DANNY: I'll try and make this as simple and quick as possible. After our fight with Plasmius and the Shredder, we went to get Master Splinter, only to discover that someone had taken him and he was nowhere to be found.

Leo picked up Master Splinter's stick and they all looked down at it in concern and worry for their sensei, their father.

DANNY: Ever since then, we've basically turned the city upside down in our search for him. We searched every alleyway, sewer tunnel and every street. But we couldn't find him. But Donnie had an idea about who could be behind Master Splinter's disappearance.

"What about the Guardians?" Donnie suggested, gaining all their attention. "If you think about it, right after Splinter disappeared, they disappeared."

DANNY: After making a new friend; we lured one of the Guardians to the now destroyed Foot HQ, we tried asking him about Master Splinter. He definitely knew something, but he wouldn't tell us. So thanks to Tucker and Donnie, we planted a tracker on him and followed him to what looked like an ordinary office building, but believe me when I say, it ain't no ordinary building and we also discovered something else.

"Techno Cosmic Research Institute." Donnie pointed out.

"So? / Yeah? / What about it? / Huh?" Leo, Raph, Mikey and Danny all asked, still not understanding what Donnie was saying.

Donnie groaned and then said, "Say the first letter of each word."

"What? TCRI? Sorry. It's not ringing any…" Mikey said before stopping, as he, Leo, Danny and Raph finally realised what Donnie was talking about. "Bells."

"TCRI? No way!" Danny said, completely shocked.

"That's the…the…" Raph stuttered, feeling the same shock.

"The…the…" Mikey continued.

"The what?! Tell us" April, Sam and Tucker all said in unison, completely confused by what has Danny and the Turtles in complete shock.

"TCRI was printed on the canister of ooze that made us what we are." Leo explained.

"It's not just that guys." Danny said.

"What do you mean bro?" Raph asked.

Danny was silent at first and then said, "TCRI was also at the top my mother's letter she wrote. The one Master Splinter found with me. Which means…TCRI has definitely got something to do with my mother."

"The secret to our origin and to Danny's mother's disappearance, could very well lie inside that building." Donnie concluded.

DANNY: We all then knew that Master Splinter could definitely be in there and as well as the answers to many secrets we've been wondering most of our lives. So in order to get inside, we had Casey and Sam create a diversion in the front lobby.

"Now I wanna see the head geek or I'm gonna take this place apart!" Casey roared and then suddenly, pulled out his baseball bat from his jacket and began to smash the toaster to pieces.

"DAD NO!" Sam shouted, pretending to try and calm Casey down.

The guard immediately pressed the alarm button and suddenly, another security guard came out from the security room and ran over to assist the other guard. Casey suddenly jumped onto the panel and pulled both guards down to the ground and held them there.

DANNY: Their little distraction allowed April and Tucker to sneak into the security control room and deactivate the alarm sensors. But thanks to a little problem with the ventilation system and basically rock solid glass windows, it seemed there was no way inside. However, Tucker and April managed to find us a way in, through a holographic window on the ninth floor. But, nothing is ever easy for us. Is it?

The two guards suddenly pulled out what looked like small metal rods. The rods expanded and both of the rods began to glow and spark with electricity at Sam and Casey.

"Yeah finally! A way in." Mikey said and put his hand on the window and in an instant, it went right through.

"Mikey wait! / Stop!" Danny and the Turtles all shouted, but Mikey fell in and stopped halfway through the window.

Mikey saw what seemed like a normal hallway, but suddenly a huge amount of energy formed and started coming right at Mikey.

With a yell of fright, Mikey pulled himself right out of there, just as the energy came shooting out of the window. However, Mikey was wobbling now that he was off balance.

"Mikey!" Donnie shouted and held out his hand to catch his brother as he fell.

However, Mikey crashed right into Donnie and the two screamed as they began to fall, heading for the hard pavement below.

"GUYS! NOOOOOO!" Danny, Leo, and Raph shouted.


Danny jumped off from the window and immediately dived down to Donnie and Mikey. He shouted at them as he changed into his ghost form, "GUYS! GRAB ON!"

Donnie reached out his hand and grabbed Danny's tightly, Mikey then quickly reached out and grabbed Donnie's ankle and held on tightly as Danny slowed down and came to a complete stop in the air before they could hit the pavement.

