[EDIT: 11/28/2019] I changed the last part of Dipper and Dick's conversation. :)
A few minutes ago while Dick was explaining the Shining to Mabel...
"...and that's the situation so far," Dipper finished explaining.
After Dipper told Wendy, Soos, Candy, and Grenda about Mabel's condition, to how it first came to her, to her 'seeing' things, they all sat there taking it in.
"Whoa, dude..." Soos said as he took his cap off and ran his hand through his hair.
"Yeah, man, that's...that's scary," Wendy said with a sympathetic cringe.
"Poor Mabel..." Candy said in concern.
"I had no idea..." Grenda said with a frown.
Dipper sighed, "Yeah. She's been doing really well with just going along with life about it, but...I'm just afraid it'll come back again."
They all sat there, feeling the weight of realization for Mabel's current condition.
It was then Wendy looked up at Dipper with determination in her eyes as she spoke, "Don't worry, Dipper. Mabel is a strong gal and I believe she can withstand anything, especially with these...seizures that she has. And we'll definitely treat Mabel in no way any different. She'll have the best time here in Gravity Falls. You can count on us for that."
"Yeah, totally, dude," Soos said with a nod.
"Absolutely!" Grenda said in resolute.
"We'll make her feel just the same!" Candy said with resolute as well, along with a nod.
Dipper smiled in appreciation to his friends. "Thanks, guys."
"No prob," Wendy said to him with a smile.
Before anyone can say anything else, they hear footsteps coming into the lobby...as well as laughter?
"Hahahaha! Really!?" came Stan's voice.
"Heh-heh-heh! Oh yeah! And I meant it too! I mean, I ain't gonna pay for her AND my meal with a price like that! So I bailed on out of there! I mean, what does she think I am, money? I bet her mouth was open like a big bass fish! She certainly has the lips for them! All I can say from that lesson is that you go for the natural ones. If you see a woman that looks like she remotely has a fake pair of honkers, just run, cause that's all they spend their money on!" Watson laughed.
Stan laughed as well, "Oh man! I'll keep that in mind!"
As both of the old men were yakking and laughing it up, Preston and Stuart were following behind them with unimpressed scowls.
"I'm so sorry about Watson, Mr. Northwest," Stuart muttered with a tired tone, shaking his head as his hand was on his forehead, almost as if he's having a migraine.
"No, no. It's fine. I would expect something like this from a man of his stature." Preston muttered as well with a steely gaze at the two old men.
Pacifica was also following the men but had her head down as she walked, being silent the whole time.
"Hey, you know what!? I like you, Watson! You're an okay guy!" Stan said to Watson, "How come I haven't seen you in Gravity Falls? Do you live in town?"
"Heh, I was born near the Oregon and Idaho border, so nah! I did use to live here back in the late sixties and during a little bit in the seventies when I was in my twenties to find a job though. As you figured out by my introduction, I keep track of the boiler. I've been keeping it in check all the way up until it's closing in 1977 when I just turned thirty."
"Oh yeah! Is that the last stop or something on this tour?" Stan asked Preston.
"It actually is," Preston confirmed.
"And we will let you two gentlemen talk about your...escapades while Watson explains to you how to work the boiler," said Stuart.
"How to work it? Don't I just...find a good heating pressure to heat up whichever room?" Stan said in confusion.
"It's...quite more complicated than that," Stuart said.
"Which is why we will let Watson explain it as he shows the boiler to you," Preston finishes.
"Uh...okay," said a more confused and wary way. He turned to Watson with a smile, however, "Well, hey, it's just you and me, Watson! Lead the way, hombre!"
Watson laughed, "Sure thing, amigo!"
And with that, Stan and Watson made their way to the boiler below the hotel. Before he went any further, he caught sight of the kids and grinned. "Hey, kids! ...And Soos. What are you all doing huddled up in the lobby over there? And...where's Mabel?" he suddenly looked a little worried.
"Um..." Dipper was about to say something, when Wendy spoke out, "She's in the restroom."
"Oh, okay! Just...uh...making sure and all that," Grunkle Stan stood there for a second. He then continued walking to follow Watson.
Dipper turned to Wendy with a smile, "Thanks. I don't think Grunkle Stan would understand why I'd let Mabel talk to Dick in there."
"Hey, no prob. Does Mr. Pines know?" Wendy asked.
"I'm thinking he does. He seems very hesitant lately," Dipper looked at the direction to where Stan went. He then turned his attention to Preston, Stuart, and Pacifica.
