A man, about 25 or 30 years old, walked along an alleyway in Io. He was wearing a brown trench coat that covered most all of his body except the disheveled mess of black hair that concealed his dark brown eyes, pale features and a serrated scar running from the bottom of his right eyebrow to the top of his lip. The ally was dark, letting most things go unobserved. A thin smile crossed the left side of his face; his right side couldn't smile, as he thought of the pressing dark. Blaze was doing what he did best, hunt. Blaze's lanky figure swept through the night as a shadow, nothing more then a depression in the already gloomy alleyway. Soon another man, this one in a red vest and threadbare jeans, entered the alley. This new man had light brown hair, easy to spot in the darkness, even without the flashlight he carried. Blaze sunk to the ground and laid down, when he did so, with his tangled mess of hair and his oversized coat, he looked very much like a drunk who was sleeping in the streets. The man in the red vest stumbled over Blaze's limp form.

"Hey, watch it ye drunken idjet!" the man said as he readied himself to kick Blaze in the ribs. Much to the man's surprise Blaze leapt up with remarkable dexterity and seized the man's arm, holding him in a death grip with a gun to his head.

"You can come with me quietly Avis or I can knock you unconscious, either way, I'm getting that bounty of yours." Blaze whispered low yet keen voice in Avis' ear.

"I'll come quietly man, jus' don't hurt me." Avis sniveled in panic. Blaze tied Avis up with some rope he brought along and shoved him in his Black Eagle. Soon they were sitting in Blaze's ship, Flaming Glory, with Avis hog- tied on the floor when a girl in a yellow zipped tank top, short yellow shorts and a red jacket which was around her shoulders.

"So, big man got a bounty? Maybe he'd like to share with poor me," She said, cocking her purple haired head as if she were a dog begging for food scrapes.

"Sorry girl, seduction don't work on me and I'd sooner kill you for breaking in my ship then share my money." Blaze replied in a deadpan tone. The woman looked fleetingly offended but soon unruffled herself and walked up to Blaze, pressing her oversized breasts against his chest and whispered in his ear,

"But how could you leave an unfortunate woman on the streets, you can be compassionate Blaze, just think of Leyana." Blaze threw her on the ground next to Avis and pointed a gun at her head.

"How did you know my name?" He demanded, his voice filled with malice and agony, "If you don't answer truthfully it'll be lights out girl."

"You don't have to throw me like that!" She yelled in pain and fury, anger and fear filling her emerald green eyes, "I found this picture of you and this girl, your names were on the back."

"Leave now girl, and never mention that picture to anyone ever again, or I will hunt you down and destroy you, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." With that the girl jumped up and took off in a Red Tail, heading for another fishing ship, neither she nor Blaze noticed that the photo was still in her hands. A few hours later Blaze dropped Avis off at the ISSP headquarters where he collected his five million woolongs and went on his way. Blaze sat down on his couch, racking his brain as to where he left the photo of Leyana and himself.

"Dammit!" He cursed when he remembered that the purple haired woman left his ship with it in her hand, "That goddamned woman doesn't seem to have very good luck now does she?" Blaze asked himself in mock humor.