Mikey sighed in relief and said while smiling up at Danny, "Thanks bro."

"Yeah. We owe you one." Donnie said, feeling the same relief.

"You guys owe me six, but who's counting?" Danny joked as he began to fly them back up the holographic window.

Casey was thrown right into the metal door. One of the guards came charging right at Casey with the electric rod, but Sam managed to push him out of the way in time, but she was then suddenly picked up by the collar of her shirt by the other guard.

The guard's eyes glowed once again. Sam then said, "You know, you guys really should work on your customer relations with people."

She delivered a hard kick to the guard's stomach, causing him to drop her. The two guards then charged at them both with the electric rods, but Sam and Casey ducked, causing them both to hit each other and electrocute themselves.

They both, however, got over it very quickly. Casey then saw they dropped the rods and quickly grabbed them before they could. He held them in defence, but one of them stopped working, but luckily the other one was working just fine.

"GOONGALA!" Casey shouted his battle cry, before charging at the two security guards.

A man in a green lab coat was coming down the hallway on a hover sled, he suddenly stopped when he noticed the security control room door was open. Placing the sled down, he started heading for the door to investigate.

Tucker and April continued to look over the hologram of the building. April then asked Leo through the comlink, "Say that again?"

"There's a booby trapped hologram, covering the ninth floor exhaust port. It's active, but it's the only way inside. Can you guys shut it down?" Leo replied.

"Stand by guys. April and I will see what we can do." Tucker replied. He looked at the hologram and then commanded, "Deactivate ninth floor exhaust port."

"Plasma exhaust port deactivated." The computer replied.

The window unveiled the hole where it was showing the exhaust port. Danny, Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Raph immediately climbed inside.

"We're in. Thanks, April. Thanks, Tuck." Donnie said through the comlink.

"That's great guys." April replied and then turned off the hologram.

Suddenly, they both heard the door open fully and before they could hide, the man had seen them and his eyes glowed for a moment. He was about to grab them, but suddenly, the man screamed as he was shocked with electricity and fell to the ground unconscious.

Sam and Casey were behind him. Casey was holding the electric rod that shocked the man.

April asked, "I take it things got a little out of hand?"

"These people mean business. Let's book." Casey said.

All four of them left the room. Casey continued to smile at his new weapon and said, "This thing's better than my baseball bat."

Suddenly, the rod shut down. April then said as she began running towards the door, "Let's get out of here."

"Uh…you don't want to go in there April." Sam warned as she grabbed the rod of Casey and placed in between the door handles.

The two guards on the other side kept ramming against the doors with their bodies, trying to get through. Casey, Tucker, April and Sam then tried running down the other way through the halls, but stopped as two more security guards started coming their way.

They were about to run the other way, but found it was now blocked by another security guard and a man wearing a black business suit, shades, purple hair and a purple goatee. April, Tucker and Sam recognised the man as Mr Mortu from the newspaper article.

"There they are Mr Mortu!" The security guard said and both he and Mr Mortu, along with the other two security guards on the other side started coming towards them.

"Think we can take them?" Tucker asked.

"Nope. But at least we can go down fighting." Casey said bravely as he stood ready to fight.

They noticed that Mr Mortu's eyes, as well as the other two security guards were glowing. Just like the other two Sam and Casey went up against in the front room.

Tucker then noticed the purple hover sled and got an idea.

The two security guards continued to ram against the door, but were suddenly knocked away as Sam, Tucker, April and Casey came crashing right through on the hover sled, breaking the front metal door down and allowing them to escape.

They hid in the alley where the Battle Shell was parked, jumped off the hover sled and then looked back to see Mr Mortu and the security guards looking for them from the door, but they couldn't find them.

"This is unacceptable." Mr Mortu said, his eyes glowing once again.

And with that, they went back inside.

"Well….that went better than expected." Casey commented.

"Then you're expectations are whacked! I'm pumping so much adrenalin, I won't sleep for two weeks." April said.

"Anyway, mission accomplished. You did pretty good in there." Casey said to April.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Tucker muttered sarcastically, since he was part of the tech team as well.

Sam laughed a little at that.

"Well….so did you." April said, smiling at the compliment he had given her.

