A woman wearing a blue hazmat suit was running through the streets of New York in the late evening. Her eyes were full of fear as she continued to clutch onto her small sleeping two year old child in her arms. She ran into an alleyway and then hid behind the wall, clutching the small boy in her arms. The boy had black ebony hair and was wearing a red and white shirt with a rocket ship on the front along with blue shorts and red and white shoes. He was wrapped up in a light blue blanket to keep him warm.

She was unaware that someone was watching her from the shadows; he could smell the fear coming from her and yet recognised her with his own eyes. The woman suddenly heard a noise and moved to hide behind a dumpster.

The figure watched as three men wearing black ninja uniforms and bearing a red sign in the middle of their chests that looked like a foot. They stopped for a moment and scanned the alley.

"Let's keep moving. Master Shredder wants that woman found at all costs", one of them said. With that, the three ninja's disappeared into the night.

The woman sighed in relief, but then looked down in sadness and tears began to fall from her eyes. She placed the small boy down on the ground and took off the coat she was wearing under his head to make him comfortable.

She then placed a letter on his stomach and then bent down and kissed Danny on the forehead and continued to cry and then said, "Danny, I'm sorry. One day we'll be together again, your powers will grow and so will you. I hope whoever takes care of you will give as much love and care as I would have. I love you my baby, stay safe and be strong"

She continued to cry as she placed one last kiss on his forehead and then ran off out of the alley. The figure came out of the shadows and revealed himself to be a large humanoid mutant rat named Splinter. He looked at the small boy lying peacefully asleep, he picked up the letter and opened it and read it in his head.

"Dear whoever may be reading this,

Please take care of my son Daniel. He likes to be called Danny instead and he is a special little boy. You may not believe this but he is half-ghost. It's hard to explain but when I was pregnant with him, he became exposed to high levels of ecto-radiation due to my place of employment which gave him ghost powers.

I cannot explain the reasons why I've had to leave him but it's to protect him and keep him from harm.

Please tell him that I love him and one day, we will see each other again.

Kindest regards,

Madeline Fenton"

Splinter looked at the boy in confusion, but then suddenly a bright light appeared at his torso and his eyes widened as he watched them go up and down his body changing his hair to snow white, Danny groaned a little but then the rings appeared again and changed him back to his human form and remained asleep.

"He really is half-ghost" Splinter said in his head. "I have a feeling whoever may find this boy will probably never understand about him and his powers"

He then thought about something and then smiled as he made his decision, he was going to raise this boy along with his already four mutant turtle sons. He placed the letter in his robes and then picked up the boy gently and headed down the man hole leading to the sewers and started heading for his home to introduce his sons to the newest addition to their family.


The full moon shone down in an alleyway as a bunch of street punks who called themselves the Purple Dragons stood in front of five figures who were bearing weapons in their hands

LEO- My name is Leonardo and right now my brothers and I are in a mess of trouble. Our backs are up against the wall in some trash thrown alley, cornered by the toughest street gang on the east side.

"Look at the freaks! / What's with the dweeby costumes?! / This ain't Halloween! / You're going down freaks" Each of the gang members sneered as they beared their own weapons from pipes, chains and baseball bats.

"Nobody messes with the Purple Dragons! Especially wearing stupid turtle costumes and some sort of weird white wig and glowing green contact lenses" The leader sneered as the figures revealed themselves to be four 15 year old mutant turtles wearing ninja masks and carrying weapons such as a bo staff, a pair of nuchucks, a pair of sais and a pair of katana blades and a fifteen year old human boy wearing a black and white jumpsuit with snow white hair and glowing green eyes, he also had a katana blade in which the handle had a leather around it of black and white.

He's wrong. We're not wearing costumes.

"HIYA!" The five of them shouted as they leapt in the air and charged at the Purple Dragons ready to take them down.

New York City, the city that never sleeps. The full moon shone down upon the bright lights of the city. Deep within the sewers there is a hidden lair where Master Splinter and his five sons live. The lights were off within their home and Splinter was sitting in the middle of the room holding a lit candle on his walking stick.

