Malace || PJatO || Nicercy || Shadowhunters: The Heroes of Camp Idris || Nicercy || PJatO || Malace

Title: Shadowhunters: The Heroes of Camp Idris – When the Europeans Come to Visit

Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus; Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments

Disclaimer: All rights concerning Percy Jackson are reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. All rights to the Shadowhunters PJatO reserved to Ed Decter, the books the PJatO is based off and its characters belong to Cassandra Clare. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: shounen-ai, polyamory (threesome), explicit intercourse, anal, oral, fluff, hurt/comfort, (many) idiots in love, shoujo-ai, hetero

Main Pairing: Nico/Percy & Magnus/Alec/Jace

Side Pairings: Lydia/Isabelle, Simon/Clary, Bat/Maia, Frank/Hazel/Leo, Jake/Will, Piper/Annabeth, Jason/Reyna, Chris/Clarisse, Malcolm/Katie, Grover/Juniper

Shadowhunters Characters: Jonathan Christopher 'Jace' Wayland, Magnus Bane, Alexander Gideon 'Alec' Lightwood, Isabelle Sophia 'Izzy' Lightwood, Clarissa Adele 'Clary' Fray, Simon Lewis, Lydia Branwell, Madzie, Maia Roberts, Bartholomew 'Bat' Velasquez, Luke Garroway, Jocelyn Fray

Percy Jackson Characters: Perseus Jackson, Nico di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Lou Ellen, Cecil Rogers, Will Solace, Jake Mason, Clarisse la Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Malcolm Cage, Katie Gardner, Grover Underwood, Juniper

Summary: Nico di Angelo has a new best friend – Magnus Bane, son of Hecate. Magnus' arrival at camp had been about the most exciting thing to happen since the end of the Giant War.

At least until the Shadowhunters arrive. Jace Wayland, son of Apollo, Isabelle Lightwood, daughter of Aphrodite, and Alexander Lightwood, son of Athena. Demigods from Idris – the European version of New Rome, where demigods call themselves Shadowhunters. They came with a mission, to track down someone who had played a key role in setting up the Giant War many years before it had actually happened. Valentine Morgenstern. The three European demigods ask and receive the help of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.

And Nico finally gets some revenge on Magnus for always teasing Nico about his feelings for Percy Jackson, because oh, Magnus also seems to know how to pick them...

Shadowhunters: The Heroes of Camp Idris

When the Europeans Come to Visit

Chapter 1: Nico and Magnus

Magnus Bane's arrival at Camp Half-Blood was like basically everything about the boy. He appeared in a puff of purple glitter; fabulous, magnificent and instantly the center of attention. He just portaled into the middle of the arena, where Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson had been in the middle of a demonstration for the younger demigods. Being the daughter of war she was, Annabeth instantly charged. Only to have Magnus freeze her with a simple wave of his hand.

"Who are you?", asked Percy, sword raised and pointing at Magnus' throat.

"I'm Magnus Bane", replied Magnus, with a flourished smile. "And you are...?"

"...Uh, Percy Jackson?", offered Percy confused. "Sorry, but... are you... attacking, or not?"

Magnus raised one elegant eyebrow as he regarded Percy. "I'm here because I have a complaint. Or a request. Either way, I want to speak to whoever is in charge of this place."

Percy frowned in confusion as he slowly lowered his weapon a little. "Sure. Chiron is gonna love to talk to you. He generally really loves talking to people who break and enter."

"Only that Chiron is currently visiting the centaurs", supplied Annabeth, trying to move. "And could you unfreeze me? It'd be a wonderful way to prove you're not hostile."

Magnus raised one questioning eyebrow as he regarded the sword still held high in Annabeth's hand and the sword aimed at him by Percy. "Sorry, sweetie, but I am not a fan of being threatened."

"Mag? Magnus, that's enough! Let Annabeth go! And Percy, put your sword down!"

Percy blinked startled as he turned toward Nico, who suddenly ran up to them from the stands. He usually sat in and watched whenever Percy had a class to teach, though Percy wasn't quite sure why because the son of Hades was more than competent with his sword himself.