Casey smiled. Rubbing his neck shyly and said, "Yeah? Well….I guess I did."

He leaned on the hover sled, but suddenly it moved, causing him to lose balance and fall the ground. Tucker, April and Sam laughed quietly at him.

"Hey, are you guy's safe?" Danny asked through the comlink.

"Barely." April replied as the turtles stood inside the building.

"Guys, listen. There's more to this place than meets the eye…" Sam began to reply through the comlink when suddenly it went static.

"Sam? April? Tucker? Casey?" Leo tried, but the comlink went down. "We lost them."

"My guess is there's some kind of signal dampener in here." Donnie said as he put away his head set.

"Guys! Shhhhh." Raph said quietly as he heard footsteps.

All of them looked through the vent hole and saw a worker in a red and green jump suit, pushing a cart of yellow containers. As soon as the worker was gone, Danny and the Turtles jumped down into the hallway through the vent and hid.

The worker stopped, believing he heard something, he turned around but saw nothing was there. He continued through the door and then it automatically shut. Danny and the Turtles came out of their hiding places and ran up to the door.

Leo pushed it open, revealing that inside, there were four other doors in a small square room. Mikey opened one of the other doors, but it was just like the one they were in. A small square room with four doors.

"Déjà vu. It's just like this one." Mikey told the others.

"Scout this floor and then meet back here in five." Leo said.

Danny went with Donnie through one door, while Raph, Leo and Mikey took other three doors. Each of them continued to go through what seemed like the same door every time. No matter how many different doors they went through in each room, the result was always the same until finally, all five of them found themselves back in the hallway, coming out through different doors.

"Okay. That was just weird." Danny said.

"I feel like a lab rat looking for cheese." Raph said.

"It's like this is all designed just to keep people going in circles." Donnie guessed.

All of them suddenly heard someone coming, they all stood by the wall and then Danny, turned them all invisible. They watched as two more workers came down the hallway with another cart filled with yellow canisters, chatting to each other.

"Just be glad we weren't on security detail tonight." One of them said.

"Why?" The other one asked.

The other one laughed and answered, "They had some nutcase smashing up the lobby over a toaster."

The other one laughed before saying, "Oh! So that's why they're all reporting to decontamination. Poor slobs."

As soon as they were out of sight, Danny dropped the invisibility. Donnie noticed the elevator where the two workers came out of.

"Mikey and I can go see where this elevator goes." Donnie said.

"Good. I'll try and phase through some of these walls to see if I can find anything that hopefully will show us where we can find Master Splinter." Danny said.

"Okay. Raph and I will follow those two." Leo said.

Danny phased through one of the walls, Leo and Raph went to shadow the two workers and Donnie and Mikey quickly headed for the elevator. Mikey stopped the elevator doors from closing, allowed Donnie to get inside and then got inside himself before the doors fully shut.

"Hmmmm….ten floors. Fifty buttons." Mikey said curiously as he looked at the keypad. "Let's see where you take us."

He pushed one of the buttons and the elevator began to move up. The elevator stopped and when the doors opened, it looked the same hallway they were in before.

"Try another door." Donnie said to Mikey.

Mikey nodded and pushed another button, the elevator once again moved before stopping. The doors opened to reveal another hallway exactly the same.

"Didn't we just do this?" Mikey asked, completely confused as he pushed another button.

"They're all the same. Just like the rooms." Donnie said as the doors closed.

Leo and Raph continued to follow the two workers as they turned down to a corner. Raph and Leo peaked from the corner, but found there was a dead end and the two workers were nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd they go?" Raph wondered.

Leo suddenly thought of something. He pulled his sword out and headed towards the wall at the end of the hall. He stuck his sword at the wall and found that his blade went right through, just like the window they entered.

"Holographic, but without the booby trap." Leo said as he pulled his sword back out.

"Then let's do it." Raph said and the two turtles, walked right through the wall.

Danny continued to look throughout different rooms invisibly, but it was the same. Just like before. He stopped in the hallway that had a dead end and groaned.

"I'm not gonna get anywhere. There has to be a computer around here somewhere." Danny wondered.

He leaned against the wall and then suddenly, fell right through it, causing him to yelp in surprise. Now instead of another hallway with the same doors and rooms, he now found himself in a lab.

He sighed in relief, "Finally. I'm getting somewhere."