"Mr. Pines is quite...eccentric, Mr. Northwest." Stuart said to Preston. "I'm...quite worried a bit."
"Oh, don't worry. Stan is..." Preston looks over at where Dipper and his friends are, with Dipper gazing at them. "...Perhaps we should go somewhere and discuss this in private," he muttered to Ullman.
Stuart looked at Dipper and his friends. "Hmm...certainly."
As they went to the office a little ways from them, Pacifica was about to follow them, when Preston stopped her. "It's okay, Pacifica. You don't have to be involved in our affairs. You can just wait out here," he gave her a somewhat firm gaze and muttered. "Don't communicate with the riff-raff."
"...Yes, Father." Pacifica muttered, her head lowered in shame.
Preston nodded and went into the office with Stuart. Once he closed the door behind them, Pacifica looked up at the door with a scowl. She harrumphed and turned to go to the lobby and walked over to one of the chairs and sat on one of them. She was a little way over to where Dipper and his friends are...she looked really alone over there.
Dipper frowned.
Pacifica then looked up at Dipper and the gang with an expressionless face...she frowned and got up from her seat, and walked over to where they were.
Dipper blinked, "P-Pacifica?"
She went over the couch that Dipper and Wendy were sitting. "Is...this seat taken?" she pointed to the empty seat next to Dipper's left.
"Uh...no, but, are...are you sure?" Dipper asked her.
Pacifica sighed and sat next to him, "I'm already in trouble anyway, it's not like it's inevitable."
Wendy and Candy frowned, while Soos and Grenda looked confused. Dipper, on the other hand, put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Hey...we're here for you."
"Uh, dudes, am I missing something here?" Soos asked them.
Wendy answered for him, "Her dad's really strict with her being a socialite."
"Socialite? You mean as in high society and stuff?" Soos wondered.
"Yep. Exactly," Wendy nodded.
"Oh...wait, so...she doesn't want to hang out with us?" Soos asked.
"No, Soos, her dad doesn't want her to hang out with us," Dipper clarified.
"Oh! ...Oh...wow, uh...well, that's...that's not very nice," Soos said with a frown.
"Hey, why does your dad don't want you to hang out with us?" Grenda asked.
"Grenda, I think it's obvious at this point. To her father, we are...the lower class that she cannot hang out with." Candy said.
"We're the lower class!? But I have a hot Australian boyfriend of a baron!" Grenda said in shock.
"Um...either way, Pacifica can't really be technically seen with us," Dipper says.
Pacifica frowned even deeper as she looked down at her boots.
Wendy furrowed her eyebrows, "Well, you know what? And pardon my language here, but screw him."
Pacifica and Dipper both looked at Wendy in surprise.
"Apparently having average friends like us is a lower class thing for your family," Wendy explained, "I think your dad is the one that's backward."
Dipper turned to Pacifica to see what she thinks about that. The heiress's expression actually looked...grateful.
"Thanks...Wendy, is it?" Pacifica asked.
"Yep," Wendy nodded with a smile. "And also, your status doesn't define who you are, you define who you are."
Pacifica smiled, "Wow...that's some good common knowledge...Dad always said we were too good for 'common' knowledge...but I like this kind of advice better. I mean, any good knowledge isn't bad knowledge, right?"
"That's right," Dipper nodded with a smile, "And you're getting there with knowing who you really are, Pacifica. And I mean it when I said we're there for you. We'll always have your back."
Pacifica smiled warmly at Dipper. She then got teary-eyed, and wiped her forming tears away, "Wow...you guys are great friends."
"Aww, shucks!" Soos said, "We friends always look out for each other! Right gals?" he turned to Candy and Grenda.
They grinned, with Candy saying, "Yeah! We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but we know you're a good gal!"
"Totally!" Grenda said.
Pacifica can't help but smile at all of them, "...Thanks so much, guys. I needed this."
Dipper patted her shoulder comfortingly with a sweet smile. It was then Pacifica looked around and noticed something.
"Hey, where's Mabel?"
Dipper winced, "Uh, well, Mabel is...um-"
"Right here!" exclaimed Mabel's voice.
They all turned to see Mabel and Dick walking up to them in the lobby.
"Mabel! Hey! Uh...everything cool?" Dipper asked her.
"Yep! It's all cool! Dick told me a good ton of stuff!" Mabel said to her brother.
