Nathalie took a deep breath as she eyed up the bakery.

The Dupain-Chengs were perfectly comfortable in middle-class with their small but smart looking bakery. Nathalie had done her research and she knew that both mother and father were well-trained in their craft and by all accounts loving parents. Their daughter – Nathalie's reason for being here – was above average in intelligence, noticeably clumsy and a bit of a dreamer, according to her school reports, and very pretty looking.

It was Nathalie's job to ensure the people around Adrien weren't dangerous and she had long did her background check on Marinette Dupain-Cheng and dismissed her as harmless.

Then yesterday happened and Nathalie had to take another look at the bakers' daughter.

Yesterday, Nathalie had compromised her morals for the Agreste family.


Only this time it affected Adrien and Nathalie was willing to do anything to keep her boss's son from harm. Yesterday she screwed up when she had forgotten Adrien's birthday present. And although she had hesitated, Nathalie had no actual problems ripping off Marinette's little note and pretending the present was from Gabriel instead.

It was completely worth it to see Adrien's face light up the way it did.

Nathalie had felt triumphant that she had made her boy happy and celebrated the victory with a well-earned glass of wine when she finally made it home late at night.

And then in the cool light of day, Nathalie was hit with the realisation that Marinette Dupain-Cheng could destroy Adrien's happiness with one word.

There was little Nathalie could do while the children were at school and Gabriel had her running errands but now it was evening, and she was free, Nathalie could try and fix it.

She could only assume she still had time as Adrien still seemed content when he returned from school.

She had to ensure that happiness remained. No matter what it takes! She would eat glass itself and crawl on hot, fiery, coals if it meant that Adrien's smile doesn't fade away.

Yet this was really degrading for her…..after all, she was going to have to plead with a child.

With another deep, soothing, breath, Nathalie steeled herself for the latest battle and walked into the bakery.

She was stunned and extremely taken back how welcoming Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng were and how it didn't bother them that some mysterious adult wished to talk to Marinette. Instead they babbled some nonsense about how Marinette always talks about Adrien (Nathalie had introduced herself as Mr Agreste's PA, so that might be why) as they made her a cup of tea and left a plate of their baked goods for Nathalie to help herself from.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng had then, finally, tripped her way into the living room and after an extremely awkward moment of silence in which Marinette spent staring at Nathalie with her big, wide, innocent blue eyes, Nathalie coughed.

"I imagine you are curious as to why I wish to speak to you," Nathalie said stiffly wishing she was anywhere but here with such innocence and sweetness staring at her. She could barely manage interacting with Adrien, how was she going to cope trampling over a young girl's feelings? "I do not know if you have spoken to Adrien about your birthday gift to him but-"

"You're why Adrien thinks it's from his father," Marinette interrupted flatly, "aren't you?"

Nathalie pushed her glasses up her nose and tried to keep her dignity intact as she explained….and not give into grovelling entirely like a pathetic intern. "Adrien's father is a very busy man, Miss Dupain-Cheng," she said calmly, "the result is that he is usually too busy to go shopping and the task is delegated to myself. Unfortunately this year I had forgotten completely and well…." She flushed with embarrassment.

Marinette, however, seemed to grasp what she implied as she nodded understandingly. "I suspected as much," she said, suddenly years older than her actual age, "I heard Adrien tell Nino that his father got him the scarf and it didn't take much to put two and two together."

"You didn't…." Nathalie's breath caught in her throat, "...enlighten Adrien, did you?"

"No," Marinette shook her head and Nathalie couldn't help but slump in relief – oh thank God! "I couldn't do that to him," Marinette added quietly. Her cheeks were bright pink as her blue eyes stared down at her nervously fiddling hands. "I want Adrien to be happy," she confessed, "whether or not he realises it's me that made him the scarf. His happiness comes first."

Nathalie felt a surge of affection and admiration for the girl. Adrien's other female friend – Chloe – was nowhere near as selfless and thoughtful. It was a refreshing change to deal with a teenage girl that cared more for others than herself.

"You are…..a good girl," Nathalie said lamely, "thank you."