After making sure no-one was inside. He turned visible and started looking around. The lab was filled with so many different blueprints, incomplete and complete inventions, but the one thing that really took his eye, was that there were three large glass containment units, filled to the brim with ectoplasm.

"This has got to be where they research all their supernatural stuff." Danny said, quietly.

He went up to the computer and luckily, it was still logged on and didn't require him asking April or Tucker to hack into it. Well he couldn't if he wanted to, since the sound dampener had cut their communications off from them.

He looked around for a keyboard, but there was nothing. He touched the screen and then suddenly, like in the security room, the screen lit up with a bright light and energy shot right off the screen.

The energy formed into a holograph in the middle of the room, showing many files.

"Incredible." Danny said with amazement.

As he looked at the different files, he noticed one of them had his last name on it.

"Why would there be a file with my last name on it?" Danny wondered in his mind.

He clicked on the file and inside was a bunch of voice recordings. He clicked on the first one and a female voice was heard.

"This is Maddie Fenton. TCRI report 56."

Danny's eyes widened as he heard the name. It was the name of his own mother.

"It can't be…" Danny whispered in shock.

Mikey and Donnie continued to travel up and down in the elevator, each time the door opened, it revealed the same hallway and the same doors. As the elevator moved and the door opened, Mikey and Donnie gasped as they saw two security guards heading right to the elevator.

Donnie and Mikey quickly hid on the roof of the elevator as the guards came inside, complaining.

"Mortu's over-reacting. I didn't even touch that guy in the lobby." The male guard complained.

"But you did touch Newman and he touched that guy in the lobby." The female guard pointed out.

The male guard pressed multiple buttons on the keypad in a certain order, the screen revealed a symbol and the elevator began to move once again.

"The suit is killing me. I can't wait to get out of it." The female guard said.

The elevator door opened to reveal a whole new different room. Mikey and Donnie, entered the room and Donnie was instantly fascinated by all the advanced tech. Different wires, machines all connecting to something huge.

They watched as two guards stepped onto a couple of platforms and suddenly, they opened and they fell down.

"Did you see that?" Mikey asked in shock.

"Uh, huh." Donnie replied, not believing what he saw also.

They both walked over to where the platforms were and looked over the edge, seeing the machine went all the way down at least twenty, maybe even thirty feet from the ground below.

"Myself? I would have fired the decorator." Mikey said, as they continued to look down over the edge.

"Just look at this place! It's like some kind of techno-organic fusion." Donnie described.

He pulled out of his duffle bag, an electronic pair of harnesses and said, "We're going down there."

"Looks like a giant stomach to me." Mikey described, grimacing a little. "Which means, I don't even want to think about what down their entrails…or entails."

"It has been two weeks since my husband, Jack Fenton and our friend, Hamato Yoshi was killed by Vlad Masters and the Shredder. They both died, protecting our friends and the secret location of the Utroms. At first, my son Danny and I were safe hiding in one of the apartments Mortu provided us after that tragic day, but it wasn't long until the Shredder and Vlad found us. Last night, I had to make one of the hardest choices a mother never should have to make. I had to leave my own son, to protect him from the Shredder and Vlad. The Shredder would have used Danny as an advantage point for me to reveal information and Vlad….he would have discovered Danny was just like him. A half-ghost and use him as a science experiment. I don't know where my baby boy is, but I can only hope, that he is safe. I lost my husband. I already lost one child. I wasn't gonna let Shredder or Vlad take another."

Danny's mind was in complete shock. His own mother was here, in this lab, in this facility! He had a sibling? Was he or she still alive? Where was his mother now? Was she still here at TCRI? And what the heck are the Utroms?

He looked at the other recordings and saw one that was recorded on the night they returned from the Underground City. He clicked on it and once again, Maddie Fenton's voice spoke.

"Maddie Fenton. TCRI report 439. Tonight I had heard probably one of the best news I have ever heard in a while. My son, Danny is alright. A video of him along with the Turtles was recorded from the destroyed Foot Genetics Lab of them leaving the lab with the mutated humans I released during one of missions a year ago. I have also watched a recording one of the Guardians had recorded of them fighting the Shredder and Vlad Plasmius. I have never been so proud of him."