Dick nodded with a smile, "Yep. I basically told her to not worry about anything. She should be just fine."
Pacifica blinked, "What?" she turned to Dipper, "What does Mr. Hallorann mean? Was...something wrong with Mabel?"
"Um..." Dipper rubbed the back of his head. "I'll tell you in a text. It's nothing...really bad, it's just...I can't say it in front of Mabel."
The blonde heiress looked concern, but just said, "O...kay..."
'Whoa...what's going on? What's wrong with Mabel? It's not anything like cancer, is it?'
'No, thank goodness,' Mabel thought to herself, almost forgetting she can't really communicate with people who don't have the 'shine'. She then piped up, "So! What have you guys been doing over here?"
"Oh, you know, just, uh...just talking," Soos said a little awkwardly.
"Uh, yeah!" Candy said, "Hey, Mabel, um...want to go make snowmen outside?"
'Yeah, that sounds good,' Candy thought.
"Um, yeah!" Grenda said, following her friend's lead, "We can make us some...snow kitten and puppies! ...Or-or something."
'Oh, man, that sounded too forced! Ugh! STUPID! I'm not good at this!' Grenda thought.
Mabel smiled at her friends' thoughtful intentions, "Sure thing, girls! I think now would be a good time to test out my snowman engineering skills!"
"Alright then, let's go!" Grenda said with a grin as she, Candy, and Mabel rushed outside through the front entrance.
Dick chuckled at their energy, and turned his attention to the rest of the gang, specifically Pacifica. "Well, hello there, Miss Northwest. Your father all done with the tour?"
Pacifica nodded, "Yes, Mr. Hallorann. They're just talking about...well, stuff, I guess, in the office."
"Ah, okay," he said with a smile. He turned his gaze on Dipper, "And I'm thinking your great uncle is being shown the boiler by Watson right now?"
"Uh...yeah, how did you know?" Dipper asked curiously.
"Oh, I just figured, since Miss Northwest is here with you all. Also, they did inform me of what they'll be doing in the tour."
"Oh. Um, right," Dipper said with an awkward smile.
'Duh, Dipper, of course. Either way, I need to ask him what he said to her. She looked happy again.' Dipper thought to himself.
Dick gave out a grin, and turned his head to Pacifica, "Miss Northwest, I bet you're famished. We got some more turkey and stuffing in the kitchen, and if you like, for dessert you can have your own choice of ice cream!"
Pacifica smiled, "Yes, I am famished. But I'll skip out on the dessert. Mom would croak if she found out I had something sweet after lunch."
"Oh, are you sure? We have cookies and cream, cherry, mint chocolate chip, pistachio-"
"Did you say pistachio...ice cream?" Pacifica said with wide eyes.
"Yep! But, I don't want to tempt ya, so I'm sorry for bringing it up." Dick said with a secretive smile.
"Um...actually, my Mom doesn't...really have to know," Pacifica said, looking to her left to see if her father was out yet.
"Wait, you like pistachio ice cream?" Dipper asked her.
"What?" Pacifica turned her head to Dipper with a raised eyebrow. "That's not strange, is it?"
"No, I just...didn't think you were a pistachio type of gal." Dipper shrugged.
Dick chuckled, "Well, I think you should probably hurry on in the kitchen if you would like some of that turkey and stuffing while it's hot and while the ice cream is cold, Miss Northwest."
Pacifica turned to Dick with a smile, "Hm. I never had a good turkey stuffing, and pistachio ice cream all-together. Sure thing!" she walked on over to the path of the kitchen, and when she was about to pass Mr. Hallorann, she said, "And please, Mr. Hallorann, you can call me Pacifica."
Dick chuckled at that, "Well if you want, you can call me by my name Dick too!"
"Alright then...Dick," she gave him another smile and walked into the entryway to the kitchen.
"Prepare to have your taste buds rocket off! It's that good!" Soos exclaimed at the blonde. "Hah, man, Dick made a good turkey stuffing," he said with an appreciative shake of his head.
Dipper looked back at Dick, who stood there in the lobby, "Um, excuse me for a sec, guys, I, uh...have to talk to Dick alone for a moment."
Wendy smiled, "Hey, that's cool."
"Yeah! And...we're gonna be there for Mabel, dude." Soos said in a serious tone.
Dipper nodded with a small smile, "Thanks, guys."
"Hey, why not we join Mabel and the girls outside?" Wendy advised Soos.