Marinette blushed brightly at that and they fell into a slightly more comfortable silence as they both took a sip of their tea. "If you don't mind me asking," Marinette spoke up softly, "….does this happen often, I, erm, mean Mr Agreste forgetting Adrien's birthday?"

Nathalie took another deliberately slow sip of her tea. "I do mind you asking," Nathalie said coldly, "the personal business of Mr Agreste and his son is none of your business."

"I'm sorry!" Marinette blurted out as her cheeks went from pink to red. "I didn't mean to pry or offend! I just….I, well, erm….I worry about Adrien," she finished in a mumble, "that's all."

Nathalie observed the girl silently.

She was a nervous wreck.

She lacked composure and squirmed in her seat like a five year old desperate for the toilet. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment and her head was ducked down in shame but Nathalie suspected the girl was either furious (with herself or Nathalie and Gabriel, was debatable) or in near tears at being rebuked. Whichever one it was, she was obviously trying her best to keep it showing.

Nathalie felt the corners of her lips twitch.

She liked this girl.

This incomprehensively kind and honourable girl that would do her best to make Adrien happy at no thought of herself.

She would probably make Adrien very happy given time.

They were both equally kind and honourable and self-sacrificing, it would be an equal match of goodness.

"Thank you for your understanding," Nathalie said after a while, "I only ask for you to keep your silence. For Adrien's sake," she added slyly. She then placed her teacup down onto the coffee table, stood up, and brushed her skirt down to smooth out the crease lines. "Please thank your parents for their hospitality for me. Goodbye Miss Dupain-Cheng."

"….have you thought about doing a box?!"

Nathalie froze and turned round to face Marinette. "I beg your pardon?" she asked puzzled.

"You didn't want to answer my question," Marinette said quickly, "so I can only conclude that I was right. That Mr Agreste does forget Adrien's birthday a lot. That he probably forgets a lot of other things. Now I'm not saying that he doesn't love Adrien or anything, I'm not trying to insult him," Nathalie felt her patience wane at the never-ending babble, "but if it happens that often and the result is that you have to do everything and you're too busy because you have so much work, then have you considered making a box to keep on hand. An Adrien Present box, to add in the year and pull out when you need something?"

Nathalie blinked, lost for words.

That was…..a rather ingenious idea actually.

"Sorry," Marinette mumbled shyly, "I spoke out of turn. I won't do it again."

"Miss Dupain-Cheng," Nathalie said slowly, "how would you feel about making an alliance?"

"Huh?!" Marinette squeaked. "Alliance?!"

"Yes," Nathalie said briskly, "an alliance to ensure the happiness of Adrien Agreste."

"….okay," Marinette said quietly, "If we could make Adrien happy then….okay."

Nathalie actually smiled at that as she offered her hand for Marinette to shake. "Very well then," she said coolly as Marinette accepted her hand and gave it a rather surprisingly firm and confident shake, "we shall be allies."


Adrien was surprised when Nathalie presented him with a laptop and a memory stick that morning before school started.

"I am sorry to say that your father will be unable to make it to your Careers Day event," she said with her usual monotone, "there has been a scheduling conflict and unlike his lecture at your class, a meeting with his investors could not be resolved with a pre-recorded speech."

Adrien squelched the stab of disappointment that his father couldn't physically make it to his class. He was upset, of course, because none of his classmates' parents would miss out and leave only a video as their replacement but still….

It's better than not showing up at all.

And so Adrien found himself sitting in class as their teacher played the video for him in between Mylene's Dad miming to them his job and Sabrina's Dad getting ready to tell them all about the police.

His father blinked awkwardly at the camera as he tried to compose himself.

"Why am I doing this again?" he asked bewilderedly.

"I told you," Nathalie's cool voice could be heard off-screen, "this is for Adrien's Career Day at school. You need to give a speech about your occupation detailing what you do on a day to day basis."

"Very well," his father pulled at his tie to tighten it up and sat up more stiffly, "greetings Adrien's classmates," Adrien rolled his eyes at the formality. His father could be so corny that it was embarrassing. "As you are aware I am Gabriel Agreste and I own the Agreste fashion label."

