Hey guys! OMG I'm sooooo sorry for making you guys wait so long for an update! Life has just been crazy lately. But I'm back and I'm gonna try update more regularly now.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! xx

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Chapter 10

I had convinced Liza to let me leave 10 minutes early because I managed to land most of my tricks. I got changed back into my cheerleading uniform and made it back to school by 15:05. I rushed into the gym where the prospective newbies were sitting on the benches, and the current team was already stretching.

I greeted coach as I arrived. She had set up a table with 4 seats and some judging paper. I went over to the current team members to give them their instructions for today.

"Hello team," I said with a smile as I stood in front of them. They immediately turned their attention to me. "Today since it is try-outs, Adrianna, Christina, Coach Christa and I will not be with you during practice. But that doesn't mean you can slack off. You will be practicing outside today. I want to see an improvement in the routine once I'm done with try-outs. I am putting Tyler in charge. I hope you will give him the same respect you give me."

The team nodded and made their way outside. Christina and Adrianna made their way to the judging table. I went to address all the eager and nervous students hoping to make the team. Most of them freshman, but I noticed some people from other years. One person in particular I noticed was Alice. I smiled at her then decided to address everybody.

"Hello everyone, I'm so happy you have shown an interest in being a part of the team. As I'm sure you know, there are only a few spots available so not all of you will make the team. Today we will be assessing five components: your tumbling, your dance skills, flexibility, jumps, and ability to pick up. You will all stay till the END of try-outs. In other words, you get to watch your competition," I smirked as I said this.

"I am going to be choosing people randomly, so be prepared to start at any moment." I stared them all down. I looked through the crowd until my eyes landed on a blonde freshman wearing a purple top and black shorts. I pointed at her. "You." I saw the fear in her eyes. "You're up first."

I turned and went to sit in my chair in between coach and Adrianna. The girl took a deep breath and then walked confidently to stand in front of us. I noted she stood up straight, with her hands clasped behind her back. Good.

"Name. Year. And level of experience." I stared intimidatingly at her awaiting her response.

"Britney Jones. Freshman. And 3 years of middle school cheering." she responded quickly.

We wrote down all this information.

"Now Britney, show me your 3 best tumbling stunts." I told her. Seeing as she's had experience, I expected her to be able to do some tumbling.

She first demonstrated a standing back tuck. She then walked towards the right of the gym. She turned around walked forward to gain some momentum and did a side aerial. Lastly she walked to the far corner of the gym and stood facing diagonally. She took a deep breath before performing a front walkover roundoff back handspring tuck pass. She looked over at us expectantly. I showed no emotion as I made notes. So far, she was doing well.

"Let's see your flexibility," I said monotone.

She slid down into a side splits, changed to middle splits, and then the other side. She stood up and executed a perfect scorpion and then straightened her leg as she held onto it, showcasing a perfect needle.

We continued tryouts like this. I chose a random student and they demonstrated their skills, then they sat on the other side of the room and waited. We were about halfway through and on a freshman named Casey Chan. Her tumbling skills were good, flexibity was amazing, jumps almost perfect. She now had to demonstrate her ability to pick up.

Christina was our demonstrator for this. She showed the girl a short dance combo and she had to execute it. And then Christina would give an easy chant and Casey would have to repeat it. She picked up quickly with the dancing, but not with the chants. Christina used a different dance combo and chant for each person so the others weren't able to practice before their turn.

Finally, after what felt like hours we were on the last person: Alice Cullen. I saved her for last. She came up confidently, gave her details and I indicated for her to start. She went to the far corner of the gym and faced diagonally and begun. Front walkover roundoff back handspring step out roundoff double back handspring full. She then demonstrated a side aerial and front aerial.

My eyes widened. She was good.

"Flexibility." I stated before she could continue any tumbling.

She nodded and started doing contortion tricks. She was almost as flexible as me…

"Jumps." I stated while she was still showing her flexibility.

She quickly got up and demonstrated almost every cheerleading jump without being told what to do.

"Christina. Dance and cheers." I stated as Alice came down from a split toe touch.

Christina gave Alice one of the hardest combo's and Alice executed them perfectly. She also didn't miss a single beat with the cheers. I dropped my pencil and looked at coach and Adrianna's reactions. Coach was beaming, and Adrianna had her mouth open in shock.

"That's enough." I said as Alice was in the middle of a chant. She looked over at me nervously, but something told me that she was faking it and wasn't nervous at all. I gave her a curt nod and she made her way to where all the others were sitting. I got up to address them.

I planted a huge smile on my face. "Thank you all for auditioning. You all have some amazing talent. The list of people who made it will be posted on the bulletin board after lunch tomorrow. You may all go." I dismissed them. They all scurried out of the gym.

"Christina, call the team." I instructed her.

I looked down at the time – 16:15. There was only 15 minutes of practice left. I wanted to see the progress they made and if I was satisfied, I'd let them go early.

"Alright everyone, I wanna see how the routine is looking. If it's up to standard, we can call it a day." I told them. With that said, everybody got into formation.

So, what do you guys think? REVIEW for a shoutout in the next chapter! Lots of love xx