"Absolutely!" Soos said. He turned his attention to Dipper, "We'll even keep an eye on her if things...you know, go a little weird with her."
"Thanks, I really appreciate that," Dipper said with a grateful smile.
"No prob," Wendy said with her hand on his shoulder, "Well, come on, Soos! Let's join the chaos!"
"Aye-aye!" Soos said with a salute as they got up from their seats and walked to the front entryway of the hotel.
Once they were gone, Dipper turned to Dick, "So...she's okay right?"
"Oh yes! She's perfectly fine. She even asked me some questions about it and I answered them as best as I could. She was relieved by it all, honestly."
Dipper gave him a thankful smile, "That's great to hear. I...I don't want to lose the same Mabel that's always laughing about the silliest things. Who's quirky all the time, and has a loud sense of color fashion. I...I never want that to change."
Dick, touched by Dipper's statement, smiled at him warmly and put a hand on his shoulder. Dipper looked up at him, surprised by the action.
"Your sister is a good gal, and you're a great brother to be worried about her. Don't you worry, she'll be just fine. Just look out for her whenever she needs you, okay Dipper?" Dick assured him.
Smiling gently at the kind words, Dipper nodded, "I will."
The cook nodded back, smiling that same smile. He let go of Dipper's shoulder and asked him, "By the way, is...everything okay with Miss Pacifica?"
Dipper blinked at his question, "Well..." he takes a glance at the path where Pacifica just took to go to the kitchen and thought of what to say next in regards to that, "Um...she's...kind of having some troubles right now. I rather not say anything about it."
Looking at the boy with an understanding expression, Dick nodded. "I see...well, I think I may have an idea."
"You do?" Dipper asked as he looked up at him.
"Yeah...but I won't ask any further. I don't want to pry on personal affairs."
Dipper gave him a small smile, "Thanks..." Dipper looked down at the floor again for a second and looked back up at Mr. Hallorann, "You really are good at observing things, Mr. Hallorann."
Dick chuckled, "My family is known to be observers."
Chuckling a little as well, Dipper stood there until he said, "Hey, Dick, are you, uh...heading to the kitchen?"
"Hm? Well, yes I am. Why you ask?"
"Um...I just, um, kind of want to keep Pacifica company is all. She might need...a friend at this point. I mean, I'm not saying you wouldn't be good company, I just...thought she would want to talk to someone that she knows and...stuff," Dipper said a little awkwardly.
"Hmm...are you willing to do that for her?" Dick asked him.
Dipper looked up in confusion for a moment but was silent as he thought, 'Hm...you know what? ...Yeah.'
"...Yeah." Dipper answered.
Dick smiled even before he answered vocally. "Then follow me to the kitchen."
"Hahaha! Hoo-man! Talk about a cougar! I mean, yikes! How old was this lady?" Stan asked.
"Oh, I think she was in her sixties, but man, her boobs were flopping everywhere even when she walked!" Watson laughed.
Stan and Watson were in the basement of the hotel at the boiler area, where they were laughing and cutting up as Watson told Stan about the past of the hotel.
"Yeesh! Guess some guys like their women older, huh? A little too old if you ask me." Stan chuckled as well as Watson, "Wow, this place sounded like a blast back in its day! I'm actually happy to know it's gonna be up and running again, even if it is owned by Preston."
"Heh, yeah! And believe me, crazy stuff happened here more than you think. It's not just secret relationships and scandalous acts galore around here." Watson told him.
"Oh really? Care to tell me more?" Stan smirked as he elbowed him in the gut.
Watson chuckled, "You know, I really would, but I think I need to hush up now. Ullman and Northwest are gonna have my ass on a platter if I tell you more about what went down here. Besides, I got to show you how this boiler here works!"
"Oh yeah! We've been talking the whole time about this place! Heh, yeah, you're right! Don't want those stiff-necks to think we're messing around!"
"Heh-heh, exactly!" Watson turned to the boiler, which looks like a huge metal cylinder on its side with the valve and pressure gauge showing, "Okay, so as you can see, this is the boiler. Gigantic, ain't it?"
"Heh, that's what she said," Stan joked.
Watson laughed at the crude joke, "Oh man! You're one in a million, Stan."
"Hey, I wish I had a million!" Stan joked some more.
Watson chuckled, "You know, you really are a swell guy! It makes me wish we'd met earlier when you were inspecting the hotel to see if it was haunted after it closed down. Course, I was long gone and went to California for a little while-"
"Wait a minute, huh?" Stan asked in confusion.