He paused for a moment to look dramatically severe.

"Could you tell the students why you decided to go into fashion?" Nathalie asked. "What inspired you to become a designer?"

"I have always enjoyed making art as a young boy," his father replied, it was one of his infamous replies that he always gave to interviews. Adrien knew it by heart, word to word, "when I was in school I discovered that art could be made with clothes during a Home Economics class and it was then I found my calling."

"How did you become so successful?"

"With lots of hard work, dedication, practise, and of, course," there was a brief, fond, soft smile that almost made his father look human, "I had the perfect model."

He was talking about Adrien's mother.

Adrien knew the story by heart. How his mother's beauty inspired his father, how she was his first and only model at a fledging business, and how it was her beauty and his creativity that made them become so popular and successful.

"What does it entail to run a fashion label?"

"A great deal of hard work," his father replied promptly, "it's not just drawing pictures and having people wear the finished product. The designing process alone takes a great deal of time as the first idea may not be the correct idea. Then there is the decision on the material and the colouring that should be used and, of course, ensuring that it could actually be made. On top of that there is the actual business. Just because I am indulging in my creativity does not mean I am not managing an actual business. I have to keep my investors interested, I have to market my product, I have to ensure people are buying my product, and I must keep good relations with both the public and my fellow colleagues. There are events such as normal shows and much larger, important, events such as Fashion Week that requires a great deal of planning. It is not fun and games."

Adrien sighed a little. Only his father could take a glamourous career and turn it into one of the most boring, difficult, things a person could do.

"What would you say is your greatest achievement?"

"Well that one is obvious," his father said with another small smile, "my son Adrien is my greatest achievement. He is perfect."

Adrien's heart gave a fierce jump of joy at that as he simultaneously flushed in embarrassment as his classmates turned to look at him.

"Do you have any words of advice to any student that might be interested in a career in fashion?"

"Yes," his father's glasses flashed ominously at that, "don't just dream. Dreaming will get you nowhere. You must work hard and learn to take criticism in order to improve yourself."

And on that cheery note the video ended.

Adrien's classmates applauded awkwardly and while Adrien felt a little embarrassed that his father remained hard, difficult, and cold for majority of the video, he could definitely appreciate the fact that his father took time to make the video so Adrien wouldn't be completely left out and alone today.

His father cared! There was actual video evidence of that, and that meant the world to Adrien.

He couldn't help but grin throughout the next two speeches.

(Marinette couldn't help but beam that the video recording had been a success. She was glad that she had reminded Nathalie about it and prompted her into making the video because she could easily see how desolate and lonely Adrien would look if he had nothing whatsoever today while everyone else had their parents to rub salt in the wound. This alliance, she thought satisfied, is working well.)


Christmas had been an absolute disaster for Gabriel Agreste.

It had been a cold, hopeless, reminder that he was once again bereft of his wife. She had loved the Christmas holidays and celebrating it once again without her reminded him of the great, big, empty hole in his heart and soul that could never be filled again.

He had been content to pretend the holiday was not happening until Nathalie reminded him, very pointedly he might add, that he had a son that was just as lonely and sad as he was.

So for the first time in a long time, Gabriel was able to pull himself out of his brooding (Nooroo would be pleased with him for once) in order to actually give Adrien the attention and comfort he needed.

Only to find his son had gone missing.

Fearing the worst (and knowing his wife had gone missing, can you blame him?!) Gabriel had called for a manhunt in order to find him.

Thankfully Adrien came home safe and sound, and rather contrite that he caused so much trouble.

And then after a dismal failure in attempting to snatch Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous Gabriel was able to settle down and actually enjoy what was left of Christmas with his son.

He was about to approach Adrien and…..well he didn't know what he was going to do, Gabriel was terrible at this sort of thing and he was just hoping to convey his love without somehow inexplicably making things worse, when Nathalie suddenly pressed something into his hands.

He raised an eyebrow at the sparkly Christmas wrapping paper that did little make the lumpy parcel look attractive. "Nathalie?" he inquired curiously.

"One of Adrien's Christmas presents, Sir," Nathalie explained calmly, "it will help improve your relationship with him. Trust me."