"Remember to be a true ninja, you must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives the ninja power, while light reveals the ninja's presence" Splinter instructed. He then flipped the candle off his staff and caught it in his hand as he then said, "Now can you extinguish this flame without revealing yourselves? And remember Daniel, no using your powers in this training exercise"

He heard the noise of someone running towards him and moved his arm out of the way before the figure could get the candle, leading him to crash into the wall. Splinter smirked and said, "Too noisy Donatello"

Another figure then gave it a try but he tripped himself over on his own foot, Splinter moved out of the way as the figure crashed into the first one by the wall. He then said, "Too clumsy Michelangelo"

A third figure then snuck up behind Splinter and leapt up, Splinter ducked out of the way as the figure landed on the ground. The figure then charged again, but Splinter bent down and tripped him with his walking stick, sending him crashing into the other two.

"Poor choice Raphael" Splinter then said.

He was unaware that a third figure was creeping up behind him with absolute silence, he had almost managed to get the upper hand on him when suddenly he let out a loud sneeze which alerted Splinter and then wacked him away right into the other three. All of them groaned as Splinter then said, "You were close Daniel but your sneeze gave you away"

The final figure remained hidden above on the roof in the shadows and then saw his chance, he dropped down and used his katana blades to slice the candle in half and then caught it with one of his swords, and he brought it to his face and then blew it out.

Splinter turned the lights back on and said as the others stood up, "Well done Leonardo"

The lights revealed three other mutant turtles, one was wearing a red mask and carried a pair of sais; he was Raphael also known as the hothead of the team, the second turtle was wearing an orange mask and carried a pair of nun chucks on his belt; he was Michelangelo also known as the goofball or wise guy of the group, the third turtle was wearing a purple mask and carried on his back a bo staff; he was Donatello also known as the brains of the bunch, the fourth turtle and the eldest out of the turtle brothers was wearing a blue mask and carried two katana blades on his back; he was Leonardo and he was the leader and the human 15 year old teenager was Daniel or Danny as he liked to be called was wearing a short sleeved white fighting shirt with black pants and white shoes and on his belt he carried.

For 13 years he had been raised by Master Splinter ever since his mother had left him in an alleyway at two years old. The turtles had always treated Danny as a brother and both they and Master Splinter had helped him learn to control his ghost powers. Danny couldn't ask for better brothers or a better family than them, he though often wished he knew why his mother left him but he was happy still the same. He was often the one who kept his brothers from killing each other, especially when Mikey annoyed them.

"Teacher's pet" Raph mocked Leo who then retaliated and said as he tossed the candle at him, "Ninja dropout"

Raph caught the candle and growled, while Mikey and Donnie were smirking as Raph started walking up to the Leo's face, Danny was about to intervene but then all of them stopped as Splinter said, "My sons!"

He then sighed in slight agitation and then continued as they knelt down in front of him, "My sons, if you are to become true ninja you must work harder. Your path in life will not be an easy one, the outside world will not be a friendly place for you"

A fly started buzzing around Mikey, distracting him from Splinter as he continued, "You five are different in many ways the surface dwellers may never understand. Although Danny is different and looks normal, they would probably never understand his powers. To survive you must master these skills I teach you, ninjustu powers of stealth and secrecy. You must become kage, shadow warriors and you must never be discovered by the outside world"

Mikey smiled as he caught the fly in his hand and crushed it, his smile then dropped into nervousness as Splinter frowned at him for not paying any attention to what he was saying. He was about to scold him but then suddenly the whole place began to rumble and shake and a loud stomping noise could be heard.

"Huh? What is that noise?" Splinter asked a little nervously.

They all stood up as the place continued to shake. Mikey then exclaimed, "Woah! An Earthquake!"

"In New York?" Donnie wondered in confusion. "Possible but unlikely"

The wall was suddenly blasted and out came several weird looking robots with sharp teeth, Danny changed into his ghost form and his clothes turned into a black and white jumpsuit while his hair turned snow white and he had glowing green eyes instead of his usual sky blue. They all then pulled out their weapons ready to take on those destructive robots.

"What are those things?" Leo asked.

"New York City Cockroaches?" Mikey joked nervously.

"Whatever they are, they picked the wrong party to crash!" Raph shouted and then kicked one of them away.

Donnie tried to hit one of them with his staff, but the robot grabbed it with its jaws and then Donnie lifted it up and smashed it into the ground hard, completely destroying it. Mikey took out three of them with his spinning nun chucks, he then grabbed one of them with his nun chucks and then chucked it in the air as he called out, "Yo Danny heads up!"