"Heh, come on, we're not that old! Remember? You agreed to see if the hotel was haunted after the..." Watson looked around to apparently see if anybody was in here, "...incident."
Stan raised a brow, "Uh..." upon realization, his eyes widened, "Oh! Uh, yeah, yeah! Haha! Of course! Wow! Man, sorry, it's been kind of...kind of long ago since that happened!" Stan faked a laugh, "But, uh...you know, just to give me an update, cause of my sort of old deteriorating brain here, but...wha-uh, is this place...still haunted?" he said with slight caution.
Watson laughed, "Wow, you must be older than I am if you're asking me that! You basically said there weren't any ghosts in the hotel at all!"
"Oh! Heh, um, yeah! I-It's all coming back to me, heh-heh! Well, either way, I got to be updated just in case!"
"Heh-heh! Hey, it's always good to check! ...But, um...just wondering, but, uh...did they happen to tell you what went down here at the hotel at that time?" Watson asked curiously.
"Uh...no?" Stan said with a winced, hoping that was the right answer.
"Heh, I wouldn't be surprised. They keep things hush-hush around here at the Overlook," Watson muttered.
"Hush-hush? Like what?" Stan said interested.
"Well..." Watson stood there in silence for a second until he chortled and said, "Ah, what the hell? Since I pretty much went and blabbed it all out, I got myself into a corner. I'll tell you one last little thing that happened here...after I show you how to work the boiler. It's pretty simple, really."
"Uh...okay," Stan said, feeling a little concerned about what this 'incident' could be.
Watson told Stan how to work the boiler, which was very old and been there since the hotel's building and opening. He told him it 'creeps' when he puts it at one of the higher pressure points. Once it stays too long on it, it creeps up to the highest pressure on the gauge, and if he doesn't turn the pressure down to let the steam out, everything blows sky-high.
"Yeesh, that wouldn't be good for my paycheck," Stan said a grimace.
"Exactly. Just remember to turn down the pressure every time during lunch and dinner so it won't creep as much. But you can still warm the place up a bit. The only important thing is that you don't let it get past a hundred," Watson stated.
"Okay. Sounds easy enough," Stan nodded, "Now, uh...what was it you were gonna tell me? Something about an incident?"
"Yeah, yeah, right," Watson nodded as well and began telling him, "Well...first of all, do you ever get cabin fever?"
"Eh? Well, I basically live in a cabin...which it's also a shack. Well, not really, it's a cabin, but it's called a shack...um, anyway, I do live there and suffered through some winters. That's when my business is closed during that time. So...no, I don't think I have cabin fever."
"Heh, okay then. Well...a little bit of the reason the Overlook Hotel was closed down, was because...well, a tragedy happened here involving the last caretaker and his family."
"Uh...this story is gonna take a really dark turn for the worst, isn't it?" Stan asked a little wary.
Watson sighed grimly, "Yeah...basically, the caretaker during that time named Delbert Grady, along with his wife and two daughters, stayed here at the Overlook. He brought his family along with him because he and his family live out of state, and he wanted to be closer to them. However, during the winter a snowstorm hit, and...well, we don't know what happened, but we think ol' Delbert got claustrophobic. So much, that he even got into the liquor cabinet to ease his worries."
"Wha-oh," Stan said with a wince.
"Yeah, that didn't help any. Anyways, it got worse. Probably during the next few days when they got snowed in, the alcohol, along with his continuing claustrophobic paranoia, got to him. It also probably happened after he turned off the boiler at night when they went to bed since the whole place didn't blow up."
"Uh...what happened to Delbert and his family?" Stan asked, feeling like he knew the answer already.
"Well...it seemed Grady snapped one night and had a hatchet and cleaved up his two daughters and his wife. Then...probably out of drunken remorse or if he still had cabin fever, he grabbed a shotgun and..." he put two of his fingers together and stuck them in his mouth and made a POW sound. After sticking them out of his mouth, he said, "blew his brains out."
"Whoa...Geez-Louise," Stan cringed.
"Yeah...so you can see why they'd called you up here to see if there was any paranormal activity."
"Uh, yeah...and there weren't any ghosts, huh? ...F-From what I saw!" Stan said, 'correcting' himself.
Thankfully, Watson picked up the bait, "Mm-hmm. I got to say, looking back, it's sad for that to happen to Grady and his family...either way, Preston's old man hushed the news and press up about it. He even told the families of Delbert and his wife that they froze to death at the property...which he wasn't too wrong," he muttered that last part.
