A/N: Hi all! I had this crazy idea a while ago, so I wanted to finally publish it. Sango lives in a small apartment with her brother, working at a publishing company to make it in Tokyo. Her job gets harder when she makes one big mistake with her wonderfully attractive, and frustrating, boss. M for lemons.
Disclaimer: As always, I do not own Inuyasha. I just get inspiration from the characters.
Sango wakes to her alarm loudly blaring in her ear, forcing a groan from her lips as she hastily turns it off. Like every other day, she stumbles out of bed to her shower, scalding herself awake as she washes her long ebony locks, humming along to her radio. She hops out of the shower and wraps a towel around her hair and body before scurrying to her closet. She pulls out a chocolate brown pencil skirt, white undershirt, and light pink blouse printed with delicate cherry blossoms. She sets the outfit on her bed as she quickly slips on her lacy bra and panties before donning her business wear like her armor. She finishes her look with a pair of nude, transparent, stockings, chocolate brown pumps, and a soft sweater to fight the chill. She puts on some light makeup to cover the dark circles under her chestnut colored eyes, and pulls her hair into a bun.
Sango wanders into her small apartment kitchen, flicking on a light to compensate for the early morning rays slowly creeping through the windows. She turns the tea kettle on before whipping up some breakfast. The scent of omelets consumes the apartment and Sango smiles as she hears the back bedroom door open and her little brother, Kohaku, comes stumbling out in sweats and a baggy black and teal shirt.
"Coffee?" he groans as he flops down on a stool in front of the kitchen island. Sango fills the coffee maker before turning it on, "Thanks…"
"Late night?" Sango asks as she sets an omelet in front of him.
"Yeah…these exams are honestly killing me," Kohaku grumbles as he stuffs his face. Sango laughs and pours him a cup of black coffee. Just like he likes it. She turns her kettle off and makes some tea, the aromatic scent has her sighing.
"Y'know, there is no record of exams committing murder," she teases, "Besides it is for your own good. Especially if you—"
"Want to get into university, I know, I know…" Kohaku grumbles, "God when did you become such a mom!" Sango cocks a teasing brow at him as she places her hands on her hips.
"If you have such a problem with it, you can make your own breakfast from now on," she retorts before sliding an omelet onto her plate. Kohaku hurriedly finishes his breakfast before leaning over the island and kissing her cheek.
"Thank you, sis! I love you!" he chimes as a laugh bubbles out of her lips.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Now go get ready for school. I'm leaving early for a meeting, so I can't walk with you," she says as she finishes her breakfast and puts her tea in a travel mug.
"Have a good day! Don't die!" Kohaku shouts from his room as Sango grabs her purse and apartment key.
"Ditto!" she hollers before stepping out of the apartment and hurrying to catch the train. As much as she hates her morning commute, Sango absolutely loves her job as an editor in Daemon Dog Publishing. Even if the COO, Sesshomaru Taisho, is a real stickler about details. That attitude is what makes his company one of the best publishing companies in the country.
Sango sips at her tea, watching commuters file on and off until she finally gets to her stop. She steps off the train and hurries to her large office building a block away.
"Sango!" a girl cries out, and Sango looks left to see her friend Kagome Higurashi scurrying towards her in a green skirt and white cashmere sweater, "Glad to see you made it so early!" she says as she catches up to Sango who groans softly.
"After the late night I pulled, I swear I should just live here," Sango jokes and Kagome giggles.
"You already do. It'll just save you time on your commute," Kagome teases as the two push open the large glass doors to their building.
"My deadline is next week, and you know I don't want to be the one holding this project back," Sango exclaims and Kagome sighs, pressing the elevator button.
"I know that, but seriously, sweetheart, when was the last time you had a night out?" Kagome asks as the elevator doors open. She and Sango shuffle inside with a group of coworkers all holding coffee mugs and looking dreary-eyed. Sango hits the button for the 15th floor, and Kagome the 10th. They blend in with the group as Sango sighs.
"Probably college," she mumbles, finally answering Kagome's question with some embarrassment in her voice.
"What?!" Kagome cries, startling everyone in the elevator. Sango shushes her with a blush flaring on her cheeks, "But that was four years ago!"
"Well…you know about my parents…and I just…I got busy," Sango shrugs, hiding her nerves by sipping at her tea. Kagome sighs.