Danny leapt in the air and blasted it with an ecto blast completely destroying it, he then landed on the ground and stabbed one of them in the head with his katana blade and then threw it in the air as he called out, "Leo think fast!"

Leo sliced the robot in half and then sliced two more as he flipped two times in a row. More robots surrounded Splinter more as they not only began eating at the support pillars of their home, but as he was smashing them back with his walking stick.

"We have to help Master Splinter! Come on!" Leo called out and the five of them continued to fight their way through the robots in their attempt to get to Splinter to help him.

Leo gasped as he heard the crumbling noise from the roof getting louder and louder and looked up to see the roof was falling down and Raph was right underneath it. He pushed Raph out of the way as he called out, "Look out!"

Before they could do anything else, the rest of the roof fell and crashed to the floor and separated them from Splinter. They all ran towards the rubble shouting, "No! / Master Splinter! / Sensei no!"

The dust cleared revealing the rubble now blocking them from getting to Splinter. Leo then shouted as he tried pulling on the large rocks, "Master Splinter! Master Splinter! Nooo!"

A robot was about to get up when Raph crushed it with his foot and then placed his sais back on his belt after spinning them in his hands. Danny then asked as he looked at one of the now destroyed robots, "What the heck are those things?"

"Whatever they were, they're junk now" Raph said as he kicked it away.

"Guys we have to find Master Splinter" Leo said with urgency. He then called out, "Master Splinter can you hear me?!"

He then started asking Donnie, "Donatello any way to…."

He was cut off as he heard a noise and saw Donnie on his shell cell dialling on the phone. He then asked, "What are you doing?"

"Shell cell. I'm calling Master Splinter I hope" Donnie answered as he placed it against his ear.

On the other side of the rubble, Master Splinter was lying on the ground unconscious when he woke to the sound of the shell cell Donnie had given him. He groaned as he woke and sat up on his knees while rubbing his head, he then pulled out the shell cell and it opened up.

He looked at it in confusion and started pushing buttons as he asked, "Which button do you press to answer this thing?"

On the other side of the line, everyone smiled in relief as they heard his voice. Leo then grabbed the shell cell out of Donnie's hand and asked, "Master Splinter are you alright?"

But all they could hear was, "Hello? Hello? Stupid device!"

"Master Splinter you don't have to push any buttons. You already answered it" Leo said.

Master Splinter stopped pushing buttons and said, "Ah. Leonardo, whatever those mechanical menaces are they have managed to eat through the support structure of our home. We must leave right away"

The turtles and Danny all huddled together to listen but then Raph shoved Mikey out of the way as Splinter finished, "Meet me at the old drainage junction at Southpoint"

Donnie pulled out a map out of his bag and then said as he showed a path on it, "If we take the south conduit, it'll intersect with the old drainage tunnel"

"We'll meet you there sensei" Leo said and then they both hung up. Mikey walked back over to them and asked with a goofy smile, "What he say? What he say? Did he mention me?"

Raph then shoved Mikey again. Mikey sighed as he looked at their home one last time and said, "Goodbye broken pipe, goodbye grungy payphone, goodbye dented manhole cover and goodbye home sweet home"

"Hello cruel world. Come on" Raph said and then dragged Mikey out by the end of his bandana.

They all exited the entrance of their home while Danny changed back into his human form and as they walked through the sewers, they saw that the robots had done damage to other parts of the sewer as well.

"Looks like those robots have been through here and our place wasn't the only place that was damaged" Danny said.

"These walls are seriously compromised. It's lucky this roof hasn't completely caved in" Donnie commented as they saw the damaged walls that were supporting the roof.

They all then stopped as they found their path was blocked by more rubble, thanks to another roof of the sewer had caved in. Raph then said sarcastically, "You were saying?"