Stan frowned, "Hmph. Like father, like son."
"Yeah...but Grady did have a drinking problem, so that factored to his paranoia." Watson looked at Stan, "By the way, you don't have a drinking problem yourself, do you?"
"Hey, no way! I mean, I tried alcohol at a time, but I wasn't really into it. I'm, uh...a bit of a lightweight."
"Ah, okay. Well, it's a good thing they didn't ship any liquor in the building yet. They were going to ship it after the winter season was over, so we really don't want another repeat of that happening again, especially since you're having your great niece and nephew here."
"Oh, yeah, Mabel and Dipper..." Stan grimaced at the thought of that potential scenario. He meant it when he wanted to know if there was any booze laying around, so the kids won't find some and try it if they were curious enough.
"Yeah. Other than that, you don't have anything else that affects your mental health or anything, do ya? I mean, I'm just asking, you seem like a sober guy."
"Oh, no, I'm all good in the head! I mean, sure, I have a bit of a reputation from people and I have...flashbacks, but I'm basically a sane and clean-cut guy!"
"Alright, that's good to know. Cause you'll be staying here the whole winter. And boredom can really set in."
"Ah, don't worry. I basically lived in that cabin in the woods ever since I arrived here in...1976?" Stan looked unsure.
"Hmm...well, okay," Watson shrugged, feeling like his answer was good enough.
"Heh, yeah...so, is there anything else that happened here you might want to tell me?"
...Watson turned silent for a moment. "...Nah. And even if there is more to say, I can't tell you all of it. Hush-hush and whatnot." he looked at his watch, "Well, we need to get on up on the main floor. Don't want Northwest and Ullman to wonder where we are."
As soon as Stan turned around to walk out of the basement, Watson said, "Hey, uh...you're not gonna tell anyone about what I said on the incident, are ya?"
Stan turned back at Watson with a raised eyebrow, "Are you kidding? I like you too much to get ya in trouble! And really, I do appreciate you for telling me all of this!"
"Ah, well...you're a cool guy, and I really want ya to do well here. Besides, it's about time to get this hotel back to its former glory."
"Heh, yeah! It looks like a great place so far!" Stan complimented with a grin. He frowned as he thought about something, "...Actually...what was the hotel closed down for?" Stan asked Watson.
"...Um...you know, I really don't know. I basically heard it was a financial burden to Preston's old man...I think. I mean, who knows? You know how rich people can get, they're cheap sometimes. I mean, look at this boiler!" Watson motioned to the old boiler, "You think it would have killed them to replace this thing? Oh no, but that would be too expensive!" he jests.
Stan chuckles, "Yeah, Preston is a bit of a cheapskate when it comes to these things too. The only thing he pays ten thousand on is his teeth!"
Watson laughed, "Haha! Yeah, I noticed that about his teeth! I mean, sheesh, how white can they get? Gotta keep up with appearances much?"
Stan and Watson laughed, and as soon as it falters, Watson said, "Well, it's time to head on back up. Follow me, Mr. Mystery!"
"Heh, sure thing!" Stan said with a grin.
As soon as they head onto the stairs, Stan couldn't help but let his mind wander at what Watson said.
'Hmm...Watson looks like he's hiding more than he knows...and I should know, I have a lot of things hidden...well, I don't want to force him. He is a cool guy, and I don't want to damage this newfound friendship we just had...ah, it's probably nothing. I mean every hotel has its skeletons in its closets, right?'
And with that, he and Watson exited the basement.
. . . . . . .
...It was deathly quiet in the boiler room, save for its usual hum.
YEEEEESSS! I did it, folks! Here it is! The sixth chapter of "Shine"! I hope it was all worth the wait! ^_^
Right now though, I have to give you all an announcement: Starting tomorrow, I will start my online classes on English in a community college so I can get a subject out of the way for when I go to my online university classes sometime this year. And what do you know? I got this done before tomorrow! Yahoo! I'll have eight weeks of classes, so everyone wish me luck on all of this! ;)
Until then, what do you all think of this chapter? Is it good? Let me know with a fave, follow, and a (hopefully) nice review! I promise you all that a good portion of my stories will get updated this year, so everyone, get hyped! I WILL keep writing my stories! :D
See you all then! Thank you all for reading and keep on rocking everybody! ^_^