Disclaimer: Inuyasha isn't mine. Neither is Bankotsu. I shouldn't like him as much as I do…

Characters: Band of Seven

Genre: Humour

Bankotsu crept forward, weapon at the ready. He couldn't keep himself from grinning in anticipation. Behind him, Jakotsu's dark eyes skimmed the area, dancing with glee.

"You're clear Big Brother," Jakotsu whispered excitedly, "Go! Go!"

Bankotsu dashed forward. It was done before his victim could react.

In the morning, the sun shone cheerfully down on the band of mercenaries. Bankotsu opened one eye to glare in annoyance at Ginkotsu, whose armor was reflecting the sunlight right into his face. Jakotsu stirred, lifting his head from Bankotsu's shoulder. He smiled brightly, despite still being half-asleep.

The rest of the Schinintai were beginning to wake. Suikotsu was the first to rise, after an unfortunate incident a few weeks ago that hadn't been hilarious at all, he now opted to sleep without his claws on. Mukotsu was a light sleeper in his old age and seemed to find a new spot to complain about every morning. Today, apparently it was a ringing in his ears. Kyokotsu still slept like the dead, almost nothing would wake him until he got hungry.

"Gesh." Ginkotsu said, nudging at Renkotsu. The fire-wielder woke with a scowl, demanding to know why he was being poked. Ginkotsu glared and ceased. Bankotsu and Jakotsu linked arms, eagerly waiting to see how long it would take for them to notice.

Suikotsu blinked a few times, hand slowly rising to his mouth.

"Now what?" Renkotsu snapped, "First poking, now staring! What's wrong with you all this morning?!"

"Apologies brother," Suikotsu said smoothly. He shot a look at his two friends, who seemed in danger of dissolving into giggles any minute now.

Renkotsu spat and stormed off in search of a boulder to conk Kyokotsu on the head with to rouse him. He heard his band break out into laughter, but didn't care to find out what the joke was.

And that's the story of how Renkotsu spent a whole day with a smiley face drawn on the back of his head.