Leo sighed in frustration and said, "Can't go forward, can't go back"

"Looks like we go up" Raph said as he walked over to the ladder that led to the streets. Leo grasped his shoulder stopping him from climbing any further as he said, "Hitting the surface is a bad idea"

"We got no other way to go Leo" Donnie pointed out. Danny then said, "Donnie's right. I'd phase us all through the wall but it would require a lot of energy"

Leo sighed as he knew Danny and Donnie were right. He then said, "Alright. But we're only going up to go down the next manhole. Got it? No fooling around. Remember what Sensei said, it's too dangerous for us to be seen let alone captured. We need to stay out of sight"

"We got it the first thousand times Leo" Raph said. "Just follow my lead"

Raph climbed the rest of the way up and then lifted the lid, he then climbed out of the sewer. Leo poked his head out and looked around making sure no-one was around. He then heard Mikey say, "Come in Leo. Move it! I don't want to be staring at your butt more than I have to"

They all suddenly heard a noise and Leo ducked down while Raph hid in the darkness of the shadows against the wall. He waited for the man on the motorcycle to drive past and then headed onto the street, Raph jumped onto the roof entrance to a night club and avoided being seen by two other humans who were laughing after having a great time after jumping and grabbing onto a streetlight.

His eyes then widened as he spotted a manhole cover leading to the sewer in an alleyway right across the road. He leapt down and jumped over a parked car and hid behind it as a car drove down the street, he was about to head for the manhole when suddenly a blue armoured truck turned into the alley.

"Now what?" Raph growled in annoyance as the truck reversed and parked right over the manhole.

Five or six punks wearing tattoos of purple dragons on their arms and clothing then climbed out and chuckled snickered as they walked through a door that was in the alley heading into a building. Raph then walked over and bent down to see the truck's tires completely blocking the entrance into the sewers.

"Great! Just great! The old turtle luck running true to form" Raph muttered.

He stood up and with a growl of anger and agitation, he kicked the side of the truck. Leo then whispered, "Way to be stealthy Raph"

"Yeah. I don't think they heard you over in Jersey" Mikey said in a fake Jersey accent.

"Give me a hand" Raph said as he gestured to the truck. Mikey was about to be the wise guy like he always was and clap his hands together when Raph cut him off, "Don't even think about it Mikey"

Leo shook his head and gestured Raph to leave but Raph wasn't going to give up so easily and said as he started walking to the back of the truck, "Ah forget you guys, I'll push it myself"

He placed his hand on the back of opened truck and began to push when suddenly they heard the sounds of those gang punks coming to the back door. Danny then called out in a whisper, "Hide Raph before they see you!"

Raph hesitated and then suddenly jumped into the back of the truck to hide just as the punks came out. Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Danny groaned and cringed at Raph's choice of a hiding spot and then Mikey whispered quoting Master Splinter, "Poor choice Raphael"

"Did you see the way that guy squirmed when we took his cash?" The leader said with a laugh as they threw the duffle bags full of money into the back of the truck unaware that Raph was up on the roof of the truck hiding.

They then shut the door and locked it with the electronic keypad and then climbed in the front seats and drove off away from the alley with Raph still inside.

"Oh man" Leo sighed out. Danny then said, "Imaging their surprise when they open the back of the truck"

"This is exactly what Master Splinter was talking about" Leo said. "We've got to get them out of there"

"Last one to the roof hatched from a rotten egg" Donnie said as he used his staff to give himself a lift onto the roof.

Danny changed into his ghost form and flew up there while the others jumped onto the roof and they all followed Donnie. They all then stopped and looked over the ledge of the roof and saw the truck drive past.

"We can cut them off at third and first" Leo said as they started running/flying again on the rooftops.

"If we run and fly like crazy" Donnie said. Mikey then added, "Is there any other to run?"

Mikey took the lead running in front of them all and then called out, "You guys are too slow!"

Danny, Donnie and Leo smirked and then Mikey stopped and watched in shock as Leo and Donnie flipped in the air and then Danny caught them and started flying through the air. Mikey called out, "Hey!"

Danny laughed and then dropped Leo and Donnie off on the third roof top. He then decided to join in and started running on the roof tops with them. Mikey flipped and slid down on a part of a roof and then used his nun chuck to slide across a line of laundry but accidently fell down onto another roof as he was blind sighted by a blanket.

He smelt the blanket and then joked, "Spring time fresh"

He got back up and ran as he threw the blanket away to catch up with his brothers and cheered, "Wahooo!"

They followed the truck and then stopped and watched as it parked in another alley. Raph was still locked inside and quickly hid on the roof inside the truck as the punks got out of the truck and started heading inside the building.