"Ah, Niccoló!", exclaimed Magnus pleased. "The son of Hades I've been looking for."

Nico heaved a sigh as he approached the intruder. "Magnus, can't you once do something a little less dramatic? Like, calling beforehand and then coming in through the main entrance...?"

"Now where's the fun in that?", chuckled Magnus mischievously.

"I'm sorry, but who is this?", asked Annabeth with an impatient edge.

"...Magnus Bane", grunted Clarisse slowly as she came up behind Annabeth. "I'll be damned."

"Wait. You know this guy too?", asked Annabeth surprised, looking from Nico to Clarisse.

"He's a friend", replied Nico shortly, eyeing Clarisse. "But how do you know Mag?"

"Wait, you have friends? Outside of camp, I mean", asked Cecil surprised.

He had been sparring with Lou, trying to follow the instructions from Annabeth and Percy. About two dozen demigods had by now crowded in around them, curious to see what was going on. Nico glowered at Cecil and elbowed him, while Magnus chuckled fondly.

"Magnus used to be a camper here... what was that? Ten years ago?", replied Clarisse after a moment. "Been in Hermes Cabin and left before Luke and Annabeth arrived here."

"Ah, yes. I disliked the whole setting. Why should a son of Hecate live among the children of Hermes? Sleeping on the floor like a dog?", huffed Magnus, sounding positively offended. "No. So I left and I took the few siblings I had in that cabin with me."

"And now you're back?", asked Percy confused.

"For one, Nico assures me that things around here changed... thanks to a certain cutie called Percy Jackson. But I'm here to talk to Nico", replied Magnus with a polite smile. "If you don't mind."

"C—Cutie?", stuttered Percy, cheeks flushed a delicate pink. "I'm Percy, but I'm not a cutie."

"Oh, you most certainly are", argued Magnus amused as he slowly regarded Percy.

Nico heaved a sigh and grabbed the son of Hecate by the arm, pulling Magnus along. Percy was left to stare after them doubtfully. He did so not like some stranger coming into his home, taking his Nico away. Well, not that Nico was his, but still. He was going to get to the bottom of this.

"You thinks this Magnus guy is like... Nico's secret boyfriend?", whispered Cecil curiously.

"I don't know", replied Lou, voice soft. "We should ask Will. He knows everything Nico."

Percy glowered a little. He really needed to learn to put a dampener on his jealousy. Not enough that Will was the expert on 'all things Nico', no, now there was also a total stranger who somehow had some kind of connection to Nico. It was stupid and selfish, but Percy still remembered when he had been the sole focus of Nico's attention. Selfish, yes, but with this one thing, Percy couldn't help but feel selfish. In the past two years since the Giant War had ended, Nico had been such a huge support for Percy that Percy had started feeling quite possessive of the son of Hades.


"So, who's that handsome guy who appeared in a poof of glitter? He got style, that's for sure."

Nico frowned as he looked up. A very amused Will entered his cabin. "He's a friend."

"Yes, that's what you told the others and what Cecil reported to me", replied Will. "That is oddly vague and unspecific. Where did you meet him? Is he single? Are you two dating?"

Nico sputtered and flushed. "No! No, we are not dating! Magnus is a friend."

"And what does your 'friend' want from you now?", inquired Will curiously.

"I'd like to gather the other cabin-heads for that conversation", sighed Nico exhausted. "Come."

Will raised both of his eyebrows as he followed. They gathered up the cabin-heads and met in the Big House. Nico was pacing the floor like a caged panther until all were settled in.

"Nico?", asked Percy softly, voice tentative.

Instantly, Nico's attention snapped over to the pretty, worried hero. Nico marveled at the hold the son of Poseidon still had over him. Would always have over him, most likely. Just one concerned look from those sea-green eyes and Nico felt the urge to spill it all, just to appease Percy. He was just pathetic. Something Magnus loved to point out whenever they met. One day, Nico would get revenge. One day, Magnus would fall for someone as ridiculously hard as Nico had for Percy and then Nico would tease the living underworld out of the son of Hecate.

