and relaxed his inner muscles around me. I kissed his nape while moving both hands leisurely, one going down to rub his cock, the other up to stroke his chest.

As much as I enjoyed taking the other man hard and fast, there was something to be said about going slow and easy like this. The heat of the water around us couldn't compete with the heat of his taut, silken channel as I slid in and out in long strokes. I could feel the purr reverberating through his chest as we moved languidly in time with each other.

However, I soon realized that the hot water in this place wouldn't last long. I increased the pace of my thrusts until the shower echoed with the sound of my hips slapping against my brother's ass. He braced against the wall and pushed back hard against my cock.

"Oh yeah, Sammy, that's good!" Dean moaned enthusiastically. "Can feel your dick all the way in!"

"Come on, Dee, need you to cum first!" I panted.

I bit down on his shoulder as I jacked his shaft faster and plunged into his passage harder. He groaned over and over again as I kept moving. Shortly after, his inner walls clenched around me and his cock jerked in my hand as he climaxed, his seed streaking the shower wall. I pushed deep inside him twice more before cumming with a shout.

I leaned against him for a moment before gently pulling away. We hurriedly finished washing each other off and got out of the shower just as the water turned cold. We then took turns toweling the other dry and exchanging lazy kisses.

"When we go on that warm, secluded vacation, we're staying at a really nice hotel that has huge showers and unlimited hot water and big, soft towels," I stated as I stepped out of the bathroom and went to my bag to get dressed.

After examining the state of most of my clothes, I added, "Looks like laundry is going to be one of our first orders of business when we get to Bobby's place."

"Assuming that we don't get chased off with a shotgun after dropping this fucking bomb on him," my brother said gloomily while pulling on jeans and a snug t-shirt.

"Don't be so pessimistic, man. Bobby loves us, especially you. And if he can forgive me for releasing Lucifer, I don't think he'll hold this against you." I patted him on the shoulder in encouragement.

"Hope you're right. Right now though, let's grab our gear and get outta here. I wanna get to Sioux Falls before it's ass o'clock tonight."

Suiting actions to words, we swiftly packed our bags and left the motel room behind.