The leader turned to one of them carrying a spiked up club and said, "Hey Two Tongue watch the truck. We wouldn't want anyone to steal our stolen money"

Two Tongue nodded and as the others went inside, he stood at the back of the truck and kept guard unaware that Leo, Donnie, Mikey and Danny were watching them on top of the rooftops. Two Tongue heard a noise and looked at the side of the truck to see what it was.

He suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder and he turned and his eyes widened as he saw Mikey standing behind him holding a small piece of paper.

"Hey this is a no parking zone. Here's your ticket and here's your fine!" Mikey said and then kicked him right against the wall knocking him out cold.

Leo, Danny and Donnie dropped and Leo said impressed, "Nice work Mikey"

"It's a ninja thing" Mikey said with pride.

"Okay now we just need to get Raph out of there" Danny said as Raph started banging on the door and his muffled yelling could be heard. He then saw the electronic keypad and said, "Whatever happened to good old fashioned padlocks"

Donnie chuckled and said with a smirk as he pulled out a couple of screwdrivers, "Where's the fun in that? This one's all mine"

More of Raph's yelling could be heard. Mikey then decided to have some fun and said with a smirk, "What's that Raphael? You're gonna have to speak louder. I can't hear you!"

Raph growled in anger and frustration towards Mikey and then he punched the door very hard. Mikey then said, "Okay heard that one"

"I'm trying to work here" Donnie groaned in annoyance and then went back to picking the lock.

After a few more minutes Donnie attached two wires together and then the lock came undone. Donnie smiled at his achievement and they all stepped back as the door opened a little. Mikey then smiled nervously and said, "Hey Raph. Welcome back bro…."

He was suddenly cut off when Raph charged right out of the truck and pummelled Mikey to the ground and began wrestling around with him. Leo crossed his arms and shook his head as he said, "What a hothead!"

They all suddenly heard and noise and then their eyes widened at the sight of something, they all pulled out their weapons and started walking back slowly towards Raph and Mikey as Donnie said nervously, "Uh Raph?"

"We don't have time for this" Leo pressed.

"And why not?" Raph asked as he turned his head away from Mikey who was being held against the wall by Raph. Mikey then answered as they both saw what the others were seeing, "Because we're not alone"

The same punks started walking up to them with weapons in their hands such as baseball bats, pipes and chains. Each of them sneered at them, "Look at the freaks! / What's with the dweeby costumes?! / This ain't Halloween! / You're going down freaks"

"Nobody messes with the Purple Dragons! Especially wearing stupid turtle costumes and some sort of weird white wig and glowing green contact lenses" The leader sneered after twirling his weapon in his hand.

"HIYA!" Mikey, Donnie, Raph, Leo and Danny shouted as they leapt in the air and charged at the Purple Dragons ready to take them down and in just five seconds flat, all of the Purple Dragons were down on the ground unconscious.

All them got up and ran away in fright shouting, "Let's get out of here! / I'm with you!"

"Give me some green" Mikey cheered and they all high fived each other for their victory.

"Well that was easier than expected" Donnie commented. Raph then said, "I hope there are more of those guys. I'm just getting warmed up"

Mikey suddenly saw a shadow looming over them and turned and saw standing on the rooftops looking down on them was some guys wearing black ninja suits completely covering their faces. Mikey then said as he alerted the others, "Looks like you got your wish Raphie-boy"

They all turned and saw the ninjas on the roof as well. Danny then asked as he held his sword ready, "Are those guys' ninjas?"

The ninjas then jumped down from the roof and surrounded them all in a large circle, ready to attack them, showing on their chests of their uniforms a red symbol in the shape of a foot. Mikey, Donnie, Leo, Danny and Raph all stood back to back ready to defend themselves as Mikey said, "Well there certainly ninja-esque"

"Be ready for anything" Leo said. Raph grinned and said, "I am so gonna enjoy this"

Donnie jumped over a group of them and then spun around with his staff knocking them down. He then blocked a couple of them who tried to swipe at him with their swords and then knocked them down by their feet, however they quickly recovered and got back into a fighting stance.

Three ninjas surrounded Raph and the delivered a series of different types of punches and kicks but Raph kept dodging them and then said, "Nice dragon kick. Sweet double phoenix punch. Hey know this one?"

He then did a roundhouse kick and kicked them all back away from him. Danny blocked some of their blows with an ecto shield and turned intangible avoiding their punches, he then charged up his katana blade with his own ecto energy and blasted them all back into the walls of the building.