"I always do," Gabriel murmured gratefully.

It was enough as Nathalie nodded with the smallest flicker of her lips. She was his greatest employee and friend, she had his trust in everything and has yet to betray it. He knew she would not let him down in this.

Adrien was in conversation with a fellow classmate who had been invited in earlier. She was pretty enough to look at with her big blue eyes, interesting shade of black-blue hair that was neatly scarped into pigtails, and a lovely shade of pink splashed across her cheeks. However, Gabriel noted, she was a terrible conversationalist as she stuttered and stammered her way through sentences.

"Adrien," he said quietly, "forgive my intrusion but I wished to have a word with you."

"Of course Father," Adrien replied easily, "Sorry Marinette," he smiled sweetly at the girl before him, "if you could excuse me."

"Yes!" the girl squeaked. "I mean," she coughed, "s-s-s-sure, I understand, you go, I, erm, will, ah, stay here. Yeah!" she laughed nervously. "I'll wait here."

Adrien smiled fondly at her once more before he made his way to a corner with Gabriel.

"For you," Gabriel said stiffly as he handed the parcel to Adrien, "I….I thought you should open this now," he said eventually, "so you would understand that I do in fact care a great deal about your well-being even if it seems I do not."

"Thank you," Adrien murmured softly. His beautiful green eyes that he had inherited from his mother shone brightly with a loving warmth that melted Gabriel's heart.

Oh, his boy!

Next year Gabriel will ensure Adrien will have the ultimate gift of his mother's love, no matter what.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow when Adrien tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a simple, knitted, pale blue, cap and matching gloves. They looked a little too homespun and cosy to be something a model for one of the top fashion brands to be sporting.

Adrien, however, looked delighted. "They match my birthday scarf!" he said happily. "Thank you Father!" he cried out as he threw his arms round Gabriel.

Gabriel staggered back slightly, taken aback at Adrien's sudden enthusiasm and affection, but eventually he wrapped his arms round Adrien and gave him a light squeeze in return. "You are most welcome," he said happily, "Merry Christmas Adrien."

Gabriel decided Nathalie had well earned her Christmas bonus this year.

(Unbeknownst to any Agreste man, Nathalie and Marinette clink their glasses – champagne for Nathalie, orange juice for Marinette – together in celebration. Nathalie is then taken aback when Marinette presented her with a small box of macaroons. "Merry Christmas, Nathalie!" she beamed sweetly, and Nathalie found herself unwittingly charmed by the girl as she smiled in reply.

"Merry Christmas Miss Dupain-Cheng.")


Nathalie couldn't help but be quite proud that her little ally had won the derby hat competition.

It had occurred to her that the young girl was talented in fashion design when she had seen the scarf, and later the matching hat and gloves, the girl had made, and she patiently waited for more evidence that the girl was not just good at following a knitting pattern.

The stylish grey hat with pigeon feathers was apt proof that Marinette had the raw talent that could be refined to fit the Agreste standard.

There was just one problem….

"Miss Dupain-Cheng," Nathalie called out as she gestured to the girl, "a moment if you please."

Marinette blinked bewilderedly but approached Nathalie without hesitation as she gave Nathalie one of her signature warm smiles. "Yes, Nathalie?" she asked.

"First I wish to congratulate you on your victory," Nathalie said, unable to keep her chest bursting with pride. This girl was quickly carving her own place in Nathalie's heart and it was rather unsettling. "Your hat is quite visionary."

"Thank you!" Marinette blushed adorably. "I can't believe that I actually won!"

"Yes," Nathalie allowed an approving smile, "Mr Agreste was quite impressed with your potential talent. However…"

"What is it?!" Marinette blurted out, panicked. "Did I do something wrong?!"

"You weren't to know," Nathalie reassured the girl calmly, "there is nothing to panic about as I have already fixed the problem but for future reference, Adrien is allergic to feathers."