Tears fell from Danny's eyes. He had so many emotions inside him right now. Some was sadness, a little anger but most of all, the ache of missing his mother. And just hearing that she was proud of him, bought the happiness through his tears.

He clicked on another recording and listened to it. This one however, sounded like she had been recently crying.

"Maddie Fenton. TCRI report 441. The Turtles along with my son is dead. The Guardians who had witnessed the explosion at Miss O'Neil's had told me the news just a few moments ago. I'll never see my son again."

Danny stopped that recording and couldn't help but allow his tears to fall once more. His mother was told she was dead. He wiped his eyes and clicked on the next recording.

"Maddie Fenton. TCRI report 442. The Turtles and my son is alive! And not only that; they defeated both the Shredder and Vlad Plasmius. I am so happy and relieved to hear my son is alive. Hopefully soon, I will be reunited with him."

"I'll find you mum. You're here somewhere and I'm gonna find you." Danny said with determination.

He then thought of something and said to the computer, "Master Splinter location."

The computer began to glow and Danny was in shock with what he found.

Leo and Raph finished phasing through the walls, they hid on the side and watched as the workers started moving the yellow canisters to some kind of machine.

Danny suddenly phased through the roof and smiled as he saw Raph and Leo. He landed next to them and turned them invisible, giving them a chance to also talk without being discovered.

"How'd you go Danny?" Leo asked.

"I think I found Master Splinter. I couldn't get an exact location, but he's definitely somewhere on this level." Danny answered.

"I knew he was here. How'd you manage to find out where he was?" Raph asked.

"That's another thing. My mother is definitely here, in this building somewhere. She works here and I was just in her lab." Danny answered.

"Are you sure?" Leo and Raph asked.

"Definitely. I heard recordings and everything and I found out something else, apparently I had a sibling and my father was killed by Shredder and Vlad Plasmius." Danny answered. "He was killed the same day as Master Yoshi was killed."

Leo and Raph's eyes widened. Danny's father was killed by Shredder and Vlad Plasmius and he had a sibling? Just when they were about to ask Danny another question, they heard one of the workers report to the computer.

"Okay. Decontamination lines have been refilled." The worker reported.

As soon as the workers were gone, Danny dropped the invisibility and stood by the machine where they emptied the canisters.

"I hate to think what those clowns did to Master Splinter." Raph said.

"I don't think they did anything to him Raph. Maybe…they're not the enemy." Danny wondered.

Donnie and Mikey made it to the bottom and hid on the roof, watching from above as the four security workers and one worker stood still in a line near another huge machine with smaller platforms.

They watched as the first security guard reached the top of his neck and touched it. Suddenly, his face fell as well as the top part of his suit, revealing it was nothing but a human disguise, hiding the metal robotic body underneath.

Mikey was about to scream in complete shock, but Donnie quickly covered his mouth to keep him from blowing their cover.

Mikey nodded, Donnie uncovered his mouth and then he whispered, "Can this freakshow get any weirder?"

It did get weirder. For the entire human disguise fell down to the floor to reveal a small pink brain looking creature with tentacles, blue eyes and red pupils in the middle of the robotic body. Mikey had to cover his own mouth and Donnie's mouth to keep them both from screaming out in shock as the others removed their human disguises, revealing the same as the first one.

April, Casey, Tucker and Sam were right when they said there was more to TCRI than meets the eye. They weren't human! They were aliens! Small pink aliens!

They both watched as the aliens floated over to the small platforms, using some sort of hover technology and landed on them. Two robotic arms then came out of the machine and grabbed the robotic bodies, placing them in hot water, the other robotic arm grabbed the human disguises and placed them in a pod.

"Decontamination commencing." The machine said.

Several robotic hoses came out and began hosing down the aliens with water.

The Guardian entered a large room, lit with purple lights and in front of him was the Council he had always reported to, as well as Mr Mortu and a woman in a blue hazmat suit, the top part of her face, was covered by the suit's hood and red goggles.

"My lords, you summoned me?" The Guardian asked.

"Guardian, your report states that security had to remove a tracking device from you this evening." The Council spoke. "How did it get planted on you, without your knowledge?"

"The Ninja Turtles and Danny are resourceful." The Guardian answered.