"Never mess with a ninja with ghost powers" Danny said with a smirk.

Leo blocked a swipe of a katana blade with his own and then knocked the ninja back with a push, he then flipped in the air and landed on the platform. One of the ninja's then ran up on the side of the wall and tried to swipe at Leo with his sword, but Leo blocked his attack and then landed right next to him. Another ninja then landed on the other side of him and both of them tried to attack Leo with their swords, but Leo spun around and deflected their strikes, he spun around again and kept blocking their strikes and then they started pushing down on his swords with their blades, he groaned as he struggled to hold them back.

Mikey blocked the ninja's tofa with his nun chucks, Donnie quickly blocked some shuriken that was being thrown at him but before he could do anything else he was kicked right into the truck by one of the ninjas. Mikey was suddenly kicked into the truck right next to Donnie.

"Don are we beating them or are they beating us?" Mikey asked.

Donnie yelped and then quickly climbed into the truck and then dragged Mikey in before shutting the door and blocking from more shuriken. He opened the door and said, "Ask me again when we're winning Mikey"

"Yeah that's what I thought" Mikey said with a cringe at the sight of the shuriken now implanted into the door, thankful they didn't hit them.

"What we need is to get out of here before these ninja's really start taking us out!" Danny shouted as he continued to defend against some ninjas. One of them managed to kick Danny right in the stomach and sent him right into the truck. He groaned as he held his stomach and then said, "Donnie any chance you can hotwire this truck?"

"Maybe. But I'm gonna need some time" Donnie said as he opened the fuse box and began getting to work.

"We'll give you some" Danny said as he and Mikey went right back to fighting.

More ninjas started grabbing Leo but he kicked two of them away that were holding his arms, he then swiped at the other three with his swords and when they ducked down to avoid getting hit, Leo kicked them all away with a powerful round house kick.

Leo then jumped down and landed next to Mikey and Danny and then Raph jumped down and stood with them. Raph then asked in annoyance, "How many of these goons do we have to bap before they get the hint?"

"Really! They just keep coming" Mikey said as more ninjas appeared and got ready to fight them.

"Time to switch to Plan B" Leo said. Danny then asked, "Donnie?"

"Almost there guys" Donnie answered and then attached the final two wires together and the truck started.

Donnie then got into the driver's seat, closed the door and called out, "This bus is now leaving for anywhere but here!"

As Donnie drove off Mikey, Leo, Raph and Danny all jumped into the back compartment and shut the doors as the ninjas jumped out of the way avoiding getting hit by Donnie's crazy driving as he was slamming into dumpsters.

"Woah nice driving Donnie for a turtle with no license" Mikey snickered.

"Hey do you want pretty or effective?" Donnie retorted back as he continued to drive.

"I gotta tell you this has been one weird day" Danny said as soon as he changed back into his human form.

Donnie got the whole driving under control as Mikey then said in agreement, "I know what you mean bro. First all those metal robot things underground and what's with all those ninjas? Ninja's in New York besides us? It's just not right"

Raph then opened up one of the duffle bags the Purple Dragons left behind and opened it up to reveal large sums of money inside and said showing the others, "Talk about not right. Check this out"

Mikey smiled and picked up some of the money as he cheered, "Show me the money baby! Wahooo!"

Leo frowned and snatched the money away from him as he said, "This isn't finder's keepers Mikey"

Mikey looked down and then put all the money back in the bag. Up ahead a couple of police officers were sitting in their car having some coffee when Donnie pulled up beside them. Leo then opened the window and threw the bags of money out onto their car and shouted, "Take care of this money will you guys?!"

The cops eyes widened at the sight of one of the opened bags of money and before they could say anything, Donnie drove off. The cop beside the first one then asked in shock, "Did you see that?! Some little green men and a kid in an armoured car just threw a bunch of money at us!"

The cop simply shrugged and scoffed, "Rookie"

Donnie drove the truck right through the gate to the old drainage junction and pulled up where Master Splinter was sitting down, in front of him was more broken robots. Master Splinter stood up as Donnie, Leo, Raph, Mikey and Danny climbed out of the truck and all grouped hug Splinter in relief as they said, "Master Splinter you're alright! / Sensei! / Thank goodness / Alright! / Sensei!"