"Magnus Bane is... a friend of mine", started Nico slowly. "Some of you, like Clarisse, might remember him as a former camper who left camp due to the... unfair circumstances back then."

When some of the younger campers started muttering, Clarisse cleared her throat and gained their attention. "He had been at camp for only... half a year maybe. Ten years ago. He left months later, out of the same reasons Luke later started the Titan War. He disliked the mistreatment of the children of minor gods, the overall conditions. That all was focused on physical powers. Fighting. That children had to learn how to fight, while elementals and magic-users weren't taught how to use their skills properly. He left, together with about half a dozen or so other demigods."

"He took those demigods and he built a safe haven for them", continued Nico before pausing for a long moment. "When... After my sister died, when I ran away, I... I lived on the streets in Brooklyn for a few days, before I met Magnus and he took me in. They're mainly... children of the underworld. Hecate, Eris, Nemesis. They live peacefully there, learning to control their magical powers. It's why I learned to control my powers so well even though I was so young and 'alone'."

"You... never mentioned him, or any of this", argued Percy with a frown.

"Because he asked me not to", replied Nico softly. "He... chose to left camp. He didn't want for himself or those under his protection to be pulled into some kind of war. The notion of children fighting, sacrificing their lives for the sake of what the gods messed up... Honestly, he's right. So I couldn't. He was good to me, he treated me as one of his own for years, he is like a big brother to me. I couldn't betray his trust and rattle him out to others when that is not what he wanted."

"Okay. And this... half-brother of mine, what exactly does he want now?", asked Lou curiously.

"...Our help", sighed Nico, tilting his head down a little.

"That's kind of rich", offered Katie unimpressed, one eyebrow raised. "He turned his back on camp because he doesn't want to get involved in our problems, but when he has problems, he comes?"

"It's not like that", growled Nico, angry and protective. "It's not like he comes here for petty little problems. Something... Something bad has happened. Something that is our problem."

"And what exactly is that?", asked Annabeth curiously, frowning.

Nico frowned, running a hand over his face. "He... He's been taking in demigods who had been turned away by the gods. The ones who had sided with the titans during the war."

"You're really not good at making a case for the guy", pointed Jake out skeptically.

Nico turned to glare at the son of Hephaestus and current cabin-head. "Those demigods, they made wrong decisions. If you all could forgive Luke, who started this whole mess by making wrong decisions, then don't judge them. And don't judge Magnus for offering those without a place or people a home and a family." Nico waited a moment for them to fall silent again, unable to argue with Nico on that one. "He has been taken care of them, but... last week, someone approached them. He doesn't really know who the man was, he only said his name was Valentine. And he wanted to recruit those who had been abandoned by the gods to join him in an act of revenge against Camp Half-Blood and the gods themselves. When Magnus' siblings refused, Valentine got... violent. This lunatic killed half a dozen innocent children and he's planning on raising an army to do the exact same to all of us. So, in a way, Magnus also came to us to warn us too."

"...We literally just got rid of the giants", groaned Percy and lowered his head onto the tabletop. "I retire. I resign. I want to go to an old people's home for heroes who are out of fucks to give."

"...That is literally what Magnus provides", supplied Nico with a fond look on his face as he watched Percy being dramatic. "But for now, he asked for shelter here. At least until he finds a new safe place to stay with his people. Can... they stay here?"

"Of course", replied Percy before anyone had a chance to say something.

"Percy", started Annabeth in a chiding motherly way.

"What? They were attacked. They need help. They're demigods. I really don't see what there is to talk about", grunted Percy as he lifted his head enough to frown at his best friend.

"For one, Nico said that many of them were traitors. They were banished from camp", reminded Piper gently, frowning just a little. "I... don't think we can just accept them back."

"I don't care", offered Percy, frown deepening. "They need help. Their friends were murdered just because they didn't want to join the wrong side again. How... How would we not be driving them straight into the arms of the wrong side if we don't stand with them when they need us? That's exactly why Luke chose the titans. Because he felt like the gods weren't there for us. Well. They aren't. They very often aren't. What's important is that we are there for each other."

"...All in favor, raise your hands", sighed Annabeth, giving up on that.