"Oh my God!" Marinette cried out. "Oh my God!" she hyperventilated. "My hat is going to kill Adrien Agreste! I'm doomed! I'll be arrested for manslaughter! I'll spend the rest of my life in prison never knowing what true love is like or-"

Nathalie coughed discreetly which (thankfully) silenced Marinette's rambling and caused the girl blush a deeper, darker, pink. "There is no need for the dramatics, Miss Dupain-Cheng," Nathalie chided, "I have just told you that I fixed the problem. The feathers have been replaced with synthetic ones."

"Oh!" Marinette gasped. "Oh thank God!"

Nathalie barely hid a smile as Marinette took several deep breathes to calm down. The photoshoot was a complete success and Nathalie delayed whisking Adrien away to his next scheduled class in order to allow him some time to speak with Marinette. Judging by the happy, radiant, smile Adrien was giving Marinette as he approached her. It was the right choice to make.

Adrien could learn Chinese verbs any time, interacting with a genuine, good, person with his best interests at heart was a rarity he should indulge in more often.

"Your hat is amazing, Marinette," Adrien complimented the bright pink-faced girl, "it's so stylish and it didn't make me sneeze at all! I was terrified I would accidentally sneeze it off my head mid-shoot."

"Erm, yeah, well," Marinette stuttered as her face now bordered onto red with embarrassment "It oc-oc-oc-occurred to me that people could be allergic to my hat. I mean the things on my hat! THE FEATHERS!" she screeched. "People could be allergic to real feathers," she sighed in relief, glad to finally get the words out, "so I replaced them with some fakes just in case."

"Wow," Adrien smiled beautifully, "you're so thoughtful Marinette."

"Oh!" Marinette murmured as she clutched her cheeks. "I-I-I-I'm really not!"

"Nonsense," Adrien said firmly as he reached out and squeezed Marinette's shoulder, "you're one of the most considerate person I know." Nathalie coughed as discreetly as possible before she indicated to her watch. "I'm sorry Marinette," Adrien said a little sadly, "but I have to go now. I'll see you in school tomorrow, yeah?"

"Y-y-y-yes!" Marinette stammered and squeaked simultaneously. "Tomorrow see you, ah! No! I mean you see tomorrow – Gah! Err, I meant you tomorrow see, no, no, no," she shook her head rapidly, "see you tomorrow!"

She almost slumped onto the floor in relief while Adrien smiled bemusedly before he said another nervous goodbye.

Despite her embarrassment though Marinette looked like she had died and gone to heaven as her hand slowly drifted to touch her shoulder where Adrien had pressed his own hand mere moments ago.

"You're welcome," Nathalie smirked.

This only served to embarrass the young girl into another attack of stuttering and blushing.

It was highly entertaining.


Marinette was prepared to embarrass herself and probably have a restraining order or something taken out on her by Mr Agreste.

When she had taken that mysterious book on the Miraculous to the Guardian she hadn't expected the consequences to be that Adrien was pulled out of school.

Nathalie had sent her a very informative text about it and requested if Marinette knew anything to let her know so they could resolve the situation together.

After investigating and (thankfully!) proving that neither Agreste could be Hawk Moth, Marinette and Master Fu worked together on replicating the book and formulating a story behind it. Marinette was willing to take all the blame (though really Lila should have since she had been the first one to actually steal the book from Adrien) and hopefully return Adrien to school where he would be happy.

She had texted to let Nathalie know she found the book and Nathalie was immediately able to orchestrate a meeting between Marinette and Gabriel Agreste.

It was really only at this very moment that Marinette realised exactly how cold and terrifying Gabriel Agreste could actually be.

"I see," he said coolly after Marinette rambled nervously like a lunatic and then presented him his book, "and how exactly did you come by this again?"

"I think that would be obvious," Nathalie cut in icily before Marinette could actually doom herself to a restraining order for life, "Adrien had obviously left it lying around when he was temporarily distracted, probably by that Bourgeois girl," Marinette flinched at the disdain that dripped off of Nathalie's voice at the mention of Chloe which was rather unfair since Chloe had nothing to do with this, "you know what she's like," Mr Agreste nodded at that, "and Miss Dupain-Cheng here was simply being a good Samaritan when she picked it up to return it to its rightful owner."

"I really didn't mean to steal it," Marinette said meekly, "I thought it was lost."