A brighter set of lights shone down on two pedestals that stood on both sides of him, revealing the Polaroid camera Danny and the Turtles used to fool the security camera on the roof and their destroyed surveillance camera.

"We also found one of their damaged surveillance devices inside our lobby and they somehow have overcome our own devices on the roof." The Council described. "We are very troubled. We Utroms have remained undetected for centuries and none of our domains have ever been infiltrated. Until now. Everything we have been working towards, our chance to finally go home, is at risk."

"The Turtles and Danny don't know anything for certain. Their human friends didn't even get past the lower corridor." The Guardian said with certainty.

"However their friends appeared to have manipulated our security systems, interrupted our holo-shield and seriously compromised our amenity among humans." Mr Mortu said.

"And someone had definitely accessed my computer in my lab and opened several files of reports and also used locator." The woman said.

"Your assessment?" The Council asked.

"There's no doubt about it. Danny and the Turtles are in the house." Mr Mortu said.

"Find them." The Council ordered.

"Attention! This is an intruder alert. All search protocols are in affect. We have a breach." A computerised voice announced.

"Uh oh! I think we've been found out." Donnie said.

"More intruders?! My skin can't take another scouring." One of the alien Utroms complained.

One of the other Utroms then noticed Donnie and Mikey hanging from the roof and shouted, "There they are!"

Acting immediately, Mikey pressed the button on his harness, sending Donnie and himself back up the rope and back to the top.

"After them!" The Utrom shouted and all of them began to pursue Mikey and Donnie, through the pipe.

Donnie and Mikey finally made it to the top, but the Utroms following them caught up and started blasting blasts at them. Donnie looked around, hoping to find an escape root and finally, saw the pipe the Utroms came up in.

"Follow me!" Donnie said to Mikey.

Mikey followed Donnie and both of them jumped into the pipe, shouting as they slid down and being a little grossed out by the orange stuff that was inside. As soon as they landed back at the bottom, they immediately began wiping the stuff off them.

"Eugh! Okay, I am officially grossed out!" Mikey said.

They both turned to see two other Utroms in their robotic bodies, coming at them with the electric rods in their hands. Not wasting another second, Donnie and Mikey began to run for their lives.

Back in the other room, Danny, Leo and Raph continued cautiously to avoid being detected. However, they turned around as soon as they heard someone coming and saw standing behind them, were several Utroms on their hover platforms and several robotic suits.

"Uh oh!" Leo said.

The three of them immediately began to run as soon as the aliens began to fire at them with their blasters. They came up to a dead end, but there were two hallways. Leo just picked one of them and all three of them began to run again.

They made it through the opened door just as it was about to close. The Utroms entered the room, but couldn't see Danny, Leo or Raph anywhere. Just when they thought they lost them, Danny landed in front of them and blasted two of them with an ecto-blast. Leo then charged and jumped right on three of them.

Raph then appeared and punched one of them right off their hover platforms, spun around and kicked one of them that was in its robotic suit and caught the electric rod in his hand. One charged at Raph from behind, but Raph blocked his strike of its own electric rod with the one he had in his hand.

Danny pulled out his katana, flew up to dodge the Utroms strike from their electric rods and then flew straight down, slicing the top part of their robotic bodies, immediately destroying them and causing the aliens to flee from them.

Leo jumped to avoid being hit by the two Utroms, split kicked them and caught the electric rod one of them dropped. He threw it at the Utrom that was fighting Raph, hitting it right in the leg and causing the entire body and the Utrom inside it to be electrocuted.

It fell down for a second as Leo and Danny stood by Raph, but the suit powered back up and the Utrom stood ready to fight once again, along with a couple of the other Utroms Leo had took down.

"We take them out, but they keep coming!" Raph exclaimed with a slight groan.

Danny, Leo and Raph began to back up as the aliens started advancing on them. Just as they had their backs to the door, it opened behind them and when they turned around, standing there was Donnie and Mikey.

"Hey! Fancy meeting you here." Mikey said with a smile.

"This way!" Donnie said, gesturing for them to follow him.

They all immediately followed Donnie, running through the hallway and dodging the blasts coming from the Utroms chasing after them. They ran through the next door and as soon as it shut, Donnie and Mikey pushed against the weird looking machine near it, hoping to use it to barricade the door.