"Well I'm glad to see you too my sons" Master Splinter said with a smile.

"Master Splinter so much has happened today" Leo said.

"Yes, yes there will be time to tell me all about it later Leonardo" Splinter said. He then started walking forward and said, "But first I wish to take you all home"

"Home? We got no home" Raph said. Danny then added, "Those robots trashed our home Sensei"

"Do not worry. I think I have found a solution to our current housing problem" Splinter said his smile not dropping. "Follow me my sons"

He then jumped down the large hole. Leo then did a flip and jumped into the hole, Donnie then went next followed by Danny. Mikey was about to jump but then decided to call out, "Cowabun…"

He was cut off when suddenly Raph pushed him in and laughed. Mikey called out, "Not funny Raph!"

"Oh yes it is" Raph retorted and then jumped down into the hole himself.

All of them yelled as the slid down through the hole and then came out landing on top of each other. They all stood up as Mikey exclaimed, "Wicked slide!"

Master Splinter then continued to walk forward. Mikey caught up him and said as he looked around the tunnel, "No offence Master Splinter but this place doesn't seem so great"

"Look with your heart Michelangelo and not with your eyes" Master Splinter quoted as he continued walking forward.

"Um….okay" Mikey said in confusion as he scratched his head. Splinter then added as he noticed he stopped walking, "And walk this way"

Mikey smirked and began to imitate how Master Splinter walked but then stopped when Donnie wacked him on the head with his staff causing him to yelp, "OW!"

They continued to follow Master Splinter and then their eyes widened as they all entered a large opened space made up columns, an opening to the river and there was debris everywhere but other than that they all smiled as they realised they had found their new home.

"This is beyond awesome!" Mikey exclaimed with amazement.

"I could really tune this space up" Donnie said thinking of all the endless possibilities he can do to this place.

Mikey climbed up one of the pillars and landed on the next floor up and then started calling out as he pointed to rooms, "This room here is mine! And right where your standing Don, also mine!"

"You see my sons; change is good" Splinter said.

"We couldn't agree Master Splinter" Leo said. Master Splinter smiled and then it changed to a smirk as he said, "Good so let's see you boys clean-up for a change. This chamber is filthy"

All of them then groaned, "Oh man!"

A Man wearing a white and grey Japanese fighting uniforms with the same red foot symbol on them, poured some tea into a cup glaring at the leader of the group of Purple Dragons that was stealing the money.

The leader looked at the man in fear and said nervously, "Sir I…I uh…my men….we lost the armoured car with the money but we were attacked…b-by some sort of karate frog creatures and some kid wearing a white wig and glowing green eyes or something. They took us by surprise. It wasn't my fault…"

"Enough" The man said, his glare not dropping.

"I promise sir. I won't fail you again" The leader then said. His eyes then widened in full fear as the man stood up and walked up to him as he sneered, "I know. You won't fail me again. Ever"

"No sir! Please!" The leader begged as the doors behind him slammed shut.

All that could be heard outside the room was the leader's screams of pain and then the man's sick and twisted evil laughter echoing from the large building in the middle of the city which beared the same red foot symbol on the side of it.



Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the new TMNT 2003 Danny Phantom crossover series. I'm sorry for the late update on Phantom and The Avatar: Earth, I have been really busy with Uni homework that I hadn't had time to re-write the second chapter but next week I'll be completely homework free and I'll be able to re-write it and publish it. Oh and yes Sam and Tucker will be making an appearance in this series for those who might ask in the reviews

Here are some other fanfics that I'm currently working on and some new ones:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Half Dead (current)

TMNT 2003 Danny Phantom Crossover Series or Danny Phantom and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (current)

Phantom and the Avatar: Earth (current and updating next week)

Muppet Treasure Island Danny Phantom Style (coming soon)

Joseph King of Dreams Danny Phantom Style (coming soon)

Danny Phantom Meets Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (current and updating soon)

DANNY PHANTOM: Justice League VS Teen Titans (current and updating soon)

DP Mulan 2 (current and updating soon)

World Protection Agency (current and updating again soon)

The Phantom Twins One shots (coming soon)

Make sure to keep reviewing and checking out my stories and also remember that I also have a facebook page where I post statuses about when chapters are gonna update as well.