"Very well," Mr Agreste said stiffly, "it has been returned without any harm done and it has been confirmed that it wasn't exactly Adrien's fault so I see no need to drag this out any further."

"So…so….does this mean Adrien can come back to school?" Marinette asked hopefully. "I, err, mean its only fair, right?"

Mr Agreste face looked all pinched up and irritated but he nodded regardless. "Yes," he murmured, "it's only fair."

"Miss Dupain-Cheng," Nathalie spoke up suddenly, "let me escort you out. I am afraid Adrien is too busy today but you can certainly catch up with him at class tomorrow."

"Sure!" Marinette squeaked. Her cheeks burnt with embarrassment as she let Nathalie herd her out towards the front door "Oh!" Marinette cried out as she remembered her question. "Just one more thing, Mr Agreste, about that book-"

Nathalie suddenly squeezed Marinette's shoulder tightly. "Mr Agreste is a very busy man," she said stoically, "I am afraid he couldn't answer any questions right this moment."

"Oh! Oh!" Marinette cried out flustered. "I understand! Sorry! I didn't mean to be a nuisance." She would have babbled on for longer but Nathalie, thankfully, hauled Marinette out of the house before she could say another word. There is an awkward silence as Nathalie kept her hand on Marinette's shoulder as she guided her towards the gate. "When I first saw the book," Marinette confessed quietly unable to keep this crazy, hectic, terrifying day to herself, "I thought that only someone like Hawk Moth – or Chat Noir or Ladybug – would have a book like that. So when Mr Agreste got Akumatised I was….relieved."

Nathalie halted to a stop and forced Marinette to look up at her. "Marinette," Nathalie said softly, Marinette's eyes widened at the uncharacteristic use of her first name, "don't believe everything you see. Nothing is ever what it appears to be when Mr Agreste is involved."

Marinette's eyes widened even further at that. "Huh?!" she squeaked.

"Just….just whatever you do," Nathalie said, "try to keep positive when you are around Mr Agreste, okay? Promise me that. That you will never let him take advantage of your feelings."

Marinette felt icy dread take hold of her stomach as she tried to comprehend what Nathalie was implying. What did she mean by him? Mr Agreste or Hawk Moth? Could she mean…both? But wasn't that…..? Marinette had been so happy to dismiss both Agreste men as possible Hawk Moths but now with the way Nathalie was speaking it Marinette was beginning to think she shouldn't be so quick to discount the elder. But…

"Nathalie," Marinette breathed, "what are you trying to say?"

"Nothing," Nathalie said monotonously, "I am merely informing you that you should always be careful where your emotions are concerned," she pressed a finger to her lips and motioned behind her. There was CCTV cameras, Marinette remembered belatedly. Gabriel Agreste kept his mansion closely watched at all times. "You don't want to get Akumatised now, do you?"

"No," Marinette said numbly as she shook her head, "I don't."

"Then you should take a care, Miss Dupain-Cheng," Nathalie said loudly, "Adrien would be most upset if you were not home safe. Please have a pleasant afternoon."

Marinette was barely able to utter a reply when the gate to the Agreste Estate was soundly closed in her face. Nathalie walked back to the mansion stiff as a board as if someone (that was no Marinette) was watching her every move.

"Tiki," Marinette gulped, "I think I am in over my head here."

"Don't worry Marinette," Tiki murmured as she nuzzled Marinette' fingers, "you're not alone. You have allies by your side to help you in this battle."

That was what worried Marinette the most. Her and Nathalie's alliance was purely based on preserving the happiness and familial bond of Gabriel and Adrien Agreste. If Nathalie was implying what Marinette suspected she was then how long will it be until their alliance broke and Marinette had to face Nathalie on the battlefield….?

Nathalie had warned her though.

Nathalie had cared about her, just a little.

Marinette had to keep faith in their alliance because if Marinette's suspicions were correct then Adrien's happiness was going to need someone to protect it. And if there was anyone Marinette could trust to help her on that score, it was Nathalie.

Marinette had to trust that Nathalie was still her ally until proven otherwise.

For Adrien's sake….