Most of the cabin-heads raised their hands at that, because they all had experienced first hand that it were other demigods they needed to rely on. And if there was another major battle ahead of them then they could really use the backup and should be working together.

"I'll go and tell Magnus", nodded Nico pleased.


Nico had the smallest, saddest smile on his lips as he sat on Lou's bed in the Hecate Cabin, watching Lou hug Alabaster. The two siblings hadn't seen each other in over a year. She hadn't even known he was still alive. That he had been picked up by Magnus, had found a home with them, it was such a huge relief for Lou who was just clinging onto her big brother.

"You still miss your sister, I see", noted Magnus softly as he sat down next to Nico.

"Of course I do. I'll never stop missing her", whispered Nico back.

There was a stretch of silence as the newly arrived children of Hecate settled into the cabin around them. "He truly is a cutie, that Percy of yours, Nico."

"He's not mine though", noted Nico with a glower. "Never will be, probably."

"Ah. Still as dark and pessimistic as I remember you", chimed Magnus cheerfully. "So glad some things never seem to change. Not with you at least, Niccoló."

"Ah, shut up, Magnus", huffed Nico with a glare, elbowing him.

"Introduce me to your cutie. Officially. The others will be fine settling in on their own."

Magnus got up and urged Nico on to follow. Lou, Alabaster and some of the others turned to watch.

"Where are you going, Mag?", asked Alabaster suspiciously.

"I have some... research to do", declared Magnus with a smile, bowing just a little.

Nico heaved a sigh and led Magnus out of the Hecate Cabin.


Percy Jackson was indeed a cutie. He was that perfect mixture between dark and deadly as well as light and cheeky. There was something utterly fascinating about the son of Poseidon, or so Magnus asserted over the following few days of living at camp and getting to know Nico's friends. What he valued about Percy in particular was how gentle and sweet he was with Madzie. Madzie being the youngest child of Hecate that was under Magnus' care. And she was badly traumatized from the attacks. Percy was very patient and kind with her, it was endearing.

"You're picturing your future children with him again", accused Magnus delighted.

The aura around Nico darkened and the son of Hades blushed, while Jake, Will, Alabaster, Lou and Cecil around them laughed at the comment. Everyone knew what was going on in Nico's head as he watched Percy teach Madzie how to canoe. Will was snuggled up in Jake's lap as they watched.

"I can't help it", grumbled Nico with a pout. "He's... He's perfect. Look at him."

Magnus laughed softly and shook his head as he returned his attention to the son of Poseidon, who very patiently was trying to teach Madzie how to properly paddle. He had to admit, there was a certain allure to that. Especially since Magnus saw Madzie as his own daughter; he had been raising her, he was the only parent this child knew. One day, Magnus hoped, he would find someone as gentle with Madzie, someone he could look at the same way Nico looked at Percy.

"Your sister, the younger one, I'd like to meet her one day", mused Magnus thoughtfully.

"Of course. If what you said proves to be true – they're all paranoid, don't take it personally – then the Romans will team up with us anyway", grinned Nico with a nod.

"Lo—ok! Ayah!", exclaimed Madzie excitedly.

Magnus' head snapped over to where Madzie was canoeing carefully, Percy with her, ready to grab her if they sank. Smiling brightly, Magnus got up from the blanket and waved widely at them. Madzie eagerly waved back, giggling in utter excitement. Madzie really was his pride and joy. He hoped he would find a permanent home for them all soon; a home and safety.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you, sweetie", praised Magnus gently, kissing her cheek.


Magnus was sitting on Nico's bed, a cocktail in hand – magic was a wonderful thing, because if things went according to Chiron, then there would be no alcohol in camp even though Magnus was of legal drinking age. Nico also had a cocktail in hand, even though it was a virgin for the sixteen years old. Magnus didn't want to set a bad example for his charges, after all. The two of them had so much to catch up on. So much grief to share.

Nico was still struggling with his forced coming out at the hands of Eros, something that had made him panic a lot. Magnus was angry at the god for that; such a personal thing should be revealed at a person's own time and pace. To have that decision taken away from him like that...