"Yeah, the wrong kind of busy," Kagome huffs and Sango chokes on her sip as the nearby coworkers laugh.
"Kagome!" Sango quietly hisses as the elevator stops and some employees shuffle out, "Was that really necessary?!"
"Yes it was. Seriously, Sango, you've been single for so long, you've probably forgotten what it's like to be on a date," Kagome snaps.
"I've been busy!" Sango repeats, with no good excuse for her anti-relationship lifestyle. The elevator finally opens on the 10th floor, freeing Sango from Kagome's interrogation.
"We will talk about this later," Kagome says before slipping off the elevator with most of the remaining employees. Sango sighs, leaning her shoulder against the wall as she tries to hide her embarrassment. Why would Kagome bring up such drivel nonsense now? Sango only has one week to finish editing a manuscript so it can pass on to publication. It is a big deal for her, and she can't let herself get distracted with her nonexistent love life.
As her mind whirls tumultuously around these thoughts, something brushes against her hip. She thinks nothing of it, assuming someone's bag just touched her until the object purposefully moves to her ass, squeezing it through her skirt. She gasps and spins, slapping the man who touched her without hesitation. He grasps his cheek, and she freezes, staring at him as he strokes his wound. The man has shaggy black hair pulled neatly into a little ponytail that frames his captivating violet eyes. A smirk spreads on his lips as he quickly draws his gaze over her body from her flushed cheeks to brown pumps and back again.
"Nice aim," he says, his deep voice rattling through her body. She just gapes at him as the elevator opens on the 15th floor, "If you ever want to break your stalemate, come find me," he adds with a wink, leaving her alone in the elevator, too stunned to even call him a pervert. She shakes from her reverie as she realizes this is the floor she needs and hurries onto the Execs Floor.
"Who the hell was that guy? Probably some perverted intern…" she grumbles before taking a seat in the lobby. Her meeting with the Creative Director starts in about 10 minutes, so she sits in the lobby with her folder and notepad in her purse. She sips at her tea, fighting the embarrassment from the morning, so she won't be affected during her meeting. Finally at 8:00am, the receptionist calls for her to go into main conference room. She wanders down the hall to the conference room, opening the door to see Sesshomaru Taisho, her Creative Director Kagura Souta, and the man who grabbed her in the elevator. She bows to them, trying to hide her shock at seeing him again, especially when a smirk crawls over his face.
"You're Sango Taijiya?" he says with that seductively deep voice of his. She just nods as she straightens and a bigger smile forms on his lip.
"Please sit," Kagura demands and Sango sits across from the three of them, anxiety whirling in her chest.
Dear lord, please do not fire me, Sango thinks as she clasps her hands in her lap.
"So, Miss Taijiya, the reason we called this meeting this morning is because you're Creative Director is changing," Mr. Taisho explains with a cold, almost bored, look on his face, "Instead of working with Kagura, you'll be working directly under Mr. Houshi here," he adds, gesturing to the pervert.
"Miroku Houshi, pleased to make your acquaintance. Again," he chimes, though he whispers the 'again' so only the two of them can hear it. Sango blushes lightly before looking back at Kagura, ignoring the burning stare coming from Mr. Houshi.
"Why though? Did I do something wrong…?" Sango asks and Kagura smiles lightly.
"Not at all. I'm just being transferred to a different department…our foreign operator, Mr. Naraku, promoted me into his department," she says through pinched lips. Sango knows how much Kagura despises Mr. Naraku and now she has to work for him?!
"I'm so sorry…good luck," she says and Kagura smiles brighter.
"Thank you,"
"Enough. Sango, you need to fill Mr. Houshi in on all the projects in your department right now, the deadlines, and the budgets you're currently working with. I know you're working directly with someone in accounting for that information, so get that for him. You are dismissed," Mr. Taisho says before standing and leaving the conference room with Kagura on his heels. Sango just sits in shocked silence as Mr. Houshi smiles brightly.
"Where shall we begin?"
A/N: And that is all she wrote! I hope you like it. Let me know what your thoughts are now that Sango is working "underneath" Miroku. There will be some Inuyasha/Kagome relationship arcs later on, but I'm focusing mostly on Sango/Miroku because I find that character arc to be less represented. And its my favorite. Anyways, I will see you all soon!