Danny flew above them and pushed near the top of it, they all pushed and pushed until finally, the machine fell and exploded a little, the debris now acting as a barricade, keeping the Utroms that were chasing them away for now.

All of them gasped as they saw what was in this huge room, four large machines with seventeen pods on them. Each of the pods were filled with liquid and more of the Utrom aliens inside, looking like they were asleep.

"What is this place? Some kind of morgue?" Raph asked as they looked around.

Leo's eyes then stopped on one pod that was on the other side of the room. His eyes immediately widened in shock at who he saw was in there and said pointing at it, "I hope not! Look!"

They all looked and saw inside the pod, was none other than Master Splinter. They immediately ran over and Donnie started checking out the computer.

"He's not…is he…." Danny stuttered, afraid to the question they were all thinking.

"I don't think so." Donnie answered as he continued to look at Master Splinter's vital signs on the computer. "From what I can tell, this looks like some kind of bio-suspension unit. He's probably in stasis."

"The let's cut him out!" Raph pressed, bringing his sais out.

He was even about to do it, but Leo stopped him and said, "Wait! We might do more harm than good."

"Leo's right. We don't understand this technology." Donnie agreed.

"But we can't just leave him in there." Mikey said, really worried about Master Splinter. "Don! Figure something out!"

"Okay! Just uh…just give me a minute to study this." Donnie said, looking back at the computer. Hoping to find a way to free their sensei.

Their minute was interrupted when the Utroms that were chasing them, broke through the barricade.

"Be careful with your weapons discharge. We cannot afford to damage the techno-organic equipment in this chamber." One of the Utroms ordered.

One of them blasted at Danny and the Turtles immediately, hitting one of the machines and destroying it, causing Danny and the Turtles to be knocked away by the force of the explosion.

"What did I just say?" The Utrom who gave the order, asked the one who sent the blast with a annoyed frown.

"Sorry." The Utrom apologised.

The Utroms started coming at Danny and the Turtles. Leo and Raph got back up and started deflecting the blasts, Donnie started taking them on with his bo staff and Danny started flying around and taking out the Utroms that were hovering.

One of the Utroms started blasting at Mikey. Mikey got back up and started bending and twisting to avoid being hit by the blasts, he then jumped up and kicked the hovering Utrom right in the face, causing it to fly out of control and randomly blast everywhere, destroying some of the Utroms who were in their robotic suits and some equipment.

Danny and Donnie gasped as they saw the out of control Utrom's blast was about to hit the machine which had Master Splinter inside. They wouldn't allow him to get hurt, so Danny and Donnie immediately jumped right in front of the blasts and took them shot to their chests and stomachs, making them yelp in pain and sending them flying right into another room.

They both hit the ground hard and landed in front of some sort of large machine, Danny was in so much pain, and he changed back into his human form.

"DON! DANNY!" Leo shouted and then took out the out of control Utrom before heading for the other room.

Mikey and Raph finished off the Utroms they were fighting and followed Leo. Mr Mortu and the woman in the blue hazmat suit entered the room and was shocked to see all the damage that was done to the equipment.

Leo, Mikey and Raph were relieved to see that though Donnie and Danny were hurt, they were still conscious. Leo and Mikey picked up Donnie, Raph picked up Danny and they pulled them up to the platform of the machine.

Mr Mortu and the woman in the blue hazmat suit entered the room and gasped as they saw Danny and the Turtles on the platform of the machine.

"Stop! Listen to us! You all must get off there immediately!" The woman pressed, worried about what would happen to them.

They all gasped, but when they tried to get off the platform, none of them could move. Their feet were sparking with power and they were stuck on the platform as the machine suddenly began to power up.

Mr Mortu and the woman ran over to the controls to try and stop the machine, but it wasn't responding and it was already powered up.

"We can't stop it! It's too late!" Mr Mortu exclaimed.

Danny and the Turtles gasped as they were suddenly hit by a massive amount of energy.

"DANNY! NOOOO!" The woman screamed, but Danny didn't hear her.

There was a blinding flash of light and as soon as it was done, Mr Mortu and Maddie gasped as they saw Danny and the Turtles were no longer standing there. There was nothing left but smoke from where they once stood.

"They're gone." Mr Mortu said, worried about them. He held the woman in comfort as she began to cry.

What happened to Danny and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?