And Magnus all the while was still suffering the deaths of his people. He had returned, after a meeting with a friend, just to find most of the warlocks under his protection slaughtered. Those who had survived had told him about Valentine's approach. Though no one truly knew who this Valentine even was. Where he had come from, what his actual goal was. Aside from the annihilation of Camp Half-Blood and peace, of course. Which really wasn't too much to go by, motive-wise.

"Six years, Niccoló", mused Magnus with the mildest disappointment.

"It doesn't count as a whole six years", grumbled Nico. "It was only a crush at first. I was ten when I met him, after all. I didn't know what romantic love was back then. But yeah. It's been years. So what? Percy is still in recovery after the wars. He's dealing with his PTSD, working through his problems. He... He deserves the time to focus on himself to get better."

"That's very selfless of you", sighed Magnus and shook his head. "Too selfless, silly little Ghost King. What if what he truly needs and wants is someone he can trust? Someone on whose shoulder he can lean on, someone to trust. What if that is what you are taking from him by being so 'selfless'? Maybe you should be more daring, Nico. Otherwise you will never win."

"It's not about winning. It's about Percy's happiness", countered Nico.

"Why can't it be both?", chuckled Magnus teasingly. "A victory of the heart for the both of you."

"Because we don't live in a damn Disney movie", muttered Nico grumpily.

Magnus heaved a dramatic sigh and rolled his eyes. The moment was broken as Lou and Cecil crashed into the cabin with wide-eyes. Nico and Magnus both were instantly alert.

"What happened?", asked Nico as they put their cocktails down.

"Intruders. Armed with glowy fancy swords. And Percy is kind of in a duel with one of them? Neither of them is backing down", explained Lou while panting. "They're evenly matched."

"Tattooed thugs, is what Annabeth called them", offered Cecil. "Come."

Magnus exchanged a concerned look with Nico. What if this was it? The attack from Valentine? They ran out of the cabin, following Cecil and Lou to the entrance of camp. What they saw gave Magnus pause. There was a long-haired young woman looking for all the world like a true Amazon as she wielded her whip, trying to fight Clarisse and Annabeth off at once. A gorgeous archer with dark hair was standing behind her, firing warning shots at everyone who came too close. He was delectable, tall, dark and handsome. What a gorgeous sight to behold. And as Magnus' eyes continued wandering, they were not disappointed either. Percy Jackson was indeed in a duel with another sword-wielding young man. Golden-blonde hair in an undercut, softly falling into his face, bright eyes sparkling with excitement as he fluently dodged and attacked as though they danced.

When Nico's anger rose, Magnus rested a calming hand on him to shush him. This was going to escalate if the son of Hades was also getting involved and that was just ridiculous. He lifted a hand, a bluish purple glow emitting from it and the next moment, all weapons were on the ground and the three strangers hung in the air. The two pretty boys stared at him with surprised anger.

"When will demigods learn to use their words?", sighed Magnus dramatically as he and Nico stepped up to Annabeth, Clarisse and Percy. "I can feel the godly magic rolling off of them."

"Wait. You're demigods?", asked Annabeth suspiciously, turning toward the intruders.

The archer rolled his hazel eyes at her, scowl in place. "That's what we were trying to tell you before your guards attacked us. We're demigods. We come in peace."

"You know what helps there? Not coming at us with your weapons raised", growled Clarisse before she went on to scold the newbies who had been on watch-duty.

"Who are you?", asked Nico wearily as he protectively stepped up next to Percy.

"I'm Jace, son of Apollo. Those are Izzy, daughter of Aphrodite, and Alec, son of Athena", grunted the blonde. "We're Greek demigods from Europe. Camp Idris sent us to take care of... something."

Author's note: A bit of an earlier post today - it's half past midnight - but yeah, I will be busy all day today so I would not get to post it during the day because yaaay for having to go to classes... _ Anyway. As promised, big multi-chapter crossover on my birthday ;D

So, this will be a seven chapter story, each chapter focusing on the dynamic between two particular crossover characters. Next up; Percy and Jace.

Also, ah, I just looove doing PJatO crossovers because finding godly parents is so much fun x3